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28 April 1995. Thought for the Week:
"Morality is as basic as the truth that two plus two are four;
that gravitation draws the falling stone and supports the
standing man."
American poet B. Merrill Root |
VIETNAM REALITIESby Eric D. Butler It was the master strategist Lenin who enunciated the claim that the "decadent West", unable to solve its own problems, would be delighted to export to the Communists, "providing the rope with which we will hang them". The great Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn constantly made the point that the Communist Empire was only sustained by the massive economic blood transfusions from the West. While supporting the military defence of a South Vietnam threatened by a Marxist-dominated North Vietnam, I constantly made the point that defence of South Vietnam, containing at least one million North Vietnamese who had fled South to try to escape the Marxist-Leninist tyranny imposed by the Hanoi Government, was not only defence of the whole of South-Eastern Asia, but ultimately of Australia itself. However, it was essential to draw attention to the vital fact that Robert McNamara and his Liberal Establishment friends had insisted that American military leaders conduct a "no-win conflict" and that, under no circumstances, must they apply one of the basic principles of military war, cutting the enemy's major supply lines. North Vietnam's major military supplier was the Soviet Union, and it was the settled policy of the American Establishment, of which Robert McNamara was a major figure, that a direct conflict with the Soviet must be avoided at all costs. Calls for the American bombing of Haiphong, the North Vietnam port through which most Soviet supplies reached the Communist military machine, were rejected as "extremist". Dr. Henry Kissinger, American Secretary of State, was prominent among those who believed that if direct confrontation with the Soviet Union and Communist China could be avoided, ultimately they could be encouraged to join some type of a World Federation. Kissinger was the man who negotiated the "Peace agreement" with Communist North Vietnam, this paving the way for the North Vietnamese final assault on South Vietnam. Kissinger was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his achievement. Representing those International Banking Groups, which had consistently bankrolled the Soviet, Kissinger was the man who also pressured the South Africans and Rhodesians to settle for "majority rule" in Southern Africa, starting with Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe). The end result was the elevation of Communist Robert Mugabe as Prime Minister of Zimbabwe and the election of Communist Mandela as President of South Africa. International Finance obviously sees both Mugabe and Mandela as suitable fronts for their on-going programme of internationalisation. One of the heavily censored stories to come out of the Vietnam affair was the startling report by British born research expert Dr. Antony Sutton to the American Republican Party in August 1972. Sutton's detailed research work at the prestigious Stanford University had established that the whole Soviet industrial system had been provided by the West, primarily the U.S.A. Several American Republican Congressmen grasped the far-reaching significance of Sutton's work and arranged for him to testify before a sub-committee of the Republican Party at Miami Beach, Florida, on August 11th, 1972. In 15 minutes Sutton dramatically documented how Americans in Vietnam were being killed with equipment from the Soviet Union, this provided by the U.S.A. He listed the ships being used to carry the Soviet military equipment into Haiphong, these ships in the main also built in the West and powered by engines built in the West. Antony Sutton summarised his testimony with the charge that 100,000 Americans had been killed in Vietnam with American technology, adding, "The only response from Washington and the Nixon Administration is the effort to hush up the scandal." The Zionist dominated media in the U.S.A., which had generally been opposed to the American involvement in Vietnam, almost completely suppressed the Sutton revelations. One of those present at the Miami conference told me that after those Republicans present got over their shock, agreed as loyal party supporters that if the Sutton revelations were made public, Nixon could lose the elections! Any attempt to understand why Robert McNamara has decided after 20 years to provide such a misleading assessment of the Vietnam War, one bringing further hurt to Americans, Australians and others who served in Vietnam, it should be recorded that eventually he moved on to become Chairman of the World Bank, this international organisation playing a prominent role in financing Communist Vietnam and other former Communist countries. The real betrayal in Vietnam was that of Robert McNamara and his fellow internationalists. |
