home of ... Douglas Social Credit
31 January 1997. Thought for the Week:
The mass crushes beneath it everything that is different,
everything that is excellent, and qualified and select. Anybody
who is not like everybody, who does not think like everybody,
runs the risk of being eliminated. And it is clear, of course,
that this 'everybody' is not 'everybody'.
'Everybody' was normally the complex unity of the mass and the divergent specialised minorities. Nowadays, 'everybody' is the mass alone. Here we have the formidable fact of our times, described without any concealment of the brutality of its features." F.M.W. Walshe |
ROBBING THE NATION OF ITS SOULby Eric D. Butler The Victorian Premier has long been a fervent exponent of multiculturalism, which like others of his kind he insists "enriches" the nation. His latest contribution to the multicultural mania is not only to appoint a State Governor who has a long record of advocating multiculturalism, but is prepared to allow himself to be used by the Premier as a type of super salesman for investments in Victoria. Sir James Gobbo is of Italian background and after practising as a lawyer eventually became a member of the Victorian Supreme Court. As one who has travelled extensively, I can say that I have met a number of distinguished jurists of non-English backgrounds who were fervent exponents of the values of the British heritage of Common Law and the value of Constitutional Monarchy. Sir Roy Welensky, former Prime Minister of the Central African Federation before its break up, told me at a London interview I had with him in 1963, that although he did not have one drop of British blood in his veins, his father being a Polish Jew and his mother Afrikaans, he was an enthusiastic admirer of everything British and the civilising effect it had on a nation. There is such a thing as a distinctive British culture, which has flourished, in all parts of the old British Crown Commonwealth. Aspects of that culture still remain in parts of the U.S.A., particularly in the Deep South. There is no evidence that Sir James has absorbed much of that culture and, as revealed by Denis McCormack in his address at the Australia First Heidelberg Rally last Sunday, Sir James was actively associated with those groups seeking to undermine the traditional Australian immigration policy, a policy that while basically economic, also sought to foster a homogeneous society. The very tolerance, which we are hearing so much about from the multiculturalists, was a feature of a culture, which enabled people of non-British backgrounds to become accepted into the mainstream of the traditional way of life in Australia. A study of the media over the Australia Day weekend provides graphic evidence of how far the technique of mass conditioning has gone to tear Australians from their cultural roots. Much of what has been said is a manifestation of how far the rot has gone. Self-styled academics utter the most shallow and absurd nonsense. We are told that the Monarchy is no longer "relevant". The Queen is a "foreigner" and we must have an Australian Head of State. Before this type of statement is blindly accepted, it might be of advantage to have a look at the American Republican system, where the current Head of State Bill Clinton was elected in an election in which the majority did not feel it worth even voting, with Clinton fighting desperately to ensure that he does not have to face serious criminal charges. And there is the spectacle of the Speaker in Congress, a Republican, being found guilty of the most serious misconduct and heavily fined. The much-maligned members of the Royal Family look like paragons of virtue compared with what has happened in the U.S.A. Running through the whole of the controversy concerning the Monarchy, multiculturalism and the absurd talk about "reconciliation" is a deep anti-British undertone. The "wicked" British allegedly "brutally" dispossessed the Aboriginals and are responsible for their plight. It is almost mind boggling to see Australians of part Aboriginal background wearing European-style clothes, driving modern motorcars while talking about how they have been robbed of their culture. How Australia Day should be celebrated is a question which can only be decided by accepting a fact of history: that Captain Philips with a small group of convicts, guards and administrators, raised the British flag at Botany Bay on January 26th, 1788. The birth of what developed into a British nation in the southern seas was not perhaps a very spectacular affair compared, for example, with the American Revolution. But it was a birth, which, like the planting of a small seed, had the potential for a development into a nation with a proud record of achievements, not only material, but of the spirit. Australia Day should not only be a birthday but a time when we recall with proper pride what has been achieved before the present era of knockers and subversives. If we are to turn our backs on everything associated with Britain, then it is only logical that the present flag should be hauled down. And then do we turn our backs on the noble English language in our frantic efforts to prove to that great abstraction called "the international community", that at last we are truly "independent". |
