home of ... Douglas Social Credit
28 January 2000. Thought for the Week:
"I would sum up my general suggestions so far by saying that
the chief danger to be considered now is the danger of supposing
the capitalist conquest more complete than it is... This sort
of surrender to modern monopoly is not only ignoble, it is
also panic stricken and premature. It is not true that we
can do nothing... Put one spoke in their wheel, and you will
soon see whether it is the wheel of fate...The modern commercial
combine has a great many points in common with a big balloon...
the smallest prick will shrivel the biggest balloon."
The tyranny of Trusts from "The Outline of Sanity" by G.K.Chesterton |
AUSTRALIA'S LUCKY ESCAPEby Jeremy Lee Christopher Reed, writing in The Bulletin
(25/1/2000) included these comments, disturbingly like Australia,
although to a lesser degree: Reed's research for his article comes in part from Noam Chomsky, a world-noted Jewish iconoclast whose findings seldom reach reviews in the mainstream US media. And this was what the Murdochs and Turnbulls wanted for Australia. The influence of big money already exists, with most party politicians learning early not to get out of step with those who fund their parties. But at least we don't have to go through this nauseating process to select our head of state! The monarchical system looks better by the moment. |
AUSTRALIA'S SOVEREIGNTY UP FOR GRABSA 'sub-committee" of the Joint Standing
Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade is now taking
submissions on Australia's relations with the United Nations.
In its official advertisement for submissions the following
comment is made: This raises huge issues for Australia. The current operation in East Timor is officially a United Nations one, although Australians serving there do so under their own commanders. Much attention in the US has been drawn to the case of a young Marine, imprisoned because his oath of loyalty was to his own country - not an international military force. Australia would be foolish to reduce in any way its own sovereign decision-making process over any use of its already inadequate armed forces. The record of UN peacekeeping operations since the end of the war, starting with its infamous role in the Congo and Katanga, has been a tawdry one. The current Secretary-General of the UN, Kofi Annan, has had to accept personal blame for the despicable use of so-called "peace-keepers" in Ruanda. The UN's behaviour - and defeat - in Somalia was just as infamous. Another issue exists. Section 68 of Australia's
Constitution says the Governor General, as the Queen's representative,
is commander-in-chief of the armed forces. It is not for any
politician to transfer command powers to any other authority
without the consent of the Australian people. It is essential
that as many submissions as possible, raising these and other
concerns, be submitted. The final date for submissions in
February 21st - only four weeks away. They should be made
to: |
STOP PRESSI wonder how much the various State governments
would get for the Dandenong and Flinders Ranges??? Olsen off to sell seaports for $500m.
23/1/2000 Mr. Olsen said the mission would be the basis for future exports and foreign investment, which were the key to SA's prosperity. "It's about investment which equals jobs for South Australians as we rejuvenate and rebuild the economy," Mr. Olsen told the Sunday Mail from Port Lincoln where he opened the Tunarama Festival yesterday. In Hong Kong, Mr. Olsen will meet Mr.
Victor Li, who has bought the State's electricity assets for
$3.5 billion and is involved in the construction of the Adelaide-Darwin
rail link. The Government will urge Mr. Li to open a regional
office in Adelaide to explore future investment opportunities
in SA. Mr. Olsen also will tell Hong Kong investors about
the opportunities in SA, highlighting Ports Corporation, which
has been up for sale since last April and is worth an estimated
$500 million. "Given the example of the Li Ka Shing's investment
(in ETSA and the Adelaide-Darwin railway), clearly SA is a
good investment destination," Mr. Olsen said. |
OH HYPOCRISY, THY NAME IS...by Alfred King Today, Communist regimes continue to kill and torture many more individuals than happened under the Fascists, but the media is strangely silent on this fact. Instead they urge us only to increase trade with Communist nations, i.e., support their existence. Witness China's recent admission to the WTO. Which brings us to the Kalejs 'case'. The fact is that without consulting the Australian people, a large amount of our money has been spent investigating this 'case' and other similar ones, all of which allegedly happened in another country on the other side of the world, over half a century ago. The Special Investigations Unit into War Crimes was formed, and headed by Robert Greenwood, QC. The resources were made available (though not to the defendants of course). The only evidence' that has been produced is a photo of Kalejs in an SS uniform, and his stating that he had lead an Arajs Kommando Unit. For the media judiciary, this represents ample evidence because, when dealing with suspected Nazis, the presumption is guilty until proven innocent. Mr. Greenwood argues that anyone leading a unit in the Arajs Kommandos from mid-1940 to mid-1942 "would have to be considered a serious suspect". This is then whipped up in even greater fervour by the likes of Gerard Henderson, the well-known Zionist frontman, whose main concern is not that all Australian citizens should be considered equally fairly by the legal system. He objects to the comments of Immigration Minister, Phillip Ruddock (January 4th) that Kalejs "...is an Australian citizen and any Australian citizen is entitled, as a matter of law, to return to Australia". Henderson argues in The Age that the problem with this response is that Kalejs is not like any Australian citizen because he did not fully reveal his role in the war when he arrived in Australia in 1950. Hendersons main argument is that war crimes are "...hot issue in North America and Europe" and that Australia must therefore show the rest of the world that it is doing all it can to bring any war criminals living in Australia to 'justice'. Why then doesn't the righteous Mr. Henderson
show the same outrage at the news last month that the British
Solicitor-General has decided not to prosecute five Britons
for spying for the Soviets in the 1950s? The evidence against
them is much stronger than against Kalejs. The crimes of the
Soviets are at least as abhorrent as those of wartime Germans.
