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22 September 1967. Thought for the Week: "We
cannot expect the Americans to jump from Capitalism to Communism, but
we can assist their elected leaders in giving Americans small doses
of Socialism, until they suddenly awake to find they have Communism."
Nikita Khrushchev, just prior to his visit to the U.S.A., as quoted in the Congressional Record, July 20, 1961, page 12622. |
PRIME MINISTER WILSON ENCOURAGES TERRORISM"On previous occasions when I have taken up the case of the British Government condoning and even supporting the infiltration of terrorists from Zambia, Mr. Wilson did at least reply, although evading the issue. But in this particular case his answer is that he cannot even consider my representations because they come from an illegal Government. Putting it in a nutshell, Mr. Wilson is prepared to deal with me and indeed meet me and talk to me, when it suits him personally and when he hopes to extricate himself from the hook of sanctions on which he is so firmly entangled, but when the lives of poor, decent, innocent people are involved, both black and white, Mr. Wilson has the nerve to say that he cannot accept my communication, because it comes from an illegal Government. This must take the 'Oscar' for the greatest piece of hypocrisy of all time. This story will surely fill a memorable, but nevertheless shameful page in the history of the present British Labour Party Government " - Prime Minister Ian D. Smith in a statement on "Terrorist Incursions from Zambia" made in the Rhodesian Parliament on August 30. In the memorandum which Mr. Harold Wilson refused to receive, it is stated that African terrorists receive their Communist training in Red China, Soviet Russia, Cuba and Algeria, they move through Tanzania to Zambia "where they are billeted in specially constructed holding camps, established in the vicinity of Lusaka and within easy striking distance of Rhodesia." The Rhodesian memorandum also states that military
equipment from Communist countries is stored by the Tanzanian Government
in Dar es Salaam "which is responsible for the control and subsequent
issue of this material to various Nationalist movements." An even more serious charge has been made in the Rhodesian Parliament by Mr. J.A. Newington, who claims that there is documentary evidence in Rhodesian Government hands proving that the Wilson Government has actually supported terrorists of the African National Congress of South Africa with the idea of "encouraging" South Africa to change its present policy towards Rhodesia. Mr. Newington's charge caused such consternation in South Africa that South African Cabinet Minister Mr. Ben Schoeman asked Mr. Harold Wilson to deny it. Up until the present time there has been no direct denial by Mr. Wilson. It is not surprising that there is a growing feeling of anti-British revulsion in Rhodesia as Rhodesian lives are lost in meeting a Communist-inspired invasion, which Mr. Harold Wilson condones. |
SOVIET PENETRATION OF MIDDLE EAST CONTINUES"Twenty Yemeni Republican officers who recently deserted from their units in Sana to join the Royalists claimed that as many as 500 Russian military personnel had arrived in the Yemen. They said these Russians were specialists on tanks, artillery and heavy mortars. Their headquarters were between Sana and Hodeido. It is probable that their arrival is a result of the recent Moscow visit of the Republican Foreign Minister. Mr. Abdullah Juzeilan. He was reported to have gone there soon after the Egyptian request to the Yemeni Republicans for payment for their troops in the Yemen to plead for direct Russian aid, " - The Australian, September 15. The Yemen is of vital importance to the Communists in their strategy for complete control of the Middle East. The Soviet has been assisting Nasser, who in turn has been assisting the Republicans in the Yemen against the Royalists, who are supported by King Faisal of Saudi Arabia. Recently Nasser and King Faisal made an agreement in Khartoum under which all Egyptian forces in the Yemen were to be withdrawn. But the report about large numbers of Russians arriving suggests that the Egyptians are handing over their heavy weapons and equipment to the Russians. The Soviet leaders are looking forward to the withdrawal of the British from Aden early next year and are preparing to extend their influence in Southern Arabia. While this development is taking place, the Soviet continues to quietly build up in Somaliland. Control of Somaliland and the Yemen and Aden would mean effective control of entrance to the Red Sea. The British retreat from Aden is proving but yet one more signal for the Communists strategists to advance. |
RED PRESSURE ON SOUTH KOREA"The South Korean Government said today it regarded the 14-year-old Korean armistice agreement 'virtually scrapped' by stepped-up subversive activities from the north." - The Age, (Melbourne) September 15. Many people are still astonished when told that
the war in Korea never ended; that General Douglas MacArthur was fired
because he rejected the no-win policy. The American Generals who followed
MacArthur also testified that they were prevented from winning. The
result was a compromise armistice, which was in fact a major victory
