home of ... Douglas Social Credit
28 July 1967. Thought
for the Week: "thus sentimental humanitarianism, ignorant of fundamental
realities but ever attentive to desires, wrecks society."
Richard M. Weaver in "Ideas Have Consequences." |
REVOLUTION IN AMERICAN STREETS"My solution cried Mr. Stokely Carmichael, apostle of black power, in London yesterday, "is an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth." Mr. Carmichael ... asked ... what he thought of the murder of a white policeman by Negroes in New Jersey, believed it would have been right had the policeman's father, mother and grandfather been murdered too. - The Australian July 21. We have often pointed out how the American Negro is being used as the raw material for revolution in America. The objective being to bring about the final collapse of that nation as a prelude to ushering in the world collective state. It is significant that when Stokely Carmichael was delivering himself of the above barbarities, he was speaking in London. At the same time as he was enjoying this "freedom of speech" five Englishmen were being proceeded against by the British Government under clause 6 of the Race Relations Act because as members of the Race Preservation Society they are on a charge of distributing their Society's magazine. With American cities ablaze across the American
continent it is instructive to look back at the paper delivered to the
1966 Seminar of the League of Rights by the Canadian patriot Ron Gostick.
There he quotes from the Negro revolution mouthpiece, The Crusader,
in the August, 1965 issue, "U.S.A. - The Potential of a Minority
Revolution." |
GROWING REVOLUTIONARY FERMENT IN AFRICAEric Butler reports from South Africa: "The whole of the African continent is in a
ferment. The Arab nations in the North are feverishly concerned with
the developments in the Middle East, and are eagerly accepting the flood
of Soviet military equipment. Even countries like Morocco and Libya
are being drawn into closer ties with Nasser and his Communist backers.
The only positive move by the U.S.A. over the past week was the disastrous one of' sending military support to Mobutu of the Congo, who is hoping that shortly Moishe Tshombe will be delivered to him from Algeria so that he can be killed. Perhaps there will be another public hanging! The remaining Europeans in Kenya, recently disturbed by the deportation of five of' their fellows, fearing that this might be the beginning of a 'witch-hunt', have had their fears temporarily allayed by an assurance from Vice-President Daniel Arap Moi. But there remains a general uneasiness and a fear of an internal power struggle when the sick and elderly Kenyatta dies. The internal disintegration of the Nigerian Federation
continues. Reports from London make it clear that if the Eastern Region,
Biafra, can establish its complete independence from the Federal Government
in Lagos, Mr. Wilson will accept the new 'nation'. There will be no
talk about 'illegal' action. That type of talk is only applied to Rhodesia! The internal position in Zambia, next door to Rhodesia, continues to deteriorate, with President Kaunda making increasingly extreme statements. Kaunda has promised Mobutu of the Congo every assistance. At a conference in Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania, Zambian and Tanzanian Ministers have agreed on a railroad link between Zambia and Tanzania to give Zambia a new outlet to the sea. The Zambian Finance Minister, Mr. Arthur Wina, en extreme Leftist, declines to say whether there has been an acceptance of' Red China's offer to finance and to build the railway. More and more evidence is coming to hand of the growing Red Chinese influence in Africa south of the Sahara. In view of these developments, it is not surprising that there are reports that the Government of South Africa, which already enjoys good relations with the Nationalist Chinese of Formosa, is considering ways and means of improving the status of the considerable Chinese population in South Africa. "In Rhodesia the Minister of Transport and Power,
Brigadier Andrew Dunlop, has openly expressed the feelings of large
numbers of Rhodesians with a stinging attack on Lord Alport, whom he
described as a 'listed enemy' of our country, 'a failed Conservative
parliamentarian, now a member of the House of Lords....' Brigadier Dunlop
charged that Lord Alport had talked primarily to big businessmen in
Salisbury who, in order to salvage their declining profits, 'would gladly
see their country's future sold for a dishonorable mess of potage.' "Statements by Prime Minister Harold Wilson in London, and the refusal of the Rhodesians to concede that their independence is not real, make it clear that agreement between London and Salisbury is no closer than before Lord Alport went to Rhodesia. The battle for Rhodesia will therefore continue and become the major issue in the wider battle for the whole of Africa. This battle must be fought and won on the international political front. Only sufficient political pressure on their Governments by the peoples of the West can save Rhodesia in the long struggle ahead." |
RUSSIANS WANT AIR ROUTE TO AUSTRALIA"Preliminary talks to establish reciprocal landing rights between Qantas, the Australian national airline, and Aeroflot, the Soviet Union's national airline, were held recently in Moscow. The Australian July 21. There are many indications that the Soviet is placing increased emphasis on Australia as a base for expanding espionage in South East Asia. Since the Petrov case has blown over and the Soviets have been re-established at Canberra - at their request - activity by Soviet officials within Australia has gradually increased. Continuous streams of delegations, "cultural" and "theatrical" as well as trade union and commercial groups come and go. That the Soviet Airline Aeroflot is only another
instrument to further espionage activity was revealed recently in Belgium.
The security police arrested the deputy head of Aeroflot's Brussels
office, Vladimir Cheretun for spying. Previously they had arrested Tass
"correspondent" Anatol Tifonovich Ogorodnikov, who had as an officer
in the Soviet secret service been directing espionage activity in Belgium. If the Australian Government was honest about protecting the best interests of our soldiers fighting against the Viet-Cong equipped with Soviet arms they would not have a bar of Aeroflot, or any of the Soviet embassies, consulates, delegations etc. |
The revolution in America today stems from policies
initiated during the Roosevelt era. John T. Flynn, eminent historian,
editor, and radio commentator documents the complete story of the real
Roosevelt. - Send to Heritage Bookshop, Box 1226L P.O. Melbourne 3001.
THE CORIO BY-ELECTION"11. Per Cent A.L.P. Swing." The Age July 24. Something like 12,000 voters shifted allegiance in eight months since the last general election. Many will say that Mr. Whitlam has given the Labor Party a new image, as former Leader, Mr. Calwell, was the Liberals' greatest asset. However, there are underlying factors, which any party advocating the anti-Socialist, anti-Communist cause must face up to if they - and this country - are to survive. Two factors stand out predominantly. So far as the former is concerned the answer is clear; the replacement of the Government's present set of Socialist advisers, whose objective is to underpin their political policies with an economy, which will destroy the freedom of the individual through high taxation and inflation. A free enterprise government could employ economists who would bring about an increase of genuine free enterprise, with less monopoly, lower taxation and increased dividends to employees and employers alike. It is a question of accountancy. The second question is likewise simply answered but needs men of strong resolution to face facts. The most salient fact was pointed to by three different spokesmen this week. General Dwight Eisenhower, ex President of the U.S.A., and the New Zealand Minister for Defence, Mr. D. Thompson, were both reported saying it would be necessary to declare war on Vietnam. The President of the R.S.L. in Victoria, Mr. W. Hall, commenting upon the treasonable action of the Monash University Labor Club in appealing for funds to aid the Viet Cong, said, "If war was declared formation of such a committee would be treason." This is the crux of the question, the need to face squarely the truth that we are at war, and act accordingly. |