home of ... Douglas Social Credit
30 April 1999. Thought for the Week:
"For the Civilisation she enjoys and the prosperity she has
attained, Australia is mainly indebted to England and her
highest arbitration, considered with her duty and her interest,
should be to cherish and preserve a connection, by which she
has been raised from a lowly state, and in far less than 100
years, elevated into a higher position in the rank of the
nations, than other countries have achieved in several centuries
of time!"
Irish born Roger Therry, pioneer of the establishment of the English Common Law in the Colony of New South Wales. |
THE ANZAC LEGEND AND THE MYTH OF MULTICULTURALISMby Eric D. Butler While banks as institutions are not highly regarded, robbing them by armed gunmen would not result in the gunmen being eulogised as some type of heroes. What captured the imagination of the Australian people was the Kelly story, ending with the Kellys' last stand at Glenrowan, North East Victoria, his home-made armour which proved ineffective against the police, and a trial which aroused great public interest, during which Ned Kelly conducted himself with considerable composure, even when the Judge pronounced the death sentence. Many prominent citizens of the period publicly urged that Kelly be pardoned. There was a view that the Kellys had been victimised by a police force representing a society, which favoured the owners of property. Much of the violent crime of today has its roots in a society where current finance economic policies have created a type of underclass, which feels alienated from mainstream society. The alienation has taken place at a time when the traditional values taught by Christianity have been undermined. Following the last Federal Election, Graeme Campbell, of the Australia First Party, warned that the removal of Independents had deprived a growing number of society of a type of "safety valve" for a growing resentment of the type of finance-economic policies being imposed upon them by the major political parties, and that the end result could be growing violence. The societies, which produced the Anzacs, and their successes in World War II, reflected the basic value system undergirding the growth to nationhood, which was taking place before the First World War and the involvement of Australian troops. It is currently unfashionable to mention the fact that the Anzacs, comprising Australians and New Zealanders, were basically of the same English, Irish and Scottish racial stock. They shared the same stream of history as reflected in the constitutional and legal system. "Serving God, king and country," meant something to the men (and women) who served in the Armed Forces. It was C.H. Douglas, the founder of the movement known as Social Credit, who warned that even more serious than the abolition of the British Empire and Commonwealth was the threat to British culture - this culture being the product of the Anglo-Saxon-Celtic people. This culture grew out of a strong belief in the rights of every individual. One of those rights was the right to genuine freedom. The Anzacs were the products of a resourceful and innovative people who were natural pioneers. It was in the newer countries like Australia, New Zealand and Canada that the basic British love of freedom flourished as never before. While it is true that Anzac ceremonies result in some speakers referring to the tolerance and resourcefulness of the Australian people, rarely is there any reference to the British roots of these qualities. The basic roots of the Anzac legend are threatened by the philosophy of the globalists and multiculturists. Like a ray of light traditionalist Michael Barnard in the Sunday Herald Sun of April 25th. writes of a "Multicultural bias fringe in need of a cure". Barnard quotes with approval from Paul Sheehan's best seller, "The Barbarians Among Us". Barnard warns of a "drift to multiculturalism" with the encouragement of a retention of alien hatred and its sinister implications for national unity. Barnard says it is time for plain language, to state that assimilation is the only alternative to multiculturalism. While it is encouraging to see a growing number of young Australians participating in Anzac ceremonies, these young Australians need to be adequately informed of the roots of Anzac. If Anzac Day ceremonies are to be an inspiration for the future of Australia, it is essential that Australia's roots precede the epic of Anzac. Traditionalist Bruce Ruxton made a telling point at the Melbourne Anzac Dawn Service when he congratulated the young cadets carrying the Australian flag. That flag symbolised the real roots of the Australian nation. Its existence is one of the major barriers to the globalists and multiculturalists. Long may it fly! |
