home of ... Douglas Social Credit
27 October 1995. Thought for the Week:
"Raging greed blazes on without limit and with no respect
of mankind, races after its own gains and profits ... these
insatiably greedy (men) ... disregard completely the public
Greek philosopher Dioclion |
THE DISINTEGRATION OF CIVILISATIONby Eric D. Butler The Coles-Myer drama provides a classic example of the internal struggle for power and the inevitable corruption as organisations become progressively bigger and multinational. The original Coles organisation was established by the Coles brothers, ex-servicemen from the First World War, who developed a family organisation, which reflected the values of traditional Australia. It is not surprising that Sir Edgar Coles was one of the earlier supporters of the League of Rights. Coles has long been absorbed into a massive organisation in which charges of corruption have grown. Greed and corruption have become commonplace right around the world in the wake of the philosophy that bigger is better. Occasionally a note of warning is struck, as witnessed by the decision by the South Australian Liberal Government not to completely privatise the Adelaide water supply. The example of the directors of British privatised public utilities voting themselves astronomical salaries and "perks" have apparently been noted. Customers are paying more for water and power. The Victorian Kennett Government appears unable to learn from the lessons of centralisation and attempts to push forward with its centralist policies. The undergirding philosophy of this power-happy government may be judged by the original intention to allow the Crown Casino gambling monopoly to operate 24 hours a day, 365 days a week, ignoring Christmas, Easter and Anzac Day traditions. The culture of what was once one of the most conservative States in Australia has been seriously diluted by the Kennett Government. Needless to say, the Kennett Government warmly endorses the cult of multiculturalism. In the face of mounting racist friction in the U.S.A., the latest manifestation being the massive march of the black Islamic movement, and with President Clinton bleating about the urgent necessity for the U.S.A. to "cleanse itself of racism", the devotees of multicultural Australia push forward with their divisive policies. One of the leading promoters of multiculturalism, Senator Bolkus, Immigration and Ethnic Affairs Minister, has shown his totalitarian teeth by his decision to strip Mayor Peter Davis of Port Lincoln, South Australia, of his right to conduct naturalisation ceremonies. What is Mayor Davis's "crime" which warrants such treatment? Mayor Davis exercised his democratic right to chair a public meeting addressed by the Advisory National Director of The League of Rights. He subsequently said that he had been a supporter of the League for 30 years. Senator Bolkus has not only insulted a public figure of unblemished character, but also the overwhelming majority of the Provincial City of Port Lincoln who have voted him into office. The Bolkus incident reflects the type of arrogance displayed by Prime Minister Keating, who also believes that bigger is better and that Australia will fulfill its "Asian destiny" when it becomes a member of yet another Common Market. Almost every day brings fresh examples of blatant corruption amongst the bureaucracy and senior officials of the E.E.C. Typical of the breakdown of standards everywhere and the behaviour of our new masters has been the performance of the Australian Ambassador to Washington, Dr. Donald Russell, who before relinquishing his Ambassadorial position to return to Australia to direct Paul Keating's bid for re-election publicly said that the election of an Australian Coalition Government would result in the same type of underclass threatening the U.S.A. Russell did not mention that under the Hawke and Keating Labor Governments the gap between the wealthy and powerful and the poor has become greater. Both Hawke and Keating have become millionaires. Internationalist Rupert Murdoch shed a few crocodile tears about the growing number of young unemployed in all Western nations, but nowhere at any time has Murdoch used his media influence to advocate any type of realistic financial or economic policies to solve what is certainly one of the most explosive elements in the deadly cocktail of explosives threatening Western Civilisation. The growing danger can only be diffused by decentralising power everywhere. In his classic work, The Managerial Revolution, first published half a century ago, the former Trotsky Marxist James Burnham predicted that the future of mankind was not threatened by either Communism or Capitalism, but by faceless technocrats. What might be described as a sequel to Burnham's work is Rule Britannia (1995) by British financial writer Andrew Marr, who comments, "This is a world now run by a new global class of stateless entrepreneurs and workers, including the overseas Chinese, the senior employees of the big American, Japanese and American banks and corporations, and a few genuine tycoons and gurus. Is the power of our parliaments threatened? You bet it is." Any prospect of salvation depends upon how a people anywhere can gain control of their governments. In Australia they will not be assisted by either Paul Keating or John Howard. |
