home of ... Douglas Social Credit
4 March 1994. Thought for the Week: "There is
only one sound basic for co-operative society, and that is individual
and personal responsibility. It is no part of my intention to rest any
argument upon theological grounds except where these themselves are
capable of demonstration, but it does seem to be difficult to have a
plainer and flatter repudiation of collectivism in all its aspects,
and of the idea that an organisation can absolve an individual of the
responsibility of his actions, than the statement, 'He took upon Himself,
the sins of the world' ('society')."
C.H. Douglas in The Big Idea |
A WORLD IN TURMOILNo serious student of modern history disputes that this century has been dominated by an attempt to establish some type of a World State. The International Communist movement was driven by this objective. But as documented by the prestigious American historian, Professor Quigley, in his famous classic Tragedy and Hope, powerful international banking groups have the same objective, and have helped to sustain the Communist movement, confirming the view of the great German writer, Oswald Spengler, in his Decline of the West (1920), that "There is no proletariat movement, not even a communist one, which does not operate in the interest of Money, in the direction of Money, and for the period permitted by Money - and all this without the idealist in the ranks having the slightest suspicion of the fact." The will-to-power has been a constant feature of the human drama, but in the absence of an understanding of how the modern money credit creation system works, one cannot fully grasp the significance of unfolding events, and how all forms of the will-to-power require the fueling of money power. There is, for example, growing concern about the massive military build up in Communist China. But this build up requires large-scale financing, much of it being provided from outside China. From time to time there are what C.H. Douglas described as "unrehearsed events, which can for a time upset any programme for centralising power. Although outstanding British constitutional authorities like Lord Denning had warned of the far-reaching threat of the Common Market to British sovereignty, British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher went ahead in 1986 to pass the Single European Act. But by 1990 she had come to realise the ultimate objective of the Common Market, a United States of Europe in which British sovereignty could be completely surrendered. But when Margaret Thatcher bluntly said that she was not prepared to make such a surrender, she quickly discovered the realities of Money Power. She was quickly swept from the leadership of the British Conservative Party, even though still enjoying the overwhelming support of rank and file Conservatives. The massacre of Palestinians by a Zionist fanatic has badly jolted the "peace" programme for the Middle East. But long term Zionist planning will continue. The Russian move into the Balkans, openly backing their fellow Slavs (Serbs), merely confirms the breakdown of the Soviet system has not derailed the will-to-power of Communists now masquerading as "Social Democrats". The more power is centralised, the more far-reaching are the effects of decisions made by those striving to make centralism work. Well known financial writer Terry McCran observes that while the decision by U.S. Federal Reserve Chief Alan Greenspan to increase the U.S. interest rate by 0.25 percent was like the flapping of the wings of a butterfly," they packed the punches of Mahommed Ali'. This small increase "has had a global impact out of all proportion to its size ... Currencies have risen and fallen, stock markets have shuddered - our own has dropped more than 7 percent in value - and long term interest rates both here and in America have jumped". We repeat once again our constant theme, that every attempt to further centralise power globally, merely fuels a process of growing chaos everywhere. The Global Planners are attempting the impossible. They have no hope of reaching planned objectives. A nation like Australia has the best prospects for long-term survival by striving always for maximum economic independence. Australians must "keep their eyes on the ball", and not be confused by growing global chaos. They should seek to take advantage of all favourable "unrehearsed events". |
THE INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS NIGHTMAREby David Thompson The truth is that industrial relations are undergoing a revolution, which effectively transfers power from the employer to the employee. Sacking an employee is virtually prevented - certainly without an obligatory written warning - and maternity and paternity leave is becoming available to all employees. The new act over-rides all enterprise bargaining agreements, including the new N.S.W. legislation, which the Fahey Liberal Government fought hard to establish. Under Mr. Brereton's new laws, the biggest winners will be the lawyers - not employers, and perhaps not even employees in the end. Although employers will have new powers to fine employees for breach of an enterprise agreement ($5,000, and $2,500 for each day the breach continues) few will dare use them, unless they are prepared to have their employees jailed. The traumatic waterside dispute of last month is simply a taste of what is to come in industrial relations. It is clear that the company (Australian Stevedores), realising that by March 31st they would not be able to sack employees for striking, took their last opportunity to threaten to sack all workers who were objecting to 50 redundancies. After March 31st, new "dispute resolution procedures" and free-for-all "bargaining periods" will actually increase the scope for industrial unrest. Companies will no longer rely on awards to set salaries and conditions, but upon their own legal agreements with employees, which is where the lawyers come in. INCREASING MADNESS AND FRICTION In a separate issue, Australia's biggest company, B.H.P., has last week settled a dispute with 743 women who claimed they had been discriminated against because they had not been hired to work in steel mills. This was sexual discrimination, which cost B.H.P. about $9 million, and provided each woman with approximately $100,000.00. This was the biggest, longest running sex discrimination case, and establishes a precedent in Australian industrial legal history of the same significance as the famous Harvester basic wage case of 1907. It opens the way for an increase in "discrimination" cases, and further advances in affirmative action procedures to hire women instead of men. The settlement will solve temporary problems
for B.H.P., but set the stage for increasing friction in the workplace.