THE ECONOMICS OF DESTRUCTIONby Jeremy Lee: The Australian Financial Review
(14/4/99) told us: "War is hell - unless, of course, you happen
to be an investor in the defence and aerospace sector. "Or
so it would seem. Since NATO started dropping bombs on Yugoslavia
on March 24, shares in some of the world's major listed weapons
and equipment makers have risen sharply. "Shares in the US
giant Raytheon, which makes laser-guided bombs, have climbed
7 percent, while warplane manufacturer British Aerospace has
risen by about 8 percent. The article went on to say, however, that so far the number of bombs dropped had not been sufficient to make a large difference to armament stocks. ".... Allied defence departments are still clogged with an overhang of military stock after the end of the Cold War. "'Frankly, 19 days of bombing doesn't make the tiniest dent in NATO members' stocks,' says Mr. Nick Cunningham, defence and aerospace analyst with Salamon Smith Barney in London " Comparing the present conflict with the Gulf War, Mr. Cunningham said that the Iraq conflict had used up "a couple of hours' worth" of Cold War stock. Kosovo by comparison, was not that relevant. So far the Kosovo conflict had cost NATO about $1 billion in extra armaments, fuel and allowances to service personnel, compared to the reported $800 billion the 43 days of Desert Storm had cost. Only a fraction of the cruise missiles used in the Gulf had been launched in Kosovo. The fear was that not enough hardware had been used to force governments to re-order military stock. Apart from this macabre view of current events, this is another example of the insane Economics of the moment, which measures disasters in terms of the "growth" needed to sustain the illusion of economic progress. Similarly, the $1.4 trillion spent on grappling with the Y2K millennium bug round the world is perceived to have given a boost to economies, and there are fears that when it is over there will be a slowing of growth. Presumably we will require fresh disasters at that time to boost economic activity. |
THOSE WHOM THE GODS WOULD DESTROYThe headline in The Weekend Australian
(17-18/4/99) read: Those with clear memories will have a sinking feeling of deju-vu. Exactly the same line of thinking took place when the name was changed from Country Party to National. Then leader Doug Anthony used almost the same arguments to suggest that "broadening the base" of the Party away from its customary rural base was the way to a successful future. The truth is the National Party has not been a farmers' party for at least two decades. It is neither "national" nor "rural". It is simply an appendage on the globalist policies pursued by both Liberal and Labor. Its failure can be seen in the raw statistics of rural disaster - a loss of close to a quarter-of-a-million family farms, leading to a current rural scene characterised with numerous pockets of rural poverty and social breakdown, with the exodus of farmers still continuing. |
A PACIFIC UNION?One of the ALP's "young turks" Mark Latham is now advocating a Pacific Union to be instigated by Australia, along the lines of the European Union. The Australian Financial Review (12/4/99) quoted him as follows: "International economic governance requires much more than co-ordinating the existing efforts of national governments. It relies on the establishment of supra-national bodies, the clearest example of which is the European Union. The Maastricht Treaty has established a new tier of financial governance in Europe... Australia should not be left behind in this process. Our greatest external policy challenge for the coming century lies in the various forms of economic union in the Asia-Pacific region. We have no 'natural' political or economic bloc along the European or American lines. Australia, therefore, needs to build one among a subset of the APEC nations " It's still mildly surprising to find such thinking in the same Party that produced Andrew Fisher, King O'Malley, John Curtin and Ben Chifley. But it won't be surprising that Mark Latham and one or two other internationalists will be picked up and given increasing prominence by the media, which is globalist in sentiment. |
REPUBLICAN PUSH CONTINUESMr. Peter Barron, an executive for the Packer Group, has been appointed director of the campaign for Australia to become a republic. Goldman Sachs operative Malcolm Turnbull continues as chairman. Also on the committee is former Liberal Party director and current Publishing and Broadcasting Ltd. director Andrew Robb; Finance Minister John Fahey's chief of staff Greg Burnes; former NSW Labor premier Neville Wran; and former NSW Australian Democrat Ms. Karen Sowada. They will use the $7.5 million allocated by the Federal Government to the Republican cause to launch a number of sub-groups, which will promote the republican cause among particular groups, which could include "Veterans for a Republic". "Rural People for a Republic", and "Youth for a Republic". With two prominent media executives on the committee, and Rupert Murdoch's media empire firmly behind them, they shouldn't have any trouble getting their views into the headlines. |