THE THREAT OF 'LITERARY CLEANSING'The following important letter appeared
in the Herald-Sun, Melbourne, of October 17th "Thomas Chatterton, who wrote many of his poems in an antique style and pretended to have discovered them in an old chest, could never have survived Greason's criteria of literary merit. "One can tolerate Greason's sneering pomposity and prejudices. The real danger lies in his joining hands with those zealots who would bring about literary cleansing of any authors whose views or behaviour are different. - Graham Williams, Roseville." David Greason is not only Herald-Sun literary editor, but is closely associated with the Australia Israel Review, described by Graeme Campbell, M.P., as a "grubby little racist rag". Greason has over many years sought to serve the Zionist propaganda machine. The real reason for the campaign against The Hand That Signed The Paper has nothing whatever to do with any alleged lack of literary worth, but because the novel raises the taboo subject of the Jewish influence inside the early Bolshevik movement. |
PROMINENT ABORIGINAL REJECTS MULTICULTURALISMby David Thompson Yunupingu shattered this illusion in a four-day "reconciliation" workshop for Australian journalists at Port Bradshaw, about 400 miles northeast of Darwin. In a report in The Herald-Sun (2 3/1 0/9 5) Mr. Yunupingu is quoted as calling for a united Australia, representing a single and true Australian image. "Our pride should be in being an Aussie, and true black and white Australians should march together to achieve this goal, "he said. According to the report, Yunupingu even went as far as identifying what he regarded as a "true Australian" - someone born in Australia with Australian grandparents. "We (Aboriginal Australians) want to march right up front with you, "he said, adding that "real" Australians should take the lead in forging the national character and that the role of those who had come here from overseas was to march behind. "We love people from overseas, but real Australians have to take the lead in the march, and stay right up front. Everyone else will follow." The Herald-Sun report does not quote Mr. Yunupingu on the question of Asian migration, but it does refer to his views on refugees, specifically the "boat people". He noted that the Government was spending huge sums of taxpayers' money flying boat people to camps around Australia, while many Aborigines remained undernourished in the bush, and others had to survive in poverty in the cities. He might have observed that many non-Aborigines also lived in poverty, but did not qualify for benefits provided on racial grounds for Aboriginal people. The truth is that Aborigines and white Australians have been marching together for generations to forge the Australian identity. Whether in battle overseas, on outback stations, or in the shearing sheds, black and white have been depending on each other's skills to develop a unique Australian heritage. DOUBLE STANDARDS AND INTIMIDATIONNevertheless, Mr. Yunupingu has opened up an issue that has been carefully ignored until now, that of Aboriginal attitudes to multiculturalism and immigration. He has been able to use his prestige, and his racial background, to make points for which Australians with European heritage would be heavily criticised. If the League makes such comments, which we frequently do, we are portrayed as red-necked racists, with a white-supremacist attitude of hatred for other "inferior" racial groups. The double standards of the hypocrites who regularly level such charges will protect Mr. Yunupingu where Bruce Ruxton or even Geoffrey Blainey would suffer considerable personal abuse for making the same points. Would the racial vilification legislation protect Blainey or Ruxton? Or the League? Of course not. The result of such deliberate double standards is that few public figures are prepared to speak up as Yunupingu has done. Certainly few politicians would do so, unless they were prepared to take the abuse reserved for people like Graeme Campbell. John Howard would be terrified to place himself alongside even Yunupingu in such a debate. Such intimidation has protected the immigration and multicultural issues from the discipline of open debate. All Australians will suffer accordingly. In other comments, Yunupingu thought Australia was 'standing still' because of the republican debate, and a tendency of some Australians to hide behind multiculturalism - presumably in pursuit of partisan political objectives. Asked if his remarks were likely to be regarded as "racist" by others, he said, "That is for them to decide." Perhaps his comments will not be welcomed with open arms by the Prime Minister, or the Minister for Ethnic Affairs, Senator Bolkus, but Yunupingu has done more in four days for "reconciliation" between Aborigines and white Australians than any Government in the last 10 years. |