Amid such insanity, no one seems to have asked the question of the purpose
of B.H.P. Is the industrial giant there to provide jobs for men and
women to fight over, or does B.H.P. exist to make steel? Until we agree upon the purpose of the production system, increasing friction is quite inevitable. The purpose of producing steel is for steel to be consumed, not to provide jobs for affronted women. The whole production system has been perverted to provide "employment" rather than simply consumer items. The production system cannot be expected to distribute wages and salaries to all consumers as well as distribute goods and services of any useful quality. The attempt to do so can only produce more friction. |
DAVID IRVING RELEASED FROM PRISONHaving served 10 days of a three month sentence for contempt of court, David Irving has been released on the condition that he comply with a British High Court ruling that he disclose his assets to a German publisher. The publisher, Rowohlt Verlag, is suing Irving for repayment of an advance of 50,000 pounds for the Churchill biography, of which they allege the second edition has not been produced on time. In his statement to the Court, Mr. Irving explained that because of a campaign of abuse, harassment and threats from anti-Nazi activists, he lived "in a state of siege" in his own home, fearing for his safety, and that of his family. While in prison, Irving said he had been exposed to a world "one would not normally see... I have made a lot of friends in here, of every colour; I hasten to add ... I'm tough. They would have to do much worse than this to get me down...." Irving is referring to an international campaign of harassment that appears to be the only answer to his historical research, which centres on World War II. A central tool in this campaign seems to be to misquote Irving, and misrepresent his conclusions on such highly emotional issues as 'the holocaust'. The impression is quite deliberately created that Irving claims that the holocaust "never happened", and further that Irving, an "apologist for Hitler" has written several books on the subject. Such nonsense is far from the truth, and when pressed no journalist has been able to quote Irving accurately on the holocaust, provide the titles of the books he has allegedly written on the issue, and many have clearly not read any of his books at all. |
QUEEN CAN RULE ON PARLIAMENTfrom The Emerald Hill, Sandridge & St.Kilda
Times, December 1st, 1993 "Always remember this vital fact: if it is physically possible, and the majority of people want it, then the Queen has the final power to make certain that the people get what they want, and no court would rule against the exercise of the Queen's power in that respect. "It is obvious that it is not in the best interests of the political parties, and certain other writers, that you should have the above knowledge. "It is stressed again that it is the lawful duty
and obligation of every elector continuously to inform his Federal and
State Members of Parliament, and State Senators, of what their will
is on everything that comes before Parliament or should come before
the Houses of the Parliament. "Shorn of all legal jargon, the Constitutions
of the Commonwealth and the six Australian States provide for the operation
of an almost perfect form of democratic parliament if you, the people,
choose to apply the power and authority which those Constitutions give
to you. Note |
JUST ONE ABORIGINAL INVASION AFTER ANOTHERfrom The Australian, February 21st "Premier Wayne Goss is to be congratulated for his correct stand in stopping that ridiculous substitution of 'invasion' for reference to the first white settlement and other similar terms which were about to be forced into the Queensland school curriculum. "It is bad enough when public servants with nothing better to do pursue such activities but when it is endorsed by an Associate Professor of History and Politics one must despair for the future education of Australian children. "It seems Associate Professor Loos' study of Australian history commenced with Dutchman Abel Janz Tasman's discovery of Van Diemen' s Land in 1642 A.D. "It is generally accepted that there were at least three different waves of black migration into the Australian continent. "First came the Tasmanoids (as they have been termed). They were followed by the Murri wave who pushed the Tasmanoids south and finally across the land bridge into what is now Tasmania. It seems the intrusion of the Bass Strait waters saved the Tasmanoids from extinction for several thousand years. "The next wave, the Carpentarians, were the third black migration which proceeded to push the Murris into the southern part of the continent. Australia was to the Murris and the Carpentarians 'terra nullius'. Neither group persuaded - the antecedent group to move by the use of kind acts. Terra nullius was achieved with the nulla nulla and similar implements of persuasion popular at the time. "Internecine struggles were synonymous with the black migration. Life here has always been territorial. That some Aborigines today live on the desert fringes is not because they like such a struggle to live. They were forced into those areas by other stronger Aborigines long before white settlement occurred." (Lincoln Madden, Carindale, Qld.) Note |
THE HIGH COURT CHALLENGE TO MABOThe announcement that the Western Australian Government will go ahead with a High Court challenge to Labor's Native Title Act has drawn an almost hysterical response from Prime Minister Keating. His verbal assault on Premier Richard Court would indicate that perhaps the Commonwealth Government fears the result of a challenge to their Legislation. While it is clear that, in general, the High Court is made up of judges that more often rule in favour of measures, which ensure that powers are centralised in Canberra at the States' expense, unexpected results can come out of the High Court. Gone are the days when legal advisers could confidently expect the High Court to rule according to what the Constitution actually says. The cause of federation has been dramatically weakened by the appointment of judges who might show a bias against the powers of the States. This has been deliberately done by Prime Ministerial appointments when both Labor and Coalition Governments have been in power. If the High Court's decision making can be influenced by the expectations of the international community, and the contemporary values of the Australian people, as Justice Brennan admitted it was in the Mabo case, then Mr. Keating may have very good reason to fear the result of Premier Richard Court's challenge. The high levels of resentment in W.A., about the Commonwealth's attempts to impose its will on W.A. in respect of Native Title has been underestimated in the East. |