home of ... Douglas Social Credit
24 March 2000. Thought for the Week:
"We have forgotten what the English Crown really is! The Crown
could have equally been called the People's Wealth, the People's
Power or the COMMON-Wealth. The Crown is the holder of the
People's Wealth and the Governor General is the Trustee on
the People's Behalf.
The Governor General of the nation has the job of ensuring the People's Wealth is held not just for present generations but for all future generations. (It is for this reason that the power of the Sovereign must be unlimited.) Thus a parliament of political parties cannot transfer the People's Wealth on a permanent basis; it is why the Governor General is given real power not to pass all Acts of the Parliament-so the Governor General can protect the common-wealth of the people." From "The Murphy Myth" by Kerry Spencer-Salt, March, 2000 |
CAMPAIGN, The Australian (7/3/00) reported: "The cost
of a glass of beer will rise by 9 percent under the GST -
not the 1.9 percent flagged by the Howard Government as an
election commitment. But never mind! Some backbenchers, while voting for it, are "sympathetic". They, in turn, will deserve "sympathy" when they lose votes in coming elections. It's only a matter of time before those collecting hundreds of thousands of names on petitions to Governors, the Governor General and to Parliament, take the obvious step of inviting Australia's hoteliers to collect extra signatures at every bar in the land! With apologies to a well-known Australian song, we couldn't resist the following: "The drinkers were sober, and flat on their backs, A cent for the grog and a dollar for tax! The pub was deserted, no sign of good cheer, And all of it due to the tax on the beer!" |
ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTSAnswering charges from Labor MP Jann McFarlane that the Immigration Department was discriminating against Pakistani tourists in favour of those from the UK, Minister Philip Ruddock gave some pertinent facts: ".... In the case of Pakistan, the past actions of their countrymen and women have resulted in the inclusion in the risk factor," he said.... Mr. Ruddock said 14 percent of successful Pakistani visa applicants overstayed their time, while only 1.9 percent of UK tourists did so. A spokesman for Mr. Ruddock said: "The statistics speak for themselves. We refuse entry to 52 percent of people from Pakistan and 14 percent of them still overstay ...." Perhaps the Pakistanis would do better by joining Iraqis and Afghanistanis in a quest for a sea-voyage to Australia. At least that will guarantee a minimum three-year stay, all expenses paid. |
KISSINGER AGAINWe thought Indonesia had enough troubles. President Wahid seems temporarily to have the army under control. He has just been visited by the US Assistant Secretary of State for East Asia, Mr. Stanley Roth, who urged him to accelerate banking and financial reforms. Malaysia's Dr. Mahathir would probably have sent Roth packing. Which makes the latest news, released in the Strait Times (Malaysia) on March 2nd, that Henry Kissinger will take up a position as "political adviser", surprising indeed. |
BLACK MAGIC IMMIGRATIONby Alfred King However, the reality of human nature which has been PROVED IN EVERY COUNTRY WHERE MULTICULTURALISM HAS BEEN TRIED is that if we took in 100,000 Eskimos tomorrow, they would want to live in the same area as each other, continue to practise their own language and culture, and they would want their children to marry other Eskimos and maintain Eskimo culture. They would always consider themselves to be Eskimo first and foremost, not Australian. We now have a divided nation. A polyglot society with no single set of core values. As the definition of civilisation is those beliefs and values, which bind us together, this is the end of our civilisation. We enter a new Dark Age. I emphasise that we cannot blame Eskimos for living this way - they are acting according to their human nature. In any place where there are a large number of people of the same culture living together, they will want to maintain their own culture. This is an unchangeable fact of life, which the idealists will not come to grips with. The blame for our modern disastrous immigration policies rest with these idealists and subversives who ignore the lessons of multiculturalism in other countries, and insist that the Australian people will have this imposed on them whether they want it or not. The only 'debate' that is allowed to be carried on is at the very fringe, i.e. how quickly the end result of the darkening of our country is to take place. Once we have lost a distinctive national character and set of unchanging core beliefs and values, we can readily be absorbed into the grey, characterless, undistinguished and hopeless One World that the Establishment has planned for us. Let us be clear on one important point. There is no such thing as an Italian Australian or a Chinese Australian. A person is either one nationality or the other. He cannot belong to two countries. An immigrant either wants to come to our country to take on our culture, because our culture has created the kind of place that he would like to live in, or he wants to maintain his own culture. In this case, the best place for him to achieve this is his own country. Sadly, this most commonsense has to be
restated here because the body of knowledge on this subject
has become so corrupt that we have lost sight of even commonsense.
We don't need a super-educated elite to tell us what we know
in our bones to be right. The press is well aware of the revulsion
of ordinary Australians for our present immigration policies.
Every poll result shows that not only do we not want reduced
Asian immigration, we do not want any immigration at all.
