home of ... Douglas Social Credit
25 August 2000. Thought for the Week:
"Too often those who condemn monopolies stop at specified
industrial monopolies: the electric monopoly, the coal monopoly,
the oil monopoly, the sugar monopoly, etc. They ignore the
most pernicious of all monopolies in the field of economics:
the monopoly of money and credit; the monopoly that changes
a country's progress into public debts; the monopoly which,
by controlling the volume of money, regulates the human beings'
standard of living, without any relation to the realities
of production and the needs of families.
Yet too often, one forgets that politics, which ought to see to the stabilisation of economics, has itself become a monopoly. But because this monopoly is present in the form of political parties, and because party politics struts under the name of democracy, the people are taken-in. They think that political parties were made for them, whereas they were made to exploit them." "In this Age of Plenty" by Louis Even |
WHEN STATISTICS ARE COOKEDby Jeremy Lee "This is the problem with most work created these days. It is part-time, insecure, low-paid, unsatisfying and with poor conditions ..." wrote one writer. "....Not one news report stated how the unemployment figure of 6.3 per cent was calculated. Newstart and all the other meaningless training courses, plus work for the dole and the refusal to include anyone who works more than one hour a week are accounting tricks designed to deceive the public and conceal the true magnitude of this disaster,...." wrote another. Yet another elaborated: ".... The A.B.S. defines the unemployed as those who 'had actively looked for full-time or part-time work in the four weeks up to the end of the reference week'. Those who had given up and were no longer looking for work are not included. It is estimated that this 'hidden unemployment' would add a further 400,000 men and women to the real unemployed ...... The A.B.S. definition of an employed person is 'persons aged 15 and over who during the reference week worked one hour or more'. There are 9.2 million employed Australians on this basis. Of these 1.4 million worked less than 15 hours a week and a further 1.1 million worked less than 30 hours a week ....That's over three million Australians either under-employed, or completely unemployed. The Howard/Costello/Abbott government is being completely dishonest in its unemployment claims. A fourth letter in the same issue gave
this overall picture: "This is an intolerable age of self-serving
politics, limp media, corrupt law, woebegone churches, directionless
education, the globalisation gobble, the sale of Australia,
unmitigated crime, the migrant debate and defence in a shambles
...." |
A TAX ON TAXSome may remember, in the hazy distant past, the promise from the Howard Government that Stamp Duty would disappear with the introduction of the G.S.T. Surprise! It's still there - and getting bigger. The Australian Financial Review (Weekend, 12-13/8/2000) reported:".... Stamp Duty, which the Federal Government promised would go with G.S.T., has instead been inflated by the 10 percent G.S.T., boosting the tax take on land, property and the transfer of business assets. 'The effect is that stamp duty is now a more significant impost in many transactions,' said Mr. Peter McMahon, an indirect taxes expert with law firm Blake Dawson Waldron ....In the Government's original reform plan, State Governments were to give up stamp duties, except on real estate, in return for gaining the revenues from the G.S.T. But, in fact, most duties have been retained and uplifted by the G.S.T. ..." |
OUT IN THE OPENThe Editorial in The Australian (14/8/2000) was quite specific: " .... The Australian is a republican newspaper and keeps the faith...." It went on to urge the re-vamping of the Australian Republican Movement, emphasizing that Malcolm Turnbull, despite his past contributions, was not the man to lead it. ".... The people know who Mr. Turnbull is. They also know they do not like his approach, or his model for a republic. Mr. Turnbull should know that he should go. It would be unbelievably short-sighted of him not to." T here don't seem to be too many hands up for the job. |
EAST TIMOR ANOTHER VIETNAM?With two U.N. soldiers killed in the
last three weeks, there are ominous signs that creating future
peace is going to be long, complex and expensive. A report
