home of ... Douglas Social Credit
6 December 1991. Thought for the Week: "The strength
or weaknesses off a society depends more on the level of its spiritual
life than on its level of industrialisation. Neither a market economy
nor even general abundance constitutes the crowning achievement of human
life. If a nation's spiritual energies have been exhausted, it will
not be saved from collapse by the most perfect government structure,
or by any industrial development. A tree with a rotten core cannot stand.
This is so because of all the possible freedoms, the one that will inevitably
come to the fore will be the freedom to be unscrupulous; that is the
freedom that can be neither prevented nor anticipated by any law. It
is an unfortunate fact that a pure social atmosphere cannot be legislated
into being ... In order to function, democracy needs a certain level
of political discipline among the populace."
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn in National Review (U.S.A.) September 23rd, 1991. |
THE SILENCE OF DR. JOHN HEWSONby Eric D. Butler As even some Opposition Members such as former National Party leader Ian Sinclair, admits there will be winners and losers under the GST. But there is no suggestion that the total taxation burden will be reduced. The best that can be offered is that the proposed taxation changes will be "revenue neutral". Those who believe this are ignoring realities. There is no known way that total taxation can be prevented from increasing in a nation, which accepts as holy writ the present system of debt finance. The suggestion that Australia's basic economic problems can be resolved by re-organising the tax collection system is like attempting to prevent a leaking ship from sinking by re-arranging the deck chairs. The Australian ship of State is sinking under a deluge of debt. Adding to the debt problem, now threatening to eliminate at least one-third of Australia's primary producers is a flood of cheap foreign primary products. The current rural crisis, intensified by drought conditions over most of Eastern Australia, is the worst in the nation's history. What is Dr. Hewson's programme for preventing more farmers being forced off their properties by banks, which in many cases were responsible for encouraging irresponsible debt levels? What about those high interest rates encouraged by former Treasurer Paul Keating in order to create the depression "we had to have"? What Australia desperately needs NOW is a survival
programme, which will enable farmers and the small businessmen to survive.
But Dr. Hewson is silent on such fundamental issues. He offers no immediate
programme for the employment of the unemployed, particularly the young,
in useful economic activity. Australia's housing industry is, in spite
of wishful thinking, in a seriously depressed state. What about adequate
finance at a low interest rate programme? There are no physical problems.
Why cannot Australia's rail and transport system be upgraded? The reaction
from both the Government and the "Opposition" is that the stimulation
of increased economic activity by new financial credits, would re-stimulate
inflation. The programme of internationalism being imposed upon the Australian people is supported by Dr. Hewson and his colleagues. It is a programme of treachery which, carried far enough, will destroy Australia's sovereignty - economic and political. What is essential between now and the next Federal Elections, is for enough Australians to grasp that Dr. Hewson and the "Opposition" offer no genuine alternatives to the destructive Hawke Government programme, and that they should work to support only those candidates who do offer some real answers. Australians cannot afford to repeat the mistake they made when they elected Malcolm Fraser on the basis that "he could not be worse than Whitlam". The Fraser Government turned out to be much worse. |
PROFESSOR BLAINEY STRIKES AGAINby David Thompson A week later, Emeritus Professor Geoffrey Blainey
delivered a stinging attack on the lunatic policies destroying the country,
in a wide ranging 'Sir Robert Menzies' lecture to the Liberal Club of
Melbourne's Monash University. Blainey again condemned the continuing
encouragement of immigration in times of "depression". Yes, "depression"!
