Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction
Christian based service movement warning about threats to rights and freedom irrespective of the label, Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
Edmund Burke

Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction
12 March 1993. Thought for the Week: "Good fences make good neighbours."
Old English Maxim


by Eric D. Butler
The late Sir Raphael Cilento used to observe that making firm predictions was a dangerous business: if events proved one correct, few remembered, but if one was proved wrong few forgot. But one can predict with complete certainty that the 1993 Australian Federal elections, irrespective of who wins, will not of themselves move Australia off the disaster course on which it is moving with increasing momentum.

The dominant policy makers in Australia are all dedicated internationalists who preach with almost a touch of fanaticism that Australia's future will be best assured by "restructuring" the nation's economy in order that it can be integrated with what is termed the "Global economy". Bigger is better, according to internationalists. But where is the evidence that the philosophy of bigness is producing a more stable world?

Russia is in the grip of a deepening crisis, which could end in some type of a military dictatorship. All the former Communist Eastern European nations are also in turmoil. The dream of a prosperous European Common Market is turning into a nightmare. The privatisation programme in the United Kingdom has resulted in the biggest unemployment figure on record, with growing social disintegration.
The Middle East crisis deepens, with Iran, the major base for Islamic fundamentalism, continuing to build up a massive military machine. While Saudi Arabia fears Saddam Hussein in Iraq, it is even more fearful that should Hussein be toppled, its future would be threatened by the rapid expansion of Islamic fundamentalism.
The whole Islamic world is in a state of growing ferment, the only uniting factor being a hatred of Zionist Israel.

The whole of Africa south of the Sahara is sinking back into bloody barbarism. And time is running out fast for South Africa. A bloodbath now appears inevitable. Both India and Pakistan are gripped in growing communal violence. The tragedy of the multicultural country once known as Jugoslavia could explode into a major conflict involving neighbouring countries. The North American situation deteriorates as the Clinton Administration makes it clear that in an attempt to solve its internal problems it is going to adopt more aggressive trading policies. Japan has been warned, while at the same time Japan complains that it is being threatened by the dumping export policies of Communist China. The "economic miracles" of Asia are starting to look increasingly less miraculous. No long-term stability is possible for any nation, which drives its economy by debt finance.

With what is euphemistically described as the "international community" becoming increasingly unstable, with horrendous developments a certainty, the policy of linking Australia ever more closely with an explosive world, is not only sheer madness, but one of treachery. Australia's survival into the future depends upon reversing the policy of internationalism and replacing it with one of constructive nationalism. Australia is better equipped than any other nation in the world, to pursue such a policy.

Australia belongs to the stream of Western Christian civilisation and can make a major contribution to the salvation of that civilisation by concentrating upon a programme of maximum self-sufficiency. During the long night of the collapse of the great Roman Civilisation, complete darkness was averted by pockets of self-reliant small centres that kept the light of civilisation shining. Inspired by a practical Christian Faith, Australians can hold aloft the torch of hope to a world of disintegration and collapse. Without vision a nation perishes. Australia needs a new national vision, one that would regenerate Australia and hold out hope to the rest of the world.


South Australian State Director of the League of Rights, Mrs. Betty Luks, accompanied by Advisory National Director Eric Butler and several other League supporters, were present outside the South Australian Supreme Court on Monday, March 1st, holding placards of protest against the trial of elderly Ivan Polyukhovic. Interviewed by the media, Eric Butler said that for him, "this was a day of deep national shame. It is a black day in our history. We have turned our backs on our heritage of Christian Common Law. True justice cannot possibly be achieved through what, in essence, is a witch hunt".

Eric Butler reports that he was deeply affected by the spectacle of the elderly and obviously frail Polyukhovic walking towards the court supported by his wife. "All we could do was wish them well," he said. One of the League placards pointed out that the War Crimes Trials had already cost the Australian taxpayers over $40 million - and that the financial costs continued to rise.


The Stockholm Research Institute has revealed that Israel could have enough nuclear material to make at least 100 nuclear bombs, that India could make as many as 60 nuclear bombs, and Pakistan up to 10 bombs. But there has been no suggestion that any of these countries should be disciplined by the United Nations. Which raises the interesting question of why such a determined effort has been made to ensure that Iraq does not develop nuclear weapons.

For the record we suggest that readers take careful note of Dr. John Hewson' s statement at the Liberal Party policy launch. After referring to the current high unemployment figures, John Hewson said, "I accept nothing less than full employment." There is nothing in the Hewson programme to suggest that a Coalition Government would achieve such an objective. We are reminded of Prime Minister Bob Hawke's famous statement that by the year 1990 no Australian child would be living in poverty.