HOW FAR HAVE WE COME?by Alfred King Not surprisingly, one aspect the mainstream press has neglected is the huge increase over the same period in the manipulation of society's mind, in which they have been a main player, which results in confusion, ineptitude and misapplication of effort. Alan Gurley makes the point, "deceit has been with us a long time, but this kind of '1984 Big Brother' programme has increased rapidly over the last 100 years and massively over the last fifty years. In fact, with the gulf War, Big Brother made the New World Order official. At this time of reflection, we are reminded again that 'change' is not the same thing as 'progress' even though the wordsmiths describe it as such. The change we are witnessing is that we are retreating further and further back upon our principles and our heritage. Economic progress on its own is of restricted value. The only true progress is moral progress. We have to learn again to apply spiritual truths in a practical way. We need a central core of belief as a starting reference point against which to measure reality and progress. The individual must then be free to decide upon and control the individual issues that affect him and his family. In our Society, the government has a legitimate and a specific place that is defined by Jesus: "Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's and render unto God that which belongs to God." All past civilisations disappeared because they could not solve this problem - where does good government stop? We must have some government, as anarchy is not helpful to anyone, but how to stop government from becoming too large and corrupt, given that the natural tendency of all government is to try to increase its own power? We need to learn the lessons of the past to avoid the abyss we are now hurtling towards. In spite of multiculturalism and the other divisive mandates imposed on us against our will by the UN, the fact remains that we are one people. We do have a long history of dealing with the problem of decentralisation of power. We have not yet perfected this, but we moved a long way forward and achieved far more in this area than any other people. But we have been betrayed. Today, all our national and international relationships are measured in money terms. The betrayal has been initiated in the area of Finance. The globalisation of trade has left us at the mercy of huge multinational corporations who care nothing for the individual. In today's Australia, corruption spreads down from the top. To return to a more just society, we have to reverse the process. A true generation of conscience must come from the grass roots level of society to spread out and permeate upwards. Unless we look to moral progress rather than economic progress, we will move towards only equality in life, i.e., no quality of life for anyone of us. People cannot be forced to do good or behave well. We have to decide for ourselves. The examples we are set have a large influence on what we decide. Certainly the current crop of politicians and 'celebrities' do not draw us upwards. We need an apolitical royal family, answerable to God Himself, to whom we have emotional attachment, to lead us to aspire upwards. |
IN BRIEFWas the War Crimes Amendment Bill 1999 - under pressure from the Jewish lobbyists? - pushed through Parliament (with a dead silence on the part of the media) in order to facilitate extradition of alleged 'war criminals' to anywhere in the world? Liberal parliamentary member, Petro Georgiou's speech - recorded in Hansard - should be carefully studied; the main argument used is that we should not insist on our common law procedures as they make it hard for civil code countries to get extradition. [from N.J.] UK BILLS |
DAVID IRVING CLAIMS HE IS A SOCIAL PARIAHreport from the London libel case"Senior editors at...publishing houses still welcome me warmly as a friend, invite me to lunch in expensive New York restaurants and then lament that if they were to sign a contract with me on a new book, there would always be somebody in their publishing house who would object." Thus spoke the British historian David Irving in his opening statement to the lawsuit he has brought against Penguin Books and Prof. Deborah Lipstadt of Emory University, USA. He claims that Lipstadt fatally damaged his career and jeopardized his livelihood by labeling him a "Holocaust denier" in her 1993 book Denying the Holocaust. "Irving is one of the most dangerous spokespersons for Holocaust denial," she wrote there. "Familiar with historical evidence, he bends it until it conforms with his ideological leanings and political agenda." Irving refuses to accept the "Holocaust denier" label. He does not dispute that the Nazis murdered Jews on a massive scale. He does question the numbers involved as well as the means used. "By virtue of the activities of Prof. Lipstadtl and of those who funded her and guided her hand," Irving argues, "I have since 1996 seen one fearful publisher after another falling away from me, declining to reprint my works, refusing to accept new commissions and turning their backs on me when I approach." To be called a "Holocaust denier," he says, is "like being called a wife-beater or a pedophile. It is enough for the label to be attached, for the attaché to find himself designated as a pariah, an outcast from normal society." |
AUSTRALIANS' PRE-CHRISTMAS DEBT-SPENDING BINGEby Tom Fielder Having lived for many generations in
a 'money culture' we have accepted ephemeral visions as a
reality. We believe and demand that we consume today's 'needs
and wants' with purchasing power that will not be in our hands
until some time in the future. Obviously, only goods on the
shelf can be consumed now. But it does not occur to the customer
that the 'purchasing power' to do so, can, and should be available
also. As the late Professor Walter Murdoch of Perth University
said in his revealing essay of more than fifty years ago,
"Give the people money, since money can be easily created
in whatever quantity it is required..." It seems to be beyond the comprehension
of today's educated society to distinguish the differences
between lend and give and to visualise a situation where debt
ceases to exist as an economic factor in human life. Debt,
or bank loans at interest are the greatest threat to the continuation
of a stable and civilised human society, locally, nationally
or globally. Consider the recent Christmas spending. Up by
$1 l/2billion on last year, bringing credit card debt to $13.5
billion on which 95% of disposable income will be required
for debt service in the near future leaving only 5% of wage
earnings to purchase the household 'needs and wants' in that
period. For an expansion of these notes listen to the tapes: The Fertiliser Conspiracy Anon. None Dare Call it Conspiracy Gary Allen. Tapes: $10.50 from MEA Tapes, Box 184, The Basin, Vic. 3154 |
DAVID IRVING IN THE NEWS AGAIN"Far from being a holocaust denier I have repeatedly drawn attention to major aspects of the Holocaust," he said. "I have provided historical documents both to the community of scholars and to the general public, of which they were completely unaware before I discovered these documents and published and translated them." (David Irving in his own defence.) |