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10 November 1995. Thought for the Week:
"Since nationalism is inseparably joined to a people's cultural
heritage, it follows that all attacks on nationalism must
include cultural sabotage and subversion - which is what we
see today on both sides of the Iron and Bamboo Curtains, promoted
with equal zeal by super capitalists and communists."
Ivor Benson in This Age of Conflict |
THE MYTHS OF 1975by Eric D. Butler The sense of rage, which Whitlam and his supporters sought to promote has long since, passed, to be replayed with a type of mythology, which has been skillfully fostered through the mass media and by sections of academia. The essence of the mythology is that on November 11th, 1975 the "Democratically elected" Government of Gough Whitlam was "sacked" by Governor General Sir John Kerr. The mythology has been embellished by suggestions that the Whitlam Government was the victim of a plot by the American C.I.A., which disliked the alleged nationalist policies of the Whitlam Government. The type of completely unsubstantiated nonsense was endorsed by some American publications like Willis Carto's Spotlight. The La Rouche movement, which operates
in Australia under the Citizens Electoral Council, with its
fanatical opposition to the Monarchy, suggested that Whitlam
was the victim of the machinations of the Royal family, particularly
Her Majesty the Queen, who according to one of the more bizarre
claims of the La Rouche movement is the centre of the world
drug business. One of the most significant features of the
many different versions of what allegedly happened are the
contradictory versions. It is not suggested that there is
anything particularly sinister about these differing versions,
but assuming that those making the contradictory allegations
genuinely believe them to be true, merely demonstrates the
notorious unreliability of the human memory after a period
of time. But there is little doubt that Prime
Minister Whitlam completely misread the crisis he had produced
in 1975, when he insisted that he was going to continue in
office in spite of the fact that the Senate had constitutionally
refused to grant him supply. It is legitimate to argue that
the Coalition dominated Senate was motivated by a will to
power when it refused to grant Supply to the Whitlam Government.
But it is plain humbug to argue that this was "unconstitutional"
and violated "convention". The Federal Constitution states quite clearly that the Government of the Australian Commonwealth shall consist of three Parts: The Governor General, representing the Crown, the Senate, originally conceived as a States' House in which all States are equally represented, and the House of Representatives. The Federal Constitution was conceived as a reflection of the traditional British Trinitarian form of government, with power divided. The founders of the Federal Constitution sought to have the power of the Central Government limited by checks and balances. The philosophy of the Federal Constitution is anti-monopoly. Unable to argue against the fact that the Whitlam Government was decisively rejected by the electors following the events of 1975, some of those writing about the affair, argue that while it is certain that the Whitlam Government would have been defeated whenever it faced the electors the use of the Senate to force a premature election violated the "spirit" of the Constitution. The hypocrisy of those Labor supporters advancing this type of reasoning can be judged by the manner in which Labor Governments have blatantly misused the External Powers to subvert the Constitution, and who are currently involved in attempting to subvert Municipal Government as part of a long-term strategy to emasculate the States and ultimately to create the completely centralised Planned State. |
WHY THE CHURCHES PLAY POLITICSVictoria's elected Dictator, Mr. Jeff Kennett, has recently denounced the right of Christian clergy to express any views on political issues, particularly when these conflict with his policies. The Age (Melbourne) columnist, Gerard Henderson, prominent League of Rights basher, has taken the same view. In the following letter published in
The Age (November 3rd) the Rev. Tim Costello, former
Mayor of St. Kilda, fights back with some telling comments:
"Question: Why do the churches involve themselves in matters
of state? Answer: Because that is what their Founder, Jesus
of Nazareth, did and that is mainly why he was executed by
the state. |
