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7 July 1995. Thought for the Week: "When
Watt invented the steam engine and Faraday made the discovery
which started the electrical industry, these men set in motion
an endless train of technological developments, the end of
which, even now, we cannot even dimly envisage."
James Guthrie, B.Sc., in To What End? (1954) |
PERMANENT WARby Eric D. Butler As far as I know, Orwell of 1984 fame had no direct contact with Social Credit, but in his futuristic novel he provided a vivid picture of a world of three great super-states constantly in a state of tension, with their economies sustained by manufacturing military equipment for limited conflicts, which never erupted into a major World War. In many ways, this Orwellian scenario resembles the state of the world today. In his first major work, Economic Democracy, C.H. Douglas, the author of Social Credit, drew attention to the implications of his discovery that orthodox finance economic policies made it impossible for sufficient purchasing power to be distributed for people to meet the total prices of their production over any given period. Because of this deficiency of purchasing power, there was conflict between stores in every village. The chain store was the end result of this conflict. Then eventually chain stores were amalgamated into national organisations, these then becoming absorbed into international organisations. There has been an on-going attempt to resolve the problem of deficient purchasing power by a progressive centralisation of power. The ultimate objective is to abolish, if possible, the sovereign national state. For weeks the headlines have proclaimed a growing state of "war" between Japan and the U.S.A. The basic feature of the "war" between Japan and the U.S.A. is very simple. The Japanese have been able to export much more, mostly motor cars and motor car parts, to the U.S.A. than the Americans have been able to export to Japan. One headline read, "JAPAN BLAMED FOR RECORD U.S. DEFICIT". In the real world, the rest of the world could sink beneath the sea tomorrow and the American people would be left with adequate resources to meet their basic economic requirements, to feed, house and clothe themselves, but American trade negotiators have said that "Japan is the second largest economy in the world. They have a responsibility to open their markets". Japan has been blamed for a probably "modest recession" in the U.S.A. because it will not import more American production. But Japan itself is in a recession and any relaxing of controls against imports can only intensify growing political instability. After weeks of dramatic headlines, all suggesting that there was the threat of a full-scale trade war between the U.S.A. and Japan, it was announced that a "deal" had been made and that a dangerous trade war had been averted. But there have been casualties, although these will only emerge over time. One thing is certain The wise Chinese sage Confucius observed that it is no use running harder if you are already on the wrong road. All the Asian "Tiger" economies are already running progressively harder on the wrong road, all striving to make their internal economies work by still greater activity. This means greater exports. This means mounting conflict between nations. Other problems then emerge. But there is no solution if the basic flaw in the present finance-economic system remains. The first nation to correct that flaw will lead the world to genuine peace. There is no reason why Australia should not be that nation. |
BREAKING THE CHAINS OF INTIMIDATIONby David Thompson Invited to address the Conference by Mr. Bruce Ruxton, Miss Buttrose (who holds the Order of Australia) condemned those who have effectively stifled all discussion on issues such as immigration, multiculturalism, Aborigines and women's issues, and urged fellow Australians to strike back. Miss Buttrose warned that Australia had become the "silent country", and that we had become afraid to speak our minds for fear of appearing foolish, offending minority groups. Although there is no report indicating that she mentioned the Racial Hatred Bill, now languishing before the Senate, it is an obvious target of her comments. It is notable that the civil provisions of the Bill make it an offence to "offend, insult, humiliate or intimidate" others on the basis of national or ethnic origin. In a healthy sign, Professor Geoffrey Blainey was happy to support Miss Buttrose, and drew attention to a tendency for the 'politically correct' to score 'victories' by shouting down opponents, rather than through rational debate. "It's not a sign of a healthy democracy," he is reported as saying. The President of the Victorian Council of Civil Liberties, Mr. Robert Richter, Q.C., also supported her, noting that it is dangerous to become swept up by matters of political orthodoxy, because fashions quickly change. |
THE DEMIDENKO BOOKEven the purveyors of political correctness, the press, have offered editorial support for Miss Buttrose, with the Herald Sun in Melbourne demanding that politicians stop yielding to the use of ballot box blackmail by minority groups to force their views on the rest of us. But while this editorial writer demands "rational discussion (that) a healthy democracy needs", his newspaper published a column opposite the editorial page by Mr. David Greason, touted as an "expert" on the League, in which he adds to the roar of condemnation of Miss Helen Demidenko. She is the author of the novel The Hand that Signed the Paper, which was awarded the 1994 Vogel Literary Award, and now the prestigious Miles Franklin Award. But it now appears that the powerful Zionist/Jewish lobby has discovered that Miss Demidenko did not sufficiently condemn the "anti-Semitism" of some of her Ukranian characters in the novel. And she depicted the Ukranian Communist Government during World War II as containing a preponderance