home of ... Douglas Social Credit
18 August 2000. Thought for the Week:
"If government is being used by the Conspiracy to consolidate
power into its hands, it behoves those who wish to preserve
their freedoms to understand the very nature and function
of government. Once the character of government is understood,
efforts can be directed against the increase in government
powers over both the national economy and the lives of its
citizens. A good place to begin such a study is to examine
the two sources claimed to be the source of human rights.
There are only two, presuming that it is admitted that humans
do indeed have rights: either man himself, or someone or something
external to man himself, a Creator...
Thomas Jefferson said... 'The God who gave us life gave us liberty. Can the liberties of a nation be secure when we have removed a conviction that these liberties are the gift of God?'" "The Unseen Hand" by A. Ralph Epperson, 1985 |
THE ASIAN VERSIONThree days after the New York gathering
closes, Melbourne's Crown Casino (what an apt venue!) will
host the World Economic Forum. The event is being taken very
seriously, and strong security measures are being taken. A
major three-page report in The Bulletin (8/8/2000)
included these details: The Bulletin article went on: " ....S11 (September 11), an umbrella group formed to link all those planning to protest, has set up an extensive and well-organised website. The name sounds militaristic; so too is S11's planning. The website tells us there are only 40 days and so many hours and seconds until September 11. It has dozens of links to media reports about globalisation and suspect corporations .... The Victorian police will not allow the forum to be closed - they have even held discussions with the Australian Defence Forces about 'logistical support'..... Victoria's operational police won't be allowed to take holidays while the Forum is on ...." The whole thing sounds like a suitable occasion for thousands of the "red cards" being used in Zimbabwe to embarrass dictator Robert Mugabe. We can't claim to be highly confident in the Victorian police - not since they caved in to a mob of thugs when a private citizen lawfully attempted to organise a political meeting in Victoria a couple of years ago. There are numerous questions that need asking: What companies will be funding the gathering? What is the attitude of the major parties? Has the meeting and its agenda been debated in Parliament? Is the Australian government contributing financially? Ever since the massive protests against the W.T.O. last year, gatherings such as Davos, the G-8 and I.M.F. conferences have been held at enormous expense, with a massive deployment of police and military forces - witness the 22,000 Japanese police recently flown into the G-8 meeting in Okinawa. It is clear that, throughout the world there is a steadily-increasing swell of anger at the globalists. Yet so far the political parties and the global media have closed ranks, in an effort to portray all protesters as "cranks and ill-informed misfits". |
up with the news that another parliamentary committee is asking
for submissions on Australia's relations with the World Trade
Organisation. Its terms of reference are: The Joint Standing
Committee on Treaties "shall inquire into and report on the
nature and scope of Australia's relationship with the WTO.
The Committee's examination will include: Submissions should be made to the Committee Secretary, Joint Standing Committee on Treaties, Parliament House, CANBERRA, A.C.T. (Phone: [02] 6277 4022. Fax: [02] 6277 4827. E-mail: jsct@aph.gov.au By the time readers receive this, there will only be a week to send in submissions. It is of the greatest importance. Even a short submission of protest, outlining a few dangers, can make a difference. Examples A very good website is available providing information on the W.T.O. issue for those with websites. It is GUMbus@powerup.com.au. All part of the growing link between groups on all sorts of issues, both nationally and internationally. Get YOUR submission away as soon as you can! Your conscience will be clear! At least YOU haven't let Australia slide without protest! |
ONE ECONOMIST GETS IT RIGHTWe have quoted Kenneth Davidson before
as one economic journalist much more realistic than his contemporaries.
In a balanced criticism of the Beazley position on free trade,
in which he said we could look forward to many more casualties
in the Textile, Clothing and Footware, and the Motor Vehicle
sectors if the free trade level playing field was persisted
with, Davidson added: 'According to Naomi Klein in No Logo, which became the bible for the demonstrators against the W.T.O. at Seattle, there are now almost 1000 export processing zones, spread through 70 Third World countries, employing 27 million workers, in which the management is military style, the supervisors often abusive, the wages below subsistence and the work low-skill and tedious. She said: 'It's a classic vicious cycle; in an attempt to alleviate poverty, the governments offer more and more incentives; but then the E.P.Z's. must be cordoned off like leper colonies.' These conditions could not continue where the workers in E.P.Z's. were free to establish trade unions and the companies forced to pay taxes to build the infrastructure necessary for a civilised environment for workers." (The Age, Victoria, 3/8/2000) |
SOUTH AUSTRALIAN FARMERS HIT WITH NATIVE TITLE CLAIMSWe have received a report that many South Australian (West Coast) farmers have had native title claims slapped on their properties. This could be why the Olson Government reintroduced a native title bill which aims to validate pastoral and other leases dated from January 1st, 1994, to December 23rd, 1996. Upper House Independents blocked the bill - opposed by Aboriginal leaders - and prevented its referral to a committee for review. The Attorney-General then reintroduced the bill and the government won - by 11 votes to 8 - the right to have it discussed again, before being put before parliament for a final vote.The government says the legislation is necessary as S.A. is the only state in which native title claims cannot be decided by courts as well as the national Native Title Tribunal. The bill which concerns leases covering about 7 percent of the state seeks to outline which tenures extinguished native title rather than leaving it to courts to decide. The SA Farmers Federation has warned that if the bill fails, farmers on perpetual leases would be forced to take part in native title court cases. In West Australia native title claims have made the situation on some properties just about unworkable - some have as many as 16 separate claims on the one property! |