HOMELESS AUSTRALIANS AND THE LOOMING SURPLUSThose who saw the ABC's 7.30 Report on April 23rd, which covered the now-massive crisis of homeless people in Australia, will have been appalled that the number in this category has quadrupled in the last decade. Nearly a quarter of a million Australians have no roof over their heads, and are shunted from one temporary shelter to another. Welfare agencies can only cope with one out of two applicants. At about the same time came news that the frenetic surge of borrowing in Australia, resulting in higher consumer spending and retail profits would result in an unexpected surge in the anticipated Budget surplus of up to $8 billion. That represents $1,760 for every four Australians, man, woman and child. How can any government plan to take in more tax money than it plans to spend when a quarter of a million citizens are homeless? With the quite justified concern about the plight of Kosovo refugees we should remember that a pavement or culvert is just as cold to sleep on in Melbourne as in Macedonia. The number of homeless in Australia now equals about half the total number of refugees who have fled Kosovo. Their misery is just as acute. |
PITY THE YOUNGA new report, Australia's Young Adults:
The Deepening Divide confirms the catastrophic situation
in which young Australians now find themselves. The report
says young people are less economically independent than in
the past: nearly 60 percent of those aged between 15 and 24
were dependent on their families in the period 1994-96, an
increase of 12 percent since 1982. "... Young adults are reporting
increasing levels of job stress, and either static or declining
levels of job satisfaction
"The proportion of young people
employed casually has doubled over the past 10 years, and
the proportion of part-time jobs has also doubled since 1988.
The traditional linear transition from school or study to
work is no longer the reality for most young people, who typically
juggle full and part-time work. The idea of the career path
has become overgrown, lost in the thicket of re-structuring
and work re-engineering... About 500,000 young Australians
are at risk of continuing disadvantage due to their inability
to ride the wave of radical labor change (The Weekend Australian,
17-18/4/1999). In a scorching article in The Australian (19/4/99) under the heading "Farewell the 'Fair Go' Society," Deborah Hope commented bluntly: "Australia is fragmenting. Forget nostalgia for the fair-go nation of the post-war years. In the way we live, work and educate our children, the new Australia is breaking up into the extremes of privilege and disadvantage, the pursuit of individual interests and sectarianism in a way we could not have imagined even a decade ago. "Ethnic ghettoes and gated residential estates - even, in one case, a gated suburb - are appearing in our cities. Once the crucible of national identity our public schools are at risk of becoming the territory of the disadvantaged... The increasingly visible polarisation occurring within our cities is growing between rural and urban Australia as well. Areas of Australia hit by drought, crop failure, persistent unemployment, bank closures, and the loss of other social services lost as much as 20 percent of their population in the half-decade to 1996 Once a nation denies its young people the opportunities of a stable and creative lifestyle, with the chance of home ownership and families of their own, it has lost its way. We can run as many inquiries into the drug problem or the rise in crime as we like - they are symptoms of a deeper malaise our leaders are unable - or too terrified - to touch." |
ACTION ON WTO AGREEMENTAs we go to press, information received
alerts us to an agreement that will further surrender Australian
sovereignty. It is proposed by the World Trade Organisation
(WTO) and known as the Fifth Protocol to the General Agreement
in Services. It is confirmed by the Department of Foreign
Affairs & Trade that this will require that Australian financial
institutions, including the "Big Four" banks - National, Commonwealth,
Westpac and ANZ. At present this "treaty" must be the subject of a report by the Joint Committee on Treaties to the Parliament. It cannot be signed until this report is tabled, which is due on May 12th! We suggest immediate action protesting this agreement, as against the national interest. The treaty is supported by Deputy Prime Minister Fischer. We advise immediate protest action. |