home of ... Douglas Social Credit
11 February 2000. Thought for the Week:
"In his apostolic exhortation to the Church in America, issued
in January of this year in Mexico, Pope John Paul II said
that studying and applying the social doctrine of the Church
must be a priority for all...This social teaching of the Church
is a treasure, but unfortunately too little known... The article
of the Catechism of the Catholic Church devoted to the seventh
commandment ("You shall not steal") defines the virtue of
justice as follows, "To preserve our neighbour's rights and
render him what is his due...
(Through Social Credit reaching) People learn that what is their due is a dividend - the common inheritance of natural resources and inventions of past generations - and not debts and taxes." From "Michael" (Social Credit) Journal, July-August 1999 |
THE VICE TIGHTENSby Jeremy Lee Before he entered Parliament as a Liberal
at the last election, Mr. Ian McFarlane, then-President of
the Queensland Grain growers' Association, wrote: "The seriousness
of the situation now faced by Australia's primary producers
cannot be overstated. By basing our entire trade strategy
on a successful outcome to GATT (i.e. the World Trade Organisation's
predecessor - Ed.) our leaders in Canberra have left Australia's
primary producers naked and defenceless to the trade holocaust
that may now be unleashed. It's surely time to rid ourselves
of the idealism that has dominated the trade debate in Australia
for more than a decade. During that period we have seen rural
Australia lose almost all basic assistance and protection.
Just after the Howard Government was
elected, a 'rural summit' was held. The Australian,
3/7/96) reported: "....The Minister for Primary Industries,
Mr. Anderson, who will open the summit this afternoon, said
he was determined to halt a situation where 30 farmers a week
were leaving the land.... 'The cost of transport, processing,
regulation, finance and the costs of employing people have
all got right out of control." Mr. Anderson said only 20 percent
of Australia's 120,000 farmers were debt-free. 'The remaining
80 percent owe $18 billion,' he said...." By the next rural summit, in 1999, Mr. Anderson said woefully there was no answer to rural Australia's continuing decline. What he should have said was that the National Party was not prepared to risk its parliamentary salaries, perks and superannuation to fight for the sort of policies that would save the bush. In the early seventies Queensland's National
Party President, Sir Robert Sparkes, publicly advocated that
his party should fight for "long-term, fixed-interest rate
finance, below 3 percent". How many departed farmers would
still be on the land if that had happened? And now interest
rates are rising again. The Reserve Bank couldn't even get
the announcement right. It released the news "unintentionally"
by E-mail before the official announcement! It has all the hallmarks of a classic 'sting'. Will heads roll at the Reserve Bank? They certainly should, in this institution that can make or destroy the lives of ordinary people. |
FOREIGN-MADE OLYMPICSYou'd think the Olympics would at least be proudly Australian. But not a bit of it. All the uniforms, for instance, are being made overseas. Now comes the sad news of a little Australian-owned company. The Toowoomba based company Orford Refrigeration Pty. Ltd. has, with taxpayers' input and help from the University of Southern Queensland, developed one of the most advanced refrigeration systems in the world. After buying patents to London research, the Toowoomba company finally produced a unit, which was tested by Coca-Cola specialists.The Chronicle (Toowoomba 3/2/2000) said: .... The Coca-Cola testing personnel in Sydney ... acknowledged they were unaware of 'any other merchandiser anywhere in the world' that came close to the Orford unit's efficiency. "Orford Refrigeration has taken out five new patents to protect its research and development. Mr. Orford said the Orford BM36E-D cut carbon dioxide emissions by 1354 kg a year and offered an electricity saving of $262 annually." Despite a competitive tender to provide refrigeration units for the Sydney Olympics the contract worth $14 million went to a New Zealand firm. That's the way to "recovery" a la free trade and globalism, you see! |
CONFLICT OF INTEREST???We are indebted to OZNEWS, produced by
John Cumming's Austand. for the following article "Stanley Howard is 68, he is a partner
at law firm Mallesons Stephen Jacques and a company director.
