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24 April 1992. Thought for the Week: "Some of
us may forget that of all the Allies it was Australian soldiers who
first broke the spell of the invincibility of the Japanese Army; those
of us who were in Burma have cause to remember."
Field Marshal Sir William Slim in Defeat Into Victory |
A TIME TO REMEMBERby Eric D. Butler The late Bishop Fulton Sheen observed that the major feature of every dying Civilisation was that the masses are generally oblivious to what is taking place. The great Roman statesman, philosopher and historian, Cicero, sought in vain to warn his fellows that the Roman Civilisation was dying, basically for the same reasons that Western Civilisation is dying. A basic cause of decline is the excessive centralisation of power and the erosion of belief and faith in the undergirding Christian value system upon which it was erected. Along with Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, one of the true prophets of this violent century, Prince Charles has said that a people who wish to survive into the future must go back to their roots. This is a time when all Australians should be searching for their roots and seeking to regenerate them in order that new life may take place. There is a blatant proposal that they should be torn away from their historical roots so that they may be more easily fitted into a programme based on a rootless materialism. The deadly theme is being developed that it is "inevitable" that Australia becomes a Republic that its future must merge with that of Asia. It was the inevitability theme, which tended to dominate the early stages of the Pacific War, when the Japanese Imperial Army was carrying all before it as it drove southwards. From a strictly military point of view, Gallipoli was a major disaster, even though it could be argued that strategically it had tremendous potential. But Anzac Day grew out of the flowering of the spirit, which manifested itself at Gallipoli. Both Easter and Anzac Day are rooted in the moving power of great epic achievements, of manifestations of the triumph of the spirit over the flesh. Australians can not only feel proud of the Gallipoli epic, but of similar epics. No group of men displayed greater faith and courage than those Australians who were enslaved by the Japanese. The spirit of these men was never broken. It must never be forgotten. Australians can feel justly proud that it was Australian troops who at Milne Bay, Papua New Guinea, in August and September of 1942, inflicted the first land defeat on the Japanese. This was a turning point and, as that outstanding British soldier Sir William Slim, said, it was the cheering news of the Australian victory, which he used to great effect to inspire his own hard-pressed troops. Slim was later to become one of Australia's most distinguished Governor Generals. It would be instructive to hear the views of anti-British Republican Paul Keating on the role of Sir William Slim as the Crown's representative in Australia. And he might ponder on the fact that when the Japanese flag came down in Singapore and was replaced by the Union Jack, the Australian troops did not regard that flag as "foreign". As one of the Australians present later recalled, they saw the Christian crosses on that flag as a symbol of the triumph of faith over death. Mr. Angus Suthers, a young Captain at Milne Bay, says that "I think we should be inculcating in our youth the standards set by the fellows who served in the Boer War, World War I and World War II, Korea and Vietnam. This is the kind of thing we should be using to set an example of loyalty; loyalty to the country, loyalty to each other and consideration for each other". As the nation moves towards the greatest peril in its short history, the future depends upon enough Australians searching deep into their history, rediscovering their roots, spiritual, cultural and material, and generating a new burst of life and growth. |
REALITY OVERTAKING FEDERAL OPPOSITIONFederal Opposition leaders have tried to put on a brave face concerning the electoral mauling they received in the Wills by-election. But the rank and file are increasingly worried that the G.S.T. strategy and zero tariffs by the end of the century could lose them the next Federal Elections. Queensland National Party Members, including anti-League of Rights critic Senator Ron Boswell, have discovered that the League has been proved right: that the programme to abolish all forms of protection for Australian industries, primary and secondary, is proving disastrous. The rank and file of the major parties have been
increasingly disturbed by the League inspired campaign exposing the
New World Order background of the programme to dismantle all forms of
protection of the Australian economy, allegedly to make it more "efficient".
The Australian Workers' Union has joined the growing protest against
what is happening, appealing for protection for Australian shearers
against the influx of New Zealand shearers. The same is happening to those working in secondary industries who have lost their jobs to industries now operating in Thailand and elsewhere. Cheaper Asian labour is being used to operate equipment, which is no better than the equipment available in Australia. Carried to its logical conclusion, if the Chinese, for example, could be taught to shear sheep efficiently, and are prepared to operate for wages even lower than those being paid to New Zealanders, they should be allowed to do so - this would be more "efficient"! If the Federal Opposition Parties are determined to lose the next elections, they are going the right way about it. But growing numbers are starting to grasp the extent of the treachery of the New World Order programme. This is why the League's educational work must be increased. |
GREINER DISARMS N.S.W.The new draft firearms legislation proposed for N.S.W. by the Greiner Government are confirmation - if any was required - that Mr. Greiner is a centralist. It was Mr. Greiner who supported former Prime Minister Hawke's "new Federalist" proposals, which were based upon the stripping of powers from the States, and transferring them to the Commonwealth. It is now proposed that drivers' licences, vehicle registration and firearms ownership be registered nationally. The N.S.W. firearms legislation makes no provision for anyone to own a firearm to protect themselves or their families. It is argued that if no one owns firearms except the police - then there will be no need to have them for protection. If ever there was a time in Australia's history when the population should be armed to the teeth, this is it! It becomes increasingly clear that the armed forces are insufficient to defend the nation, and that budgetary constraints will be used as an excuse to run down the defence forces further. The Swiss experience shows that for both national defence, and low domestic crime rates, a firearm in each household, with all adult males trained in their use, is essential. The reverse is argued in Australia. The Minister for