30 March 2001. Thought for the Week:
"They see themselves at the helm of the ship of Russian history,
but they are not. They do not direct the course of events.
As for those who do, their plans to establish a 'final worldwide
security' are ephemeral as well. Given human nature we ought
never to attain such security. It would be futile, at the
very least, to march towards this goal armed with hypocrisy
and scheming short-term calculations, as practised by a revolving
door, of officials and by the powerful financial circles that
back them. Nor can security be bought with any new technical
'super-invention' - for no secret lasts.
Only if the creative and active forces of mankind dedicate themselves to finding gradual and effective restraints against the evil facets of human nature to an elevation of our moral consciousness - only then will a faint, distant hope exist. To embark upon this path, and to walk it, requires a penitent, pure heart and the wisdom and willingness to place constraints on one's own side, to limit oneself even before limiting others. But today that path only elicits an ironic chuckle, if not open ridicule." "The March of the Hypocrites" by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Times, August 1997 |
THE WITCH DOCTORS ARRIVEby Jeremy Lee It must be particularly trying for Treasurer Costello. All the 'bad' of a few years ago is being re-translated into the 'good' of the moment. The low dollar, which he condemned when it was in the seventy-cent range during Keating's last months, now has 'advantages' when it is below fifty cents. Our exports are going to take off - didn't you know? The fact that our potential markets are also being squeezed, and will be trying to ram their exports at cut-throat prices into the Australian market is not explained. To those at ground-level in the Australian economy, the wounds are evident. Tens of thousands of small businesses, led by the building industry, are going to the wall. Shops are closed daily, and "For Lease" signs appear in empty windows previously stuffed with goods. There is less private traffic on the roads. Families which have already reached the last notch in their belts despair of keeping up with costs and interest rates. To the politicians, their electoral prospects are more important than the misery in the community. Half a million dollars was spent on the recent Ryan by-election, where Labor has just scraped in with a handful of votes. For what? So that a 'representative' can take a seat in Canberra to vote "Aye" or "Nay" whenever the Party Whip dictates? The idea that the economy is to meet the needs and satisfactions of the Australian people seems the last thing on any political mind. Our task, according to orthodox wisdom, is to "work harder", to produce "growth", which we must export anywhere to satisfy other consumers - not our own. The whole "growth" argument is full of deceit. It is now tacitly accepted that if the growth rate falls below 2.5%, we are in "negative territory". Even the criticisms of Shadow Treasurer Simon Crean - hitting home with increasing impact on the susceptible Peter Costello - are based on the same assumptions. Give him the treasury reins at the next federal election, and he'll goad or stimulate us back into "growth" and exports. Much the same witch-doctor talk goes on in economies round the world. It is a deadly variation of 'Alice-in-Wonderland'. Presiding over the whole chaotic mess are the debt merchants, who have all nations in their grip, and who play one against the other with casual indifference. During "growth" periods they take their pound of flesh in interest. When things move to recession they cash in on bankruptcies. It makes no difference either way. Events must sooner or later focus on
the real questions: |
A VOICE FROM THE PASTDuring the worst stage of the Great Depression one leader was prepared to ask such questions. While Australians starved in misery, the Bank of England sent its emissary Sir Otto Niemeyer to insist on debt repayments. Sir Otto's theme was the same as today - tighter belts, more production and exports. The famous Billy Hughes, who had represented Australia at the Versailles Peace Conference some 15 years earlier, issued his own pamphlet on the nature of the depression crisis. He said: "Nothing better exemplifies the baffling complexity of modern production than the present situation in Australia. Trade is depressed, our unemployed are numbered by tens of thousands, who walk the streets of our great cities and tramp the country roads downcast and in many cases dependent for food on charity - while their country is a veritable Garden of Eden in which blooms in luxuriant confusion almost everything that man could desire. We have a population of a little over six millions of people - many now in sad trouble - yet we shall produce this year enough wheat to feed thirty millions, enough wool to clothe 100 millions, and meat, butter, dried fruits, sugar, and other kinds of food and raw materials, including minerals and metals, sufficient for double or treble our present population. And yet they say Australia is in a bad way because we produce too little. Wealth in abundance meets the eye on every hand, yet men are unemployed and trade is depressed. Surely the trouble does not arise because we produce too little. Yet Sir Otto says we ought to produce more ...." Billy Hughes was writing at a time when technology was primitive compared to today. The car was in its infancy, many rural areas and small towns still did not have power, the aeroplane was still poking its nose over the horizon, computers had not been dreamed of and robots were science-fiction. Productive capacity has increased tens of thousands of time since then. The problem is not a "growth" or "productive" problem. It is a distribution problem and the bottle-neck to a world of peace, harmony and sufficiency is the