home of ... Douglas Social Credit
30 June 1967. Thought
for the Week: "We don't call in question God and Truth; we don't
call in question our Country and its history; we don't call in question
the Family and morality; we don't call in question the glory of Work
and Duty.
Premier Salazar. Portugal. |
THE NEW BATTLE FOR BRITAINMr. Eric Butler reports from Britain, where he has been lecturing on the Common Market issue as well as putting the case for Rhodesia "This week I gave 'An Australian View on The
Common Market' to a meeting arranged by the Department of Extra-Mural
Studies at the University College of Wales, Aberystwyth. The reaction
to my address provided further confirmation of my view that a referendum
of the British people on the Common Market proposal would see it decisively
defeated. One Conservative Party supporter, a confused pro-Marketer,
who had come 100 miles to hear me speak, admitted afterwards that the
political and constitutional implications could not be easily brushed
aside. The type of politics may be judged by reference
to the written Constitution of the E.E.C., the Treaty of Rome, which
Britain was accepting in order to become a part of the Community. The
Treaty states that the appointed, not elected, members of the powerful
Commission, (operated at present by nine men) must not take any notice
of National Governments, while article 189 outlines how the Commission
governs by regulations. It is impossible to get any pro-Marketer to state
openly that he favours this surrender to an international bureaucracy.
He generally mutters something about opponents 'exaggerating' the dangers,
and talks loosely about the alleged economic benefits. However, no one
will be specific and state which industries he thinks will benefit.
But the Prime Minister, Mr. Harold Wilson, has been forced to admit
that food prices would increase from 10 to 14 per cent. As these and other facts become more widely known British resistance to joining the E.E.C. must grow. But the Major problem is how to get effective political expression of this resistance when a majority of all parties favour British entry to the E.E.C. The British face their greatest political problem in surmounting this obstacle. |
THE LEAGUE OF RIGHTS IN BRITAINWith the firm establishment of the British League of Rights, the vision of the early pioneers of the League in Australia has been brought to reality. The League of Rights is now established in all the foundation members of the British Commonwealth, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the United Kingdom. It has taken just on five years of dedicated effort to make this achievement possible, during which time the National Director of the League in Australia, Mr. Eric Butler, made five intensive international tours. There were many set backs, and at times progress appeared to be slow. But steadily the advance, based upon sound and tried principles, took place. The Launching of the British League of Rights
was formally announced in London on June 12, following an inspiring
address by Mr. Eric Butler at the Australia Room of the Commonwealth
Society. The announcement was made by Mr. A. Battams, who made it clear
that no spectacular events were promised, only hard persistent work.
The League would immediately concentrate on the Common Market and Rhodesian
issues. In the meantime the League was advocating that British supporters subscribe to Mr. Ron Gostick's Canadian publications and to Rhodesia and World Report. The League has already issued a brochure containing the League's objectives and briefly explaining what it is about. Those who have British friends or relatives might inform them that the League's temporary address is 29 Bembridge Crescent, London. W. 11. Mr. Butler's current tour of Britain is being conducted under the auspices of the British League of Rights. He is finding a keen interest in this new type of organisation for British patriots. |
MR. GEORGE BROWN CANDID ON COMMON MARKET"The British Foreign Secretary Mr. Brown, said with almost rash candour, that Britain's objectives in desiring to enter the Market was more political than economic." The Australian June 20. If anyone needed confirmation of the statement by Professor Hallstein quoted earlier Mr. Brown has obliged. Ever since the early Fabians started to subvert British society, a long line of socialists of which Brown and Wilson are comparative newcomers have been intent upon destroying British parliamentary government, law and justice. Their objective is no different to their comrades in Moscow to whom they always rush to for advice when there are doubts on correct policy, as Mr. Brown did when the Middle East crisis blew up. Both want a world collective society. |
FALSE ECONOMICS ON THE FARMYARD"Lagging farmers will fail, says McMahon. "--"Many farmers would be caught in the cost-price squeeze and put out of business unless they increased productivity, the Federal Treasurer, Mr. McMahon said yesterday." The Australian June 20. Arise you laggard farmers: Up off your spreading
posteriors. Produce and save yourselves from obliteration: But wait,
what is this we see scoring a bulls eye in the old spectrum, from the
same page in the same paper: More words of wisdom, but strangely different
from the oracles of financier McMahon. In the cow yard they would have an expression for the mess our Federal Treasurer finds himself in up to his armpits. Talking to an intelligent sort of a sheepdog the other day he told me that over the years he has been rounding up more and more sheep each year and that things are not so bad in the sheep dog trade as the sheep are easier to catch. He reckons the fleeces are heavier each year and that slows 'em down. Seems that it is the same story in every other phase of farming according to his cousin doggies in the farming community. He reckons it's tougher on his master because although there are more bales of wool and bags of wheat each year there are fewer human beings around to handle them. When I told him what the big chief in Canberra said he gave a bit of a yelp as though his conscience had stung him for a moment taking a few minutes off from rounding up the woolies while talking to me. Then he saw the stupidity of it all, "Why doesn't he come and ask the experts. I'd put him right in no time." he said as he went off to grab a bewildered looking sheep with stick-out ears with tufts of wool coming out above them. |
JOHNSON & KOSYGIN, WHAT SORT OF SUMMIT?"Soviet Prime Minister Alexei Kosygin flew to
Havana today for talks with Cuban Premier Fidel Castro. It was a surprise
ending to his Summit talks with President Johnson." The Herald
June 27. Why so surprising? As Castro and Kosygin are concerned about
the quickest possible method of destroying the Americans it is natural
that they should confer. No doubt the agenda of the next tri-continental conference at Havana will benefit greatly from the progress report submitted by Kosygin to Castro. Of great interest to both Kosygin and Castro is the progress of revolutionary activity in South America. Activity, which would have been greatly hampered without the co-operation of the secret communists in the American State Department who helped Castro to establish his Communist base in Cuba. Mr. Johnson's advisers in the State Department have now been successful in implementing a "Common Market" in South America with huge grants of "dollar aid" to selected countries. Such aid will have strings attached. We can anticipate renewed resurgence of those "progressive" forces so dear to the hearts of Mr. Kosygin and Mr. Castro. We have no doubt that the talks at Glassboro, and then at Havana were quite down to earth. |
Book of the Week Race and Reason
THE TRAGEDY OF JORDON"There must be clear recognition of the fact that the territory of three UN member States had been violated by another State represented in the UN deliberately and with premeditation" the King said. King Hussein speaking to the United Nations General Assembly, reported in The Age June 28. It is now clear that Jordan one of the smallest Arab States in the Middle East will be the main loser from the recent military conflict. The Jordanians are a population of approx. two million in what is largely sandy desert. The Jews have made it clear they will retain the West bank of the Jordan, one of the few fertile areas in Jordan. The stories of Arab refugees fleeing from the area under the threat of intimidation from the Israeli's illustrate the intent of the Jews. The Arabs are to be completely dispossessed to ensure Jewish occupation of the area. The sum total of such policies will be increasing unrest in the Middle East, with the Communists exploiting the situation to their own advantage. |