Justice, Senator Tate, argues that ownership of firearms is not a right, but a privilege. This means that governments can extend or withdraw that "privilege" whichever seems expedient at the time. A revealing advertisement was lodged in The Australian (14/3/92) by the Australian Federal Police, which reads, in part: "In Australia, the regulation of the possession and use of firearms is the responsibility of State and Territory governments. As a result of violent firearms incidents in recent years, the Australian Police Ministers' Council has agreed on the need for stringent national controls on the availability, possession and use of firearms. "Quotations are requested from vendor independent consultants to undertake a feasibility study to identify the most appropriate national system, or set of systems for - linking State and Territory firearms registries and, providing police agencies with trans-jurisdictional access to information needed to support licensing decisions." (Our emphasis) The N.S.W. Government has proved to be the weakest link in any attempt by Australians to maintain their ability to defend themselves. All possible protests should be made to the N.S.W. Independents, who could yet toss out the Greiner legislation to which the National Party has agreed. |
U.S.A. PLAYING WITH FIRE IN MOSLEM WORLDGaddafi of Libya is a man with relatively few admirers throughout the world, even among his fellow Moslems. But should the U.S.A., using the U.N. as a cover, use military force against Libya because Gaddafi refuses to hand over two men allegedly responsible for the blowing up of the PAN-AM plane over Lockerbie, Scotland, in 1988, this will create further anti-American feeling throughout the Moslem world. It will be recalled that the last military strike against Libya was because it was alleged that Libya had been responsible for a terrorist bombing of a Berlin disco in April 1986, resulting in the death of an American soldier. The reprisal attack on Libya killed 100 Libyans, including Gaddafi's daughter. It was subsequently revealed that the Berlin terrorist attack was originated from a Syrian-based terrorist group. Now comes a claim by Time magazine that a Syrian drug dealer, who had been cooperating with the United States Drug Enforcement Administration in a project, designed to obtain the release of six U.S. hostages being held in Beirut may have been involved in the PAN-AM affair. The Time report tends to confirm a British report that there were good reasons for believing that Syria was involved in the PAN AM bombing. An article in the British paper, The Spectator, of March 28th, claims that the British Foreign Office privately agreed that Syria was involved. Clearly the policy makers in the U.S.A. have decided that because of Syria's assistance in the Gulf War, it would be unwise to charge Syria with being involved. In the meantime Syria appears to be showing a marked reluctance to participate in the sanctions programme against Libya. Unless it can be proved beyond all argument that the Libyan Government was involved in any way in the PAN AM disaster, it would be extremely unwise for the Bush Administration either to attack Libya militarily or to continue with sanctions. There is every indication that a desperate President George Bush needs some incident to demonstrate to the American people that he is the type of strong leader they need at this time. |
CARGO CULTISM COULD LEAD US INTO ASIA MONEY GAME TRAPfrom The Age (Melbourne) April 10th Many politicians have become parasites of financial corporations and developers in the way gangsters have always been. Japan's well-known political corruption is deeply intertwined with what I call the Bubble Trinity, high stock prices, high land property values, and a strong currency. "This Bubble Trinity is not peculiar to Japan, but has already spread to other Asian countries, in particular the so-called NIES (newly industrialised economies) - Taiwan, South Korea, Hong Kong and Singapore. The phenomenon is closely linked with the trade friction between Japan and the U.S. To reduce the direct trade friction with the U.S., Japan transferred her capital equipment and half finished goods to the NIES. They quickly increased their exports to the U.S. and imports from Japan simultaneously. In other words, Japan started using the NIES as a second channel for her exports to the U.S. "But the NIES, in particular Taiwan and South Korea, also adopted the money game economy from Japan. "It is inevitable that the collapse of the Tokyo stock market will affect these NIES sooner or later, and that the slow down of economic activity in Japan and the NIES will depress the economies of ASEAN countries, especially Thailand and Malaysia. Australia has already experienced some casualties that resulted from the minor and temporary collapse of Japan's bubble economy in early 1990. "In recent months politicians and leading businessmen often insist that Australia must further develop and strengthen business relations with Asia. I do not deny that Asia is a most important region for Australia, from both economic and political viewpoints. But I am concerned with the deep-rooted cargo cult mentality among Australian political and economic leaders that assumes that Asia can bring wealth to Australia and that our economy depends entirely on the economic performance of Japan, the NIES or ASEAN. "What has happened to our economy as a result of being so dependent on Japanese money in the past decade or so? What happened to the multi-function polis? "What Australia must develop is not superficial business communication skills, but a deeper knowledge of the culture and economy of the different nations in Asia. It must also devise a long-term strategy to develop a relationship with these Asian neighbours without becoming dependent on them economically and without being exploited. "We must avoid being involved in a 'money game economy' with its consequences including probably political corruption." (Yuri Tanaka, Politics Lecturer, University of Melbourne) |
AMBA SUPPORTS G.S.T.from Financial Review, April 9th Our Comment |
ONUS OF ELIGIBILITY ON CANDIDATESfrom The Australian, April 10th "The declarations required of a candidate are: 'I am an Australian citizen; I am at least 18 years of age; I am an elector or qualified to be an elector; I am not, by virtue of section 44 of the Constitution, incapable of being chosen or of sitting as a Senator (or Member of the House of Representatives, as the case requires) ' ... The last declaration was introduced as the result
of a recommendation by the Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters
in its Report No.3 of 1989. "Any person qualified to vote at the election
in question who doubts the accuracy of such a declaration has the option,
under the Act, of taking the matter to the Court of Disputed Returns.
Furthermore, the Parliament itself has the right under the Act to refer
questions respecting the qualifications of Members of the Parliament
to the Court of Disputed Returns, after an election can no longer be
challenged." |