for the Communists. The Communists aim to light as many revolutionary fires as possible throughout the world, never letting their opponents have one moment of rest. Well may the Red Chinese sing with fervour "The East is Red." It certainly is red with the glare of numerous revolutionary activities similar to those in Korea. The history of Korea should be a constant warning against an "armistice" in Vietnam. |
REVOLUTION IN THE UNIVERSITIES"A meeting of nearly 2000 Monash University students yesterday condemned the university Vice-Chancellor (Dr. J.A.L. Matheson) for banning students from collecting funds for medical aid to the National Liberation Front in Vietnam. " - The Age, (Melbourne) September 19. The Monash University meeting, reported to be
one of the largest yet held at the University, provides further evidence
of the revolutionary ferment now manifesting itself in all Australian
Universities. Behind this ferment are calculating minds using University
students to further Communist psychological warfare. It is not without significance that the Left-wing Queensland Trades and Labor Council has strongly backed the Queensland University students in their defiance of the Queensland Governments Traffic Act. The Age of September 15 reports the education vice-president of the National Union of Australian University students. Mr. Keith Gasteen, as saying that "the protest over Queensland's anti-demonstration laws now involved students throughout Australia. The time is long overdue for a stand by responsible Australians against the use of Universities to further revolution. University students need to be told a few basic truths. The first is that taxpayers do not pay to send them to Universities to spend their time on political demonstrations, and second, that if they cannot impose a little self-discipline they are inviting other forms of discipline. Taxpayers should make it clear to their elected representatives that they have had enough of being forced to subsidise subversion, perversion and revolution. |
GOVERNOR RONALD REAGAN GIVES LEAD ON VIETNAM"Mr. Ronald Reagan, the Governor of California, said today he favoured a sharp escalation in the Vietnam War to enable the United States to win as quickly as possible, but military experts, he said, should decide the type of escalation. Asked whether he favoured the limited use of nuclear weapons in the Vietnam war, the Governor replied: 'We all hope that these nuclear weapons will not have to be resorted to; but perhaps one of our greatest mistakes was to assure the enemy in advance that they wouldn't be used... 'There is still a list of targets not open to bombing, he said. 'Our full technological power is not being used. We are trying to fight the enemy more on his own terms, with handguns and foot soldiers. " - The Australian, September 15. Governor Reagan's clearly expressed support for
an end to the no-win policy in Vietnam makes refreshing reading at a
time when confusion, doubts and fears are starting to produce a dangerous
political situation in America. Former Vice-President Nixon, contender
for the Republican Presidential nomination next year, has written recently
in the American quarterly, Foreign Affairs that many Americans,
"weary with war, disheartened with allies, disillusioned with aid, dismayed
by domestic crises", were turning to what he called "the new isolationism. Australians and New Zealanders would be well advised to heed carefully what Mr. Richard Nixon has written. If both the British and the Americans retreat from South-East Asia, the future would look bleak for Australasia in the face of the persistent Chinese Communist thrust through South East Asia. In recent times a number of American "peace" advocates have been visiting Australia in an endeavour to encourage the local anti-Vietnam campaigners to increase their efforts. Australians are told by these American visitors that Americans are now turning against the stand in Vietnam. There is no doubt that the immediate major objective of the Australian campaign is to influence the coming Senate Elections. If these Elections show a swing towards the defeatist Australian Labor Party policy, this will then be used in the propaganda war against the American people, who will be told that their major ally is now turning against them. The big question in America, and one of vital concern to Australians and New Zealanders, is who will be the Republican Presidential candidate, No declared candidate has to date taken the strong line urged by Governor Reagan. Governor Romney has emerged virtually as an opponent of the Vietnam War, while Richard Nixon has not been very specific. Although Mr. Reagan has not declared himself a Presidential candidate, it is possible that his strong domestic and foreign policies could result in his nomination by the Republicans. It is distressing to learn that the former Governor of Alabama, Mr. George Wallace who had initiated a strong third candidate campaign, has virtually stopped campaigning because of the serious condition of his wife, whom it is feared has only a short time to live because of cancer. It is clear now that only a sufficiently united American public opinion behind a victory programme in Vietnam can avert disaster. Australians and New Zealanders should help to encourage this American public opinion by supporting strongly the type of policy enunciated by Mr. Ronald Reagan. |