from Tim Dodd in Jakarta (A.F.R., 14/8/2000) said: Wishful thinking is not going to solve this problem. There is no such thing as a "no-win" war. Unless the militias in question meet a stronger and more determined force, they will continue to grow bolder. |
CONSTANT PRESSURE BRINGS RESULTSEven the biggest multinationals cannot bear constant pressure and bad publicity. One of the biggest agricultural biotechnology companies in the world, Novartis A.G., has announced that it will withdraw all genetically-modified ingredients from its food products. Among other things, Novartis makes Ovaltine, Gerber baby foods, Wasa crackers and various health foods. It is the first big multinational to eliminate genetically-modified ingredients from all its foodstuffs world-wide. Others are beginning to waver, with companies such as Frito-lay and McDonalds dropping genetically-modified corn and potatoes from some of their food in the United States. Novartis is still in a delicate position, as its agricultural division continues to sell genetically-modified-seeds. It has done no more than buy a breathing space, and will continue to face fierce scrutiny until it is squeaky-clean. This is a clear indication that thousands of people, well informed and working together can change things far more effectively than starting new parties and trying to get into power themselves. |
NO MORE WHARFIES?Patrick Stevedores are in Phase Two of
a plan to replace wharfies on the dockyards - by robots. Technology
has now been developed to unload, lift, stack and move containers
entirely automatically. The day can be foreseen when shipping
terminals will be handled by no more than one or two "button-pushers",
or more correctly, computer operators. Once complete, the
technology will cost no more than $100,000 per wharf, recouping
the cost in saved wages in a week or two. What is government's answer? To find displaced wharfies a niche in the "education economy"? Or give them work-for-the-dole? The answer is a change from the wage-and-salary economy to the dividend. Douglas showed how this could be achieved before World War II. But wage-slavery is a useful mechanism for social control, both for government and the banks. |
DEBT CONTINUES A GRIM TOLLThe latest figures from The Australian
Bureau of Statistics give two incongruous pictures: What do we make of that? It would seem that those who followed the dictum "Get-Big-Or-Get-Out" have, on average, ended up in the worst position, if one compares Western Australia and Victoria. Where will those Victorian dairyfarmers who will be borrowing to take over from milk-producers in other states end up? The omens don't look good. |
THE JAPANESE WAYThere is consternation and argument in Japan as the Reserve Bank has finally lifted interest rates. Some argue the measure too harsh. The jump? From 0% to 0.25%. |
WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM TO BE HELD IN MELBOURNEThe World Economic Forum is an organisation made up of the richest global companies in the world. For the past thirty years it has held regular summits and meetings aimed at 'managing globalisation'. Every February in the Swiss mountain resort-town of Davos, over a thousand of the world's C.E.O's. meet, along with a restricted list of politicians, academics and influential media who are invited along. Discussions range from how to manage the Asian economic crisis to surfing the internet revolution, all with the aim of extending market and corporate power. In September of this year, the World Economic Forum will hold the Asia-Pacific Economic Summit, "Asia-Pacific in the 21st Century: Leveraging the new drivers of growth". The Summit is jointly sponsored by the Business Council of Australia and the Australian Davos Connection (the Australian arm of the World Economic Forum) and will take place at the Crown Casino, Melbourne, September 11th-13th - three days before the Sydney Olympics commence. Members of the W.E.F. include Amcor, B.H.P., B.P., Boeing, Citibank, Commonwealth Bank, Chevron, Dow Corning, Dupont, Exxon-Mobil, General Motors Holden, McDonald's, Microsoft, Mitsubishi, Monsanto, Nestle, Niki, Publishing & Broadcasting Ltd., Rio Tinto, Shell, Siemans, Westfield, Western Mining. It is the intention of many groups, from all shades of the political spectrum, concerned about the growth of corporate power and globalisation, to organise a week (in Melbourne) of co-operation, workshops, networking and protest action to coincide with the W.E.F. meetings. |