REPUBLICAN MYOPIA ON "INDEPENDENCE"by David Thompson Howard noted that any establishment of a republic was not an easy process, and its very nature would take time. He might have further expanded on these comments, and pointed out that the proposed republic will not achieve what many republicans are hoping. That is, a republic would not necessarily make Australia any more independent as a nation. The identity of our Head of State is almost irrelevant when considering the impact on Australian sovereignty of financial and economic matters. The severing of Australian ties with Britain has not produced enhanced Australian sovereignty at all, but in some cases the very reverse. For example, when Australia under Prime Minister Whitlam abandoned legal appeals to the Privy Council, he also introduced the process of submitting Australia to United Nations conventions and treaties. This did far more to undermine Australian sovereignty than anything the Privy Council had ever done. It is not the Queen (of Australia) who has pushed Australia into adopting the "free trade" dogma, and committed us to "the global market". This was done by Australian Prime Ministers - particularly the republican Keating. It was not the Queen who ran up billions of dollars of foreign debt, thus jeopardising Australian sovereignty by placing us at the mercy of groups like the International Monetary Fund. It was not the Queen who insisted that we must "privatise" Australian utilities from the Commonwealth Bank down to the council water system, but politicians who surrendered to "The Market" with hardly a protest. All this was achieved by self-serving politicians, and none of the damage will be undone by replacing Her Majesty with a president, particularly if chosen or appointed by the same set of politicians. The greatest threat to Australian sovereignty is the financial powers who bestride the global marketplace, and Australia's ability to defy the dictates of "The Market" is being eroded every day by political decisions. The World Trade Organisation has far more influence over which Australian industries will survive than does the Queen, and perhaps even more influence than our own political "representatives". The proposition that an Australian president could sack a government using the same constitutional powers available to the Queen's Australian representative is a ludicrous argument for disposing of the monarchy. If anything, the republicans want an "Australian" Head of State for commercial purposes, rather than constitutional, cultural or ceremonial purposes. For example, the former diplomat Richard Woolcott writes: "Importantly, an Australian president would also be an authentic advocate of Australia's commercial interests overseas in a manner in which the Queen of England, as our Head of State, and even the Governor General cannot at present achieve... "(Weekend Australian, 25/1/97). If the Governor General cannot achieve this function, then by what logic does Woolcott suggest that a "president" could do so? Has it ever been suggested that the "Queen of England" is involved in promoting Britain's commercial interests overseas? Does Woolcott suggest that the Queen spends her time flogging British investment opportunities, or touting for trading advantages for Britain when she travels overseas? It is a ludicrous and demeaning suggestion, yet it is on this level that Woolcott and many other republicans seek to re-mould the Australian identity for the 21st century. |
CLINTON SEEKS VICTORY OVER CULTURAL CONFLICTIn an inauguration speech dripping with platitudes, and ideas culled from dozens of previous residential inauguration addresses, President Clinton nevertheless managed to address himself to one of the central issues facing the United States. Clinton offered no answers to the racial and cultural friction tearing the United States apart, but he did identify it. He said: "Our greatest responsibility is to embrace a new spirit of community for a new century. The challenge of our past remains the challenge of our future: Will we be one nation, one people, with one common destiny - or not? Will we all come together or come apart? The divide of race has been America's constant curse. Each new wave of immigrants gives new targets to old prejudices. Prejudice and contempt, cloaked in the pretence of religious or political conviction, are no different. They have nearly destroyed us in the past. They plague us still " Clinton commits the common cardinal mistake
of dismissing "religious and political convictions" as merely
masking the vices of prejudice and contempt. His refusal to
take those religious and political differences seriously,
presumably together with other differences like that of race
and culture, leads Clinton and other small "1" liberals to
the view that such differences must be at best glossed over,
and at worst legally suppressed in order to force a harmonious