The American CSC Group won a $160 million contract to provide
IT services to the Commonwealth in March 1998. The contract
covered a range of governmental work including the management
of the national tally room's voice and data communications
on election night. |
TOWARDS JOB SATISFACTIONby Alfred King C.H. Douglas discovered the truth (reality) that there is a defect in the way that money is created. Contrary to what many believe, Douglas was not concerned only with the money question. Many before him had highlighted the problems in the financial system. Douglas differed in that he was interested in achieving the correct relationship between individuals in society. Financial credit is issued against the real credit of Australia, i.e., the productive capacity. In our society, an individual can only gain access to his own credit under the conditions stipulated by those who hold the monopoly for its creation. Monopoly of any kind, whether public or private, is anti-social. In a fair system, the 'Big 4' clearing banks may still be allowed to produce the financial credit, but only under the conditions laid down by the political representatives of the people to whom the credit belongs. Eric Butler has correctly pointed out that every policy is the product of a philosophy. The current debt-finance policy is the product of a philosophy of enslavement - that we are mere animals to be worked and milked for the benefit of a small, self-styled 'elite' group of people. Social Credit is a policy, which is the product of the philosophy of freedom. Once the individual has economic freedom, he is free to decide what he is going to do with his life. It is popular among contemporary British politicians to talk of trying to recreate the days of 'Merrie England'. In 'Merrie England', the people had a better perspective on the true relationships in life. Work was kept to the minimum required to produce enough to live. The purpose of production was consumption. Time after that was spent on higher more creative pursuits. Today the productive system is based on a different philosophy. The purpose of production is to make a profit. Progress can only be achieved by 'growth' or producing more. The question must be asked what do we use this production for? Usually we have to employ clever marketing campaigns to force it on people who don't really want it, in competition against several other firms who also have excess production. If we don't do something worthwhile with the excess production, then this is not progress. A far bigger problem today than the unemployment problem is the employment problem. So much activity is useless and even destructive, that it would be better for all of us if the people engaged in it were not working at all. Yet most of us are tied to this system to get an income. To cover up the shortage of purchasing power created by the debt-finance system, we are forced to continually increase production to keep the whole system going. It follows that employees have to work longer and longer hours in more boring jobs. This is commonly known as 'the rat race'. We desperately hope to be able to pass this production onto evil, murderous, communist countries, for example, while they hope to be able to pass their production on to us. (This is known as 'free trade'.) In doing so, we condone their practices. The premise of the debt-finance system is that the individual is not to be trusted with his own freedom. Yet we are made to be free. Restricting us to only unproductive output destroys our very being. The only real decision an individual makes is when he freely makes it. Social Credit is moral in that it works in practice. Life is more enjoyable for all. The spirit of the law is most important. After feeding themselves, what most people are looking for, is some way they can make a constructive contribution to society. |
GST-THE DEVIL IN THE APPLICATION"Mr. Costello could well be asked if a GST has ever been introduced to a country when interest rates were rising, employers were facing huge demands and multitudes of businesses were facing bankruptcy due to floods of cheap imports. Such is the situation in Australia, and for many enterprises the main cost of the GST will not be in the administration, but in the fact that they will have to absorb some of the tax themselves, in order to maintain turnover. Whether it is a GST or a 10% price rise makes no difference to the consumer, and the simple and established fact is, that when prices go up, people buy less. Astonishingly enterprises with a turnover of less than one million dollars can account to the Tax Office quarterly for GST collections. It is certain that during the three months the money will be used to pay pressing creditors; e.g., banks. The vast multitudes of such enterprises will be in trouble when the very first remission is due. How can the Tax Office prevent the GST, collected from the public, being used to satisfy bank debt? The banks being, by far, the most demanding of all creditors. In the case of non-remission, how can the Tax Office be seen to be winding up businesses and putting people out of work, and yet how can payment schemes be worked out with insolvents? The most severe penalties will be to no avail. Will they be made more severe for non-remittance of group-tax, etc.? (Payable monthly). If so, then group-tax money will be used to pay GST, but many employers are already in arrears with group-tax, etc. A twelve-month postponement would allow time for such issues, alone with all other controversies, to be resolved."From: Tasmanian small-businessman. |