GLOBALISATION: BACK TO THE PASTby Antonia Feitz That nice, isn't it? We won't get as bad as Ethiopia, but maybe like the Indian or South American cities. They have millions and millions of very wealthy nationals who don't give a ratz for their impoverished fellow-citizens. Australians keep trying to tell their politicians that they don't want this polarisation. They want a stop to the current disastrous policies and they want the restoration of civil society. But it's full steam ahead to the ugly old days of unrestrained capitalism for the politicians ruining this country. And the Australian continues to pump out the daily propaganda that we've never had it so good, we just won't admit it because we're envious and resentful. In keeping it up, they're fools and will eventually come a cropper. |
U.N. RAPID DEPLOYMENT AND SECURITY FORCEThe United Nations Rapid Deployment Police and Security Force Act of 2000 (HR 4453) was introduced in the House (U.S.A.), on May 15th, 2000, in support of United States Presidential Decision Directive 71 which calls for a stronger United States response to maintaining order in societies recovering from conflict. According to U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, the "International Community" needs to identify and train units that are able to control crowds, deter vigilante actions, prevent looting and disarm civilian agitators while, at the same time, winning the trust of the communities in which they are deployed.The Act fails to state that such "conflict" invariably results from aggression by U.S., U.N. or other arms of the City of London aka "the International Community" as witnessed in Rwanda, Bosnia, Serbia, Indonesia and Chechnya. Full Story: https://www.americanpolicy.org/un/main.htm |
LETTERS TO THE EDITORThe following letter appeared in the Australian Financial Review, 8th August, 2000. Mr. John Halfpenny, a communist and former militant union leader, gives a good analysis of economic rationalism and the dilemmas that will face the Labor Party as they continue down the wrong track. Our problem with Mr. Halfpenny wouldn't be with his analysis but with the policies he pursued to rectify the situation:- |
A.L.P. STANCE TOO SMART BY HALF"It never ceases to amaze me how usually rational and intelligent people like Kim Beazley keep on falling for the three (or four) card trick of economic rationalism, free trade, privatisation and deregulation. All these modern day myths, like those from ancient times, have no basis in fact and are, in fact, based on deception, lies and misrepresentation. Economic rationalism elevates market forces to God-like status, and an absolute truth. Can anyone seriously suggest that market forces are rational? Recent dot com activities, or the stock market crashes of 1929 and 1987 demonstrate otherwise. Rather than being the new economy, it is the irrational unreal economy. Market forces are not, as we are told to believe, free of human contamination, they are, in fact created and manipulated by greedy humans. So called free trade is neither free nor fair. Every trading nation has various forms of barriers and/or incentives. Many of them concealed in the form of "soft" loans, regulations, safety and health controls, subsidies, technology controls, unjust labour practices and foreign aid. The unfairness of today's trade is no better demonstrated than by manufacturers of sporting gear. Their lavish sponsorships of sports people and organisations are tragically paid for by the $1/day workers in developing countries who make most of their gear. The level playing field myth defies any rational examination. The world is neither level nor flat. More than 500 years ago Christopher Columbus proved that the world was not flat. The economic rationalists are now telling us that he was wrong. All countries are different in many respects: climate, living standards, access to resources, human rights, location, population, etc. The list of "unlevel" differences is endless. In Australia we are often told that our uncompetitive difference is high wages. Most of the complaints come from people whose incomes are far greater than those they complain about. Deregulation, a socially evil phenomenon, first imposed upon us by the Hawke and Keating Governments does not mean the abolition of regulation but its transfer from public (government) hands to private ones. The banks are a good example of how bad deregulation is. The recent "cash for comment" scandal is another example of the folly of self-regulation. Unfortunately, a majority at the A.L.P.
National Conference ignored these important considerations
and opted for the so-called smart, free-trade, economic policy.