HOWARD'S ERRORfrom The Australian, October 11th"According to Mr. Keating, Mr. Howard is wrong on defence by worrying about a threat from Asia. After all, it's not as if we have a one-party state dominated by the military on our doorstep. It's not that this 'non-threat' is so undemocratic that it jails the editors and journalists of papers that dare to criticise the government. 'There is certainly no country in the region that has invaded its smaller, helpless neighbours, massacred the civilians and persecuted those who continue to practise their religion. Mr. Howard is clearly burnt out, he needs a holiday. I hear Bali is nice this time of the year." (David Rosner, East Kew, Victoria) |
HOME BENEFITfrom The Australian, October 1lth"In his otherwise excellent article on the family (The Weekend Australian, 7-8/10) B.A. Santamaria does not mention the financial benefit which the Government would gain by paying non-earning mothers with dependants a 'homemaker's allowance' of, say, $130 a week. "Every mother who was induced to leave the workforce by such an allowance would free a position for somebody who is at present unemployed, hopefully one of the young unemployed. As the unemployment allowance is about $200 a week, closer to $250 when rent assistance is included, there would be some reduction in the existing D.S.S. payments to offset the cost of the new allowance." (Alec Pretorius, Centre for Policy Research, Westeon, A.C.T.) |
OCEAN OF DEBTfrom The Bendigo Advertiser (Victoria), October 4th'The world is sinking in an ocean of debt. The Australian people owe $180 billion overseas. Accumulated budgetary deficits are in the same region. Each State also has its own level of indebtedness, although Queensland claims otherwise. Victoria's debt, for example, is still around $30 billion. "A similar picture exists in Europe. Your report on progress towards a common currency, EMU (September 28), highlights this fact Italy and Belgium both have gross assets in excess of 100% of Gross Domestic Product. "Only 4 of the 15 countries of the European Union have debts below 60% of G.D.P. or deficits less than 3%, the criteria for joining EMIT. "British Prime Minister, John Major, is right in claiming that EMU would divide Europe. Even France, one of the strongest nations in the EU, has a budget deficit above 3% of G.D.P. "While deficits compounding on deficits adding to overall indebtedness cannot go on indefinitely, efforts to reduce them are fraught with disaster. In the Australian scene, for example, deficits have been created to keep the economy functioning. Without them retail sales would have been much lower with a consequent negative impact on employment. "Attempting to reduce the deficit, firstly to zero, then beyond in order to pay off the accumulated deficit is to reduce the sales that the deficit supported. Lower sales equate to higher unemployment. Higher unemployment means bigger outlays in Social Services, so the Government is in a bind. "Any party, any politician who aspires to government in the decades ahead has a mammoth task to confront while the debt system remains. No party, few politicians have, to date, made a significant challenge to it, but until we get a better system than trying to swim against the tide of debt we are in for a pretty tough time." (Ron Fischer, Talbot, Victoria) |
CHURCHES ALWAYS IN POLITICSfrom Malvern-Prahran Leader (Melbourne suburban newspaper), October 18th"Despite what Premier Jeff Kennett thinks, churches have always been involved in politics. Christianity is about the whole life, not just private morality. "Jesus and the prophets before him taught that faith in God must change the way we treat each other. None shied away from questioning and criticising the governments of their day when those governments failed to deliver justice to the people. "Every political decision is based on moral values. Expanding a casino or closing a hospital expresses moral as well as economic values. The 'thin man, fat man' image Mr. Kennett uses expresses the 'greed is good' faith of the eighties, which assumes that wealth will trickle down from the rich to the poor. It is morally wrong and doesn't work economically. "When the church speaks out on controversial issues, we do risk offending or losing members. But we can't be quiet just for that reason. In fact, the Uniting Church is not losing members, unlike the Liberal Party and the trade union movement, both of which have lost members faster than any church. 'This criticism is part of a general attack by Mr. Kennett and his ministers on the churches and on other individuals and organisations who dare to disagree with him. The free exchange of ideas and the right to disagree without being vilified is at the heart of democracy. "Mr. Kennett's claim that the churches' cry is 'give, give, give' is misleading. We never ask for money for ourselves, only that the government should care for those who are disadvantaged in our community. 'That is why the Uniting Church is now very critical of the Federal Labor Government for its failure to care for people with advanced dementia. "Mr. Kennett refers to a meeting with church leaders held in the name of consultation at which people were lectured by Treasurer Alan Stockdale and berated by Mr. Kennett. We continue to wait for true consultation, which involves listening, negotiation and the desire to work together. "We think the people of Victoria deserve to be treated with that kind of respect." (Rev. Robert Johnson, Uniting Church Synod of Victoria, Little Collins Street, Melbourne) |