home of ... Douglas Social Credit
5 May 1967. Thought
for the Week: "Perhaps the dominant vice of our time, from the point
of view of the Church, will be proved to be Avarice. Surely there is
something wrong in our attitude towards money."
T.S. Eliot. |
WINDS OF CHANGE IN GREECE?"Mr. Kolias said he had taken office in obedience to a personal appeal from King Constantine who, he said, had not known about plans for a military takeover. Mr. Kolias told a representative of the newspaper Welt Am Sonntag that the army coup had saved his country from a pro-communist insurrection, which would have destroyed Greece's freedom and independence. " The Australian. May 2. Communist placards carried in demonstration against the new Greek government often read, "Greece, Birthplace of Democracy Now a Dictatorship." Commentators the world around will depict Greece as another right wing fascist state, similar to Spain, Portugal, etc. The Middle East and the Mediterranean countries are of special interest to the Communist conspiracy for the eventual complete subjugation of Europe. Special attention and strenuous efforts were made by the so-called "Resistance" forces to bring Greece immediately after the cessation of hostilities in 1945, into the orbit of Communist control. Only direct action by the British forces defeated the attempt. As the last constitutional Monarchy on the Mediterranean,
Greece has been a continual thorn in the side of the Communists as this
coup has so aptly proved. Operating by subversion and intrigue through
political parties, underpinned by oppressive financial policies, the
Communists had reached the stage where they felt the time was ripe to
destroy constitutional government and replace it with a "peoples democracy." Statements by members of the emergency government
indicate that in Greece the winds of change may be blowing in reverse.
Mr. Kolias indicated that their main problem would be "mostly concentrate
upon repairing material and psychological damage caused by all the political
"In another statement the new government pledged itself to clean
out the bureaucracy, and faith in free enterprise was affirmed. |
RHODESIA AND THE MONARCHY"Rhodesia's Prime Minister (Mr. Smith) said here last night that Britain's Prime Minister (Mr. Wilson) was denying Rhodesia access to the Queen. That he said . . . was why his ruling Rhodesian Front Party recently dropped its pledge of loyalty to the Queen. " The Age. May 2. In commenting upon such a decision we can only
observe that the Rhodesian Front Party has made a bad tactical error,
and have played into the hands of the forces they are fighting. Mr.
Wilson has no love for the Monarchy. As an institution it can only ever
be a stumbling block to the international socialist conspiracy, which
he serves. That the Rhodesians have been provoked by seeming disinterest
in their plight by the Queen is obvious. How much this is due to Wilson
as indicated by Mr. Smith, or results from the Queen not wanting to
challenge the "will of parliament" is more than we can say. |
WILSON APPLIES TO JOIN COMMON MARKET"This is an historic decision which could well determine the future of Britain, of Europe and the world for decades to come." The Age. May 3. It is vital that we ponder the significance of these words used by Wilson. They are not mere rhetoric, but are the convinced views of a fanatical socialist with dreams of organising the whole world into a Socialist welfare state along classical Marxist lines. The decision is historic because it demonstrates the unity of control and purpose exercised by the two parties controlling the British Parliament. The historic part of the exercise was made when
fellow Fabian Harold Macmillan made a similar application four years
ago thus demonstrating how deeply subverted and penetrated was the Conservative
party by the same philosophy which controls the Labor Party. In August 1961, Harold Macmillan announced Britain's
application to join EEC with time for a hurried debate of two days before
a three-months summer recess. |
VIETNAM, FALSITY OF COMMUNIST PROPOGANDA EXPOSED"A four man investigating team, sent to Vietnam by a private organisation to search for civilian war victims who would benefit from treatment in the United States, has reportedly found few such cases Founded early this year the committee has a membership of about 200 most of them physicians or surgeons. A number of its members are avowed opponents of the war in Vietnam. The Age May 3. " One of the major propaganda weapons of those
opposing the battle against Communism in Vietnam has been the pictures
of civilian casualties sustained as a result of bombing and the use
of napalm. The mission was most thorough the report states. This investigating team would never have been
constituted had it not been for the impression created by false propaganda
that the casualty rates were enormous. Typical of the unscrupulous propaganda
techniques employed is provided in an example in the next column to
the report we are quoting. This example is in a report of the phony
'Crimes' Tribunal organised by Fabian Socialist, Bertrand Russell and
currently being conducted in Stockholm. It is Russell himself who is indicted by the investigations of this impartial team in Vietnam. |
UNDERMINING INDIVIDUALITY THROUGH EDUCATION"Professor Morey, associate professor of Education at Monash University said individuality suffered if children were ranked in class attainments, and prizes offered accordingly without prizes for other kinds of excellence It is quite reasonable to constantly put children in a race which most of them have no hope of winning. " The Australian April 17. The pursuit of excellence has, since time immemorial, been one of the cornerstones of that educational system to which we owe the flowering of Western civilizations. Other systems have produced other civilizations, some static and fossilised like those of the Hindu and Moslem, others at rudimentary and barbaric stages. It would therefore seem that this is a principle, which should continue to be built into our educational methods. When investigating the reason for so many American P.O.W.'s co-operating with the Communists in Korea it was traced to the way individual prowess had progressively been eliminated from America's modern educational system resulting in the production of individuals who readily conformed when under direction or suggestion. There are among us "progressive" people who can see clearly that individual excellence is an embarrassment to the planners of the socialist heaven of the future. Indeed as the socialist countries are finding, individuals are incompatible with the ideal ant-heap community. And they will keep popping up in the most unlikely places. Take Svetlana Stalin. The Morey's of this world cannot succeed. It is certain that the majority of the professor's audience can still face up to the truth that in a race only one can win. The pity is that our youth should be exposed to such rubbish. |
DID YOU SEE?The delight of the Socialists at the defeat of
the referendum in N.S.W. for a separate State of New England. The
Age editorial referred to it as A Solemn Charade. That "Organised crime was growing so strong that
it might some day put a man in the White House, " according to Judge
E. S. Piggins reported in The Australian May 1. The "simple" philosophy of Ronald Reagan described
by Roy Macartney in The Age April 27. "He believes in free enterprise,
cheap government, capital punishment to check crime, and that higher
education is a privilege not a right." The suggestion by International Historian Arnold
Toynbee that North Vietnam should be converted into a Titoist state
by the Western powers. The article in The Australian April 11,
by Robert Elegant sent from Hong Kong entitled A Good Holiday From
or How I Became a Red Guard. General Westmoreland explained to fellow Americans
what constituted the fighting spirit of the Communist Invaders. "The
Viet Cong has placed its emphasis on political indoctrination." The
Australian April 28. |