home of ... Douglas Social Credit
11 August 1967. Thought
for the Week: "The conservative's task...is to ensure that enough
government authority exists to suppress criminal outcroppings of human
weakness, but at the same time to ensure that no man, or group of men,
is vested with too much political power."
M. Stanton Evans in What is Conservatism? |
VIETNAM AND THE RACE RIOTS"Senator Robert F. Kennedy, the assassinated president's brother, today criticised President Johnson's decision to send 45,000 to 50,000 more troops to Vietnam. 'These men are going to cost us another $2.5 billion, I would be in favour of doing more in Vietnam only if the South Vietnamese did more." - The Australian, August 8. Senator Kennedy went on to say the United States should commit far more of its resources to helping "our own people in the ghetto" and let South Vietnam carry the burden of its war against the communists. The liberal left is endeavouring to exploit the rioting in America with its death and destruction, to aid its sister cause in Vietnam. But Vietnam and the Race rioting is part only of a complete plan to destroy all resistance to communism. Stokely Carmichael whom we reported last week calling for many "Vietnams" while talking to fellow revolutionaries in Castro's Cuba, is reported from Havana again saying, "We have to unite with those in the world who favor armed struggle as the only way of solving our problems...." Speaking last year Billy Graham the evangelist
commenting on the rioting in the Watts area of Los Angeles, said, "Sinister
forces are trying to set race against race with the ruthless objective
of overthrowing the Government." The "sinister forces" in America have opened the way to mob rule in the sure knowledge it will bring down government, law and order. |
POLITICAL DOUBLE-TALK"We Australians tend to think that our civil rights are beyond question...."But in recent times almost every one of our fundamental rights and liberties in Australia has been either trampled on, whittled away, challenged or ignored." - Senator Lionel Murphy, Q.C., M.P., (A.L.P.) The Age, August 3. Senator Murphy's speech on Civil Liberties made
at the recent Federal Conference of the Australian Labour Party was
widely reported throughout Australia and later blown up and presented
in special articles as though to emphasise the importance of his subject.
His speech was a lesson in dialectics (in which there are no fundamentals,
just shifting ground to suit the arguments used). The Labour Party has continually attacked the Constitution as restrictive, and thwarting the further central control over production distribution etc. To control these activities is to control and direct those engaged in them. The Liberals do it through control of financial policy. Mr. Whitlam when being interviewed on Four Corners, August 5, said Labour Party policy is to accentuate this policy. Senator Murphy is either suffering from self-delusion or is completely hypocritical when endeavouring to affirm it is possible to have freedom and increasing government control at the same time. Whatever the case, it all adds up to double talk. |
Book of the WeekTwo important articles.(1) RACE REVOLUTION
BATTLE FOR RHODESIA CONTINUESMr. Eric D. Butler reports from Rhodesia: "After only one week in Rhodesia I can say that
there is striking evidence everywhere that Rhodesia is winning the first
round of the economic battle to save Rhodesia. In spite of a vigorous
building programme, there is a shortage of houses in some areas. A large
number of new factories have gone up. Others have been expanded in an
endeavour to keep pace with growing demand. There are no shortages of
essential goods. But there is a shortage of skilled labour. It is hoped
that the recently launched immigration programme will overcome this.
Compared with fourteen months ago, when I was here last, I can detect
a new note of confidence, perhaps almost bordering on complacency. There is no doubt that Mr. Harold Wilson now
has his last chance of talking if he wants a settlement. As Mr. Ian
Smith has said, there will be no surrender of independence. I have been
most impressed with agricultural expansion, the irrigation projects
in the low veld being a wonderful sight. Two thousand acres of wheat
under irrigation is something, which has to be seen to be believed.
Before long Rhodesia will be completely self-sufficient in wheat. There is tremendous diversification in agriculture, and the overall result is a steady strengthening of the economy. Sanctions are making the country. The new bank notes are circulating freely, being accepted readily by the banks in both South Africa and Portuguese territories. Rhodesian authorities are reticent to talk too much about their internal financing, but it is interesting to note that the country is expanding its economy rapidly without foreign borrowing. A steady trickle of terrorists continues to cross the Zambezi from Zambia. I have been studying photos of some of the military equipment being brought in by the terrorists, most of it Chinese and Russian. The anti-personnel grenades are particularly dangerous. However, few terrorists make much impact, quickly finding that the Rhodesian Africans are not seething with discontent and keen to support them. As I write there are four terrorists only at large in a border area, and it is confidently anticipated that these will be captured shortly. The truth is that the Communist assault on Rhodesia from the North has actually started. However, the Rhodesians have no fears whatever concerning terrorist attacks from the North. But there is a concern amongst thinking people about what is going to happen next. At a large number of meetings I have stressed that Rhodesians must anticipate that the next round of the battle will see intensified pressure through the UN with a call for force if necessary. It is clear that the battle for Rhodesia has not yet been completely won. But the successes to date have given the whole world a new hope." |
COMMUNISM AND MONASH UNIVERSITY"What makes the new nihilism (opposed to constituted authorities Oxford dictionary) particularly dangerous at this stage is that many of the people who could normally be relied upon to point to its errors - the Christian intellectuals - are largely silent, because of their own need to use it in the vested interest of their emotional or political involvement against conscription, or the Vietnam commitment." - Newsweekly, Aug. 2. The resultant breakdown, as is pointed out, results in various expressions such as aid to the Vietcong, or the burning of crosses and festooning the war memorial with lavatory seats as in Perth or the burning of the Australian flag as in Canberra; all by "the 19 or 20 year old firmly convinced of his own intellectualism". But the writer gets much nearer the core of the problem when he points out "the astonishing resemblance of some of the university's own courses to straight-out Communist propaganda". If the writer would dig a little further and investigate the influence, which the subversive Fabian Society plays in this tragedy, he would find the answer to the question. "What is taught at Monash?" The Fabian Society was founded for the same end that Lenin founded the Bolsheviks, with protestations against violence and revolution. Nevertheless the results are the same as witness the support for the NLF and Ho Chi Minh given by the intellectuals. |