home of ... Douglas Social Credit
23 June 2000. Thought for the Week: "As the Kingdom
of God is within each individual, access to the Kingdom
is available NOW. Regeneration of civilisation must start
with regeneration of the individual. The development of
the Kingdom of God can start now with individuals seeking
to use their initiative, in association with others who
are also 'Practical Christians", to resist wherever possible
the policies of evil. Refusal to act is a failure to strive
to enter the Kingdom." "If my people who are called by my name humble themselves,
and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked
ways, then I will hear from Heaven, and will forgive their
sin, and heal their land." |
THE MILK OF HUMAN MADNESSby Jeremy Lee Queensland's Darling Downs has 450 dairy farmers, 50% of whom will be driven out by deregulation. A comprehensive survey of the Bega Valley in New South Wales showed that a 15-cent reduction in farm-gate price would result in the loss of 121 dairy farms (81% of the total). In the Wide Bay area of Queensland the Cooloola dairy area will see income drop from $52 million to $25 million. It is already anticipated that such regions in N.S.W. and Queensland will see interstate milk from Victoria replacing local production from farms that have been there up to 100 years. The best appraisal I have seen on the
imminent dairy disaster has come from Dr. John Kingston, an
independent member in the Queensland Parliament, in a letter
to the Queensland Country Life. He said: "It is
25 years since Australia has had a trade surplus. Our trade
deficits in recent years have been in $ billions: 95/96:21.7;
96/97:17.8; 97/98:22.8; 98/99:32.4. We now have an overseas
debt of $228 billion (latest figure over $250 billion - ed.)
which equates to $42,000 for each of Australia's 5.5 million
families. In 1998/99 the industry expected to
produce over 10 million litres, of which 1.9 million litres
would be consumed domestically as liquid milk. Exports amount
to 50% of annual milk production and 60% of manufactured goods.
Australia is the third largest exporter of dairy products
after the European Community and New Zealand. The Senate Rural and Regional Affairs
and Transport References Committee, in October 1999, stated
that in the last 20 years we have seen incredible efficiency
increases at both farm and manufacturing level, and we have
seen significant restructuring in both sectors. The number
of people employed and the number of farms have all reduced
significantly, and production and efficiency have risen. Average
herd size has risen to 149 cows, and production has risen
55% since 1985. Back to local councils The Democrats are opposed to deregulation of the dairy industry; Premier Carr of New South Wales has expressed deep reservations; a new dairy producers' organisation in Queensland, the Australian Milk Producers' Association, has been formed to counter the weak, complacent Dairy Industry Board. Queensland's Minister for Primary Industries, Henry Palasczuk, has personally opposed deregulation from the beginning. The solution lies in the hands of Local Councils. They can no longer be allowed to remain neutral in the continued persecution of their rural areas. The Federal Coalition is already trailing ominously in opinion polls. The G.S.T. will worsen their position considerably. It may well be the last chance for rural Australia. Failure to take a stand now will mean that the destruction of the Dairy industry will be followed by the Cane Industry. The rout of Australia's rural areas will have been completed. |
VIDEO VENALITYWe must confess to awe-struck incredulity at the latest genius from our Department of Immigration - the production of a video designed to deter potential illegal immigrants. It will show all the horrors waiting in northern and central Australia - snakes, lizards, dust, etc. One can imagine the thrill of horror sweeping through Iraq, Afghanistan and Indonesia (where, of course, the vast majority of the respective populations don't have video-recorders - or even electricity). But they'll hear about it - or that's the intention. Which makes us wonder whether enough deterrents have been included? What about "red-backs", "rogue roos"; "brindled brumbies" "carrion-camels" and other ghastly phenomena that slither about or go bump in the night? The effect will probably earn the attention
of the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission - concerned
at the effect on overseas children threatened by parents who
say "Behave - or I'll take you to Australia!". |
MORE RED OVER BLACKfrom Alfred King The real intentions of the organisers
can barely be suppressed. The message that the press is delivering
is that there were enough people at the march to conclude
that this is a mandate for the government to say sorry and,
ultimately, to start the process of creating separate black
states within Australia. A brief word about the alleged 50,000. I remember the media reports on the morning following the walk across Sydney Harbour Bridge. "500,000 people march in favour of reconciliation" came the first report on the breakfast TV news. Twenty minutes later: "250,000 people want John Howard to say 'sorry'". Another 10 minutes brought this: "Democrat Senator Meg Lees described what a thrill it was to be one of the first of the 150,000 walkers". Clearly the establishment propaganda machine needs better internal communication. When pulling such numbers out of thin air to convince the individual Australian that he is in the minority of (wrong) thinkers, it needs to settle on a number and stick with it. And the question must be asked that how many of those attending at Adelaide were also in Sydney? How did they get there, and who organised and paid for the buses to bring them there? The Australian people have a right to know such things, rather than to be simply mass-fed the lie that this was some spontaneous outpouring of the national sentiment. To those who would believe that these