WHAT'S HAPPENING TO FARM INCOMES IN AUSTRALIA?by Antonia Feitz During the almost 40 years since 1960, Australian farmers have adopted new technology, listened to advice and put in long hours of toil but have not prospered. Not only have farmers not prospered, but also their numbers have diminished from 205,000 to 110,000. (Country Leader, 24/7/2000) And things are not improving. On the ABC's Country Hour (27/7/2000),
a Muswellbrook market gardener was emphatic that the 20 percent
rise in vegetable prices was not going to the growers. He
said it's hard to find anybody under 60 market gardening any
more - it's impossible to make a living if the property is
indebted. He just survives. It's the - by now - familiar story. |
A LITTLE HELP FROM YOUR FRIENDS?by Catherine Kelly To get an idea how our good buddy, the
U.S., views the new world order, listen to these chilling
statements from U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright
in a recent interview with Newsweek: After reading Albright's take on world
affairs, it should come as no surprise to any one in this
country that the U.S., long considered a true, true friend
of the Bahamas, is very likely the prime instigator of the
recent attacks on our offshore financial sector. Just watch
the instant replay: Put all this together with Albright's earlier comments and it's easy to see that if The Bahamas doesn't comply with the U.S., we will be labelled a rogue state or more euphemistically a "state of concern" and risk being shut out of world markets. However, if we do co-operate, we will be considered a "society in transition" a good guy. Presumably, we will then be allowed to deal with reputable international companies, transact business with international banks, have some say in international trade talks and qualify for international assistance. No wonder The Bahamas government has finally issued a statement outlining the "urgent steps" it plans to take to ensure "The Bahamas compliance with the identified international standards and, hence, its consequent removal from the F.A.T.F. blacklist and U.S. advisory". After nearly two months of burying its head in the sand, the Government is suddenly all eagerness to meet with everyone from God on down the O.E.C.D., the F.A.T.F., Bahamian financial institutions, lawyers and accountants, national and international legal authorities, the Leader of the Opposition and all M.P's. anyone that can help get The Bahamas back in the international community's good graces. But passing a pile of laws and amendments, as the Government proposes, is not the answer. As French Finance Minister, Laurent Fabius, told his Russian counterpart when he announced Russia's plans for new money laundering laws: "What counts in this area even more than others is that they are put into practice." In the meantime, does the Bahamas Government's new amenable posture mean it has abandoned its recent "suck teeth' diplomacy? Only two weeks ago, Central Bank Governor Julian Francis was telling one of the dailies: "Inevitably, there will be a bitter taste left in the mouth of Bahamians, who realise that we are being bullied by some of our friends." Perhaps now this Government has finally learned that in the new global economy there are no such things as 'friends'. Punch July 17th. From: Facts Inc. members@factsoffshore.com |
GIPPSLAND ADMINISTRATOR APPOINTEDWe are pleased to announce Mr. Don Aucterlonie has accepted the position of Administrator for the Gippsland region. For all matters dealing with Social Dynamics training, setting up study/letter writing groups in your local area, or any other matters concerning the League of Rights - and you live in the Gippsland Region - please contact Don Aucterlonie, Phone 5633 1969. |
DIARY DATE FOR SYDNEY CONSERVATIVE SPEAKERS' CLUBThe Annual General Meeting is to be held on August 29th, 2000 - make every effort to attend. Guest speaker will be Mr. John Stafford and his subject will be "Ireland Today". No meeting in September: Due to the anticipated Sydney Olympics' congestion there will be no meeting in September. The book "Vaccination: The Right Choice" by Maureen Hickman ($28.50 posted) is available from the Heritage Book Service, P.O. Box 6086, Lake Munmorah, N.S.W., 2259. |
SOUTH AUSTRALIA'S STATE WEEKENDSaturday, 19th, and Sunday, 20th August
Venue - Seminar & Dinner - Seminar commences 1.35 p.m. Parish
Centre, Christ Church, 1708 Main South Road, O'Halloran Hill. "Frank Bawden Memorial Dinner" will be held on Saturday, August 19th. $22.00 per person - 3 course meal; B.Y.O. drinks. Sunday Action Conference: August 20th...10.00
a.m.. $10.00 admission. Venue to be announced. A short Divine
Service to open the Sunday Action Conference. Then the meeting
will be opened up for Dr. McDonell who has agreed to stay
on for the Sunday morning. She will speak on the following:
"Looking at Cancer; Probable Causes; Treatments; Hormones
& Menopause Problems; Men's Prostate and Cancer - How to Treat
It; What To Do To Avoid It". Action reports will follow. Please note: The next Adelaide Conservative Speakers' Club will be held in November. BOOK - Genetic Engineering: Food & Our Environment (A Brief Guide) by Luke Anderson: A reading must for everyone! Author Luke Anderson has presented a clear picture of all aspects of the debate concerning genetically engineered foods. The question is answered as to who is making the crucial decisions about the future of our food supply. Why are living organisms being patented? What are the implications to our health, the impact upon farming and the environment? Unsustainable chemical/industrial farming practices have already turned much arable land into desert, yet the Federal Government is pouring approximately $80 million this year into gene technology! Order from: Australian Heritage Society, P.O. Box 163, Chidlow, W.A., 6556, or any of the League Book Services. Soft cover - $22.00 posted. |
NATIONAL WEEKENDSeptember 29th-30th, 1st October. Plans are under way for the National Weekend to be held from Friday, September 29th (Dinner); Saturday, September 30th (Seminar); through to Sunday, October 1st (Divine Service and Action Conference). Please mark your diaries NOW. Guest speakers include Mr. Jeremy Lee and Dr. Ziema McDonell. Dinner and Seminar to be held at The Victoria, Little Collins Street, Melbourne. Divine Service & Action Conference to be held at 'Runnymede', Panton Hills, in the C.H. Douglas Memorial Hall. |