home of ... Douglas Social Credit
26 March 1999. Thought for the Week:
"Christianity, Democracy and Social Credit have at least three
things in common; they are all said to have failed, none of
them is in the nature of a plan, and every effort of some
of the most powerfully organised forces in the world is directed
to that end, not only that they shall never be accepted, but
that as few people as possible shall even understand their
C.H. Douglas |
THE DEADLY RESULTS OF CENTRALISATIONby Eric D. Butler In the early days of the Second World War, when Hitler was carrying all before him militarily, the view was expressed that the military successes of Hitler's Germany were the result of superior efficiency. There were a few farsighted Germans who strongly disagreed with the view and were convinced that Hitler was leading Germany towards ultimate disaster. Subsequent events proved Hitler's opponents were correct. One of the most revealing statements
made early in the Second World War, which came from the Fabian
Socialists who welcomed the Second World War, was that it
was only in war, or the "threat of war", that the British
people would accept large scale planning. As the military
conflict moved towards its conclusion, powerful international
groups skillfully supported propaganda, which sought to convince
a war-weary world, that international planning was essential
to prevent another world war. International organisations
like the United Nations, the World Bank and the International
Monetary Fund came into existence. Events have increasingly confirmed the warnings of those who said that those promoting these grandiose centralist views were suffering from delusions; that the lessons of history taught that all centralist programmes contained the seeds of their own destruction. Consider the plight of the world today, as it is convulsed by one economic disaster after another. And clearly there is worse to come. The establishment of a United States of Europe would allegedly make further European war impossible and usher in full peace and prosperity. But as witnessed by the recent convulsion in bureaucracy of the EEC, reality has blown away the foolish dreams of the centralists. The establishment of a single currency for the EEC countries early in January of this year was hailed as a great triumph. History will confirm that that was yet another great disaster. In the absence of a complete mobility of labour and a political union attempting to merge 20 plus nations of cultural and linguistic diversity into a single government, this programme is already doomed to disaster. Europe has had only two experiments in multi-national government - the former USSR and Jugoslavia; both were disastrous. The disasters of Jugoslavia, with the threat of military action by NATO backed by the USA, to attempt to force "unity" on the culturally diverse Balkans can only result in still greater disasters. It has been said that those who will
not learn from the disasters of history are doomed to repeat
those disasters. Australia should take careful note as they
are invited to intervene in the affairs of Indonesia. It was
the deep student of history, Sir Raphael Cilento, who warned
that multicultural Indonesia could never become a stable nation.
Events are confirming Sir Raphael's warning. Can the global planners point to even one success story where UN or other troops have brought peace and stability to multicultural countries? Australia can best contribute to global sanity by putting its own house in order. Yes, provide help where it is requested otherwise reject all manifestations of globalism and seek to maintain a basically homogenous nation. This means a rejection of the myth that a successful multicultural Australia can be created. |
THE TANGLED WEB IN EUROPEby Jeremy Lee The Australian Financial Review (18/3/99) said: "... The Commission has been left to operate with no real political masters - and, until recently, the European Parliament has been treated with the same contempt as the bureaucrats by European voters. "That is, except for the people from countries who are the major beneficiaries of the European Commission's largesse in terms of political pork-barrelling and trade subsidies... The timing of the crisis could not be worse... The need for member States to take firm action is obvious, but the problem remains one of national sovereignty and just how much power member States are willing to cede to a single European authority..." With no accountability, and a blurring of the checks and balances, which should minimise such corruption, the reality is that the real power in Europe has shifted to transnational corporations. As long ago as August 23rd, 1997, The Sydney Morning Herald reported: "For more than a decade, Europe has been effectively run not by national politicians or the Brussels bureaucracy, but by a little known group of transnational corporations called the European Round Table of Industrialists (ERT)... The evidence shows the ERT was the driving force behind the EEC'S internal market in the 1980s, the 1991 Maastricht Treaty and the social welfare-cutting single currency. Founded in 1983, the ERT is made up of 45 business leaders from large European transnational corporations whose combined annual turnover approaches $880 billion..." |
STINGING ATTACK ON REPUBLICAustralia's best-known historian, Professor
Geoffley Blainey, launched a stinging attack in a major address
on March 10th, on the drive for an ill-defined republic. He
compared the position with Hitler's rise to power: ... Hitler
rode through the constitution. He became both the prime minister
and the president. Does our new constitution prevent that?