events have been organised by the semi-coloured front men
that appear in the media, I offer the following. As he stood in front of a world map, Eric Butler predicted 30 years ago that if Rhodesia was allowed to be thrown to the wolves of international finance, next would come the turn of South Africa for the same treatment, and then Australia. At the time hardly anyone could believe it. Yet, today, here we are. We stand guilty of racism for not favouring apartheid, in the eyes of the same people who would condemn this system to be 'racist' in Fiji. They threaten native Fijians with expulsion from the Commonwealth for daring to suggest that they might put their own interests first. If they do not, who will? Yet hypocrisy knows no bounds in modern politics. One book I would highly recommend to all readers is "Red Over Black" by Geoff McDonald. He learned about communist strategy and tactics inside the Communist Party, and the Labor and Trade Union movements, and while attending a secret communist training school in N.S.W. Here he was taught that the first step towards making Australia a communist country would be the establishment of black republic areas of Australia. Those not duped into believing that the fall of the Berlin Wall marked the end of communist ambition for world conquest will be able to see the current events merely as the next stage in the infolding of a long term strategy. We all want the best for Aborigines. But this is not about what is best for indigenous Australians, it is one branch of the psychological warfare being waged to dispossess the majority of Australians. It concerns our continued existence as a homogenous and secure nation. We are all Australians together and must get on with building the best nation we can. No one is to be held guilty or made to say sorry for something which he was not involved in. I must reiterate: a person can not belong to two nations. He is either Australian or he is not. Then, together, let us advance Australia fair. |
DATES FOR YOUR DIARYWest Australia's State Weekend: Saturday/Sunday, August 5th-6th. South Australia's State Weekend: Saturday/Sunday, August 19th-20th. Betty Luks' Queensland Tour: Gladstone Area - Friday, June 23rd. Contact Ted Patterson, Phone (02) 6674 0193 |
FREE TRADE 'ON THE NOSE'Still smarting after the World Trade
Organisation debacle in Seattle, former New Zealand Prime
Minister Mike Moore - who now heads the W.T.O. - is still
desperately trying to raise the dead! He recently held talks
with A.P.E.C. Trade Ministers in Darwin, without any positive
results. The Australian Financial Review (7/6/2000)
reported: Meanwhile, the A.L.P. is going through
its own split over the issue of free trade. The A.F.R. (same
date) said: "The Labor Party looks set for a damaging brawl
between trade unions and the federal parliamentary leadership
over free trade at its July national conference in Hobart.
"The Opposition Leader, Mr. Kim Beazley, has swung his support
behind his Trade spokesman, Senator Peter Cook's free trade
policy. "But left-wing national secretary of the Australian
Manufacturing Workers' Union, Mr. Doug Cameron told The
Australian Financial Review 'the party cannot have a policy
that says we support free trade which is destructive to environment,
social, health, welfare and education concerns'. .... The
A.M.W.U's. Mr. Cameron said he would challenge 'the arguments
that senior Labor Party figures mouth which is the rhetoric
of free trade without taking account of the impact on working
people in Australia'. What would happen if the Trade Unions picked up Dick Smith's "Buy-Australian-Owned-and-Made" campaign is anyone's guess. While the free-trade argument is beginning to split Australia's politicians, further protests were held in the Canadian town of Windsor, where a meeting of the Organisation of American States was held on June 5th. Two thousand police were flown in to deal with protests. The A.F.R. (6/6/00) reported: " .....Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien arrived by helicopter for formal inaugural ceremonies and gave a ringing endorsement of the F.T.A.A. (i.e. Free Trade Area of the Americas - ed.) despite the protesters' shouts about the dangers of globalisation. "'We must press ahead with an F.T.A.A. that can produce benefits for all nations of the hemisphere - big and small,' he said, saying free trade built prosperity and created jobs. ...." Simply repeating the same lies from increasingly-desperate international forums does not turn black into white. If the real problem facing the nations of the world is a debt-driven money system that drives prices beyond incomes wherever it is applied, the crisis cannot be solved by free trade, or any other sort of trade policies. In the process the artificial drive for export markets is the harbinger of war. |
SIX NATIONS PROTEST ZIMBABWE VIOLENCEfrom South African Daily Mail & Guardian
(13/6/2000) Hundreds of international observers
and journalists are expected in Zimbabwe for the June 24-25
poll. Foreign observer missions have also hired thousands
of local monitors, but they will not have to pay the $100
fee. Commonwealth officials said Mugabe made the pledge promising
access for observers during a meeting with former Nigerian
President Abdulsalami Abubakar, who is chairman of the 44-member
Commonwealth Observer Group monitoring the polls. The meeting
with Mugabe followed Abubakar's talks on Monday with media,
church groups and political parties to discuss the violence
sweeping Zimbabwe since self-described war veterans and Mugabe
