home of ... Douglas Social Credit
21 August 1992. Thought for the Week: "To realise
the nature of the powers conferred upon the holders of the monopoly
of credit is to realise at once that, human nature being what it is,
any suggestion designed to release the man in the street from the power
of this monopoly is certain to be actively, if not openly, resisted.
The monopoly is in itself so indefensible, however, on the grounds of
reason or equity that a realisation of its nature is quite sufficient
to induce the banker (who in many cases is a thoroughly well-meaning
member of society) to admit in private that it cannot continue."
C.H. Douglas, in Reconstruction (1932) |
AUSTRALIAN BIG BUSINESS AND HEWSON OPPOSITION ALREADY IN CONFLICTWith the Federal Budget only a day away Australian business has split fundamentally with the Keating Government over the key question of economic growth, predicting a sluggish rate of 1.5 to 2 percent over the coming year and further increases in unemployment." The Business Australian, August 17th Australian Big Business has been having a more than reasonable time under the Fabian "Labor" Party. Taxation concessions have been generous (much more so than has been the case with suffering Small Business and employees). Indeed, Dr. Hewson has alleged that some areas of Australian Big Business have been mollycoddled. But Dr. Hewson is determined to abolish tariffs within the next handful of years, which is madness. Dr. Hewson intends to push deregulation further: he is obviously pushing the International Monetary Fund line. So Big Business is generally unhappy now with the economic policies of both "Labor" and the "conservative" Coalition (in reality, there is very little difference between them). We recall that C.H. Douglas once observed that
there had only been one Party, from the time of the first half of the
1800s, and that was the financial party. All parties uphold the authority
and overall control of Finance, and International Finance, in particular
(World Bank, International Monetary Fund, United Nations Finance Agencies,
etc., etc.). Mr. Brian Loton, of the Business Council of Australia,
does not see any real grounds for optimism with respect to the much-vaunted
"recovery", which is assumed by many "financial" people to be just around
the corner. Mr. Loton doesn't rule out the prospect of a "double dip"
recession. The decline in business activity in Japan is a fact of life; and it is declining further by the month. It should be obvious to any sensible person that all nations in which Japan is financially strongly represented, will suffer, along with Japan. Japan also suffers from what we could term "institutionalised corruption", which exacerbates the already present finance economic woes. One Australian economic commentator has condemned the politicians, the business adviser "industry", the real estate industry, for "taking up" the Australian economy. This commentator rightly points to the business investment figures: they are way down. He insists that these people do not know what they are talking about: or, they should know better. Mr. Loton, of the Business Council of Australia, observes that 78 of the Council's 80 member organisations are planning to reduce their workforces and increase productivity (no doubt with the aid of current technology). He expects unemployment to rise. So do we. We are also suspicious (we cannot get proof)
that liquidity is slowly being drained out of the West's economies (this
includes the Asian Tigers). It is being done slowly, we think, so as
not to "stampede the herd". We know that the Money Power had a nasty
fright in the early thirties: the brutal depression of the time looked
as though it could bring on a threat to itself (i.e. the Money Power).
One of its high priests is on record as saying that for a time there
was concern in the higher ranks of the Money Power, but that things
were soon brought well under control. It won't make the same mistake
again. |
MULTICULTURALISM AND CRIME IN CANADAfrom On Target (Canada), July 20th - Comment
from Ron Gostick, National Director, Canadian League of Rights A few observations CHRISTIAN JUSTICE, OR JUDAIC VENGEANCE? |
BRIEF COMMENTSWriting in The Bulletin of August 4th, Rowena Stretton raises the question of whether the Keating Labor Government may lose Jewish financial support for the next Federal Elections, this the result of Foreign Minister Gareth Evans modifying Labor's attitude towards the Palestinian Liberation Organisation. There has been an attempt by both Evans and Keating to placate Zionist leaders. Opposition leader John Hewson was given a standing ovation when he addressed a Zionist Federation Conference in May and made it clear that he was 100 percent pro-Zionist. Stretton writes, "Liberal number crunchers, politicians and office bearers are swelling gentile numbers at Jewish functions". Stretton comments, "It is not so much the Jewish vote that matters - there are fewer than 200,000 Jews in Australia - but rather the vast financial resources of the community's wealthier members." It is no secret that Bob Hawke was given almost unqualified support by the Zionist leaders. If they are now switching from Keating to Hewson, this can only mean that they are positioning themselves to control a Hewson-Government. It