BRIEF COMMENTSHarsh realities were forcing some politicians
to change their views on the policy of dismantling all forms of protection
for Australian industries. Victorian Liberal leader Jeff Kennett has
openly expressed doubts about the anti-protection programme, but presumably
in the interests of "party unity" has recently attempted to "play down"
his differences with Federal leader Dr. Hewson. As anticipated by the former Democrat Senator, Paul Maclean, the Martin banking inquiry proved to be little more than a whitewash of the present banking system and debt finance. Needless to say, the banks have expressed their general satisfaction with a report, which at best merely taps them on the wrists. The "reforms" suggested are mainly cosmetic. Once again Australians are told that the establishment of more foreign banks in Australia will be of great benefit. Prior to the Gulf War, Assad's Syria was formally condemned as a state backing terrorism. But all that changed when it was necessary to bring Syria on side with the USA. Virtually absolved by President Bush of any involvement in the PanAm 103 destruction, Syria is now regarded as a major ally in Bush's Middle East "peace process". But now it is revealed that Assad used at least $US 1 billion of the money given to Syria by Saudi Arabia during the Gulf war, to buy sophisticated Scud missiles. As yet there is not the slightest glimmer of the prospect of peace in the Middle East, which depends primarily on the policies of Zionist Israel. Victorian State National Party MP for East Gippsland, Mr. Bruce Evans, appears to be rather old fashioned. Mr. Evans objects to a National- Liberal Party proposal that all Members had to accept Coalition decisions and not criticise Coalition Members. Mr. Evans says he wants to be free to represent his electors. He may be forced to sit as an Independent Member for the remainder of his term in Parliament. |
LET'S STOP THE TREKS NORTH ON APPEASEMENT MISSIONSfrom The Age (Melbourne), December 2nd"What can Senator Evans imagine that he will accomplish by going to Jakarta? Perhaps he thinks that he will be able to announce afterwards that he has achieved a better understanding between our, two countries. This is the line of double talk, which the Department of Foreign Affairs and foreign ministers have found so useful to date. Will he also go to Dili and announce afterwards that he has achieved better understanding with the East Timorese? "Australian foreign ministers always traipse to Jakarta to try to talk some soft, appeasing words. Sometimes prime ministers go. In 1976 Mr. Fraser went, and on his return could not bring himself to reiterate publicly his Government's announced policy opposing the invasion of East Timor; later in 1979 he felt able to say of our criticisms of Indonesia, weak though they were: "I think that's history'. "In 1989 Mr. Street, hardly a month in his new portfolio as Foreign Minister, rushed off to Jakarta, and on his return said the incorporation of the conquered people was 'a settled matter'. In 1983, Mr. Sinclair visited Indonesia as Defence Minister, and said: 'We have agreed to continue our close defence co-operation' (meaning that Australia would continue its gifts of free military aid). |
POLICE REDUCED TO IMPOTENCEfrom Herald-Sun (Melbourne), November
11th "Terry Vine (Herald-Sun October 25th)
once again put his finger right on the nub of the problem. "I recall
when I was a young policeman working nightshift in patrol cars, our
habit was, when we saw a group of young bucks hanging around somewhere
after midnight, to leap out and kick as many bums we could catch up
with. The immediate effect was to get them off the streets and prevent
such young fellows doing stupid things. "The overall benefits of those
days were that women could, with complete safety, catch public transport
and walk in the streets at night. "Since 1982 socialism set in motion legislation that now prevents police from questioning suspects for longer than six hours (it can take that long to get a suspect to a place where such suspect can be questioned), let alone all the time lost in preparation. Police cannot take fingerprints, body fluids, photographs, and put suspects in identification parades. "All such rules were designed to protect the criminal elements in our community. "There are many vicious criminals out there who would quickly be incarcerated if police were allowed to do their jobs properly. "If keeping our streets clear of potential troublemakers (by kicking bums off the streets after midnight) were still part of police duties, then your children, wives and parents would be safe in their homes. "Let me assure you that if any man breaks into my home he risks being removed in a body bag. "During my service I was awarded a Valour Award and nine commendatory entries. I mention this to indicate that I was not a rat bag policeman, but one of a great team of decent men who looked on the protection of the public as a job that had to be done effectively. "Thank God I am not a young man still, and that I no longer belong to that organisation that I so loved and worked for, the 'Old Police Force'." (William Dobell, Maryborough, Vic.) |
FROM NEW ZEALAND ON TARGET (November 20th)"Despite large subsidies and the regular introduction of new schemes the Government (of New Zealand) has not been able to reduce unemployment, which hovers at almost a quarter of a million. The figures are even more frightening when it is considered that the great majority of these are young people. These are at an age when it is vital that people have a sense of belonging to something worthwhile and a view that there is a future with at least some hope. It is little wonder that some young people opt for forms of escapism with drugs, glue sniffing, and alcoholism. The numbers of younger alcoholics is appalling. Not to mention young suicides. "A realistic examination of unemployment would have to conclude that New Zealanders are capable, with modern technology, of producing ample for everyone with diminishing labour. The group that should get the immediate benefit of this are older people. It would make far greater sense to make it financially possible for older people, say over the age of 50, to retire from regular industrial activity if they wish, and allow younger people to make their contribution. This is technically possible with the creation of sufficient money, debt-free. It is obviously not politically desirable. "Attempts by the (N.Z.) Government to lower the growing unemployment level by keeping teenagers at school longer are, in the longer term, doomed to failure .." |