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15 December 1995. Thought for the Week:
"The 50th Anniversary of the United Nations should be a cause
of mourning, not celebration. It is a moment to foolish hopes,
embarrassing compromise, betrayal of our servicemen and a
steady stream of insults to our nation. It is a Trojan Horse
that carries the enemy into our midst and lures Americans
to ride under alien insignia to fight and die in faraway lands."
Well known U.S.A. commentator Phyllis Schfafly |
BEHIND THE DREAM OF THE WORLD STATEby Eric D. Butler Although the dream of some type of a "New World Order" is as old as man, it was the two World Wars of this century, which provided a tremendous impetus for attempting to create a World State. The genesis of the concept found expression in the creation of the League of Nations at the end of the First World War. It is a matter of history that the League of Nations failed to prevent the Second World War. This gave rise to the claim that any new international organisation must have "teeth". The framers of the United Nations set out to ensure that the instruments were available to over-ride the sovereignties of the nations' States. The Marxist-Leninists everywhere had a clear picture of what they felt was necessary to achieve this objective. The American Soviet agent Alger Hiss was the organising secretary of the San Francisco 1946 U.N. Conference. He was the principal author of the U.N. Charter, drafted at the Dumbarton Oaks Conference. One cannot obtain figs from thistles, and it was not surprising that the U.N. has failed dismally to achieve its stated objectives, one being to prevent aggression. Its first major act was to endorse the Communist-backed aggression, which destroyed the sovereignty of Palestine and created a major refugee problem, which has continued to poison the whole of the Middle East. The U.N. military action in the Korean War of 1950-53 revealed that U.N. troops under General Douglas Macarthur were not permitted to win, and Macarthur was in fact sacked for trying to do so. When the U.N. was being established, it was agreed that a Communist should always hold the vital position of Secretary of Political and Security Council Affairs. This enabled the Communists to exercise authority over all U.N. military, political and nuclear questions. Whether the disintegration of the old Soviet Empire was a major dialectical move, the reality is that a Russian government dominated by former Communists, now often known as Social Democrats, has resorted to ruthless force in an attempt to prevent further fragmentation. There is no suggestion that any international "peace-keeping" action should be taken against Russia. Russia is now endorsing the latest attempt at international "peace-keeping", in the former Jugoslavia. It will be recalled that the first international "peace-keeping" project in Africa was by the U.N. when it attempted to prevent the Christian African leader Moshe Tshombe from breaking away from the threatened Communist take over in the former Belgian Congo. More recent international "peace-keeping" efforts in Central Africa, such as Somalia, have proved disastrous; leaving unresolved the basic problem of tribalism, which defies the artificial boundaries drawn by the European colonial powers. A British Government which cannot even guarantee peace in neighbouring Ireland, where an overwhelming majority of the people of Northern Ireland want to remain under the British Crown, is once again providing British troops for an "international peace-keeping" project in the Balkans. It will be recalled that President George Bush claimed that the American invasion of Iraq, presented as yet another "international peace-keeping project", failed to achieve its stated objective of removing Saddam Hussein. It certainly did not advance the "New World Order". France has now rejoined the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (N.AT.O.), and has already indicated that it will be following its own programme in the Balkans. In the meantime there is little peace inside France as its government attempts to impose an austerity programme, which has the nation going up in flames. Here in Australia Prime Minister Keating says Australia does not need to worry unduly about military defence, as there are no foreseeable threats to the nation. He leads a Government, which says that it will always be ready to provide troops for international peacekeeping exercises. The best contribution, which Australia can make to world peace, is to put its own house in order, strengthen its military defence capacities, and pursue trading policies, which create harmonious relations with other nations. Even more important, Australia should start to free itself from the multitude of international agreements and treaties which are eroding the nation's sovereignty. The vast international bureaucracies which have been spawned ever since the U.N. and its numerous agencies were established, have a vested interest in seeking more power over the nations of the world, allegedly in the cause of world peace. The most encouraging feature of the attempt to create a World State is that it is falling apart as it is attempted. Occasionally a little realism is shed on the scene, as witnessed by a recent statement by Trade Minister Bob McMullin in an address in October. He was referring to an attempt by the U.S.A. to have the World Trade Organisation insist that all nations, including the Asians, update labour conditions. McMullin said: "Within the World Trade Organisation, there is absolutely no possibility that a consensus will emerge for trade and labour standards we can make all the ringing speeches in the halls of the world if it will make us feel better. No worker will be one iota better off as a consequence. It will not happen. So I don't know how much time you want to spend on it, but I hope you will excuse me if I don't spend much." All the wordy speeches about "world peace" will affect nothing unless basic causes are dealt with. |
