home of ... Douglas Social Credit
8 December 1967. Thought for the Week: "Long
before the Christian era, Aristotle said: 'Knowledge alone is not virtue."
Modern educators seem to think that understanding is the end of the
road. It isn't. Improvement in human behaviour can come only through
training in ethics, morality and religion. Without these restraints,
knowledge will only liberate our stupidities, and make the best in us
prisoner of the worst - and that is barbarism - that means anarchy."
The Wanderer, U.S.A. October 12. |
U.N. MILITARY ACTION AGAINST RHODESIA"There can be no going back. The NIBMAR position is our situation. Canada has put it more strongly than that - Ian Smith and his government have to be got rid of." - Hon. Paul Martin, Canadian External Affairs Minister quoted in August issue of Nibmar. Nibmar is a newsletter of the so-called Canadian Committee for Zimbabwe. This organisation is based in Toronto, and is master minded by Professor Cranford Pratt, a former principal of the University College at Dar-es-Salaam Tanzania. Clyde Sanger a one-time African journalist who is now an "expert" on Rhodesia for the Toronto Globe and Mail, and the Rev. Garth Sanger a former missionary in Zambia and a member of the United Church's Board of World Missions. According to Nibmar (No independence before
majority rule) the Zimbabwe Committee met with Mr. Paul Martin last
June 27, and the Canadian External Affairs Minister not only said that
Mr. Smith and his Government must go, but that his Government would
obey UN force to bring down the Rhodesian Government. Mr. Martin then went on to say that in December, which is the end of a year of UN sanctions Canada "might have to review its whole position..." The UN Assembly has already called for the use of force to remove the Rhodesian Government. But before such a policy has any chance of being implemented, it is essential that an effective smokescreen be created to obscure the truth. This is the purpose of the Communist-inspired terrorist campaigns against Rhodesia, South Africa and the Portuguese territories. All the evidence indicates that these campaigns are to be maintained. The Rhodesia Herald of Oct. 13 carries a report from Beira, Mozambique, stating that during September the Portuguese anti-guerrilla forces killed 149 terrorists on the Zambian and Tanzanian borders, wounded 52 and captured 101. It is a striking commentary on the plight of the world when the Canadian Minister for External Affairs can state that his Government would support force through the UN to destroy a civilised government in Rhodesia, thus paving the way for the Communists to reach their major objective: the collapse of South Africa. We are pleased to report that the Canadian League of Rights is taking firm steps to expose and oppose the proposed Martin support for revolutionary action in Southern Africa. |
MIDDLE EAST CRISIS DEEPENS"A squadron of 10 Russian TU-16 medium bombers arrived at Egyptian bases today on the first visit to Egypt of Soviet war planes. Egypt's Middle East news agency said the Russian bombers were making a 'cordial visit' to Egypt. Their arrival follows a flurry of air activity over the Gulf of Suez, where Egyptian anti-aircraft batteries on Friday claimed three intruding Israeli jet fighters shot down" - The Herald, Melbourne, December 4. While a flurry of diplomatic activity on the Middle East situation continues in the UN and some of the world's capitals, the reality of the Middle East remains quite clear. The refusal by the Western nations to insist that Israel accept the original borders fixed by the UN creates the impression amongst the Arabs that the West is not interested in justice, and that they must therefore turn more and more to the Soviet Union. The Communist strategists are making the most of their wonderful opportunity to expand their influence right throughout the Middle East, one of the most important strategic areas in the whole world. The propaganda of the Political Zionists has almost drowned out the truth about the Israeli- Arab military clash this year, and the subsequent disastrous developments, which have advanced Communist strategy. But one ray of truth has been shed by Sir John Glubb, the outstanding British expert of the Middle East, in his excellent little book, The Middle East Crisis (Available from The Heritage Bookshop, 343 Lt. Collins Street, Melbourne. Price 55 cents post-free.) Sir John points out that the Soviet was under
no illusions about the inability of the Arabs to defeat the Israelis
militarily. He summarises what has happened: "Russia, we have seen,
engineered the present crisis: Not all students of international affairs would
agree that Britain and the United States acted "innocently." Their Governments
are afraid to offer even the slightest criticism of International Political
Zionism and its creature Israel. And yet this is the nub of the problem
in the Middle East: how to curb Israel. In a news commentary on the ABC on October 16
(miracles sometimes do happen!) Mr. Stuart Harris, Australian correspondent
for The Times, London, said that until he went to Cairo for six
weeks in June of this year, he accepted the view of the great majority
of Australians that "Israel is a very small nation of three million
people fiercely threatened by 100 million Arabs... and that Israel's
aggressive campaigns were justified in self-defence", but later realised
that the "inefficient Egyptians" could offer no real threat to "the
tough, technically efficient Israelis..." Neither Nasser nor any other Arab leader can
possibly reach any peace agreement with Israel under present conditions.
