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17 July 1992. Thought for the Week: "I do not
expect you to agree with me, but I believe that the most urgent need
for Western man is to re-discover that divine element in his being,
without which there never can be any possible hope or meaning to our
existence in the Earthly realm."
Prince Charles in an address to the Royal College of Psychiatrists, published in The People's Prince |
DAVID IRVING DELIVERS MAJOR ANTI-ZIONIST BLOWBritish historian David Irving has done it again: he has received worldwide publicity because of the discovery in Moscow of The Goebbels Diaries. There is no argument that the Goebbels Diaries are authentic and that Irving has used his intimate knowledge of Nazi documents to persuade the London Sunday Times to pay him a substantial sum of money to transcribe and edit the diaries. It appears that Irving had known of the existence of The Goebbels Diaries for some time. Irving was the man who denounced the alleged Hitler Diaries as forgeries at a time when the Sunday Times was serialising them! Whatever the Sunday Times thinks of David Irving, the reality is that the discovery of the Goebbels Diaries is a major event with the man second to Hitler providing a first hand picture of what was happening in Hitler's Germany. And driven by financial considerations, The Times decided they must use the expertise of David Irving in order not to miss out on a major scoop. But the Zionists are outraged and there have been Jewish protests from right around the world, with large numbers of Jews demonstrating outside the headquarters of the Sunday Times in London. What clearly is feared is that with the break up of the Soviet Union and writers of the calibre of David Irving now being able to gain access to K.G.B. and other sources of information inside Russia, Zionist propagandists are going to find it increasingly difficult to sustain some generally accepted Zionist promoted myths. Irving has already drawn attention to Russian sources showing that the alleged "holocaust" at Auschwitz was fabricated. The Goebbels Diaries must be rated as
an historical blockbuster with one commentator observing that many historians
are already nervously poised before their word processors as they prepare
to re-write history. Already two major facts have emerged from the Goebbels
Dairies: Hitler virtually "stumbled" into war because he was led
to believe that the British would not fight. The diaries confirm the
view of even mainstream historian A.J. Taylor that Hitler did not deliberately
plan a world war. Taylor was strongly criticised for his work. The most revealing development of the publicity for David Irving concerning the Goebbels Diaries is the reaction of the mainstream historians in the Universities. The Australian of July 8th quotes a number of these. Although many of the historians contacted by The Australian acknowledged Irving's expertise in the field of documentation relating to Hitler's Germany, "they argue that quite apart from the political and historical opinions he (Irving) expresses, Irving is not a trained scholar and that despite his mastery of the sources, he cannot be considered a serious historian". The truth is that most of the academics are politically biased and they also are jealous of an "outsider" discovering and revealing primary documentary source material they knew nothing about. As Irving correctly says, most of the academics merely promote one another and repeat one another's mistakes. As demonstrated in the new updated and revised edition of his major work, Hitler's War, Irving has always demonstrated his complete integrity and willingness to correct his own work in the light of new documentation. Irving originally was neutral concerning the Jewish "Holocaust", but when confronted with the Leuchter Report concerning Auschwitz and other information, came to the conclusion, and said so, that the "Holocaust" was a gigantic hoax. Irving expresses the view that the "Holocaust" will eventually be "completely discredited." Irving's academic critics claim that while Irving has an audience "among non-professional readers of history", he is not accepted by the professional historians, mainly because of his association with "extreme right wing groups". Irving makes no secret of the fact that he is a traditional conservative. As C.H. Douglas pointed out, real history is not merely what is written about a series of events, but what emerges in policies. All policies are rooted in philosophies and no real assessment of history is possible without examining undergirding philosophies. Irrespective of what Irving's critics say, he is providing the documentation, which makes it possible to present real history. David Irving is essential reading for those genuinely concerned about truth. The Zionists fear that truth. (Hitler's War is available from all League bookshops, $65 posted. Other Irving books also available.) |
ASSESSING THE QUEENSLAND POLITICAL SCENEby Tony Symonds, Queensland State League of Rights
Director It would appear that the Queensland Conservative Parties will need to watch their backs. Even allowing for a natural slump in the Labor Party vote, the Conservatives will need either to urge their supporters to allocate a second preference vote, or cease three corner contests. Further, they would be well advised to look kindly on strong Independent candidates. |
CANADIAN WANNING ON G.S.T.Visiting Canadian tax expert, Professor Neil Brooks of York University in Toronto, says he is amazed that small businesses in Australia were calling for a goods and services tax when their counterparts in Canada had suffered a devastating impact from its introduction 18 months ago. Polls revealed that 71% of Canadians now want the tax repealed. Canadian Opposition Parties have pledged to repeal the tax after the next elections. In a criticism of Dr. John Hewson's Fight Back package, Professor Brooks said that its effect would be to shift the tax burden from large to small firms, from high-income earners to lower income earners and from men to women. The Canadian experience confirms that of New Zealand, where the G.S.T. has helped to polarise society. |
BRIEF COMMENTSThe National Farmers' Federation, which has badly
advised and failed to defend Australia's rural industries against the
financial policies, which have decimated Australia's primary producers,
has now officially endorsed the Federal Opposition's "Fight Back" programme,
which includes the proposed General Services Tax. We are not surprised.
As we have often stressed, all forms of monopoly
are anti-social. The trade union monopoly is one example, but while
it is easy to point to the evils, which flow from this monopoly, as
it is to point to the evils associated with other monopolies, the "economic
rationalists" claim that the trade union monopoly is the source of most
of Australia's economic problems. This is a superficial and dangerous
view, completely ignoring basic causes. The power of all forms of monopoly
is eroded if financial and economic policies decentralise power and
place the individual in the position where that individual is economically
secure and can make decisions for himself. Some of the much publicised
"go slow" work practices stem from the fear that greater real efficiency
would deprive wage earners of their jobs and their incomes. If men are
not required for economic activities, then the simplest thing to do
is to pay them a "social dividend." |
NO TALK OF FAIR PLAY AMONG THE TIGERSfrom The Age (Melbourne), July l3 "Dr. Weekes is voicing only what many of us in industry, who are not in banking and mining, have believed for some time. The dismantling of tariff barriers in the absence of an industrial policy and adequate anti-dumping legislation is an unconscionable act, which will leave many thousands more of Australians out of work and in a state of despair. "Such people are being needlessly sacrificed on the altar of economic rationalism. In a few years' time, when automotive manufacturing will inevitably cease in this country, sacrificed to this economic doctrine espoused by both sides of politics, thousands more Australians will have cause to regret the shortsightedness of our federal politicians. "What really baffles me, is that it must be evident to any politician or economist, that the very real success of our neighbours in South East Asia, particularly Japan and Korea, has at its core, the industrial policy approach that Dr. Weekes recommends. You won't find more support for unrestrained deregulation among the politicians, industrialists, economists, and bureaucrats of these nations. 'Fair playing fields' are not on their agenda; they have done very well without them." (John Turner, Vermont South, Vic., former business planner, Ford Asia Pacific) |