financial system, currently operated solely through debt. The destruction wrought by the debt system is now so universal that it is causing havoc in the production system. Farming and manufacturing is being decimated. Sustainability is being destroyed. Persisted with, the attrition rate could well reach the stage where massive world shortages replace over-production. Turning farming into "monoculture-for-exports" by eliminating the family farm could result in the disappearance of the household products we now take for granted - fruit, milk and dairy products, vegetables and meat. For many younger people such possibilities cannot be imagined. For older, more experienced people, some of whom remember the Great Depression, this is simply the replaying of an old, cracked record trotted out at various times in the boom-bust cycle. Treasury Ministers are simply the disc-jockeys in the lamentations of depression dirges. Which is why the writings of C.H. Douglas are so important. Not only was he the most accurate analyst of truth as compared to propaganda, but he was by far the most advanced and able of those offering realistic solutions. Thankfully, there are stirrings of interest in our all-but-forgotten history and the writings of Douglas. There are fresh young minds who have picked the hypocrisy of today's political argument and are looking for answers. The banks are universally disliked, and, belatedly, even the Howard government is calling them a 'cartel'. The banker's monopoly, which sooner or later will be exposed, lies in the creation of credit and the expropriation of our heritage. (For a basic understanding, "The A.B.C. of Social Credit" by E.S. Holter, described by C.H. Douglas as "A straightforward, honest and simple outline of Social Credit" - $7.50 posted from League bookshops.) |
SHADOW-BOXINGThe Australian (22/3/01) under the heading CABINET ATTACKS BIG END OF TOWN reported: "Howard Government ministers have launched a stinging attack on the top end of town, accusing the banks and credit card companies of running a cartel that is fleecing consumers and small businesses. The attack yesterday triggered an immediate reaction from the banks, with ANZ saying the Government's comments were unhelpful in the current delicate environment. The clash is bound to help the Government's shaky standing with struggling small businesses, embattled farmers, pensioners and the 'John Howard battlers' ....." Prime Minister Howard was quoted as saying - "I think the Reserve Bank should look at all the powers it has." If only he really meant it! The 1937 Royal Commission into Banking made it clear that the government bank can lend money without interest - or even without the necessity for repayment (Section 504). In other words the Reserve Bank could, if instructed by Parliament, write off existing debt by issuing measured quantities of debt-free money, thus massively reducing costs throughout the economy. But it is doubtful whether Prime Minister Howard could bring himself to consider such a possibility. |
ROYAL AID FOR EMBATTLED FARMERSby Betty Luks So far other countries that have acknowledged outbreaks of the disease include France, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Argentina and France and Italy. Prime Minister Tony Blair indicated his plans for a May 3rd election were unchanged, insisting the crisis needed to be kept in perspective - according to him life was carrying on normally in many country areas. |
BRACKS GOVERNMENT FLAGS CHANGES TO RACIAL VILIFICATION BILLIn a move to win over the three Independents and secure the support of the Liberals in the Upper House, the Bracks Government has put forward the possibility of changes to its draft 'racial vilification' legislation. The Government needs the support of just one Independent to pass the legislation in the Lower House. |
BASIC FUNDWe are very conscious of the financial straightjacket the Liberals have imposed on the Australian people through the GST and now the fall of the Australian dollar and we hesitate to put any more pressure on our supporters - they already have enough pressure. But the Basic Fund needs a really hard push to put it back on track - if it is to be filled by the time the appeal finishes. Will you make a donation? If enough people made a small donation it would easily fill. There are those who give so generously and have done over many years, but there are those who have never made a donation to the work of the Australian League of Rights. It is to you that we especially make this appeal. It really is true that the 'widow's mite' will fill the fund. |
AUSTRALIA FOR SALE - IF THERE IS ANY LEFT!One trillion dollars is what it takes to get a hold of the majority of Australian businesses, resources and public utilities, and in 18 months time, at the present rate of fire-sales, this figure will be achieved according to a news release from Senator Len Harris, of Pauline Hanson's One Nation Party. One trillion dollars, or $1,000,000,000,000 is about half what Australia is worth and ownership by foreign multinationals is continuing unchallenged. Senator Len Harris said the privatisation of Australian public utilities and Australian company sell-offs of this magnitude was a betrayal of every Australian citizen. "This spending spree equates to $37,000 for every person in Australia. "The Liberals, Labor, Nationals and Democrats can be blamed fairly and squarely for what amounts to our loss of sovereignty and control over assets that once were the heritage of our children, and our children's children," Senator Harris said. "Not only should former governments hang their heads in shame, but so should the Foreign Investment Review Board, which has now proven to be a paper tiger not even growling at the high level of foreign ownership." In the past five years, 21,423 proposals
have been lodged with the FIRB, yet only 512 have been rejected.
