home of ... Douglas Social Credit
15 September 1967. Thought for the Week: "When
a society has entered on its downward progress, either civilisation
or liberty must perish. Either some Caesar or Napoleon will seize the
reins of Government, with a strong hand, or your Republic will be as
fearfully plundered and laid waste by barbarians in the Twentieth Century
as the Roman Empire in the Fifth; with this difference, that the Huns
and Vandals who ravaged the Roman Empire came from without, and that
your Huns and Vandals have been engendered within your own country by
your own institutions."
Thomas Macaulay in a letter to an American friend, written about 1850. |
NO-WIN POLICY IN VIETNAM TO END"A new bomb which some officials believe could help towards isolating the North Vietnam port city of Haiphong has been developed by the U.S., the Washington Post reported today. The bomb...would be dropped on roads to block the transport of cargo from Haiphong and other North Vietnamese ports...The Washington Post said the new bomb would enable the U.S. to avoid bombing Haiphong itself, or mining the port waters. These measures have been recommended by some U.S. military chiefs, but the Defence Secretary, Mr. Robert McNamara, and President Johnson, have reportedly overruled them because of the risk of hitting Soviet ships coming into the harbor with war supplies." - The Herald, (Melbourne), September 11. The above report provides a faint hope that the American policy makers are starting to think in terms of applying some real military pressure on North Vietnam. Also encouraging is the report on September 11 through Australian Associated Press that American bombers had attacked a major North Vietnamese port for the first time. This was the port of Cam Pha, 46 miles northeast of Haiphong, and North Vietnam's third biggest port. Soviet ships use Cam Pha, through which about 17 per cent of all sea borne supplies come into North Vietnam. If the bombing of Cam Pha indicates a major shift in American policy, this will be supported by all those who understand the disastrous nature of the no-win policy, which has prevailed until now. However, there are ominous signs that steps are being taken to prepare the ground for a compromise peace, one that would in fact be a major victory for the Communists. Speaking in Melbourne last weekend to League
of Rights supporters, Australian expert on international affairs, Sir
Raphael Cilento, said he discovered during his recent visit to South
Vietnam that heavy American pressure had been applied to force Marshal
Ky to run in number two position at the South Vietnamese elections,
and that the arrival in Saigon of Mr. Ellsworth Bunker as American Ambassador
had caused the deepest concern amongst the South Vietnamese. They recalled
the role of Mr. Bunker in the "sell-out" on West New Guinea. A genuine attack on the ports through which the Soviet military and economic flood flows would produce such a "show-down". But it could also produce a cover for a deal between the Soviet Union and those American policy makers who have consistently backed the no-win policy. |
BRITAIN SUPPORTS COMMUNIST THRUST IN AFRICA"Britain plans an early formal protest against South Africa's police aid for anti-guerilla operations, according to informed sources. The protest would be made to the South African Government, whose Prime Minister (Mr. Vorster), admitted the police help on Friday night. The Rhodesian leader (Mr. Smith) said in Salisbury, the Rhodesian capital, yesterday, that 'it would have been quite incredible for South Africa to do nothing about this, once it was known South Africans were among the guerillas." - The Age, (Melbourne), September 11. The developing campaign against Rhodesia and South Africa by Communist trained terrorists is obviously not designed to destroy these two countries of itself. The real purpose of the campaign is to create a situation, which can enable greater international pressure, leading eventually to force, against the whole of Southern Africa. By protesting against the South Africans uniting with the Rhodesians in common self defence, Prime Minister Harold Wilson once again sides with the forces of international revolution. South African observers are undoubtedly correct in their view that the mission of the top Russian agent Yuri Loginov, whose arrest was announced in Johannesburg last weekend, was directly connected with the wave of guerilla activity that Rhodesian and South African security forces are battling. Many of the Communist-trained and equipped African
terrorists are members of the African National Congress who have received
their training in Algeria. Prime Minister Ian Smith has pointed out
that "it would have been quite incredible for South Africa to do nothing
about this" (invasion of Rhodesia) once it was known that South Africans
were among the guerillas. Prime Minister Vorster of South Africa has
said that police from South Africa had gone to Rhodesia at the Rhodesian
Government's request. This is an opportune time to recall how last year we exposed the background of a visiting top official of the African National Congress, Mr. Robert Resha, whose Australian tour was endorsed by the South African Aid and Defence Fund. President of the Fund was Mr. Edward St. John Q.C., now Liberal Member for Warringah. Mr. St. John dismissed charges concerning Mr. Resha's Communist background, and accepted Mr. Resha's assertion that the African National Congress was not even influenced by Communism. Perhaps it is just coincidence that Mr. Resha's African National Congress has a base in Algeria and that it is from Algeria that Communist-trained members of the African National Congress are trying to move down Africa through Rhodesia. As the global struggle develops, it is clear that Southern Africa is becoming one of the main battlefronts. This front can only be held if Western nations like Australia cease aiding their Communist enemies to attack this front. |
SOVIET MOVES TOWARDS CONTROL OF MEDITERRANEAN"The news that France is leaving the Mers-el-Kebir naval base in Algeria 12 years before the French lease expires has revived fears that it will go to the Soviet Navy. Often called the French Gibralta, the base is one of the most powerful and best protected in the world. The arsenal, repair shop, communications centre and supply depots are buried deep in the rocks of the Santa Cruz mountains, west of Oran. The installations could be protected against atomic attack by massive, hermetically-sealed doors." -From Joseph Carroll, Paris, in The Australian, September 11. Four weeks ago a flotilla of Russian warships moved into Algiers, and stayed for four days. This was part of the current Soviet campaign to publicise its Mediterranean naval power. The Soviet also moved a flotilla of ships into Alexandria immediately after the Israeli-Arab conflict. Syria has also provided it with a submarine base. The Soviet is moving towards dominating the Mediterranean at both ends, extending its influence throughout the whole Middle East, and is preparing the base from which to work for the long-term objective of encircling Western Europe. Southern Africa remains the main obstacle to the completion of this strategy. |
SYDNEY MEETING ON AFRICARecently returned from Africa, Mr. Eric Butler, National Director of The League of Rights, will lecture at Adyar Hall, 29 Bligh Street, Sydney, Thursday September 28, 8 p.m., on the Communist offensive against Southern Africa. Bring your friends. |
PROFESSOR BACKS STUDENTS COLLECTING VIET CONG FUNDS"A Cambridge University professor has lent her support to Monash students who collected funds for Vietnam's National Liberation Front. She is Professor Joan Robinson of the economics faculty at Cambridge University, in Melbourne for a month as guest lecturer at Monash University. 'The students have a right to their own opinion in a free country...I have spoken to these students and found them spirited young people with fresh ideas'. - The Age, (Melbourne) September 13. It has been said that there are no juvenile delinquents, only adult delinquents. Parents and teachers are responsible for growing children. University students must be prevented from providing aid to an enemy killing Australians. But in the emotional storm concerning this matter, there has been far too little attention directed to the University lecturers who have so poisoned the minds of their students that these young people cannot apparently understand the difference between free discussion and treachery. Professor Robinson provides a classic example of the type of University lecturer responsible for the growing army of confused and irresponsible University students around the world. In The Age report quoted above reference is made to the fact that Professor Robinson worked with the late J.M. Keynes. She is quoted as saying, "We had a lot of informal discussions with Keynes when we all made contributions." What is not reported is that Professor Robinson is an internationally recognised Marxist. She has said that the differences between Marx and Keynes were only verbal. It is not surprising, therefore, to find Professor Robinson supporting the "right" of University students to send aid to the Communist Viet Cong. |