I doubt it,' Professor Blainey said. Professor Blainey went on to say that, while our constitution was not perfect, it was far ahead of the proposed alternative, which was seriously deficient in safeguards. |
SLIPPING THROUGH THE NETThe front-page article in The Courier-Mail (Qld., 16/3/99) claimed that there were serious deficiencies in Australia's northern defence-surveillance that had allowed a boatload of illegal immigrants from China to land on the beach in the Cairns area. The boat had been there three days before a report reached the authorities from a local newsagent! The Courier-Mail has also learned that:* High-tech radar and infrared equipment used to detect illegal immigrants has been branded unreliable. * The Howard Government rejected a call by the Auditor-General last year for greater co-operation between Coastwatch and other departments. * Coastwatch routinely spent just 5 percent of its time on detecting illegal immigrant vessels..." Hardly encouraging! |
WISHFUL THINKING ON ECONOMYThe headline in The Courier-Mail's
leading front-page article (12/3/99) was a Hans Christian
Andersen special: There are lies, damned lies ... A full-page
in-depth review by Elisabeth Wynhoausen in The Australian
(3/3/99) gave the other side of the story: Why don't they show up in the statistics? It's simple. If you have one hour's work a week you are counted among the employed! With this sort of latitude, a Government can make the figures say anything. |
AUSTRALIA'S PROBLEMS JUST BEGINNINGA visiting World Bank official, vice-president for East Asia Jean-Michel Severino, warned on March 4th of the possibility of a global depression. The Australian Financial Review (5/3/99) reported: " Mr. Severino said the analysts who declared the Asian crisis to be over were wrong: 'The financial side has stabilised, but it is a very fragile stability. If you look at what has happened in Russia, at what has happened in Brazil, you can see that the state of developing country markets is extremely fragile. If you look at the economic side, growth is not there. It is, on average, zero this year for Asia... If you look at the structural side, the magnitude of the damage that has been done is massive, and the restructuring will take several years. In the case of Indonesia, you can even talk about it as a generational challenge,' he said..." This was almost immediately followed by the latest UNCTAD report, "Global Economic Conditions and Prospects": "... Neither a return to stability in the buffeted Asian economies nor the apparent containment of the Brazilian crisis can hide the downside risks facing the global economy in 1999,' it says (The Australian, 11/3/99). |
SEEDS OF MONOPOLYA New York Times report, syndicated in The Financial Review on March 17th, gave news that one of the world's biggest chemical companies, DuPont Co. was spending $7.7 billion to purchase Pioneer Hi-Bred International the world's largest producer of seed corn. The report added that DuPont, in buying Pioneer, would be developing "genetically altered seeds and sell them directly to farmers world-wide in tandem with DuPont's herbicides and pesticides..." |
ONE NATION'S MOMENT OF TRUTHby David Thompson With Pauline Hanson herself effectively side-lined ("kicked upstairs" as party President) this election is perhaps the final opportunity for One Nation to show that there is sufficient community support to elect a One Nation Legislative Councillor. There is little chance of One Nation winning any Legislative Assembly seat, and the fact that the Legislative Council ticket is led by David Oldfleld is a mixed blessing. Whether it is justified or not, the clear impression is that it is Mr. Oldfleld who has made the decisions in One Nation since he became Ms. Hanson s senior advisor. It is therefore David Oldfleld who is believed to be the person responsible for the internal dissent in One Nation that has resulted in many Pauline Hanson supporters leaving the party in disgust. The One Nation in-fighting has inevitably led to the party's policies being overlooked by the very considerable support base that is available to anyone representing such policies. These include such policies as keeping the NSW electrical system in public hands, a referendum on the death penalty, restriction of foreign ownership, the assimilation of migrants, and increased funding for the rickety NSW health system. |
ABORIGINAL CANDIDATE OSTRACISEDOne Nation's aboriginal candidate for Wyong, Mr. Ron Holten, is in conflict with his local Darkinjung Aboriginal Land Council for standing as a One Nation candidate. The Land Council has suspended Mr. Holten, who argues that he is the only descendent from a Darkinjung Elder, and therefore the only true claimant to traditional Darkinjung land. If he is able to successfully claim any of this land, Holten intends to return it to the people of Wyong. "We aborigines have developed a terrible name for hypocrisy by claiming land which we say is holy and essential to our spiritual well-being and then flogging it off to developers like second hand car dealers as soon as we get it," he is quoted as saying (Lakes Mail, 18/3/99). "Not one of the people on the Darkinjung Land Council is a genuine tribal member of this area. They are all outsiders and they have the audacity to turn me out, the only genuine tribal member of the area amongst them, simply because I believe in fairness being the only road to true unification of all Australian people." |
ABOLISHING DEBTThe NSW State election is producing some bizarre claims and counter claims. The Coalition Opposition, desperate to sell the State's Electricity, which would fetch up to $25 billion on the foreign market, is promising voters a $1,000 handout per household if elected. Having paid off the State's debt of almost $19 billion, a Coalition Government would then legislate that New South Wales introduced a "no new debt Act" ensuring that the Government could not amass future debt except in "exceptional circumstances". Believe that one if you like! The Coalition leader, Kerry Chikarovski, is slightly more "up-front" than the Liberals in South Australia. Having campaigned in the last SA election on the promise he would not sell ETSA (The Electricity Trust of South Australia), Liberal Premier John Olsen has now written an "open letter" to fellow South Australians, saying it's either sell ETSA, or face electricity bill increases of up to $200.00 per annum. These arguments are only smaller versions of the "blackmail" used against Australia for the last 20 years - "sell your assets, industries and utilities, or we'll cut your finance supply!" It's now a massive form of international pressure called globalism. The beneficiaries are transnationals, and the banks, which finance them. What happens when we have unbolted all our assets and auctioned them? The question of future funding has still not been addressed. Until some leader with a bit of nerve touches the red-hot poker, the future of our children is being pawned, day-by-day. |
THE COST OF PARLIAMENTPeter Andren, the Independent MP for Calare, has done some digging on the actual cost of Parliament in Canberra, revealing that we have one of the most expensive Parliaments in the world, costing $1.5 million for every member! In 1981 it cost $70 million to run Parliament. This financial year it will cost $346 million - about $16 for every man, woman and child. One of the major blowouts was ministerial staff, which had grown from 183 in 1981 to 338 last year: "... there were 51 employed at senior adviser level or above - a gaggle of Sir Humphreys, a mafia of minders," he said. "I used to laugh at 'Yes Minister' but now I smile grimly at the realisation of just how applicable it is to our situation."' (The Courier-Mail, 10/3/99). |