home of ... Douglas Social Credit
31 March 2000. Thought for the Week:
"A disturbing malaise has gripped the leading lights of world
politics. 'Today we are living in the midst of a worldwide
revolution,' former UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali
hammers away in his addresses. 'The planet is in the grip
of two vast opposing forces: globalisation and fragmentation.'
"Boutros-Ghali adds with deep uncertainty: 'History reveals
that those caught up in revolutionary change rarely understand
its ultimate significance.
"The Global Trap" by Hans-Peter Martin, 1997 |
THE IRON HAND IN THE GST GLOVEby Jeremy Lee The Australian Financial Review
(22/3/2000) said: "The Australian Tax Office has already excluded
40,000 businesses from registration for an Australian Business
Number - thereby imposing a punitive 48.5 percent tax on all
earnings - and plans to use the new compliance weapon to deregister
entities that fail an 'enterprise test'. "Another 200,000
new businesses will face intense scrutiny after July 1 because
they were unable to demonstrate a track record before registration
the 40,000 businesses had been excluded because there was
insufficient evidence they were carrying on an enterprise.
They still had the option of applying for an ABN and avoiding
the penalty tax, but they would be subject to a detailed questioning
about their activities
A new rule introduced under the Ralph
reforms will deny company status to businesses that earn more
than 80 percent of their incomes from one source
" Meanwhile, the Australian Tax Office itself is being crippled by industrial action. The Community and Public Sector Union - which includes about two-thirds of the ATO's staff of 16,000 - is demanding a 5 percent wage increase. Apparently the Government doesn't know what to do. If they cave in to the wage increase, it will spread to all sectors of the Public Service. If they don't, they may be faced with crippling strikes that makes the lagging work for the GST totally impossible. Naturally, our hearts are bleeding for the ATO! |
GLOBAL TAX REFORMSpeaking of tax, Australia's Treasury
is now looking at the virtues of global tax reform. The AFR
(14/3/2000) reported: The Tobin tax has already been endorsed by the Canadian Government. It is an idea for taxing transfers of finance anywhere, from one country to another. The volatility of the trillion or so dollars washing round the world each day can wreck national economies, cause panics and generate recessions. It is ample proof that Dr. Mahathir was right. He simply imposed national controls in Malaysia, and stopped the rot. He was criticised by Prime Minister Howard for his actions, NOT because they were wrong but because he made the decision on his own, instead of waiting for 'global consensus'. The big crime these days is personal initiative. The chances of Howard stepping one inch outside the bounds set by the international banks and the global corporations is less than Buckleys. |
TASMANIA AGAINST GLOBALISMOnce again, Tasmania, Australia's smallest State, is taking a lone stand, which just may save the federal system. It is spitting in the face of the World Trade Organisation by saying it won't allow Canadian fish imports inside its borders. The Constitution gives Tasmania authority to do so. But another international treaty is set to strike the Constitution down. The matter will probably end up before the High Court, which has a poor record when it comes to such issues. By 4 to 3 in the Tasmanian Dams case, Section 100 of the Constitution was rendered meaningless. Still, even High Courts have occasionally got it right. So Tasmania has a chance, which would be a big blow to the globalist Howard Government. |
ANOTHER EXAMPLE OF CHEAP IMPORTSWe're as sick as our readers must be of hearing another story of Australian industries knocked over by cheap imports. Queensland's Courier-Mail (20/3/2000) reported: "Queensland's heavy engineering companies are set to lose million-dollar contracts which could have provided more than 25,000 jobs because of cheap, low quality imports. "Research by the State Government-subsidised industry Supplies Office also forecasts that more than 700 manufacturing workers will join the jobless queue by June, as imports replace local products in major projects. If the trend continues, Australia's steel fabrication industry would shrink by 25 percent by the end of the year, the study has found. Australian Manufacturing Workers Union state secretary David Harrison said yesterday that owners of heavy engineering and fabrication plants round the State have warned of imminent job losses. The union estimates that more than 170,000 tonnes of steel could be imported into the State in the next few months for several major projects, including power stations and the Comalco Alumina Refinery at Gladstone What can you say? Australia has suffered a quarter-of-a-century of this sort of insanity, wrecking industry, losing jobs and getting further and further into debt as a result. Yet both Government and Opposition are mindless puppets of the globalist mantra. |
THE CHILD ABUSE INDUSTRYHovering like a time-bomb over the Queensland
Government is a one-man petition increasingly known as "The
Lindeberg Petition" by a former government officer who presents
evidence that the Goss Government shredded the evidence about
an inquiry into abuse of children at a Government centre that
implicated members of the Labor Party. The issue was recently
raised at the trial of Scott Balson, former web-master for
the One Nation Party (who, incidentally, was expelled from
the party for publicising on his website the fact that the
