home of ... Douglas Social Credit
9 February 1996. Thought for the Week:
"The policy of centralisation of power is the denial of the
right of men and women to freedom. It is the denial of the
sanctity of human personality. It is a denial of the omnipotence
of God and the antithesis of the social policy inherent in
Christ's teachings."
L.D. Byrne, O.B.E., 1972 |
THE REVOLT AGAINST CENTRALISATIONby Eric D. Butler It may be that the electors have started to realise that there are no basic differences between the policies of the major political parties with nothing to become passionately excited about. Not even the Presidential-style campaign concentrating upon the leadership qualities of Paul Keating or John Howard, have stirred the electors. Hidden away in the mass of verbiage from the political commentators was a comment by the former radical Labor Member Pete Steedman, who commented that even John Howard's launch of his environmental policy was very "Keating-like", and put together rather cleverly. It is a revealing commentary on the state of democratic government in Australia that the election contest is depicted as one almost exclusively between Paul Keating and John Howard. The reality is that, in order for one of these politicians to become Prime Minister (a position not even mentioned in the Federal Constitution) a majority of the Party they lead must be elected to the House of Representatives. The electors are being told that they must virtually ignore the qualities of the candidates for their electorates; if you are convinced that you prefer John Howard to Paul Keating, then vote for the candidate endorsed by the Party led by Howard or Keating. With all the major Parties supporting policies of centralisation, electors opposed to centralisation must put their candidates last. And they should tell the candidates why they are doing this. League of Rights supporters might point out to Party candidates, as their leaders have all taken it on themselves to vilify the League of Rights, they must take it for granted that they do not want any League supporter voting for them. All over the world there is a growing revolt against the centralisation of power. In Russia, Sri Lanka and elsewhere the revolt is violent. There is mounting opposition to the centralisation of power in Europe, with the overwhelming majority of Germans expressing opposition to the plan to create a single currency and other aspects of centralisation. The wide publicising of article 107 of the Maastricht Treaty, which seeks the establishment of a Central Bank for the whole of Western Europe, this bank to be completely free of any influence by national governments, has helped to inflame anti E.E.C. feeling in not only the United Kingdom, but in other countries. In a recent strident speech in Belgium, German Chancellor Kohl revealed his anger at the growing resistance to the grandiose programme of centralisation, threatening that unless the programme was adopted, nationalism would result in further wars in the future. Press reports reveal that the Kohl address has provided fuel for the growing British campaign of resistance to the proposal for integration into a centralised Europe, one even more centralised than attempted by Napoleon and Hitler. Australians are blessed with a constitutional heritage, which permits them to protest against centralisation without violence. The Graeme Campbell campaign offers the prospect of a constructive revolt at the Federal elections on March 2nd. Graeme Campbell's biggest problem, thanks to the calling of an early election by Paul Keating and his strategists, has been inadequate time to organise effectively. It is encouraging to learn that Graeme Campbell sees this coming election as but a first step in building a political movement to move Australia off the present disaster course on which it has been travelling both under Liberal and Labor Governments. The future of such a movement will depend first upon Campbell retaining his position, as an Independent, in the Commonwealth Parliament. It will be in the nature of a political miracle if any of his Senate candidates are elected. But a win for Campbell in Kalgoorlie and a big vote for his nominated Senate candidates would send shock waves through the major political parties, with clear evidence that the Australian people were strongly rejecting present immigration and economic policies and rallying behind Graeme Campbell's call to Put Australia First. |
DOES MUNDINGBURRA POINT THE WAY FOR THE A.L.P.?by David Thompson For Queenslanders, the Mundingburra result is of intense interest. It may herald the end of Premier Goss, who is obviously showing signs of pressure. It may mean a change in Government to the Coalition, and it may even mean a new State Election if Governor Leneen Ford can be persuaded to issue the writs. Whichever Party attempts to govern in Queensland, the centre of attention will be the independent Liz Cunningham, from Gladstone, who will hold the balance of power. However, her seat was formerly a Labor seat, and she must take careful note of the local Labor sentiments. It is not necessarily certain that Liz Cunningham would support the Coalition as a matter of course. |
