home of ... Douglas Social Credit
10 November 1967. Thought for the Week: "'1f
any would be greatest among you let him be your servant,' was not sentimentalism,
but a brilliant maxim of social and political organisation."
C.H. Douglas, Persons & Nations. (1938) |
UN BLUEPRINT FOR WAR ON SOUTH AFRICA"Each of the 114 representatives of the United
Nations has in their possession a complete blueprint - worked out to
the last detail - for an attack on, and invasion of South Africa. This
is a 170 page document, the result of long experience, research and
thought by people sponsored by The Carnegie Endowment for International
Peace in New York and published in March, 1965 ... The publication read
calmly and objectively is so astounding and so frightening that one's
faith in truth is negative, and one can have no other opinion but that
the organisation whose imprimatur is on the title page embraces and
encouraged people of unparalleled wickedness." - John Turner in the
October issue of Mufti, official journal of the Victorian Returned
Servicemen's' League. This quasi-official organisation was investigated
by the U.S.A. Senate Internal Security Sub Committee during 1951 and
1952. It was found that the IPR had planted Communists in key positions
in Peking and Washington and had dominated American Far Eastern policies
for 15 years. Three former members of the IPR played prominent
roles in producing the Carnegie Report on South Africa: Joseph E. Johnson,
who wrote the document, Professor Vernon McKay, responsible for three
chapters, and Professor William 0. Brown, who wrote chapter 2. Professor McKay is now director of African Studies
at the John Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, while
Professor Brown is professor of Sociology and director of African Studies
Centre, Boston University. Having succeeded in having China conquered by Communism, they are now concentrating on the vital strategic target of Southern Africa. The unforeseen Rhodesian resistance is holding up the assault on South Africa. Therefore Rhodesia must he dealt with first. The UN General Assembly has, by an overwhelming majority, called for force against Rhodesia. The stage is being set for the type of situation envisaged by the authors of the Carnegie blueprint invasion plan of South Africa. |
LABOR LEADERS ADVOCATE NATIONAL SOCIALISM"Federal and State Labor leaders yesterday proposed that the Commonwealth should take control of university financing and coordination, and teacher training. They also agreed that all revenue from fuel taxes should go to road building and proposed a national commission to plan the development of Australia's natural resources. The proposals are part of a six-point scheme to revise Commonwealth-State responsibilities agreed on at the conference in Adelaide..." - The Australian, Nov. 6. In essence the six-point scheme proposed is that there should be a further drastic concentration of financial power at Canberra, which would use this power for "national planning. Those who have studied the considered views of
Fabian Socialist Mr. Gough Whitlam will not be surprised to find him
enthusiastically supporting a programme which would place education,
"national development", housing, railways and roads under federal control.
The far-reaching implications of the Adelaide conference can be seen
by examining point 6 which, as reported in The Australian, reads: If this policy were implemented, it would mean
in practice that both the States and Local Government would be completely
dominated by the Federal Government. The whole basis of responsible
government would be further undermined, with State Members and Municipal
Councilors spending monies, which they were not responsible for collecting.
Mr. Whitlam said after the Adelaide conference
"much of what was decided would become policy if Labor became the Federal
Government." |
SOVIET DETERMINED TO WIN IN VIETNAM"On the eve of the 50th anniversary of the Communist
Revolution, the chairman of the Soviet Communist Party, Mr. Brezhnev,
compared the American atrocities in Vietnam to 'the atrocities of the
Fascist Brutes." Leningrad celebrations of the 50th anniversary of the Communist Revolution in Russia had a harsh anti-American tone. Mr. Dang Tran Thi, a member of the central committee of the National Liberation Front, was wildly cheered by thousands of Communists from around the world when he unfurled a Viet Cong flag and presented it to the city of Leningrad. If James Reston is right, and all the evidence confirms his report "The Johnson Administration has been very generous
in its estimates of Soviet policy in Vietnam over the last couple of
years. It has been saying that Moscow is unhappy about the war, wants
to end it, but has limited influence on Hanoi, and cannot really abandon
a Socialist ally under bombardment by the US. The fact that this treacherous nonsense has been
accepted in Washington, and presumably at Canberra, provides further
frightening evidence of conspiracy. There is no obscurity whatever about
Soviet strategy. It seeks to conquer the world. The Marxist-Leninists
enter the second half of a century of revolution and subversion even
more determined to achieve their objectives than they were in 1917.
The longer the war continues the better from the long-term Soviet viewpoint. And the Soviet is paying relatively little in comparison with the Americans to keep the war going. The Soviet is spending 1000 million dollars a year to sustain North Vietnam, while the U.S.A. is spending thirty times that amount, 30,000 million dollars, to sustain South Vietnam. |
PEKING INFLUENCE IN NEW GUINEA"A Queensland Baptist Evangelist, the Rev. R.E. Jarrott, said here (Christchurch, New Zealand) yesterday that churches in Australia and New Zealand were still largely in the 'horse and buggy' days of Evangelism, although they made 'token use of modern media'... Few people in the church were expert in the use of newspaper, radio or television publicity, he said. 'Peking supplies transistor radios in the jungles of New Guinea which are permanently beamed to Peking. Are we equally up to the minute in supplying the message of the church?"' - The Northern Daily Leader, October 27. There have been unconfirmed reports for some
time of growing Red Chinese influence in Papua New Guinea. But the above
is the first definite statement we have seen. The Age, Melbourne
of November 6 reports a warning by the Mayor of Cairns, Alderman Fenridge,
who states "Enemy spy ships could operate in North Queensland waters
without the Australian navy knowing. ...Alderman Fenridge said he had
it from 'authentic authority' that more than one Chinese ship has been
operating off North Queensland in recent months." |
"EXPERTS" MISLEAD ON COMMUNISM"It was Lenin who made the first break with his own orthodoxy. Whatever Mao says, Lenin was the first revisionist. His New Economic Policy restored an element of capitalism to the peasants. It was a wise thing to do and is a minus only in terms of dogma. But Stalin was even more revisionist. Although the Communist International continued to function, Stalin made Russia isolationist. He emphasised Russian nationalism, not communist internationalism, and he used the Red Army, not revolution, to build a protective buffer of satellite states," - Robert Duffield, Foreign Editor, The Australian, November 7. The above is typical of the columns of misleading comment by "experts" in the daily press on the 50th anniversary of the Communist revolution in Russia. The Marxist-Leninists must be secretly delighted. So far from being "revisionist", Lenin's New Economic Policy was a practical application of Communist dialectics - one-step backwards, two steps forward. When Stalin won out in the power struggle against his fellow Marxist-Leninist, Trotsky, the "experts" of that time hailed this as a great victory for the "moderate" Stalin over the revolutionary Trotsky. As outlined in his basic works, The problems of Leninism and The Foundation of Leninism, Stalin made it clear that his 'nationalism' was another dialectical step to first establish a firm base from which an international revolutionary movement could be built. Judged by results, Stalin was an outstanding
promoter of international revolutionary warfare. |
EXPANSION FUND OBJECTIVE IN SIGHTYes, we can make it! With still only a handful of supporters contributing, the fund has advanced to 15, 470 dollars. Six contributions of 500 dollars or more shows the average contribution has been very high. A member of the armed forces in Vietnam sets an inspiring example with a pledge of 40 dollars for the fund. Urgent! There is now only ten days left in which
to fill the fund. 1000 supporters making an average contribution of
only 10 dollars each can conclude the campaign. |