REPUBLICANS REVEAL TRUE COLOURSby David Thompson Perhaps the most disturbing aspect of the A.R.M. dinner was the Prime Minister's acid comment that it was time for the republican movement to go into high gear, and that from now on, should "take no prisoners". Keating's address confirmed his influence on the republican movement, and his very appearance underlined the perception that it is the 'Keating Republic' that is the subject of debate, and which is supported so enthusiastically by the Sydney dinner set elite. But what does Keating's "take no prisoners" comment imply? It conjures images of the Red Army assault on eastern Europe in the latter part of the Second World War, in which city after city was plundered and pillaged by a bestial horde that more resembled the savages of Ghengis Khan than the ally of a Western (Christian?) force bent on freeing Europe from totalitarianism. The Red Army attitude was that prisoners were simply a menace, as they had to be cared for, fed and guarded. Under the Communist philosophy; not only German troops, but civilians were only (enemy) matter in motion, and the Versailles Treaty a nuisance in the pursuit of their objective, which was conquest for communism. It is now clear that the messianic Keating holds a similar philosophy. The pursuit of his objectives: power and recognition - are far too important for the views of traditional, British oriented Australians to be permitted to stand in his way. Such objectives are so vital that the niceties of political debate, the views of perhaps a majority of Australians, the facts of history, and even the reality of modern politics all have to be swept aside in the service of glorifying Mr. P.J. Keating. Take no prisoners. It is an attitude born of a totalitarian philosophy. No wonder other republicans, like the poet Les Murray, would prefer the monarchy to Keating's republic. THE INFLUENCE OF HUMANISMTo complement Keating, the other major speaker was expatriate art critic and 'historian' Robert Hughes, who now lives in New York, and brother of Tom Hughes, the Sydney Q.C. Hughes implored Australians to "stop looking up", and instead "we should be looking sideways, first to our fellow citizens, who are the reason for the State" and to other nations.... To whom do we look up? Hughes was speaking of the Queen, but the attitude of "looking up" is something rejected by the revolutionary. Children "look up" to parents, teacher, and sporting and other role models. Socially we "look up" to genuine leaders, who set themselves apart by distinguishing qualities placed at the service of their fellows. Philosophically we "look up" to a higher Power - to God. The only alternative to "looking up" to leaders or the supernatural is not so much "looking sideways" at our fellow 'citizens', but looking at ourselves, and seeking our salvation in our own abilities. Robert Hughes' plea to "look sideways" is, in reality, the age-old plea of the humanist to elevate man into his own God. The tenor of Hughes' address was precisely that: even to the use of the language of the French Revolution - "citizens", throw off the stifling influence of monarchy; liberty, equality, fraternity It would be puerile to claim that republicans are non-Christians, or anti-Christian, and that monarchists are Christians. This is obviously not so. But nevertheless, kingship is an ancient Christian institution, and the Australian monarchy is distinctly Christian in character, beginning with the coronation during a Christian service of Holy Communion. Conversely, the republican philosophy is distinctly humanitarian, as was well expressed by both Keating and Hughes at the A.R.M. annual dinner. |
EUROPEAN UNION 'MUGGED BY REALITY'by David Thompson In his article, Benchley reveals a development not noted in any other report; a concerted political attempt to capitalise on the grassroots discontent in Britain. This involves the larger-than-life former global businessman, Sir James Goldsmith, who is now floating another British political party to campaign for a referendum on Britain going into Europe. Goldsmith is reported to be prepared to fund the new party, probably to be known as the Referendum Party, to the tune of $40 million. Since 'retiring' from his global business enterprises, Goldsmith has spent much time and money campaigning against internationalism. He has campaigned vigorously against the G.A.T.T. agreement and the World Trade Organisation that is designed to enforce G.A.T.T. He has campaigned heavily against the Maastricht Treaty - the "constitution" upon which European Union is based. Last year he founded (and funded) L'Autre Europe, a French political party that contested the elections for the European Parliament in which he and a number of others were elected with an astonishing 12 percent of the vote. Goldsmith's strategy in Britain is simple and devastating. He proposes to attract high profile candidates (he will stand himself) to contest marginal Tory electorates. There are 14 Tory seats with a majority of less than 1.3 percent, and Referendum Party candidates would only have to win one percent of the vote in such electorates to consign Mr. John Major to the dustbin of history. It appears that the Goldsmith strategy is to force the Tories to abandon their European