I am afraid that they were too smart by half because those
policies will inevitably increase the number of Australians
who will be forced to rely on the social justice policies
also adopted at the conference." |
LETTER TO GOVERNOR-GENERALfrom Mr. Neil McDonald, Highton, Geelong Australia has a wonderful Constitution. Section 59 says: "The Queen may disallow any law within one year from the Governor-General's assent." If the Queen's powers are transferred to the Governor-General, notice should be taken of widespread concern that ignores the Constitution. Section 51 (11) and Section 9 state that the Government may not apply a tax that discriminates between States or parts of States. I am a veteran war pensioner - proud to be an Aussie... walked the Kokoda Trail, climbed New Guinea's two highest mountains. Sadly Australia is sinking into foreign hands and the watchdogs are asleep. Please tell me, how many names on a petition or letters of concern would cause you - our Official Umpire to raise your hand, blow your whistle and count those on the field. Her Majesty would surely approve if you told her... "I don't like the look of the G.S.T. Nowhere is its track form good. Before we go over the edge, the game should be stopped and a vote or referendum taken for direction. If a majority endorses the verdict, carry on!" Enclosed is a postage stamp. Please tell me the number required to stop the G.S.T. and take a vote. What is a mandate when the result is less than 50 percent? Tell the Prime Minister... "Dear Johnny - lots of complaints ... you are kicking against the wind." Hoping this letter gets past security guards, for a secretary to pass it on to a distinguished fair-minded upholder of the Constitution. Wishing you good health... Time for courage... tell the P.M. "there's a million written reasons why he will be voted out... leaving no real alternative to be truly representative." Neil McDonald received the following
reply from G-G's secretary: |
SOUTH AUSTRALIAN WEEKEND OUTSTANDING SUCCESSThere is no doubt about it, Australians have become more and more concerned about their health and well being, and matters dealing with natural living food. Whilst the overall thrust was on Genetically Modified Organisms and the dangers to health, the three speakers were bombarded with questions relating to overall health and general well-being. On the second day, time was set aside for Dr. Ziema McDonell to speak on matters related to cancer, and whilst she dealt with as much as possible, she had to make a hurried exit to catch her plane back to the Gold Coast. Those who plan to attend the National Weekend will gain much valuable knowledge on how to become responsible for their own well-being - Dr. McDonell will be one of the speakers. |
GIPPSLAND ADMINISTRATOR APPOINTEDMr. Don Aucterlonie has accepted the position of Administrator for the Gippsland region. For all matters dealing with Social Dynamics training, setting up study/letter writing groups in your local area, or any other matters concerning the League of Rights - and you live in the Gippsland Region - please contact Don Aucterlonie, Phone 5633 1969. |
SYDNEY CONSERVATIVE SPEAKERS' CLUBThe Annual General Meeting is to be held on August 29th, 2000 - make every effort to attend. Guest speaker will be Mr. John Stafford and his subject will be "Ireland Today". No meeting in September: Due to the anticipated Sydney Olympics' congestion there will be no meeting in September. BOOK The book "Vaccination: The Right Choice" by Maureen Hickman ($28.50 posted) is available from the Heritage Book Service, P.O. Box 6086, Lake Munmorah, N.S.W., 2259. BOOK - Genetic Engineering: Food & Our Environment (A Brief Guide) by Luke Anderson: A reading must for everyone! Author Luke Anderson has presented a clear picture of all aspects of the debate concerning genetically engineered foods. The question is answered as to who is making the crucial decisions about the future of our food supply. Why are living organisms being patented? What are the implications to our health, the impact upon farming and the environment? Unsustainable chemical/industrial farming practices have already turned much arable land into desert, yet the Federal Government is pouring approximately $80 million this year into gene technology! Order from: Australian Heritage Society, P.O. Box 163, Chidlow, W.A., 6556, or any of the League Book Services. Soft cover - $22.00 posted. |
NATIONAL WEEKENDSeptember 29th-30th, 1st October. Plans are under way for the National Weekend to be held from Friday, September 29th (Dinner); Saturday, September 30th (Seminar); through to Sunday, October 1st (Divine Service and Action Conference). Please mark your diaries NOW. Guest speakers include Mr. Jeremy Lee and Dr. Ziema McDonell. Dinner and Seminar to be held at The Victoria, Little Collins Street, Melbourne. Divine Service & Action Conference to be held at 'Runnymede', Panton Hills, in the C.H. Douglas Memorial Hall. |