home of ... Douglas Social Credit
1 March 1991. Thought for the Week: "So
you see, dear Coningsby, the world is governed by very different
personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind
the scenes."
British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli in his novel, Coningsby |
WHAT IS GORBACHEV'S GAME?by Eric D. Butler A careful study of Gorbachev's statements shows that he has consistently maintained that he is a Communist and a Marxist-Leninist. He well understands how to apply the Marxist-Leninist dialectic. His central theme has been that Communism must be "reformed". He frankly admits the failure of the Soviet economic system, and his major purpose has been to persuade the West to provide him with the massive foreign credits he needs to sustain the Soviet Union. He has vehemently rejected Alexander Solzhenitsyn's proposal that the Soviet Union should be disbanded. He has made his position brutally clear by using naked force to prevent the Baltic States from leaving the Soviet Union. Backed by the K.G.B. and the Soviet military leaders, Gorbachev insists that there is going to be no centralisation of power along the lines advocated by his main political opponent, Boris Yeltsin. In his attempt to negotiate in a conflict to which the Soviet had been a major contributor, Gorbachev has displayed a longer view of the future of the Middle East than President George Bush and his advisers; men like the disastrous Dr. Henry Kissinger. Gorbachev knows that irrespective of how the Gulf War ends, the Middle East will be more destabilised than it was before, and that there is a rapidly mounting anti-American ferment throughout the whole of the Moslem world. He is also very conscious of the fact that there are now at least 50 million Moslems living in the Soviet Union, the majority of these in the South of the Soviet Union and influenced by what is happening among their fellow Moslems. Gorbachev had nothing to lose and everything to gain by his attempt to halt the Gulf conflict. His status throughout the Middle East has been increased and hopefully if it appears that he is in the position to play a leading role in the Middle East settlement, which will take place after the military defeat of Saddam Hussein, this will help him to shore up his critical position inside the Soviet Union. Gorbachev has from the beginning of his
coming to office had the backing of the internationalists
everywhere. Zionist leader Edgar Bronfman has said that Gorbachev
is the greatest Russian since Peter the Great. Gorbachev has
made an agreement with Zionist leaders to move at least one
million Russian Jews to Israel. But if this were the original intention of those backing Gorbachev, it is certain that the movement set in motion has got out of hand and that the nationalist upsurge everywhere must either end with the Soviet disintegrating or that the Soviet K.G.B. and hard line Soviet leaders will use naked force in an attempt to hold the Soviet together. This could result in a new Soviet Dictatorship, still possessing nuclear weapons and a massive military force. This is no time for the West to be reducing its military defence anywhere. |
THE DECLINE OF THE WESTThe use of awesome technological military power
by the U.S.A. against Iraq masks the fact that the U.S.A.
as a nation is in serious decline. There are American thinkers
who believe that the nation is suffering from a terminal internal
disease, manifestations of which can be seen in the capital
Washington and other big cities. Violent crime is dramatically
increasing; drug consumption is soaring, while growing social
friction is a demonstration of the failure of multicultural
societies. North of the American border the Canadian Confederation struggles to survive. If Quebec carries through the threat to leave the Canadian Confederation, and in the absence of any constructive policies, the overall situation must worsen. The re-unification of Germany has not resulted in the anticipated results, rather the opposite, with the popularity of the present German Government dramatically declining. The European Economic Community is looking progressively less like an association, which offers the glowing results, promised from it. Not surprisingly, it is reported that British resistance to the E.E.C. is mounting. The global situation highlights the urgent necessity for Australia to start adopting a comprehensive programme for defending the nation. This means economic, military and political defence. With every new industry which closes, as a result of the Hawke-Keating policy of "internationalising" the Australian economy, the capacity of the nation to defend itself is further eroded. The Victorian City of Geelong is in a state of shock as it is now seen that, along with a number of the manufacturing industries already closed down, the biggest employer, the car industry, is also scheduled to be phased out. Where now are all those critics of the League of Rights, which warned years ago about the New International Economic Order programme, with the progressive "restructuring" of whole sectors of Australian industry, both primary and secondary? As we have constantly stated, so far from the alleged end of the Cold War ushering in an era of greater peace and stability, greater convulsions were ahead. And those convulsions will be greater after the Gulf War. The essence of the global drama is nationalism versus internationalism; centralised power versus decentralised power. What will the West's reaction be if Boris Yeltsin triumphs over Gorbachev in Russia? Solzhenitsyn is pointing the direction in which the West should be moving. Members of the old British world are best equipped to give a lead. But time is fast running out. |