Party had been illegally registered). The latest report from the Queensland front comes from The Taskforce on Women and the Criminal Code. Among other things, it recommends legalised abortion, that women should be allowed to be surrogate mothers, and that the age of consent for underage couples should be lowered to 12 -provided the partner is no more than two years older. Legal sex between kids who have not even entered their teens! "Those whom the gods wish to destroy " |
HOW WE LOVE THE 'GANG-OF-FOUR'The March issue of Choice (published by the Australian Consumers Association) shows that the public perception of the major banks has not improved. Despite making, between them, $29 billion in profits over the last five years, only 10 percent of customers feel that service has improved. While the big four were at the bottom of the heap, the best banks were the Bank of Queensland and Bendigo - the only two that haven't been affected by mergers. A major survey in The Australian
(14/3/2000) suggests that we are on the verge of another series
of bank takeovers and mergers. So far we've had the following:
ALL THE BURDENS, NEVER ANY BENEFITSby Betty Luks But what about some progressive policies for the people? What about looking at what the Government of Alaska did for the people? In the 1980s, an Alaskan Permanent Fund was set up with the task of determining the best way to spend funds beginning to flow from oil royalties. While the ideas were further developed, the benefits that now accrue to the people are worth noting: they pay no income or sales tax and every Alaskan citizen receives an annual dividend. By the mid 1990s The Courier Mail, 16/6/1995, reported that the State of Alaska still made its living from the riches it pulled from the ground and the people receive money from the Government. As at Christmas 1998, every family of four received a cheque equivalent to $A8,600. Those who have taken the trouble to study Social Credit know that one proposal is a national dividend paid to the people. Under the present system we have all the burdens - never any benefits. |
PLENTY MORE "NEVER EVERS" TO COMEby Alfred King Let us clarify our terms: in political speak, "multicultural" means that we slant our immigration policy in favour of Asians, and discriminate against British and European migrants. The truth of this was shown in the findings of a recent study on the nation's ethnic make up carried out by Dr. Charles Price of Monash University. It shows that Australians are still mainly of British origin, but the picture is changing fast. Although Anglo-Celtics formed 90 percent of the population just after WW2, they will be in the minority by the middle of this century. (These are the study's results anyone taking a walk around any of our main cities could not help but form a different opinion.) The Australian, 6/3/2000, reports that Labor has offered bi-partisan support for an increase in immigration numbers, and wants to offer incentives for migrants to settle in regional Australia. Martin Ferguson, Labor's population spokesman, welcomes the Government's sudden backflip on migrant numbers. A Labor Government would consider relaxing requirements to enable the spouse, children and parents of a migrant to settle permanently in Australia. No doubt, we would be obliged to then welcome in and provide for the immediate families of these relatives, and so on. The fact is this Family Rule opens Australia up to potential immigration from the WHOLE WORLD. This has been pointed out several times by leading academics on this subject, but professionally ignored by the press and politicians of all parties. At what point may we be allowed to draw the line and put our own interests first rather than being swamped by a migrant tide that has overtaken Europe and the US also? The answer is NEVER. Not only this, but as a people we are never to even discuss who may be allowed to enter this marvellous, but fragile, country that we have created from scratch in a mere 200 years or so. We are not to be trusted to debate issues which are so fundamentally important to the survival of our people because we may come up with an answer different to that decided on for us by the Establishment. An illustration of the fact that The Australian newspaper is engaged in a long term psycho-political war against the Australian people is given in their reporting of the immigration "debate". Rather than reflect people's views, they see their role as shaping them. Social engineering is a fundamental role of the Establishment. Aside form the huge number of illegal migrants swamping our country and dividing it into many smaller enclaves, such as little Vietnam, little Iraq, etc., this paper has been attempting to condition its readers over a long time frame to want to increase our annual intake of legal migrants. The ABC is in on the act too. Last December
their news service reported the release of a report by the
Committee for Economic Development in Australia, which concludes
that our immigration levels need to be increased to avoid
a population decline, which in turn would mean a 'significant
slow- down in economic growth". It said that to avoid this
immigration level needs to be increased from 80,000 to 100,000
a year. This view has been reinforced again this month in
the minds of the people by The Australian, telling