The Australian Council for Adult Literacy has warned that up to one million Australians will not be able to vote properly, or at all, at the Federal elections because they cannot read the ballot papers. It is estimated that 10 percent of Australians eligible to vote were unable to read newspapers or fill in a bank slip. At the last Federal elections, in 1990, 350,000 electors, or 3.3 percent, voted informally. A big informal vote in a close election could prove the deciding factor. One of the first major steps necessary for more responsible voting is for the abolition of the present system of compulsion.

Writing in The Australian, March 4th, Mr. Gerry Van Wyngen, described as a Director of Dresdner International Financial Markets (Australia) Ltd., praised Mr. Paul Keating, as Treasurer in the Hawke Government, for having "opened up the financial system (through deregulation), providing competition and in turn setting the groundwork for more efficient banking". It would be interesting to have a definition of "efficient banking". The deregulation of the Australian banking system has been accompanied by some of the most irresponsible lending policies in the nation's history. The first step towards regaining national sovereignty is for the elected representatives of the people to re-regulate banking.

Issues such as multiculturalism and immigration - central issues which arouse deep concern at electoral levels - have been all but ignored. There is no concrete proposal from either group for bringing the debt load under control. The question of industrial protection, which has direct bearing on employment, has almost been ignored since both the A.L.P. and Coalition made token concessions to the sugar industry. The truth is that both the major party groups are internationalists, quite ready to commit Australia to the emerging global market.
Such is the public lack of enthusiasm for this 1993 election, that the Coalition has now reversed its previous opposition to four year parliamentary terms, arguing that it would mean fewer Federal elections. A referendum is proposed to change the Constitution to this effect, lengthening terms for Senators up to eight years. There is, however, absolutely no discussion whatever of any proposal to extend the opportunity of initiating referendum to the Australian people. But this is urgently required. The only answer to the destructive attitudes of pessimism and frustration dominating the electorate is to return some form of self-government to the Australian people. This can best be achieved by adopting a responsible form of voter's veto, or the opportunity for the electors to initiate binding referendums.


from Sydney Morning Herald, 28/2
The writer of your editorial (16/2) is obviously a complete stranger to David Irving's book, Hitler's War. No one can read this major work, and then attempt to sustain the view that Irving is pro-Nazi, or a Hitler apologist. "As I was closely involved with organising and conducting Irving's two previous lecture tours of Australia, I know from personal experience that Irving abhors the Nazis and is highly critical of Hitler. "The fact that as a straight, professional historian, Irving has been unable to find acceptable evidence that Hitler either knew of or directed the gassing of Jews does not prove Irving is pro-Hitler. In view of the fact that he is being prevented from speaking for himself, he should be accorded the benefit of the doubt.
"Mr. Mark Liebler's claim (Herald, Feb.15) that Holocaust survivors fear 'verbal violence' from David Irving is curious. I chaired seven of Irving's meetings in Australia in 1987, and there was never a hint of any kind of violence whatsoever. Every meeting was conducted in an orderly and law abiding manner. His critics who bothered to attend were treated with absolute respect. They were certainly never verbally violated. "If any 'verbal violence' occurs, it is unlikely to be David Irving's doing. It is the Jewish leaders themselves who have fostered such behaviour by viciously attacking Irving. "May I correct a factual error? The Australian League of Rights does not seek to sponsor David Irving's tour, as you stated. His own professional representatives take full responsibility for his proposed visit to Australia." (David Thompson, National Director, Australian League of Rights, Robertson, N.S.W.)

Republicanism List Did Not Help the Cause

from The Sunday Age (Melbourne), March 7th
In your article, 'If you want a republic, go to Malawi' (28/2), you may have quite unwittingly done the would be republicans in this country a great disservice. You published a list of countries which became republics and, in the main, what a list of beauties they are. "Sri Lanka, very stable indeed; Ghana, great on human rights; Nigeria, one of the most corrupt; Sierra Leone, people subjugated; Tanzania, ditto; Uganda, need we say more? Kenya, here's a great lesson in stability! Malawi, who would want to be an Indian living there? Malta, swings like a loaf in the breeze; Zambia, Gambia and Botswana, great on democracy, I don't think; Nauru, broke; Mauritius, unstable; Bangladesh, can't feed the people; Seychelles, always at loggerheads; Dominica, unstable in the extreme; Kiribati, main money earner is bottom-of-the-harbour rip-off's; Zimbabwe, president-for-life syndrome; Vanuatu, see Kiribati; Pakistan, great advertisement for democracy; Namibia is another no-no. "Of all the countries you listed, Singapore is the only one with any semblance of order. That's one out of 27. It's certainly time for republics - time for them to find another cause. (Bruce Ruxton, State President (Vic.), R.S.L.)