'CAMPBELL FACTOR' DAMAGING A.L.P.If Malcolm Mackerras was wrong about the Mundingburra by-election, it appears increasingly possible that he may also be wrong about the House of Representatives seat of Kalgoorlie. Together with Foreign Minister Gareth Evans, Mackerras predicted that Graeme Campbell will lose Kalgoorlie, and should not waste his time running. As events unfold, which Mackerras could never have foreseen, Campbell's chances of retaining Kalgoorlie appear to continue to strengthen. The Labor Party in WA. is suffering savage internal conflict, much of which was generated by the Party's treatment of Campbell. The A.L.P. are now privately conceding that, despite pouring as much as $300,000 into their Kalgoorlie campaign, Campbell is proving obstinately popular. Increasing attention is also being paid to Campbell's commitment to run a nationwide Senate team to attempt to take the balance of power in the Senate. This was initially seen as a little Campbell bravado, but following his Australia Day address at the Heidelberg Town Hall, where he endorsed the Australians Against Further Immigration (A.A.F.I.) candidates Denis McCormack and Robyn Spencer, Campbell is being taken much more seriously. Fairfax columnist Padraic McGuinness, in his assessment of the composition of the next Senate, is taking the Campbell proposition seriously, describing Campbell candidates as "wild cards". McGuinness pointedly claims that the Democrats have "outlived their usefulness" and have become a party of "narks" who attract malcontents and loonies. As a result, McGuinness predicts that the most likely outcome of the election is that "Campbellites and Greens" will hold the balance of power in the Senate. The Democrats may well be particularly vulnerable in this election. Five of their seven Senators are up for re-election. If McGuinness and others like him are correct, the Democrats could be in terminal decline. It is clear that there is an extraordinary opportunity for a serious backlash against the main parties to find political expression with someone like Campbell, who is regarded, according to the "polls", as honest, practical, forthright, and "tells it like it is". Campbell's decision to join forces with the A.A.F.I. Party provides him with a political vehicle with which his Party can attract the "above the line" vote in the Senate. If "Campbell" candidates can harvest the benefit of Campbell's own extraordinary public profile, there is every chance that his candidates could hold the balance of power in the next Senate. |
PARTY RORTS AND RIP-OFFSThe necessity for Campbell to find a political party as a vehicle to run Senate candidates is a reflection of the corruption of politics by political parties themselves. The election rules are all arranged to benefit the political parties at the expense of the independent or small group. Election funding is a case in point. The average voter is quite unaware that if he votes for political party candidates in both Senate and House of Representatives, he is voting three dollars and five cents to the political Parties of his "choice". The reason is that, after attracting a minimum four percent of the vote, a Party's candidate qualifies for $1.67 for every primary vote he attracts. This outrageous "rort" of the system means that voters actually finance the political parties to then attempt to bribe them with taxpayers' funds. The reason for this is that every political party is deeply in debt. Labor's N.S.W. branch owes $11.12 million to the banks, and the Liberals have at least $10 million in debts. Despite such crippling handicaps, the Parties together expect to spend over $60 million during the current election campaign. The above Party debts are mainly owed to the banks, despite the fact that the banks themselves have made massive donations to Parties. For example, the A.N.Z. Bank donated $171,000 to the Liberals, and Westpac was the A.L.P's. largest donor, with $194,000 in financial support. Debt-ridden political parties, unable to attract the necessary funds from the public on their own merit, have conveniently arranged the system so that the public pays their bills. And the public is, for the most part, not even aware of it! |
HOW TO SUPPORT GRAEME CAMPBELL'S ELECTION CAMPAIGNIn response to enquiries from supporters
concerning the logistics of supporting Graeme Campbell's Senate
campaign, we are able to provide contact addresses below.
We understand that those who wish to assist with funding,
or volunteer as booth workers, etc., should contact these
addresses: The contact address for Australians Against Further Immigration is: P.O. Box 24, Armadale, Vic., 3143. Telephone: (03) 9509 6073. |
KEEP THE PRESSURE ON PREMIER CARREven N.S.W. Premier Bob Carr is disturbed by the depth and passion of the backlash against his decision to downgrade the role of N.S.W. Governor, and close Government House. The new part time Governor, Gordon Samuels, will work from his home or a city office. Last week, a 10,000 strong demonstration marched in Sydney, and talkback radio was dominated by criticism of Carr. The main objection is that Carr failed to consult the electorate. Some observers believe that if he had even made a pretence of consulting, the backlash would never have been as severe. We suggest that monarchists keep the pressure on Bob Carr. Former Governor Sinclair is, within the limits of vice-regal propriety, scathing about the Premier's decision. Having left Government House, Rear-Admiral Sinclair is quoted as saying that those who support the abolition of the office of governor "haven't got a clue" what the Governor actually does. The constitutional role is vital if the separation of powers are important. |
EVEN HISTORY MUST BE POLITICALLY CORRECTThe long awaited memoirs of Rhodesia's last Prime Minister, Ian Smith, have been dropped by a leading publisher because Mr. Smith insists on describing Robert Mugabe and his "freedom fighters" as terrorists. The book, "The Great Betrayal", is likely to be of great international interest, but also certain to be deeply embarrassing to some former Western leaders who did, as Smith says, betray Rhodesia. Ian Smith is quoted from his holiday home in Cape Town by The Weekend Australian (27/1/96) as saying: "They would rather talk about freedom fighters or guerillas as opposed to terrorists. But they are terrorists. They are nothing else. I list the massacres. Thousands more blacks than whites were killed. What else can you call them but terrorists? They either publish my book in my words, or they can find another author....I want to have it published in London. It must be published. It is important for history and for the record." Some of the more damaging portions of the book give details of behind-the-scenes arguments with the then British Prime Minister, Harold Wilson, during the negotiations that led to inconclusive meetings aboard the British warships Tiger and Fearless. Could it be that the revelations of betrayal and deceit are the real reason why the publishers would rather that Smith's book never sees the light of day? All Election comment authorised by David Thompson, 145 Russell Street, Melbourne, Victoria, 3000. |