of Jews, which has enraged the Zionists. Miss Demidenko's book is a work of fiction, highly regarded in literary circles. It was written from a Ukranian perspective, commenting on the use of war crimes trials to perpetuate the revenge against the alleged perpetrators of the holocaust. In defending herself from her critics, she wrote: "Individual Ukranians, albeit in quite large numbers, collaborated with the Germans. Individual Jews, albeit in quite large numbers, collaborated with Bolshevism. Clearly the numbers on both sides were great enough for each group to think the other was primarily responsible for genocide " But her critics, like Mr. Gerard Henderson, claim that to link the Jews to Bolshevik responsibility for the Ukranian famine is "extreme right-wing propaganda". The fact is that history seems to favour Miss Demidenko's version of events, not her critics. It is clear from the howls of outrage about this novel, that the intimidation of those who wish to speak freely will be difficult to break. But Australians have a duty to follow Miss Buttrose's lead, and speak their minds. The only alternative is the descent into totalitarianism. |
REPUBLICAN MODELS DO NOT INSPIREAustralian republicans and their sympathisers should note the effect of the recent London wedding of Crown Prince Pavlos, the son of exiled Greek King Constantine. The wedding was broadcast live in Greece, and generated enormous interest, and renewed deep and bitter divisions over the loss of the Crown in 1967 by military coup. The wedding was attended by the biggest gathering of European royalty since the Queen married Prince Philip in 1947, in an obvious demonstration of 'solidarity' with King Constantine. Constantine is not permitted to return to Greece by the republican regime until he acknowledges its authority, and has had all his property and possessions confiscated by the Greek Government. The republican government is extremely sensitive to overt monarchist support, and there is much anticipation that the Greek monarchy could still be restored in the future. It is clear that, from the public response to the royal wedding, Greeks also respond in a special way to the institution of the Crown. |
BALANCE OF PAYMENTS DISASTERThe last balance of payments statistics, indicating a deficit of $2.9 billion, have been met with universal horror, with most of the political gurus now predicting that the Prime Minister will not dare go to the polls with such a result in recent memory. No sensible predictions can be made about the actions of Mr. Keating. If he believes that the financial figures - either balance of payments or interest rates - are more likely to be even worse by Christmas, then he is likely to call an early election. He is a political gambler with a giant ego, and sufficient political skill to make it a serious hazard to under estimate him. As a master of political sleight of hand, even a rapidly increasing national debt, rising interest rates and a backlash against his republican blueprint may not be enough to dispose of Mr. Keating. What is required is an Opposition with a set of moral values from which constructive political alternatives can be generated. This is lacking. |
MORAL DECLINE INCLUDES THE CHURCHWhile Cardinal Clancy (Catholic) warns that Australia faces a moral decline similar to that experienced by Nazi Germany, with the acceptance of homosexuality, abortion, euthanasia, etc., it is notable that such issues are becoming increasingly accepted even in church circles. Dr. Bruce Kaye, Anglican General Synod Secretary, draws attention to a Church of England report calling for defacto relationships to no longer be considered sinful. Judgment begins in the House of the Lord. |
OUR HEAD OF STATE'S RIGHTSfrom The Australian, June 29th 'These contributions are but the latest examples of the many contributions to the debate of important issues which have been made down the years by so many Vice-Regal office holders, both Commonwealth and State. That so little is known, and even is less understood, about the important aspect of Vice-Regal public duty is due to the persistent failure of the media to take any interest in it unless it has presented an opportunity to whip up controversy and startling headlines. 'Thank you, too, for your sub-heading
to the report of Mr. Hayden's speech |
LEARNING ABOUT THE BILLfrom The Australian, June 28th"The planned resumption of French nuclear testing in the Pacific is a godsend to those of us who are fighting against the insidious racial hatred Bill. If anyone still doubts that this Bill is a restraint on free speech, the response of the discrimination industry to comments about the French should finally lay these to rest (The Weekend Australian, 24/6). 'The treachery of France was greeted with almost universal outrage which has been expressed in many forms. Much of the comment has been immature, offensive and hateful. It dismays me to realise that fellow Australians can hold such stupid and bigoted views about one of the best-known countries in the world. "Yet, in this society, it is our right to hold and express any view regardless of who they may offend. The threat of legal sanctions to silence ill informed criticism sends a clear warning of what the real effect of this law is likely to be: the suppression of supposedly 'incorrect' opinions. It should surprise no one that the Government is more concerned with salving the hurt feelings of an insensitive France than with the legitimate anger of our own people. 'The real purpose of this law, after all, is not the protection of society but the increase of the powers of a burgeoning thought police whose activities should begin to alarm even the most complacent among us. I appeal to all Labor politicians who still possess independent thought and social conscience to oppose the passage of this ill conceived Bill and to spare us from the divisiveness it will generate." (Joe Moldovan, Bondi Junction, N.S.W.) |