Thousands of others have circumvented official scrutiny after
a change of rules authorized by the Federal Government in
1999, that encouraged more foreign spending in Australia.
Victoria is the latest State targeted by foreign investment
where the FIRB has approved $6.7 billion of spending on projects
including real estate, tourism, and manufacturing this financial
year. Senator Harris said foreign investment in Australian industry was acceptable to a point, but when Australians lost the controlling interest, then it became unacceptable to the public and was not in the best interest of the country. "It means we lose control over our economic destiny and therefore we cannot make long-term decisions for the benefit of the nation," he said. "Furthermore with the loss of our telecommunications, power, oil, transport, manufacturing and munitions industries to overseas interests, it has a limiting and damaging effect on our national security." |
ANTI-DISCRIMINATION' IN THE LIGHT OF THE PUSH FOR 'GAY' RIGHTSThe move to 'extend gay and lesbian rights'
in Victoria needs to be lined up with the concerns expressed
by the Anglican Church in NSW for the push in that State to
change the Anti-discrimination Act 1977. The Diocese of Sydney
has, in a submission to the Attorney General, warned that
the following consequences will arise if the proposed legislation
is enacted in its present form (as recommended by the NSW
Law Reform Commission). Also, we have been reliably informed the newly elected Gallop Labor Government in West Australia have announced plans to lower the age of consent for homosexuals to sixteen years of age. And just in case any reader thinks we may be 'barking up the wrong tree', what about the recent Moomba parade in Melbourne? Andrew Bolt wrote of the parade, Herald Sun, March 15th: "...day by day, the difference between Melbourne and the Wild West cities of the Far East seem to shrink. And that's not just because Asia is becoming more civilised, but because Melbourne is slowly descending into a cultural barbarism that would offend a Malay or Singaporean... The point is, it is quite okay for these cultural barbarians to parade themselves bare-breasted and naked through the streets of Melbourne - that sort of behaviour is tolerated! What is not going to be tolerated is Christian churches refusing to hire out their halls to such people! That will be 'discrimination'! Andrew Bolt finishes his article with these words, "But far more than political tut-tutting is needed to stem our cultural decline, and the key lies in what philosopher Roger Scruton said: that morality is community. Without shared values, we share nothing but geography - and fear. And I'm starting to feel a bit nervous right now. Aren't you?" Quite so Andrew! |
INDEPENDENT ATTACKS ANTI-RACISM BILLIndependent MP Russell Savage has strongly attacked Steve Bracks' racial and religious tolerance Bill, branding it draconian and anti-democratic reports John Masanauskas in the Herald Sun, March 12th, 2001. Mr. Savage, who helped Labor gain office accused the government of pandering to minorities and warned, "The Bill has the potential to suppress free speech." He also described the proposed legislation as, "badly-drafted, draconian, anti-free speech, anti-democracy" and he thinks "it will heighten racial tensions" not lessen them. But this is not the only proposed legislation Russell Savage MLA for Mildura is opposed to. He is also opposed to a government move to "extend gay and lesbian rights, calling it an attack on the family". |
MONARCHIST LEAGUE IN DEFENCE OF THE CROWNPhillip Benwell MBE, the National Chairman of the Australian Monarchist League, travelled to the United Kingdom in defence of the Act of Settlement from change within the United Kingdom by republican elements. He reports that even senior British parliamentarians were unaware that under the Statute of Westminster the Dominions had to be consulted before change could be effected to the Succession. Representing groups in the Dominions including Australia and Canada, Mr. Benwell organised an effective campaign targeting the British Parliament and even the Vatican. The Guardian newspaper, which retained the Australian export Geoffrey Robertson QC, to mount a legal challenge before the European Human Rights Court, ignored calls to openly debate the issue and have since been silent. Following the current campaign to promote the special stamp issue for The Queen's 75th Birthday, and subject to available funds, the Monarchist League is planning a petition designed to expose the behaviour of Australian Privy Counsellors who supported a republic and who even now openly call for the removal of The Crown. |