society. Rather than craft an immigration policy to reflect the reality that different racial and cultural backgrounds produce widely varying aspirations, Australian policy-makers seek to force those with serious differences to live together in harmony. In fact, the Liberal Party before the last election promised to spend millions of (taxpayers) dollars on an "educational" campaign to eliminate intolerance. How is it that such starry-eyed idealists cannot see that such a propaganda campaign will even further fan the smoldering embers of resentment? Radio broadcaster Phillip Adams echoed Clinton's line last week when addressing an Australia Day lunch in Hong Kong. Adams accused Sydney radio hosts Alan Jones and John Laws of training racists, and cultivating "lunatics" as listeners. Adams observes the resentment resulting from an open-door immigration policy, and blames the victims who seek to express some of that resentment in one of the few forums open to the not-particularly-politically-correct. President Clinton notes that each wave of immigrants into the U.S. simply aggravates their problems of cultural conflict. He is virtually conceding that an open-door immigration policy is part of the problem. But rather than deal with the problem, he seeks to suppress the results with a form of pseudo-morality that pleads for evermore "tolerance" from the victims. It is almost certain that the answer to Clinton's question, "will we come together, or come apart?" is already decided. History is crystallised policy, and the policy of ignoring reality will produce the disaster the idealist hopes to avoid. The United States will blow apart if its leaders continue to attempt to suppress the results of cultural friction. It is a lesson that Australia can still learn, if we are willing to do so. |
COMPULSORY VACCINATIONS ON THE AGENDAThe horror generated by the current rise
in infant deaths from contagious diseases like whooping cough
has generated fresh demands for compulsory vaccination of
all children. Little research is available to back up the
case for compulsion, even if it is more than a matter of simple
freedom of choice. For example, the (relatively minor) outbreak
of whooping cough is automatically blamed on children who
have not been vaccinated. It has been suggested that instead of compulsory vaccination, perhaps incentives might be offered. One incentive was for vouchers to fast-food outlets like McDonald's. Anyone with even a rudimentary understanding of diet and the immune system should be horrified by such a suggestion. To offer parents junk food for children whose immune systems are under strain from vaccination is just as bad as compulsory vaccination. Little research is available on the
link between the incidence of contagious childhood diseases
and the quality of diet. Existing evidence suggests that the
original drop in infections coincided with the gradual improvement
of diet. If the quality of the diets of Australian children
is now actually falling, then it would not be surprising that
the incidence of contagious disease is rising again. The widespread
use of artificial fertilisers, pesticides and herbicides may
also be contributing to the deterioration of Australia's food
quality. The incidence of asthma and a wide range of allergies
has been casually attributed to this problem. 'VACCINATION- One Hundred Years of Orthodox Research'by Dr. Viera Scheibner. This well-researched book is virtually a text on what the orthodox medical research itself shows about the immunisation programme. A very thorough, although not exhaustive study that throws a glaring light on the results of vaccinating, which has not yet been answered by the medical authorities. Such research forms the initial basis for parents' reservations concerning vaccination, and serious reservations about compulsory vaccination.'Vaccination A Cruel Deception'by Christian Borleis. A booklet that identifies the correct questions to be asked on immunization. Borleis also identifies some of the contents of vaccines, and asks how the injection of such putrid material can possibly assist the immune systems. It might be a controversial issue, but it must eventually be faced by everyone, and to face it without examining both sides of the debate is irresponsible. |
FROM THE PRESSFamily Law Act Legacy from The Australian, 14/1/97"The data just released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics in relation to births is most informative, but also very disturbing. "Apart from showing that Australia's fertility rate is at a record low and well below population replacement rate, it discloses that 27 percent of our births are now out of wedlock. As the graph in your article (Births at Record Low as Women Wait, 9/11) shows, the percentage of such births has been rising steadily since 1975 and has tripled since that year. "The Family Law Act was narrowly passed by the Federal Parliament in 1975, despite many warnings as to its possible effects on society. The growth of de facto relationships is one of these. "The concept of marriage as a permanent institution was destroyed by that legislation. It demeaned the institution of marriage, thereby creating a situation where it became acceptable to bypass marriage. Society has suffered as a consequence. "A study conducted last year in three States by the Charles Sturt University showed that a high percentage of the children of de facto couples suffered serious adverse social effects. "Another serious consequence of the 1975 legislation was the dramatic rise in the divorce rate since then. The number now exceeds 800,000, with resultant trauma for thousands of the children affected. "Society is paying dearly for the shortsightedness of our Federal Parliamentarians in that year." MARGARET RUSH, Ivanhoe, Vic. |