IGNORING ANZACS' ROLE IN PACIFIC WARIn the T.V. documentary, The World At War, narrated by Sir Laurence Olivier, there was no mention of the Kokoda Trail campaigns or the Battle for Milne Bay. Both these campaigns, by Australian troops, were decisive in halting the Japanese drive southwards. The American domination of public relations aspects of the Pacific Campaign tended to "play down" the valuable Australian contribution to the defeat of the Japanese. Sir William Slim, hero of the campaign against the Japanese in Burma, has recorded how news of the Australian victory at Milne Bay had an uplifting effect on the morale of his troops. |
MULTICULTURAL CHICKENS COMING HOME TO ROOSTby David Thompson Reality is the great disciplinarian, and in every corner of the world identifiable racial or ethnic groups are demanding recognition in their own right, and in countries like Yugoslavia, Chechnya, and Rwanda, suffering for it. Even Phillip Adams, in a 'cultural diversity' series in The Australian (22/4/95) concedes that the "notion of the melting pot will become as unfashionable in Australia as it has in the U.S.", and that nations will continue to explode under the tensions of forcing differing cultural groups into close proximity. It is clear that such Global Conferences
are designed to shore up the crumbling support for immigration
policies that further contribute to cultural pressures that
blow nations apart. In Australia leading up to the Global
Conference, the President of the European Union's Migrant
Forum, Mr. Tara Mukherjee, criticised the Coalition's "extremist"
immigration policy, in which the Opposition calls for no increase
in immigration while unemployment is high. |
REALITY INTRUDES ON UTOPIAThe truth is that the evidence is now almost overwhelming that multiculturalism is highly destructive to the concept of the nation-state. The proponents of high immigration and multiculturalism should be forced to state their position: are they in favour of multiculturalism because it destroys the nation-state? Are they advocating some new order, in which the nation-state is replaced by a plethora of regional tribal ghettos, all demanding equal status from a new international government based on the U.N. model? Are they prepared to accept the consequences of increasing "inter-tribal" conflict, including military conflict like that in Chechnya, Rwanda, or Yugoslavia? New N.S.W. Premier, Mr. Bob Carr, was again confronted by reality when he undertook an early tour of drought-affected regions. Carr came to the conclusion that a depopulated rural Australia was a disaster. What to do? Mr. Carr now believes that decentralisation of population from the environmentally sensitive coastlines is essential. He made the highly significant point: "I think we have gone overboard thinking that high immigration targets and maximising population growth is going to produce a stronger and better Australia " The task is before Mr. Carr. As reality further intrudes upon the utopian multicultural agenda, it is clear that this will result in electoral expression somewhere, or else perhaps degenerate into violence. The experience in France is that Mr. Jean-Marie Le Pen's National Front is presently polling around 20 percent of the vote in French Presidential elections. Groups like Australians Against Further Immigration in Australia can expect the same sort of electoral attention, if they are competently and credibly led, irrespective of virulent press campaigns against them. As we go to press, final results of the N.S.W. Legislative Council election results are still unavailable, but indications are that while the A.A.F.I. group may have missed out on a Council seat, the strength of their electoral showing confirms our analysis. |
HOMOSEXUAL FAMILIES LEGALLY RECOGNISED?The new N.S.W. Industrial Relations Minister,
Mr. Shaw, has indicated that he is sympathetic to some form
of legal recognition to homosexual relationships. The N.S.W.
Labor Council opened its family leave test case in the Industrial
Relations Commission last week, asking for the same leave
entitlements to care for sick "spouses" for homosexuals. Mr.