BRIEF COMMENTSThe hopeless ineptitude of the Victorian Opposition parties reflects the nature of the disease affecting the Federal Opposition parties. Liberal leader Brown in Victoria has been huffing and puffing for months about what he is going to do to enable Victorians to sweep from office the worst government in the history of the State. Instead of using the constitutional powers, which enable the Upper House to force an early election by cutting off the government's money supply, Mr. Brown now talks about merely blocking every piece of legislation put up by the Labor Government. The Opposition has announced no clear-cut programme of what it proposes to do when elected. Its leaders haven't even enunciated a policy concerning the Pyramid affair. The Federal Opposition basically agrees with the Hawke-Keating programme, the only new suggestion being that a disastrous consumption tax should be implemented. In his Alfred Deakin address last year, N.S.W. Liberal Premier Griener said in spite of what they said, there was now little basic difference between the political parties. Well, Mr. Griener should know! Reserve Bank Governor Bernie Fraser said last week that there could be no reduction in interest rates until inflation was at least halved. As there is little prospect of this reduction in inflation taking place under present financial policies, then the nation is doomed to suffer destructive high interest rates. Mr. Fraser and his fellow "experts" are completely bankrupt of any suggestion for modifying policies, which are destroying the nation. American policy makers have said they appreciate Australian support, relatively small though it has been, in the conflict with Iraq. But Australian wheat growers, who have suffered further reductions in wheat prices as a result of the U.S.A. pouring heavily subsidised grain on to the world markets, are wondering about the question of loyalties between military allies. Some of the cheap American grain has been used to help ensure that Egypt remained loyal to the anti-Iraq coalition. The U.S.A. wrote off Egypt's debt, while a $140 million loan to Communist China helped to ensure that the Chinese Marxists did not use their U.N. veto power. The U.S.A. finally paid off $187 million of its debt to the U.N. after the vote sought by President Bush was obtained. |
JUSTICE MUST PREVAIL IN PALESTINEfrom The Australian, February 14th"Military action will not resolve the problems of the Gulf region nor can lasting peace be gained without a just settlement of the Palestinian problem. Leaders of the Western nations have not shown the wisdom or the integrity needed to achieve this. "In his book, 'Whose Promised Land', Colin Chapman tells how some absentee Arab landowners sold their heritage to Jews. It was from these footholds that the Jews launched their planned campaign of terror, which drove panic stricken Palestinians from their land. The Palestinians have been forced to live in squalid camps for more than 40 years and the United Nations, dominated by the United States, has done nothing to help them. "On April 9, 1948, Menachem Begin led a combined force of Irgun and Stern terrorists (men and women) which slaughtered the sleeping innocents of Deir Yassin. This was just one of the atrocities deliberately committed by Jews to create panic. "I do not support Saddam Hussein nor condone his actions, but if he is tried as a war criminal, then so must those who planned and committed the atrocities against the Palestinians be tried. If Iraq is forced to give up Kuwait, then Israel must give up the land stolen from the Palestinians. "Twelve years ago I met a Christian Palestinian when we were both hospital patients. He told me that in 1917 he had seen the Australian Light-Horsemen in Jerusalem. 'We were starving,' he said, 'The Light- Horse, they gave us everything.' In 1948 Jewish terrorists drove him from the village in which his forebears had lived for centuries. He fled to Damascus, then eventually found refuge in Australia." (F.J. Allen, Wamberal, N.S.W.) |
QUESTIONABLE BANKINGfrom Herald-Sun, February 18th "If either (a) or (b) pertains, it must surely preclude such politicians from holding office. "If the system, with the existing rules and conventions, is workable, assuming the aim is to benefit national populations, then obviously our economists and financiers are incompetent. "If the system is not workable then it must be changed. "Pertinent to the above points, the
Charter of the Reserve Bank states in part: "Is the Reserve Bank being operated according to its Charter?" (Ralph Provan, Seymour) Note: The Reserve Bank was established as Australia's central bank in 1960. Up to that time, the Commonwealth Bank operated as Australia's central bank. |
WHEN IT COMES TO SOCIAL CONTROL, LESS IS MOREfrom The Sunday Herald, February 17th"Socialism has wonderful ultimate goals, and I can understand why so many people believed in it. "A world of caring and sharing must be the dream of every good person. It is certainly mine. "I was a socialist during my student years, as were most of my friends. "Why have I changed? Well, I have worked here for more than 15 years to achieve better schooling, and have suffered at the hands of several bureaucracies under increasing socialist regulation. "Life is not fair, and many injustices need righting. The socialist plan was for the government to take control of human affairs. "By means of a benevolent elite and a huge dedicated bureaucracy the world would be set right. "There is gaping fault in this reasoning, and I am amazed that we did not see it earlier. "The new socialist aristocracy and its army of bureaucrats are of the very same species we were setting out to control and reform. "Inevitably, the new ruling class became as self-centred as the old. "Bureaucracies are notoriously uncaring. They build empires and maintain a style of regulation that often does more harm than good to the population they allegedly exist to serve. "The point is that human nature does not change. No one can be trusted with all that power and no accountability. "There's no point in hating bureaucrats as people, even though we have suffered. It's the system that is wrong. "The world has now learned that bureaucracy unrestrained turns malignant. "Politicians must refrain from 'solving' society's problems by merely adding to the already overwhelming body of bureaucratic regulation. "The art of the legislator is to draft elegantly lean controls that will bring out the best in people. "It's time for a higher standard of democracy, where the people regulate themselves through accountability: consumer choice, freedom of information, secret ballots, independent media, parent chosen schooling, open tenders. "As the population, through freedom of expression, becomes more enlightened, democracy enables reform to be realised, as with equal rights for women and protection of the environment. "So often a faceless elite tries to take over society, pretends to be the author of past advances, assumes itself to be wiser, more kind and less corruptible than the people, and tries to impose its ideology using the organs of government. "When that happens you get a bloated, arrogant and self-serving club that will ride the State into the ground..." (Philip O'Carroll, Fitzroy Community School) |