It is hard enough just trying to make a living ourselves at
the real family level, without having to take on the burdens
of tens of thousands more legal migrants and countless other
illegals. A large proportion of these people cannot even speak
English, let alone bring desirable skills to Australia. And even if they did bring money into
the country, we have to get away from this black magic idea
of measuring everything in terms of cash. For example, our
family's grandmother is a fifth generation Australian. She
was born here and has spent all her life here, working 11
hours a day on the family farm until she retired on a modest
pension. It is precisely this sort of person who has made,
and continues to make, the contribution that has produced
such a wonderful country. The recent confusion displayed by the media about our national identity is completely absurd. It is this traditional type of person to whom Australia belongs. The ordinary man in the street accepts this as commonsense, but this reality just doesn't fit with the ideal of the elite. The money system is a man-made system. Currently, anyone with enough money can come to live in Australia. Man has to fit the system. Social credit rejects this idea. "Systems were made for man, and not man for systems, and interests of man, which is self-development, is above all systems." |
IN BRIEFThe latest investment poll, commissioned by US investment house Salomon Smith Barney, has revealed that, despite a most intensive media brainwashing campaign, only one in four Britons now favour replacing the pound with the euro, down from 29 percent in January. Even the business sector, which once led the charge in favour of the European single currency, has gone silent on the issue. A report by KPMG Consulting recently estimated that Europe's largest companies could face costs of $90m each in adopting the euro. It is estimated that 75 percent of British companies, large and small, would vote "no" on a referendum on the euro if it were held tomorrow. |
BANKERS LOOKING AFTER THEIR MATESMalcolm Turnbull must be encouraged by this week's overseas news. Former US Treasury Secretary, Mr. Robert Rubin, who stepped down last July to pursue a career in banking, received a compensation package worth more than $34.9mn in the four months he served as Chairman of Citigroup. And he will earn nearly $75mn over the next two years. However, beware Malcolm - Satan is a hard taskmaster. In fact, he is never satisfied. |
SA PREMIER CONTINUES THE 'FIRE SALE'by Betty Luks It could be that some rural Liberal politicians are finding they may have some allegiance to their people - but not too much - as it is reported they are saying privately "...they will not support the Ports Corporation sale if grain handling and both commercial and recreational fishing are adversely affected." Just imagine, access to the ports throughout the State could be denied to recreational fishermen, and who knows what conditions and charges would be imposed upon the commercial fishermen and the grain handlers in the future. It is reported, "The Government has given an indication that recreational fishermen will be protected under the sale process and will retain access to wharves and jetties." Is this promise of the same worth as Howard's 'never ever' GST? |
FEARS FOR MANDATORY GENETIC FOOD LABELLINGby Betty Luks Surely the basic question any health minister would ask is, "Does it promote the health of the people - or does it destroy the health of the people?" Prince Charles has taken up the issue of genetically modified foods and points to the fact that we have no way of knowing the long-term effects on our bodies. It was suggested that the executives and the staff of the companies that are producing and promoting GM foods should be the first group to test them on themselves for at least five years while we the public observe the results. One of the key speakers at the recent Inverell Forum, Dr. Ziema McDonell Ph.D., predicted that GM foods would increase cancers in the population. The minister for health has a responsibility to insist on strict labelling guidelines for GM foods; the people must have the right to choose not to eat the GM foods. To be able to make this choice, they need to know whether the food has been modified or not. Genetically modified foods, once commonly abbreviated as GM and now known as GMO for genetically modified organisms or GEOs for genetically engineered organisms, have been altered or 'enhanced' by the introduction of foreign genetic material. This procedure, which often involves bacteria, virus strains and DNA of different species, is a far cry from the old traditions of crossbreeding or grafting. The Coles supermarket chain distributes a brochure at the checkout points, designed to allay our fears, by pointing out we already eat many GMO ingredients in our daily diets. Examples given are, soya, canola, rennet, corn, potatoes, sugar beet, and cotton-oil. The brochure claims there is no proof that we are being harmed. Director of the GeneEthics Network, Mr. Bob Phelps is reported to have said, "GEOs are the high-tech equivalent of cane toads and prickly pear." The Montreal agreement by 130 nations that GMO foods can be barred will bring the WTO into confusion. But of course Seattle demonstrated to the WTO that they are viewed with great distrust by many movements and organisations around the world, and the people want to have a say about their own food and other choices. They clearly demonstrated that as far as they were concerned 'money did not rule' and was not the first priority. |
APPALLING SITUATIONLetters to the editor, Adelaide Advertiser,
17/2/2000, from Gene and Bruce Wenham Victor Harbour, SA: The oft-quoted 'If you pay peanuts, you get monkeys' is surely laughable. We have known too many committed workers prepared to take low salaries to build up a business, too many clever volunteers who, without monetary reward, have built and maintained institutions for this to be even remotely true. The appalling situation of the board of AMP treating shareholders so shamefully warrants letters from all over Australia. Let's do it." |
POWER OF DEMOCRACY?Compare the following letter from Mark
Brindal, a Minister in the Olsen SA Liberal government and
the news about Liberal Premier John Olson travelling overseas
to 'flog off our assets' with the Kerry Spencer-Salt 'thought
for the week' at beginning of On Target. I don't think Australians
care two hoots how passionately he approaches his tasks at
hand, what the Australian people are looking for is a person
who will re-present their will and protect their rights. When
Mr. Brindal writes 'the power of democracy lies not in any
government but in the people it represents' he is repeating
what is - to him - a cliché. "One of the many important legislative
changes to the Local Government Act 1999 and the Local Government
(Elections) Act 1999 is the removal of the requirement that
a person seeking election for the office of mayor must first
serve 12 months as a councillor. Behind this change was the
recognition that in order to give electors a greater choice
and selection of candidates, it was necessary to remove the
entry restriction to the office of mayor. This would then
allow more people with the suitable skill and talent an opportunity
to run for mayor, without having to go through a term or more
as a councillor in local government. |