Shaw supports this, but maintains that this is not leading
to the recognition of homosexual marriages. Read his lips:
no homosexual marriages. The key to any such legislation, which is now obviously being debated, despite Shaw's denial, is the Legislative Council, where the Carr administration does not have a majority. Rev. Fred Nile, who, together with his wife Elaine, holds the balance of power in the Council, has sworn that homosexual rights legislation will not be passed. But will Mrs. Nile retain her seat? |
THAT HILMER REPORTfrom a letter written to a politician by Mr. Ron Fischer (April 13th) So much of what is in the Hilmer Report
and the Industry Commission assessment of that Report, according
to what appears in the clippings from The Australian,
is conjecture. The fact that interpretations vary so widely,
from the States losing a billion dollars to the States gaining
2 billion, inspires little confidence. The whole process of
reform under the Hilmer proposals is so large and so precipitate
(the urgency with which the reforms must proceed is mentioned
several times), that a billion dollars could slip through
the fingers very easily. "Supposing Hilmer is wrong. Supposing we have all our services privatised and these savings don't materialise, when perhaps private monopoly replaces state monopoly. Do we then go to the expense of re-nationalising? "Wherever there are winners, there are losers. The Australian (April 12th, p.1) reporting on the 'historic deal' of April 11th, says, 'The I.C. has estimated that reforms would deliver a $9 billion a year boost to consumers within 4 to 8 years and a further $8.9 billion a year windfall to government budgets.' Where is this money to come from? In an economy where the money supply is supposed to be relatively stable you can merely 'rob Peter to pay Paul'. "In all that has been written about the
I.C. assessment of the Hilmer Report, productivity increases
are highlighted. In fact, productivity gains are seen as the
only way to make these savings. Productivity, basically, is
getting the same or more output, with less input. Inputs are
capital and raw materials plus wages and salaries. The costs
of capital and raw materials are largely fixed by other entities,
so the business has only one avenue to pursue savings - wages
and salaries. Since I.R. policy precludes reducing the pay
cheques, the only viable alternative is to reduce the workforce.
So the losers in this battle will be those in these industries
who lose their jobs. Yet the I.C. assessment claims 28,000
more jobs. It is simply impossible." |
REAPING A WHIRLWINDfrom Herald-Sun (Melbourne), April 17th"Your editorial, 'Immigration, a lost vision' (Herald-Sun, April 11th), is an editorial of the 1940s and certainly not what we would expect be read in the late 1990s. "The illegal mass movement of peoples swamping those without the will to resist is a new, rapidly evolving immigration scenario. To encourage people to come to Australia is absolute folly and Australia will reap a whirlwind. "The Government is correct in saying that migrants take the jobs of those already here. The evidence is there for those with the eyes to see. "The trams, trains, vehicle building industry, medical practices, post offices, etc., are full of migrants working at the expense of our fellow Australians. Former Senator Peter Walsh attributes half our foreign debt to immigration and Australians Against Further Immigration have costed the program as adding $10 billion a year to our foreign debt. "Enough is enough. Immigration, like 'one for the road', is a concept of the past. (Dr. Rodney Spencer, Chairman, Australians Against Further Immigration) |
ENTRIES FOR THE NEW LEXICONfrom The Age (Melbourne), April 17th"Since the present State Liberal Government (of Victoria 0. T) was democratically elected, they have systematically set about changing the face of democracy in Victoria. If there was a handbook of the present Victorian Government, I believe it would contain the following definitions. "Democracy - You voted us in, now sit back, relax, you have nothing to worry about. I know what you need. Public Consultation - I have decided to run a Grand Prix in Melbourne, if you agree with me, please comment. Alternative Views - There are no alternative views. Health - see Democracy. Education - see Health. "I would be interested to know if others share my concern about the future of democracy in Victoria." (Gerry Hoogenboom, Golden Square, Victoria) |
UNCLE FRED, UNCLE JIM....AND THE FLAGfrom The Australian, April 17th"Some of us, Mr. Scruby ('Only a Redesigned Flag Signals Our Independence', The Australian, 11/4), have an Uncle Fred, a Cottlesloe saddler, who was wounded at Gallipoli and invalided out of the trenches in France, twice dangerously ill with pneumonia, only to die at Hazebrouck four months before the end of World War I. He never saw his daughter, and she, of course, never knew her father. "Then there was Uncle Jim, who came home to be the station master at Subiaco. We didn't know much about him except that he was often ill from the gas that had scarred his lungs in France. "When we left for another war in 1940 I don't suppose we had given any thought at all to what was on the flag. It was our flag as it had been for them. That's all that mattered. Our children and grandchildren respect it too. "Mr. Scruby says a new flag will reflect our independence and promote our products and exports. I thought that what we said and did and the quality and price of our exports would have done the trick. He says Aborigines won't be reconciled until we change a 'symbol of oppression and genocide'. Now steady on there!" (Keith Flanagan, Editor, Ex-P.O.W. Association of W.A. Newsletter, Darlington, Western Australia) |