policy, and declare that Britain would not enter European Monetary Union (E.M.U.) in the life of the next Parliament - if elected. This would keep Britain out of E.M.U. until at least 2002, and place vastly greater strains upon the pro-European German and French Governments. Even in Germany the grassroots opposition to E.M.U. is becoming an election issue. Chancellor Kohl's Opposition, the Social Democrats, have discovered that there is strong electoral resistance to abandoning the German mark in favour of the "Euro-mark", the "Euro-franc", the "Euro-peso", or the "Euro-pound". The S.D.P. Shadow Finance Minister, Gerhard Schroder, touched a raw nerve in Germany by referring to E.M.U. as "monopoly money". In a nation with devastating inflation of hundreds of percent still within living memory, an anti-E.M.U. election campaign in the near future in Germany could be devastating. Wherever referendums have taken place - France, Denmark, Switzerland - they have revealed an extremely strong anti-European unity vote. Prime Minister Major obviously fears that a British referendum would show the same - perhaps even a devastating defeat for Britain in Europe. The Goldsmith campaign could be decisive in the future of Britain and Europe, and may even be the weapon that ultimately smashes the nightmare of European Union and the destruction of European national sovereignty. |
CANADA IN POLITICAL TURMOILThe results of last week's referendum on the future of French speaking Quebec carry a lesson for Australia concerning multiculturalism. For many years Canada has been held up as one of the most benign multicultural societies in the world, with the French and the English speaking peoples agreeing to embrace each other's culture where possible, and respect the other's where not. Canada even has a bilingual policy, under legislation, which requires French as well as English to be provided on all official documents, and industrial or consumer products. But the French multicultural dream has gradually turned into a nightmare, even though the two cultural groups are of basically the same racial origin, religious background, and Western European cultural stream. Contrary to the current drive towards internationalism - led mainly by the "elites" - and away from nationalism and self-determination, grassroots politics everywhere is tending in the opposite direction. It is notable that there is little logical opposition to Quebec separatism. Quebec possesses the cultural attributes of nationhood, it is not threatened by outside forces, and it proposes, if independent, to apply for membership of "the international community" including such bodies as N.A.F.T.A. - the North American Free Trade zone. But the principle factor opposing Quebec separatism was the financial markets. International finance is not better served by independent nations. This is why "the market", epitomised by the City of London (banking interests) has supported European Union and the creation of a European Central Bank. Would an independent Quebec threaten international finance? All financial independence threatens financial monopoly. The international campaign of vilification against France for daring to express the ultimate in independence - nuclear military power - demonstrates this. All the monopoly press - dominated by financial interests - has condemned France. Perhaps Quebec may prove equally independent? The reality is that cultural and even racial characteristics demand self-expression. We note that in the aftermath of the defeat of the Quebec Independence Referendum, Quebec Premier Mr. Jacques Parizeau resigned over condemnation of his comments in which he singled out Quebec's 1.3 million residents of non-French descent as having frustrated the Independence Referendum. Jews, Arabs, Haitians and other ethnic groups condemned Mr. Parizeau for "provoking racial violence and ethnic nationalism", while the French anti-immigration political leader Jean-Marie Le Pen supported Parizeau. |
ELECTIONS FUTILE, LIBS CAN'T REDUCE DEBTfrom The Courier (Ballarat), 6/10 "An accurate figure of the total public
debt is not readily available, but what is to hand is that
the interest on the accumulated budget deficits set aside
in the 1993-1994 Federal Budget was $6,650 million. "If the
interest rate was as high as 10% it would make the total Federal
Government debt $66,500 million. It would probably be much
higher, and has risen since. "While one is tempted to call for an
enquiry into the economic rules to develop a way to reverse
our decline into debt, there have been so many enquiries and
Royal Commissions in the past that the answers already exist.
'The reason these have not been implemented is that they challenge
the power of the international banking fraternity. "Short
of sending to Canberra individual candidates prepared to engage
that challenge, elections are futile. "Forget the parties." |