home of ... Douglas Social Credit
2 March 1990. Thought for the Week: "The
monetary time-trap in which we are all caught is driving every
Western nation, irrespective of its political ideology, towards
State Socialism, with its dependence upon the State as the
source of all access to wealth and power, and this superficially
appears to confirm the Marxist view that there is a fatal
defect inherent in what is called capitalist free enterprise
which spells its doom and drives it inexorably towards socialism.
The necessity to maximise exports, not to barter for essential
imports, but to provide pay-packets to buy home products without
adding to the price-income gap, is also forcing the 'mixed
economies' of the West to support with their still superior
technology the grossly inefficient economies of the Socialist
Dr. Geoffrey Dobbs, in the Introduction to The Monopoly of Credit by C.H. Douglas (3rd Edit.) |
THE GREAT HAWKE-PEACOCK DEBATEReally, the less said, the better. What we saw was, in essence, a theatrical play. It should have been on at a repertory theatre, with "reviews" the next day in the entertainment columns of the metropolitan dailies. "Credits" should have been awarded for the "sets"; honourable mention given to camera technicians, "story lines"; some performer nominated for an "Oscar", or some such. Oscar Wilde, the Irish wit, once remarked that a lady had one of "those faces that, once seen, is never remembered". We hope that the Great Debate farce is equally as readily forgotten. |
DEBATE ON MFP MUZZLED by D. ThompsonThe first ten days of the election campaign have passed without even a mention of the multi-function polis - the Japanese "city-of-the-future". One would be excused for thinking that debate is being consciously directed away from the issue BECAUSE IT IS. While the Australian domestic committee for the MFP is keen to sell the idea to beleaguered businessmen as an opportunity for unlimited largesse, they would rather that the rest of us - the great unwashed - knew nothing about it as yet. Professor Gavan McCormack, of Adelaide University, recipient of much information on the MFP that has "fallen off the back of trucks", is concerned about the secrecy. He said: "The high degree of secrecy that has been maintained for over two years now is worrying..." CONTROL OF CONSCIOUSNESS THE LEAGUE THREATENS THE MFP MANAGING PUBLIC OPINION Even though one of the questions directed to Mr. Hawke during last weekend's "great debate" included Japanese investment, not a word on the MFP. If it is to become an election issue at all, it must be forced into the open first. The League is now equipped to spearhead that campaign, with the production of a special edition, suitably enlarged, of "Intelligence Survey". We need your help. |
BANKRUPTCIES SURGE FROM CHRISTMAS CREDIT BINGEThe above is the heading on the Anglican
Home Mission Society Newsletter for February, distributed
last week. The article beneath made the following points:
"Home Mission Society Councillors fear a dramatic surge in
personal bankruptcies and over commitment on credit resulting
from the recent Christmas shopping spree. While retailers
have claimed that consumption is down on previous years, personal
disposable income has been slashed by the high cost of housing.
Credit has been used as a means to bridge the gap between
incomes and price. The lure of low installments and "easy
terms" has made consumers particularly vulnerable..." DISTRAUGHT CONSUMERS |
BRIEF COMMENTSThe Super Green Senator Graham Richardson thinks that 80% of green preferences will go to Labor in the forthcoming general election. If this doesn't happen? True enough, Senator, the Labor Party will be in "all sorts of strife". Let's give Senator Richardson something more to worry about! A backlash against the "Green Hoax" has already started: we suspect that he knows this himself. There have been articles appearing in the newspaper, which urge great caution in accepting computer projections of greenhouse effects. When a small number of genuine experts in any area begin to question "evidence", then the ball starts rolling, and many well informed people gain the courage to add their voice to the mounting opposition. One man who has done a great service to the "greenhouse debate" is John Daly, of Launceston. His book, The Greenhouse Trap, has opened many eyes. We, ourselves, have opened many eyes, also - with David Thompson's Green-Hoax. Paul Keating wants another term in office to see Labor's economic policies bear fruit. He wants to be around another term to see the better times that are surely coming. We predict that there will be no "turn around" in the economy at all. We expect the economy to steadily deteriorate still further. Not ALL of it will be the fault of Paul Keating. But he will be swept aside by forces he will never understand. We heard Mr. Gorbachev, Soviet Supremo still, quoted on ABC Radio as saying that the 21st Century will be that of the Pacific Basin nations. The Soviets, he said, want to be part of that exciting development. Mr. Ryzhkov, Soviet Prime Minister, said the same thing when recently in Australia. The Soviets (if they don't disintegrate) are eager to participate in joint ventures with Asian-Pacific nations, especially in the areas of electronics and biotechnology. The era of Super Capitalism is replacing the Communist era. The war crimes trials in the UK are getting the green light from 10 Downing Street, LONDON. The British Cabinet is under heavy Zionist pressure. SOCIALISTS THE UN "Your January 29th issue, under the heading, 'Farmers Dismayed By Wheat Discount', reports the continued price cutting of the sale of wheat to the Soviet Union by the European Economic Community and the US, thereby demonstrating the complete futility of continued Australian involvement in a rat race called world trade. "Our continued participation indicates that we have been unable to grasp that production is not for the purpose of obtaining other people's money, or to provide full employment, but for the sole purpose of consumption. "In the final analysis, Australians need only to service their own total requirements, an undertaking which we could accomplish because of our abundant natural resources, adequate technology and workforce, and excellent climate. "We can and should liquidate our overseas debt, cease borrowing from overseas, reduce our imports to those items which cannot be produced here, and withdraw from those international organisations by which our nation is being disadvantaged. These are the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and the United Nations. "Our survival would then be a question of intelligently exploiting our own physical capacity rather than dependence on a world monetary system designed to place all nations in hock to the world's money lenders, with the ultimate aim, the tyranny of world government. "That we can operate independently was amply demonstrated during the war, when we maintained better than minimum services on the home front, and waged war all without the horrendous debt and inflation of today. In addition, we achieved this without borrowing money from overseas, our own banks generating the necessary finance with the key to this apparent miracle being the financial techniques involved. "These have been explained ad nauseum, and are well understood in high places. They have a crucial role in perpetuating a free and independent Australia today, but are not implemented because our political representatives have become mesmerised by their finance economic advisers, who would rather respond to a world order than to Australian nationalism." (Alan Kroker, Horsham, Vic.) |