home of ... Douglas Social Credit
25 February 1994. Thought for the Week: "Some
people will see advantage in keeping the present system; others will
see advantages in changing it. All I think is that in this debate, if
it's allowed to take place in a right way, some people might actually
find a lot of hidden advantages and hidden aspects of the existing system
which are taken for granted."
H.R.H. Prince Charles in Ray Martin T.V. interview |
THE GLOBAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE U.S.A. JAPANESE CONFLICTOnly nine weeks after the signing of what has been eulogised as an "historic" GATT agreement, one which was going to lead to a world of growing harmony as international trade flowed smoothly, there was a violent Japanese-U.S.A. trade explosion. President Clinton has bluntly talked of a "trade war" with some American commentators urging that the Clinton administration use "tough measures" to force the Japanese to take steps to correct what is described in terms of financial orthodoxy, as a "favourable balance of trade". Operating under the same debt financial system
as other countries, the Japanese must drive their economy in a feverish
attempt to export what is massive surplus production. The Americans
are striving to do exactly the same and believe they can ease their
domestic problems if the Japanese would take more of their production
and export less. There is no evidence anywhere to suggest that
the world is moving away from economic depression towards growing stability.
From the U.S.A., which recently was allegedly leading a world economic
recovery, comes the news that the dreaded inflation was coming back
(it had never really gone away) and that the Federal Reserve will have
to start increasing interest rates. The attempt to impose in Asia and the former Soviet Empire the type of finance economic policies that have so badly damaged the Western nations can only intensify growing international instability. The advice by Prince Charles was never more important: that a nation, which wishes to survive into the future, must go back to its roots. Australia must concentrate upon regaining its sovereignty, political, economic and financial, in order to survive in a world which is becoming increasingly destabilised. |
DOES PREMIER JEFF KENNETT REMEMBER?Victorian Liberal Premier Jeff Kennett has recently been travelling abroad and calling on the International Bankers seeking their permission to pawn Victoria a little further. Press reports state that he has been assuring the International Banks and their representatives that his Government is "re-structuring" Victoria. Forced Municipal Council amalgamations, all in the name of greater "efficiency", are a major feature of the re-structuring programme. Back in 1986 it was the Cain Government that was attempting to impose the amalgamation policy with the enthusiastic support of all Marxists. There was strong Municipal resistance to the programme, resistance encouraged by the then leader of the Opposition, Mr. Jeff Kennett. Some of the most violent public meetings of opposition to the Cain Government's amalgamation programme was in the Bendigo region. It is therefore most appropriate that the views of Mr. Jeff Kennett, as outlined in a letter to the Bendigo Advertiser of September 12th, 1986, be known. The letter was headed, BATTLE NOT OVER, and read:
Victorian League Actionists are urged to make the widest possible use of the above revealing letter. Accompanied by Treasurer Stockdale, Premier Kennett has just returned to Victoria after yet another international tour during which the international bankers were called upon, assuring them that Victoria under the Kennett Government was a State, which should be loaned still more debt. No doubt Kennett and Stockdale reported to their financial masters on how they are continuing to "restructure" Victoria, including the Municipalities, in the name of efficiency. A hard hit rural community still awaits the type of constructive leadership promised by Jeff Kennett when he led the Opposition. Rural schools have been closed along with rail services. Unemployment remains at a record high. Victorians continue to flee the State in their hundreds every week. History will record that the Kennett Government was an even greater disaster than the disastrous Labor Government it replaced. |
DAVID IRVING IN PRISONEarlier press reports that the British historian and author of the best selling "Hitler's War", David Irving is in jail in Britain have been confirmed. While we are not yet in possession of all the facts surrounding Mr. Irving's circumstances, it appears that his imprisonment is a result of conflict with a German publisher. We understand that Mr. Irving had contracted to produce his two-volume work, "Churchill's War" (presumably in German) for Rohwahlt Verlag, and accepted a substantial advance payment to do so. After having failed to reach the publishing deadline for the second volume, his German publisher (which we understand had undergone a change in management) was granted an order by a German district court to recover most of the advance from Irving. In addition to this, his publishers applied to the British High Court for an order forcing Irving to disclose his assets, which was granted on December 20th, 1993. When Mr. Irving failed to comply with the High Court order, the Court ruled that he was in contempt of court, and ordered his imprisonment for three months.SILENCING DAVID IRVING It is clear that the fortunes of David Irving have declined since he dared to publicly express doubts about the nature and extent of the Jewish holocaust during World