home of ... Douglas Social Credit
18 August 1967. Thought
for the Week: "At all times sincere friends of freedom have been
rare, and its triumphs have been due to minorities."
Lord Acton. |
THE FORCE BEHIND TREASON IN OUR UNIVERSITIES"The adult operators pushing the students from behind use the slogans of 'academic freedom' and 'right of dissent' to establish a new civil right - the right to aid enemies fighting Australian soldiers." - Senator McManus in a letter to The Age August 15. This campaign of justifying and making treason respectable has all the earmarks of a classical exercise in dialectical materialism, the philosophy of Communism. Dialectical materialism has as its objective the interpretation and promotion of any policy or viewpoint favourable to communism as moral - while those opposed to Communists or any policy they are promoting are necessarily depicted as immoral. To the Communist such people are opposed to what
is right and must be denounced. Thus Mr. Francis James, who depicts
himself as a Christian editor and a loyalist as he seeks to undermine
both concepts, uses arguments, which he boasts he can channel through
his own private pipeline to Hanoi. As a long time apologist for Hanoi
and Ho chi-Minh he was reported in the Melbourne Sun, August
9, Senator McManus is right in asking that the adults
using inexperienced students to promote treason be made responsible.
As indicated in On Target last week the corruption and destruction
of traditional values has largely resulted from the infiltration and
subversion of key institutions by Fabian Socialists. The Communist conspiracy
could never have been successful without the white anting tactics of
these intellectual socialists who fulfill the dictum of Lenin, "We must
capture the student mind." Co-Editors of "Dissent", the Fabian journal,
are lecturers Ian Ward and Leon Glezer, from the faculties of Economics
and Politics. Graeme Duncan from the same department is on the advisory
committee of Dissent. In a recent edition of Arena described
on its flyleaf as "A Marxist Journal of criticism and discussion", a
contributor was John Playford from the same department at Monash. Another
contributor to the same edition is Mr. Doug Kirsner. A Mr. Doug Kirsner,
of the Melbourne University Labour Club, has played a prominent role
in the present campaign to raise funds for the Vietcong. A Mrs. Martha
Campbell is the President of the Monash University Labour Club. It is
reported that she is the wife of a lecturer at the University. Taxpayers are entitled to a full-scale investigation of just what is being taught at Universities. In the long run the only answer to such a situation is the stripping of taxing powers from governments so that individuals may demand and obtain the education they desire for their children. At the moment they have no choice and are bulldozed into the position that what is being offered as higher education today is essential to progress. The result is a ghastly retrogression threatening the destruction of society. |
RHODESIA HOLDS FRONT LINE FOR WESTMr. Eric Butler reports from Rhodesia: "In an exclusive interview with Mr. Ian Smith
on August 5, the Rhodesian Prime Minister told me that he was convinced
that his country was holding a front line for the West against the pressure
of International Communism. Mr. Smith said that Communist infiltration
into Africa was growing, and that Communism was at the root of the vicious
international campaign against Rhodesia. "The visit of Dr. Hastings Banda to Taiwan has
been warmly welcomed in Rhodesia. It is seen as a move offsetting the
visit of Kenneth Kaunda of Zambia to Peking and the growing links between
Red China, Tanzania and Zambia. "As this report is being written the Sunday press
exports that there is further furore in South Africa concerning my recent
tour under the auspices of the Friends of Rhodesia and the National
Congress against Communism. It is clear that my call for the Friends
of Rhodesia to take their place in the international strategy we are
developing has touched some deep sensitive nerve centres. My numerous
press smearers have no objections to South Africans spending their time
and money organising to provide cotton wool for Rhodesia. But they are
terrified at the thought of finance being raised to help the international
anti-Communist psychological and propaganda war on behalf of Rhodesia. |
KHRUSCHEV KENNEDY & CUBA. KHRUSCHEV REVEALS THE TRUTH"In a movie film made at Dacha, or country home near Moscow, Khrushchev gave his view of The Cuban Missile Crisis. He believed he scored a victory by obtaining a pledge from President Kennedy not to attack Cuba in exchange for removing Russian rockets." - The Age July 13. In an interesting comment on President Kennedy
later in the interview, Khrushchev said he "was a real Statesman" who
would never have let the U.S. get into the present situation in Vietnam.
From Khrushchev that cannot be taken as a kindly epitaph, but should
be seen more in the light of his remark when he returned from his tour
of U.S.A. The important lesson to be learnt from Khrushchev gloating over his Cuban victory is that this was another successful application of the Communist philosophy of dialectical materialism, a fundamental aspect of which is contained in the tactic described as "one step backward, two steps forward". A communist base in the Americas was essential to the fulfillment of their strategy of surrounding the U.S.A. The open supplying of missiles, rockets etc. to Cuba, with press and world wide publicity playing the necessary role of fermenting the required crisis, brought the "humiliating" retreat by Khrushchev and the agreement to withdraw the missiles, (one step backwards) in exchange for the pledge given by Kennedy, and thus the assurance that Communist henchman, Castro, could proceed unimpeded to establish a base for subversion, the training of revolutionaries to be injected into the whole of the Americas and Canada. This has proceeded apace and thus fulfilled the two steps (or should we say twenty!) forward. We are being played for the same type of sucker over Vietnam with the pledge given by the Australian and American Governments that they "do not wish to destroy Communism in North Vietnam". With their bases granted to them as secure the Communists know they cannot be defeated. It is just a matter of time. The question is, will we wake up in time? |
"SOUTHERN AFRICA"Important Subject for Australian League of Rights Annual Seminar. Distinguished guest speakers will submit papers. Dr. Sir Raphael Cilento Kt., M.D., B.S., D.T.M&H, F.R. Hist, S.Q. - Subject: "Africa in the Context of Communist Global Strategy". Mrs. E.A. Taylor, B.A. Eng.Hons. (Lond) Dip.Econ. (Witwatersrand) - Subject: "Problems and Promises in Tribal Africa". Mr. Eric D. Butler, National Director Australian League of Rights. - Subject: "The Betrayal of Rhodesia". Date: Sept. 9. Place: Federal Hotel, "Empire Room", beginning 2pm. Two sessions in afternoon, one in the evening. $l-OO per person; 50 cents single sessions; half fees students. |