is legitimate to ask whether the Bulletin article could, under the anti-vilification legislation, result in the writer and the magazine being prosecuted for suggesting that a relatively small number of Zionist Jews play a major role in influencing Australia's politics. The quick Jewish reaction to the criticism of proposed racial vilification legislation highlights once again that the main driving force behind this type of totalitarian legislation is the Jewish leaders, who make the false claim that the anti-vilification legislation is necessary to curb a rising tide of 'anti-Semitism'. Such legislation is in fact certain to increase the distrust among many people that Jewish influence is far too great in Australia. The rank and file of the Jews will be serving their own best interests by joining the growing volume of criticism of the proposed anti-vilification legislation. Victorian State Opposition Leader, Jeff Kennett, is railing against the independent candidates in the forthcoming Victorian State elections. He is insisting that a vote for an independent is a "wasted vote". He is saying this because he expects (Vic.) Labor to stand "dummy" candidates to attract the votes of disillusioned Labor voters, yet still ensure that these votes go to Labor. Don't tell us that the Liberals will not do the same! The League of Rights supports independent candidates of quality: vote for them. Some will be successful, in spite of the intrigues of political parties. Electoral comment authorised by Eric D. Butler, 145 Russell Street, Melbourne, 3001. |
JOBS THAT WILL NEVER RETURNfrom The Weekend Australian, July 25th-26th"Twenty or 30 years ago the pundits assured us that automation and computers would revolutionise our lives. The amount of manual and routine work would be greatly reduced. We would have to learn how to make good use of more leisure time. "It has happened. "At the same time, a revolution in housework took place, labour saving machines, tools and materials largely freed women from many arduous tasks at home. (Remember the routine: washing took up most of Monday; ironing and mending Tuesday; house cleaning and polishing Wednesday and Thursday; shopping Friday.) The result was that women were able to re-arrange their lives to allow them to join in the paid workforce. "For a time, particularly the '80s, the excess could be accommodated and people were kept on in what are now seen as inefficient workplaces. Now that the world is in recession, employers are retrenching surplus workers to become lean and competitive. "High levels of unemployment and taxation to support the unemployed are probably here to stay. This was part of the forecast of 20 or 30 years ago. A paid job would be something of a privilege, but high taxation to support the jobless would be quid pro quo. "The most unfortunate are, and will be, the under-educated, because not only will they continue to have the most difficulty in finding employment, but they are also less able to use leisure time as well as the better educated." (John Maddox, Sandy Bay, Tas.) |
DISCRIMINATION LAW DISCRIMINATESfrom Morning Bulletin (Rockhampton, Qld.), July 22ndThe new legislation, which will come into power on June 30th, is worse than any that went before. "Because we have allowed others to change our language, it becomes a bit difficult of late to understand what the lawgiver is saying. As an example, we can take the word negative. Today, no company works with a loss, they call it negative profit. "The word discrimination is one of those words. To discriminate used to be to act against someone or some group, because of that group's natural position. Jew, Black, Polac, these names nearly had the same meaning, for some people, as inferior. That is discrimination. But, there are other things that do not fall into this category. A colour blind man should not be a pilot. Not out of discrimination, but he has some defect that makes him unsuitable for the job. On the other hand there are people with certain attitudes, or worldviews that may not be comparable with ours. "I would not, as a Presbyterian minister, employ an atheist. Not only does the atheist refuse to obey the law of God, but he also denies the existence of God. He is free to believe in God or not. I should be free to employ him, therefore, or not. "I will never accept a homosexual, to use the nice word, as leader of a scout group, if my sons were in that group. He might be a 'nicer man', but the Word of God calls his way of life an abomination. Is that new law now discriminating against me and other Christians? Yes. "This law calls everything discrimination that I might bring forward against anybody, if that would bar that person from a job or membership of an organisation. "This law is discriminating against our spiritual freedom. If we accept this law, we might as well accept a new Adolf Hitler to become our Fuehrer. "When a government demands to rule our thoughts, our taste, our inner beliefs, then that government is not democratic, whatever that might mean. No, it is dictatorial and discriminating against those who wish to obey God rather than man. (Rev. Gilbert Jansen, St. Stephen's Presbyterian Church, Rockhampton, Qld.) |
FOREIGN POLICY A VICTIM OF THE RANDOM EFFECTfrom The Australian, July 28th Another issue |