backers began invading white-owned farms in February. At least 29 people, mainly adherents of the opposition Movement for Democratic Change, have died in the political violence and hundreds have been beaten, raped or forced to flee their homes. Comment If Australia had demanded economic sanctions against Zimbabwe at last week's emergency meeting of Commonwealth Foreign Ministers in London, domestic pressure for Mugabe to go would have increased exponentially. And we're culpable. The Fraser and Hawke governments aided and abetted this tinpot dictator, early on in his regime. Australia was instrumental in the international isolation of Ian Smith's government during Rhodesia's civil war. Soon after Mugabe's victory, he sent his North Korean-led Fifth Brigade to brutally suppress the Matabele villagers he perceived as a political threat. Thousands were murdered, while Commonwealth foreign ministers and the international media sat idle. Now, emboldened by that precedent, he's launched a second genocidal terror, this time against the white farmers whose enterprise and industry generate nearly 70% of Zimbabwe's foreign exchange. So what's the future for Zimbabwe? Anarchy, poverty and misery, like so much of the rest of Africa? Mugabe to be the next Mobutu, or Amin? Or will Commonwealth foreign ministers find a spine, and forcefully tell Mugabe he'll be held personally liable for the murder and mayhem ravaging his once beautiful country? If they don't, they must share liability for his crimes.- Andrew Hestelow |
AMNESTY INTERNATIONALAmnesty International used to be a well respected body when it fought for the rights and release of people imprisoned for being political dissidents. But since it started playing politics it's fast losing credibility, which is bad news for the world's political dissidents still languishing in gaols. In its latest report, Amnesty International has criticised Australia for its selective and reactive intervention in East Timor, and for its domestic human rights violations. It claims mandatory sentencing, deaths in custody and our treatment of refugees and asylum seekers are human rights violations. Reasonable people would not equate Australia's lawful imprisonment of convicted criminals with unlawful imprisonment of people whose only offence has been to criticise their government. Mandatory sentencing is legal, and was only introduced by democratically elected governments after public frustration that magistrates refused to impose custodial sentences on repeat offenders. Reasonable people would also think a country has the right to deter illegal immigrants by keeping them in detention centres. This sends a clear message to others that Australia is not the pushover they've been led to believe. It looks like Amnesty International is composed of unreasonable people, doesn't it. Amnesty's suggestion that the detainees should be freed while their claims are being processed proves it. What sort of a message would that send? There wouldn't be just hundreds of boat people arriving; there'd be thousands, maybe tens of thousands. But maybe that's what Amnesty International wants. After all, one of the 'rights' in the Bill of Rights in the absurd Constitution of the Federation of Earth is the 'right' to travel freely without passports and visas. Clearly this 'right' can't be reconciled with national sovereignty, and we all know how the globalists and the elites loathe national sovereignty. - Antonio Feitz |
LIFE EVENTS & APPRECIATIONWe tried so hard to make things better for our kids that we made them worse. For my grandchildren, I'd like better. I'd really like for them to know about hand me down clothes and home-made ice cream and leftover meat loaf sandwiches. I really would. I hope you learn humility by being humiliated, and that you learn honesty by being cheated. I hope you learn to make your own bed and mow the lawn and wash the car. And I really hope nobody gives you a brand new car when you are sixteen. It will be good if at least one time you can see puppies born and your old dog put to sleep. I hope you get a black eye fighting for something you believe in. I hope you have to share a bedroom with your younger brother. And it's all right if you have to draw a line down the middle of the room, but when he wants to crawl under the covers with you because he's scared, I hope you let him. When you want to see a movie and your little brother wants to tag along, I hope you'll let him. I hope you have to walk uphill to school with your friends and that you live in a town where you can do it safely. On rainy days when you have to catch a ride, I hope you don't ask your driver to drop you two blocks away so you won't be seen riding with someone as uncool as your Mom. If you want a slingshot, I hope your Dad teaches you how to make one instead of buying one. I hope you learn to dig in the dirt and read books. When you learn to use computers, I hope you also learn to add and subtract in your head. I hope you get teased by your friends when you have your first crush on a girl, and when you talk back to your mother that you learn what ivory soap tastes like. May you skin your knee climbing a mountain, burn your hand on a stove and stick your tongue on a frozen flagpole. I don't care if you try a beer once, but I hope you don't like it. And if a friend offers you dope or a joint, I hope you realise he is not your friend. I sure hope you make time to sit on a porch with your Grandpa and go fishing with your Uncle. May you feel sorrow at a funeral and joy during the holidays. I hope your mother punishes you when you throw a baseball through your neighbour's window and that she hugs you and kisses you at Christmas time when you give her a plaster mold of your hand. These things I wish for your tough times and disappointment, hard work and happiness. To me, its the only way to appreciate life. We secure our friends not by accepting favors, but by doing them. GOOD DAY! - Lucia Christensen |