'CAMPBELL FACTOR' THREATENS PARTY POWER MONOPOLYDavid Thompson reports from Western Australian Campbell's new position has generated a form of internal tribal warfare in which he has become embroiled. A man of intense loyalties himself, Campbell feels compelled to keep faith with those who have risked their standing in the A.L.P. by remaining loyal to him. This is why Campbell has announced that he will be contesting Kalgoorlie, rather than running for the Senate. This is regrettable because Graeme Campbell was a nuisance to the A.L.P. as a dissenting backbencher: he would be a nightmare to them in the Senate. The drama and theatre may take place in the House of Representatives, but the political sanctions are in the Senate. "Nevertheless, Campbell proposes to endorse a nationwide team of Senate candidates for the next election. As a logistical exercise, this is a formidable prospect, but the support for Campbell is massive at the grassroots. This support crosses party lines and many Liberal/National Party members are also saying that, if offered the chance, they would vote for Campbell. "One W.A. Liberal M.L.C., Ross Lightfoot, is publicly supporting Campbell and others do so privately. An article in the Sunday Times (10/12/95) quotes Mr. Lightfoot as saying that the A.L.P. has seriously miscalculated by dumping Campbell. 'Quite frankly, Graeme's independence of mind is one of his endearing characteristics - he's 10 times the man of Paul Keating,' said Lightfoot. "Campbell at one time worked for Ross Lightfoot in the WA. outback as a station overseer. 'Of all the people I've employed, Graeme was undoubtedly the most self-sufficient and by far the toughest,' he said. "There are two levels of support for Campbell. The first is based upon his appealing personal 'style' and turn of phrase. He projects an image of honesty and integrity in an environment of cynicism and double standards. He is blunt and down-to-earth, and he is different to the party political hack. This alone is enough to generate massive popular support. But in the heat of an intense election campaign, such popular support cannot be easily sustained, and it is another quality about Campbell, which terrifies the A.L.P. powerbrokers. "The most dangerous quality about Campbell - to the A.L.P. and the Coalition alike - is his ability to constantly identify the issues that concern large numbers of people, but which parties refuse to address. For example, in The Bulletin (Sydney, 12/12/95) Campbell is quoted on the key issues of Immigration: - 'The only criteria (to be allowed to migrate) should be net value to Australia; you don't bring in people who are going to be an obvious cost to the taxpayer, like unemployable people; and you don't bring in people whose culture is incompatible with Western liberal democracy. Immigration mistakes are big mistakes, long-term mistakes. If you are hell bent on irrevocably changing tenets of Australian culture, people have the right to be told. If you want to fill Australia up with lame Lebanese lesbians, and the people of Australia agree, that's fine. But if the people of Australia aren't consulted when you're doing it, then that's treason,' he said." |
OUR NATION IS FORTUNATEfrom Maryborough District Advertiser
(Victoria), 10/11/95 "The election held in December 1975 showed that the action taken by Sir John Kerr was the correct one, the result was a landslide win to the Coalition. The Whitlam years, December 1972 to November 1975, is a good example for any would be leader as to what not to do in such a short space of time. "The Whitlam Government rushed around trying to change as much as it could, then in a vain effort to grab more seats in Parliament, rushed back to the Polls in May '74 after only about 17 months in power, and ended up as a result losing control of the Senate, which in the end was their own downfall. "Apart from the Government lurching from one crisis to another, the Cairns, Morosi, Rex Connor and the Khemlani loans affair being just a few, there is one incident alone that the Labor administration should have been sacked for, that being their total inaction over the Indonesian invasion of East Timor, which resulted in five, later a sixth, Australian journalists being killed by the invading forces. "The Whitlam Government knew as early as the third week in August that the Indonesians were going to move into East Timor, and the Indonesians even said that they would not use the weapons and equipment supplied by Canberra in the event they were going to use force in that region. "According to the Sunday Herald -Sun (August 15, 1995), the Labor Government knew definitely from Australian and U.S. military intelligence of the invasion plans, but allowed five television newsmen to fly out of this country to their deaths. "Once the newsmen were known to be at Balibo, a C.I.A. listening post in Darwin picked up Indonesian orders to its military to kill the Australians. After it was known that something had happened to the newsmen, and later when their deaths were known, the Labor Government did not have the guts to protest to Jakarta, fearing the Indonesians might get annoyed. 'You could say as a result of this inaction, another journalist was killed on December 7, again on conversations overheard in Darwin. "As far as I am concerned, Australia died as a nation 20 years ago when it did nothing about the deaths, for it showed to the Indonesians that if we didn't care about six white fellow countrymen, we would not care about anything, no matter how bad or how many suffer. "During an appearance by Gough Whitlam at the National Press Club luncheon in 1992, the exPrime Minister when asked a question on East Timor, replied (in my words, but the meaning is the same), 'as everything happened after I was removed from office, I was not in a position to do anything'. Would you believe, not one journalist at the press club pulled him up on that statement, and if you know your history you will find that the five men were killed on October 16, and Whitlam was ousted on November 11. "So when the propaganda starts flying
around on Remembrance Day telling us how rotten it was when
Sir John Kerr sacked the Labor Government, just stop and think
about the turmoil of those two years and 11 months, and of
those men who died and the Government that did nothing about
it." |