GUNBOATS URGED FOR NORTHERN SEAWATCHtaken from Neil Baird's e-mail "Recent and increasing examples of illegal Indonesian fishing vessels ignoring warnings to stop and increasing examples of threats of violence by Indonesian fishermen highlight the need for an effectively armed and trained presence" the submission said. "Vessels must have suitably trained crew and armed capability to stop offending vessels (and) to secure safe boarding under unco-operative circumstances." The submission was made to the Joint
Committee of Public Accounts and Audit which is reviewing
the cost-effectiveness of the Australian Customs Service Coastwatch
service. Customs operations general manager Geoff Rohan said
the authority was not criticising the existing system but
recommending its preferred standards. He said ensuring Customs
vessels had the relevant "coercive stopping power" was "a
major issue in terms of delivering effective compliance in
a fisheries environment. We are not advocating lethal force,
but where work is involved in apprehending foreign fishing
vessels we're saying that the crew need to be suitably armed
and able to secure a vessel," Mr. Rohan said. He said illegal
fishermen would be much more likely to obey orders if they
knew Customs patrol boats were armed. The parliamentary committee expects to table its report into Coastwatch, which is responsible for the surveillance of the northern coastline, by mid-year. In its submission to the inquiry, the Australian Customs Service estimated it would cost at least $1.8 billion to set up a paramilitary coastguard to monitor the coastline and another $135 million a year to run. The Customs Service said while Coastwatch had limitations, it did a cost-effective job. But it found there were problems protecting Australia's northern coast, mostly because of a lack of resources. The authority also reported only 53 of 1,461 illegal vessels sighted in 1998 were caught. |
SYDNEY CONSERVATIVE SPEAKERS' CLUB 2001Tuesday Evening, April 24th, 2001. Guest speaker: Mr. Kerry Spencer-Salt, B.E., LL.B. (Hons). Subject: "Our Constitutional Legacy" Venue: The Estonian Club, 141 Campbell Street, Sydney. Meeting commences at 7.30pm. The usual excellent supper will be provided. Entrance is $4.00 per person. A wide selection of books will be available for purchase. Dates for your diary - Sydney CSC: Tuesday, May 29th - Mrs. Betty Luks, National Director, Australian League of Rights. Subject: "Implications of the Racial Vilification Legislation" Tuesday, June 26th - Mr. Graeme Campbell, Founder of Australia First Party Inc. Subject - "Is There a Way Out for Australia?" |
QUEENSLAND BOOK MAILING SERVICESPlease note the new phone number of the Queensland Book Mailing Services: (07) 4635 7435. The address is: Post Office Box No. 7108, Toowoomba Mail Centre, Qld. 4352. |
ADELAIDE CONSERVATIVE SPEAKERS' CLUBThe next meeting of the Conservative Speakers' Club will be held on Monday, April 2nd, 2001. Mark your diaries NOW. The guest speaker will be Dr. Alec Burton, Director of the Arcadia Health Centre, New South Wales. Apart from his chiropractic and osteopathic qualifications he has a Masters Degree in Human Biology. Whilst he will be speaking on the importance of "A New Concept of Health" he will also speak on the horrendous problems the British farmers are trying to cope with - 'Foot and Mouth Disease', 'Mad Cow Disease' and 'GM Foods'. Bookings need to be in by Friday, March 30th. For this month, please phone 8381 3909 or 8322 8665 to make your bookings. Venue is the Public Schools' Club, Cnr.Carrington & East Terrace, Adelaide. Dinner from 6.30pm and Public Address at 7.30pm. |
COMING DATES FOR YOUR DIARIES - STATE WEEKENDSQUEENSLAND: May 26th-27th, 2001, to be held in Toowoomba WEST AUSTRALIA: August 11th-12th, 2001, to be held in Perth SOUTH AUSTRALIA: August 18th-19th, 2001, to be held in Adelaide |
BOOKSLimited numbers of the book "Dissecting the Holocaust" are now available from the Melbourne Book Shop. Please phone and secure your copy while stocks last! Further stock of "The Black Book of Communism" have also come in. Available from all League book stores. Price: $93.00; $100.00 posted. "World Without Cancer" by Edward G. Griffin. Edward Griffin was one of the first writers to expose the nexus between cancer and big business. One of the chapters is titled "Politics of cancer therapy". Price: $28.00, $33.00 posted. "Quick Poison: Slow Poison" by Kate Short. This is research by an Australian for Australians. After six years Kate brings the results of her exhaustive research into the public view. Farmers take note: She argues that the risk to exports from poison residues could upset the livelihood of many in the rural sector. By letting those affected by pesticides have their say in "Quick Poison: Slow Poison" she presents the human face of the pesticide risk and reveals what has often been a litany of corporate deceit and government inaction. Price: $25.00, $28.00 posted. |