AUSTRALIA - A PART OF EUROPE?from U.K.S.A. Newsletter (January/February,
1996). "It has been said so often: 'Australia is a part of Asia'. Some politicians, economists and journalists, chant it as a sort of mantra, apparently hoping that whatever they repeat often enough will come true. Or perhaps they just hope that people in Asia will come to believe them, and deluge us with economic aid out of gratitude. "Whatever the reason for this slogan about our being 'part of Asia', its logic doesn't stand up to any sort of scrutiny. "Australia is not part of Asia in terms of geography. We are part of the ancient super-continent of Gondwanaland. "Australia is not part of Asia in terms of biology. As any high school biology student should know, the two continents are separate by what is known as the Wallace Line. "Australia is not part of Asia in terms of culture. Despite the presence of many thousands of Asian migrants here, Australia's mainstream cultural traditions are all European, and more particularly, British. "Australia is not part of Asia in terms of economics. Despite all the cargo cult claims, our largest economic partner is the European Union...."Perhaps it is time to revise an idea that one leading Australian businessman had three or four years ago, when he suggested that we should apply for membership in the European Union..." |
THE AUSTRALIAN ANTHEM - UNCENSORED!from U.K.SA. Newsletter (January! February,
1996) "Australians all let us rejoice, Chorus: "In joyful strains then let us sing, Advance Australia Fair. "When gallant Cook from Albion sailed,
Chorus: "In joyful strains then let us sing, Advance Australia Fair. "Beneath our radiant Southern Cross,
Chorus: "In joyful strains then let us sing, Advance Australia Fair. "Should foreign foe e'er sight our coast, Chorus: "In joyful strains then let us sing, Advance Australia Fair. Advance Australia Fair, in McCormick's original version, was first sung in 1878. It took 106 years for those who deny our mainly British origins to expunge the references to Cook's 'true British courage', and 'our British soul'. "The final joke, however, may be on the deniers. Clever McCormick, set his words to a version of the traditional Scottish tune, 'Thou Bonny Wood of Craigielea'! The United Kingdom Settlers, Association (U.K.S.A.) was formed in 1967 to serve and represent the interests of Settlers from the United Kingdom and their descendants. The U.K.S.A. Newsletter carries a wealth of news concerning the activities of the U.K.S.A., and the articles are first class. Request a copy of the U.K.S.A. Newsletter. Write to "U.K.S.A. Newsletter, P.O. Box 221, FITZROY, Victoria, 3065. |
CARR'S REAL MESSAGE TO THE PEOPLE OF N.S.W.from The Australian, 2/2"Premier Carr and his ministers keep justifying their decision to give N.S.W. a part-time governor by saying that they have made no changes to the constitutional role of the governor and that they have only changed what they describe as the ceremonial aspects of the office. What they fail to understand is that this is precisely what drew 15,000 protestors onto the streets of Sydney. "The duties of Vice-Regal office fall broadly into two categories - constitutional duties and what should be more accurately described as public duties. The constitutional duties consist primarily of giving the royal assent to the government's legislation and giving approval to the Government's Orders in Council. These duties would take up about two hours a week. "The rest of a full-time governor's time, and that of his wife, would be devoted to public duties: attending functions all over the State, or hosting them at Government House, in order to encourage and show support for all those worthwhile community activities that governments cannot or should not do, and generally responding to the community's requests - be they for patronage of an organisation, or for a speech or a visit or some other mark of recognition of service well done. "What the Carr Government has really said to the people of N.S.W. is that the governor's duties which serve the government's needs will be retained, and those which serve the community's needs will be dispensed with. That is the real, the selfish, the insulting message which Mr. Carr has given the people of N.S.W." (Sir David Smith, Mawson, A.C.T.) |
JOBS COST TOO MUCHfrom Herald-Sun (Melbourne), 3 1/1"Up to 300 jobs will be scrapped at the City of Greater Geelong after the council yesterday confirmed a hole in its budget of just under $9 million. 'The Council said it had little choice but to slash its workforce by 20% as part of 'drastic action' to fix its finances. 'The council released a report by Mills Oakley Consulting showing the City faced an $8.95 million shortfall in 1996-97. "Council chief executive Michael Malouf said it was clear the size of the workforce was bigger than the city could afford." We predict that very many ratepayers of the amalgamated councils in Victoria will be paying higher rates as the years pass; even those who have recently enjoyed some rate relief. The recent experiences of many ratepayers in amalgamated councils is that they are "paying" for rate relief (and this relief is by no means general) by way of reduced services. One large Melbourne amalgamated council is privatising its services, particularly home help services. Rising rates and reduced council services will become the norm as Local Government becomes more and more "distanced" from the individual ratepayer....the individuality of Local Government areas is already under siege as councils become swollen bureaucracies. |