War II. It also seems certain his imprisonment will jeopardise any chance there may have been of the Australian Government issuing a visa for Irving to undertake a speaking tour here. Although Irving won a Federal Court challenge to the Minister for Immigration's original decision to deny him an Australian visa, which obliged the (new) Minister to reconsider Irving's case, no decision has yet been announced about the visa, after five months. Although Irving was also awarded court costs, we understand that these have not yet been paid. It is becoming increasingly evident that Irving has been singled out for a sophisticated international campaign to have him silenced. Those who have read his works must agree that Irving is a gifted writer, and an extremely, resourceful researcher. Partly because of professional jealousy, and partly through fear for their own status, the "establishment" historians miss few opportunities to disparage Irving's work. He is not "politically correct", and his research is inconveniently at odds with some generally accepted myths concerning World War II. It appears that the first objective in the campaign against Irving is to prevent him from travelling, and several governments have already capitulated to pressures to deny him visas. Perhaps the next step is to break Irving financially, which is often the result of long, expensive court actions. It is possible that Mr. Irving's most unwise refusal to comply with the High Court order to disclose his assets may have been motivated by an unwillingness to disclose his true financial position to those who wish to silence him. |
BLOCKING SUPPLY GOES BACK TO 1901from The Age (Melbourne), February 18thYour editorial of 15 February states that 'For 75 years, the Senate observed the convention that it should not block supply, until the momentous events of 1975 proved that the convention was, well, merely a convention'. "I point out that the first supply bill to come before both Houses of Parliament in 1901 was refused passage by the Senate until certain conditions were met, while the second, substitute, bill was modified by the House of Representatives to meet further Senate demands before passage was secured. It would therefore be interesting to know what sort of convention the Senate supposedly observed before 1975." (Anne Lynch, Deputy Clerk of the Senate, Canberra) |
EXTERNAL AFFAIRS' RUNAWAY TENDENCYfrom The Australian, February 18th "Parliament is empowered by the external affairs powers of the Constitution to make effective laws that would otherwise be illegal and unlikely to be supported by a majority of Australians. "External affairs were perceived at the time of Federation to apply only to matters of external consequence, such as trade agreements, defence treaties and the like. "Bastardisation of 'external affairs' has very conveniently (for them) empowered governments to force otherwise illegal ideology into the Australian law in defiance of the intent of the Constitution and, in practical terms, has created powers that the Australian people would not generally endorse by process of referendum. "Distortion of the Constitution by inverting the intent of the external powers seriously affects all Australians, not only the judges focused on by McGuinness and Shearer." (John Bradbury, Hervey Bay, Qld.) |
DEBTfrom Mail-Times (Horsham, Vic.), February
16th "It doesn't matter which party is in power because Labor is doing the same thing in Queensland as Kennett is in Victoria but we don't hear about it in the media. "Why is the world running a deficit with itself? "Professor Hotson, economic reform committee from Canada, believes we need to look at social credit as against social debit. Power |
KEEP OUR LOCAL COUNCILS SMALLfrom Diamond Valley News, Melbourne suburban
newspaper, February 8th, 1994 "What amazes me is that the forced amalgamation of municipalities, in fact the abolition of the States and the move to more centralised government, is a long standing socialist policy. The previous Victorian Labor Government attempted to implement the policy of amalgamating municipalities, however, because of the swell of grassroots opposition to it, with representatives from local government, which in turn had the Liberal and National Parties opposing this policy, it was stopped in its tracks. "We change government, however, and we now find that the very same socialist policies of centralised government being foisted on us by the very same people who opposed it before. However, where are our local government representatives at this time? "Wayne Phillips, a councillor with the Shire of Diamond Valley, is also a sitting member in the Legislative Assembly on the government side for Eltham. I have noted that he has not found it uncomfortable in supporting his party in inflicting centralising socialist policies - which we voted against at the last election - on other municipalities. Will he also do it to Diamond Valley. "We require to have government more accountable to the individual elector. This can be achieved only by having smaller units of government, not bigger. "The Shire of Diamond Valley, after many years of battle, was originally carved out of the huge City of Heidelberg. It is now a thriving municipality that reflects, at local government level, all that we as ratepayers require. Do we wish to surrender this? "Ratepayers who believe in retaining the uniqueness of the Shire, small is beautiful and controllable should contact their local Councillor, M.L.A. and M.L.C. and express their views and demand that they fight any forced merger. (Phillip D. Butler, Grassy Flat Road, Diamond Creek, Vic.) |