us that big business and Labor also are strongly of this view. John Howard told The Weekend Australian "I think we need a comprehensive debate about population and immigration". He said that this debate could be part of a "nation building" that he wants to promote after the implementation of his poisonous GST. Makes sense doesn't it! Impose an oppressive and divisive tax which many people will feel they want to avoid, increase the workload of the people by making them account for this tax themselves, recruit legions of Gestapo GST inspectors to further terrorise, then embark on a nation building exercise of flooding the country with foreigners. Brilliant. When John Howard says he wants to look at increasing the number of immigrants he is described warmly by the press as being "open minded". Mr. Howard is quoted that he wants full and open debate of the subject. But, of course, anyone in this "debate" who advocates putting the needs of the Australian people first and wanting to reduce the numbers of migrants, or to select them based on their compatibility with our existing culture, is branded as sub-human and terrorised out of the discussion all together. The most devastating form of censorship is that which controls that which we are not even allowed to talk or think about. |
GST AND OTHER REFORMS BECOMING CLEARERby Betty Luks The power of the Tax Commissioner lies in the fact that the system is fully integrated. As reported in The Australian Financial Review, 27-28/11/1999, the bureaucrats drew on their knowledge of what happened in such countries as New Zealand, Canada and the UK. In New Zealand both the GST and Income Tax are collected by the same agency, but separate computers are used and the computers are not linked. In Canada and the UK, the Value Added Tax (as it is named) is collected by Customs but the Customs computer is not linked to the Internal Revenue computer. In Australia, the quarterly activity statement that gets fed into the database of the one Tax Office Computer contains the GST, Income Tax, Fringe Benefits Tax, Salary and Wages and Group Tax records. Every business, including sole traders and contractors, will put in one statement - with a cheque - every three months detailing all the main figures for the quarter. The key is the Australian Business Number and the Tax Invoice. Every business must quote an Australian Business Number (ABN) on its Tax Invoice to claim back the GST on the things that it sells. Business customers are required to withhold 48.5 percent of the sale price (the top marginal rate) if the Tax Invoice, presented to them by their suppliers, does not quote the ABN. In On Target, March 3rd, we republished a letter to the editor from The West Australian by a Frank Starevich, of Dardanup, who claimed John Howard was going to introduce death duties through this taxation reform. We understand that at this stage "Entity Taxation" under which further tax changes are proposed (and obviously the source of Mr. Starevich's concern), is, just that - a proposal. But to quote The Australian Financial Review, 27-28/11/1999, "Something like 80-90 percent of Australia's small businesses are operated through trusts, mostly discretionary trusts in which cash is distributed to a family company and then lent to the benefices... From July 1st, 2001, Entity Taxation will basically wipe them out..." (as trusts). 'The final part of the picture is Option 2, a short way of describing a fundamental change to the method of calculating income tax. Instead of assessable income minus allowable deductions. . .the new system will simply tax changes in the tax value of assets, including bank balances." In Hansard, 9/6/1999, the Member for Wills, Mr. Kelvin Thompson is quoted as saying, 'The Queensland National Party expressed concern about the proposal that family trusts would be taxed as companies. This means there would be a 47c tax rate on the distribution of capital to a beneficiary on the rental value of a house owned by a trust and lived in rent free by a beneficiary, and the beneficiaries of the discretionary trusts are family members." Mr. Thompson went on to quote a report in The Sydney Morning Herald, 7/6/1999, that the Ralph Report was examining a government proposal to tax trusts (that were carrying on as a business), the same as companies. The then Deputy Prime Minister, Tim Fischer, was reported as saying that he would not support any crackdown on trusts that amounted to a defacto reintroduction of death duties. While it would appear that the objective of Entity Taxation is to "net the big fish" who avoid taxes through discretionary trusts, the results could be something quite different. Mr. Starevich could have some genuine concerns. Our readers need to ensure their local Federal Member gives them a detailed explanation about the proposals. |
ELECTORAL FUNDINGAustralian voters have become aware of the way the Howard Government changed the Federal voting system before the last Federal election preventing the voter from placing his choice in number one position and thereafter not allocating any preferences but putting in number 2 in every other square. This became known as the Langer system. Mr. Langer defied the powers that be by publicly promoting the idea. Now, in order to record a formal vote, you must vote "in order of preference", this way the major parties usually end up gaining the seat through the preference votes. At the last Federal election Pauline Hanson received about 40 percent of the primary vote and yet lost the seat on preferences. A suggestion from one of our readers is that unless the current sitting Member of Parliament is of exceptional quality, put him or her last in your order of preferences. A second term in Parliament qualifies them for their lucrative pensions and other lurks and perks - such benefits that no "Aussie battler" can access. Electoral Funding, set up by the Hawke Government, allows any candidate that has received more than 4 percent of the vote to claim $1.62 for each First Preference vote. In the 1998 Federal election the major parties received nearly $28 million of our money for their Party coffers. Even their losing candidates each brought in an average of over $33,000 for their respective Party machines just because they received the first preference vote. |