The Soviet leaders know this. Let's look at the basic facts: If the Western nations do not want the whole
Arab and Muslim world to be thrown completely into the arms of International
Communism, which would probably be the death knell for Western Europe,
they must insist that Israel honours in deed the 1949 UN agreement. If the West takes a stand for justice in the Middle East, then Communism can be defeated in this area because the Moslems are naturally opposed to Communism, and have no desire to live under Soviet domination. |
U.S. AID TO THE COMMUNIST EMPIRE"Washington, November 20 - Representative Richard
L. Roudebush (R. -Ind.) declares that the United States Government is
responsible for the growth of Communism since World War II. In a letter
to his constituents, Roudebush mentions the infamous agreements at the
close of the war, the actions of a Soviet spy in Washington who kept
the Communists in Korea well informed of General Douglas MacArthur's
strategy, and the desire to supplant Fulgencio Batista in Cuba rather
than guard against Red takeover by Fidel Castro. More and more voices are being raised by public
men in the United States in opposition to economic policies of suicide
and treachery. Poland, for example, continues to enjoy a favoured nation
status in regard to tariffs. This benefits Poland to the extent of over
50 million dollars annually. And this American subsidisation continues
even though Polish Communists have boasted that they are supplying the
Vietcong in Vietnam with World War II arms supplied to Poland by the
United States. |
PRE - CHRISTMAS PARTYAll Melbourne and near-Melbourne readers are invited to attend a pre-Christmas Party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eric Butler, Alma Road, Panton Hill, on Saturday, December 16. Guests may arrive from 6:30 p.m. onwards. A buffet dinner will be provided and refreshments will be available. Donation: 1 dollar. All profits from the evening will go to the League of Rights. It would assist with catering arrangements if those intending to attend what will be a most enjoyable social evening ring the League office - - at 63-9749. |
FOMENTING RACE FRICTION IN AUSTRALIA"A growing sense of protest among Aboriginals may develop into a serious racial situation, an anthropologist told an inter-racial seminar yesterday. But consultations with the Aboriginals now could forestall the rise of black power Dr. C. Tatz told the seminar at Townsville, Queensland. He is the director of the Centre of Aboriginal Studies at Monash University." - The Australian, December 4. Any "serious racial situation" in Australia will only develop because of the efforts of agitators. The original efforts of Mr. Charles Perkins in New South Wales, where his busload of students stirred up trouble where none had previously existed, were the first major effort to arouse the Aboriginals to take action against alleged grievances. Dr. Cohn Tatz, formerly of South Africa, and a bitter critic of that country and its policies, is well-regarded by Australian Leftists. |
EXPANSION FUND SURGES PAST OBJECTIVE!Yes, we made it! As we go to press the total subscribed or pledged to the 25, 000 dollar Expansion Fund reached $25,173.00. But this magnificent effort was achieved by less than a 1000 supporters. If the great majority who has not yet assisted were to do so, what a tremendous effort we could make over the next 12 months! Mr. Jeremy Lee joins the League full-time next year. We thank all those who co-operated to make this Expansion Fund such a success. Contributions still accepted. |