GST REVOLT GATHERING MOMENTUMCoverage of this subject on South Australian radio station and some country newspapers has created a new wave of enthusiasm reports Ken Grundy who is promoting the petition to the Governor General. One woman said she easily gathered over 450 signatures in a country town in three days. Senator Len Harris (One Nation) has also joined the GST battle by circulating a petition. This one will be presented to The Senate. Closing date for his petition April 30th. In his covering letter he explains that the petition has been initiated by a group of small businessmen. Copies available from his Senate Office, Parliament House, Canberra Phone: (02) 62773410, Fax: (02) 62775705 |
THEY'LL BE PLAYING THE G-8 SONG...by Tom Fielder Who are these people that have power
to make such far-reaching plans? Were they elected by the
people of their own individual nations? Will they report back
to their countries of origin? Will they report in detail of
all decisions taken? Mr. Costello equates his role as Governor of the IMF at the same level as his number one membership of the Essendon Football Club. However, a football club is not involved in world financial politics. The IMF has become the 'debt policeman' of the world, imposing harsh conditions on many nations including the infamous GST. Australia is soon to experience the burden, the administrative nightmare and inconvenience of this new tax system' that Mr. Howard declared "never ever". But it seems that Treasurer Costello, Governor of the IMF, has the power to override a Prime Minister. The sheer audacity and arrogance of people acting for unelected power groups outside their national homeland, boggles the imagination. Members of Parliament are elected to represent the best interests of the people in their own electorate, not to perform on a world stage. The famous International Banker, James P. Warburg, told the US Senate (July 2nd, -'50); "You shall have World Government whether or not you like it. The only question is, whether World Government will be achieved by Conquest or Consent." Proponents of Globalism or any one of the half-dozen euphemisms for World Government claim that national sovereignty has to be first diluted then dissolved. They claim that their goal is inevitable. We can acquiesce and take our medicine, or have it shoved down our throats. The question is how will it come into being: Cataclysm, drift, more or less rational design, or whether it will be totalitarian, benign or participatory? Perhaps we will be scared into surrendering our freedom and independence by outbreaks of violence, international arms races, the food, population and environmental imbalances as well as large-scale serious injustices which will need disarmament and of course, a 'world police force' to control all arms. |
DAVID IRVING 'BEAT-UP'by Betty Luks In his witness statement to the court
David Irving says among other things. "I consider myself to
be an expert on the careers of the principal Nazi leaders,
including specifically Adolf Hitler. Hermann Goring, and Dr.
Joseph Goebbels; the archival and documentary evidence for
assertions about those careers, and the part they played in
the Third Reich, the current state of research into the German
and other wartime persecution and liquidation of the European
Jewish communities: the conflicting views which have emerged
on that history, including but not limited to the so-called
Historikerstreit; further, on the perceived role of the Jewish
people in directing the Soviet revolution, managing the Soviet
police state, and running the satellite nations in the Soviet
empire until its recent collapse, with special reference to
their role in the AVH (Alamvedelmy Hatosag), Hungarian secret
police, before the Budapest Uprising of 1956 on which I published
a well-received history, partially based on Central Intelligence
Agency materials, in 1981..." |
OECD WARNS OF PENSION 'CRISIS'by Betty Luks For those who have been wondering, the
OECD is an economic policy panel run by 29 of the world's
most-developed countries. Secretary-General Donald Johnston
thought that "rather than lowering the retirement age to 60,
the retirement age for workers in Germany should creep up
towards 70 to preserve a balance". The message from the institutions including the World Bank and the United Nations is that the world could be heading for a pensions crisis if populations continue to age without countries taking corresponding measures to reform state pensions. Other 'solutions' put forward included shifting more to private insurance and company-based insurance plans, increasing social-security contributions and reducing pension amounts. All meant to keep the populace in the workplace and under control. Forcing more 'private insurance and company-based' schemes would mean even less take home pay for the already cash-strapped family provider. If we are going to reform the pensions systems, let's begin with the fat-cat former politicians and bureaucrats, and their pension lurks and perks. There is no long-term answer to the present woes that does not take into account reform of the money system - Mammon. "The control of money by private interests is the greatest swindle of all times, and it has brought about an incalculable number of disastrous consequences: economic depressions, wars, etc. One will never be able to figure out how much harm the present crooked financial system and the chronic money shortage has done to souls." Pope Pius XI 1931 (quoted in the Michael journal). Almost every political problem is, above all, a money problem. All other issues come up against the money problem. The true foundations upon which a society should be built must be continually stated. |