31 August 2001. Thought for the Week:
"In this first century the world was pouring out its riches
and its treasures into the lap of Rome. As Dill has it: 'The
long peace, the safety of the seas, and the freedom of trade,
had made Rome the entrepot for the peculiar products and delicacies
of every land from the British Channel to the Ganges.' Pliny
talks of one meal in which in one dish India was laid under
contribution, in another Egypt, Cyrene, Crete and so forth...
The money possessed and the money spent was colossal... Rome's
supreme sin (was) pride, the idea that she was safe, that
she was so wealthy and so powerful that nothing could touch
her, and that she could, so to speak, buy her way out of any
situation... There is nothing in life which rouses such condemnation
as this pride, this arrogance, this self-sufficiency... There
is a sin which the Greeks called hubris. Hubris is that arrogance,
born of wealth and prosperity and success, which comes to
feel that it has no need of God, and which eliminates God
from life. The punishment for that sin is ultimate abasement
and humiliation. Pride always goes before a fall..."
"Revelation of John Vol. 2: Daily Study Bible" by William Barclay, 1959 |
THE PROCEEDS OF CRIME BILLby Jeremy Lee But if they haven't been tried according to the law, how, beyond suspicion, are we to know they are criminals? And what protection remains for those unjustly penalized? According to the "Principle Objects of
this Act" the following are included |
THE NORTHERN TERRITORY ELECTIONSWe are not going to join the political and media ju-ju men in analyzing the recent NT election. Some preposterous conclusions are being drawn. Suffice it to say that the vote for independents and minor parties totaled 15 percent, by far the biggest portion of which (10.5%) went to independents. |
PITY BRITISH FARMERSBritish Prime Minister Tony Blair has appointed Lord Haskins as "Rural Affairs Coordinator". The noble lord also happens to be chairman of Northern Foods, one of Britain's biggest food companies with sales last year of nearly 1.5 billion pounds (over $3 billion). Lord Haskins predicts that over half Britain's remaining farmers will have left by the year 2020. He has also expressed his irritated disagreement with the recent claim by Prince Charles that the average farm income was now 100 pounds (Under $200) per week. But Prince Charles' figures were correct and have been supported by the National Farmers Union. |
THE WAR ON DRUGSIn the middle of this month Mr. Gary Crooke QC, chairman of the National Crime Authority, released the NCA Commentary 2001 - Organised Crime in Australia. At the same time he appeared on television with the claim that Australia is losing the war on drugs. The figures are startling. We now have more than 200,000 heroin users in Australia. Interpol and the UN estimate that the international drug trade is worth $400 billion a year - about 8% of world trade - with Australia's share being somewhere between $7 billion and $9.6 billion. Australia now spends $500 billion on drug law enforcement, but only detects a fraction of the trade. Counting all drugs, 23 percent of the Australian population is involved in illicit drug use, including cannabis, analgesics, hallucinogens, amphetamines and tranquillisers. It is acknowledged that, even with increased seizures, we are only detecting a small part of the drug trade coming in from overseas. A major report in The Australian Financial Review (17/8/01) said: " .... If you talk with most experienced operational police, they will tell you that they are aware of only a fraction of the drug trade at any given time. They will also tell you that, notwithstanding operational difficulties, they successfully arrest only a small percentage of offenders and seize a small fraction of all illicit drugs. The Australian Customs Service, charged with preventing border penetration, manages to inspect perhaps as few as 2 or 3 percent of all incoming containers ...." Drugs are probably now the biggest single spiritual problem in Australia. It would seem that only a stern increase in penalties for those carrying out this 'death-trade' - including the death sentence for the bosses - can do anything to stem the flood. |
THE BRUTAL SIDE OF MULTICULTURALISMWe have only just caught up with an article
which appeared in The Sydney Morning Herald (29/7/01),
three weeks ago. "In the most recent, up to two dozen offenders are suspected of taking part in the repeated violation of a teenager in a schoolyard in Guildford three weeks ago. In a chilling postscript, several of the group allegedly scrawled degrading slogans on her body." The report went on to say that police work was made much more difficult because possible witnesses were afraid of reprisals. It would be too much to say that all Middle East residents would be anything but horrified by such acts. Nor that there is any link with Middle East refugees being released from detention centres in our capital cities. Nevertheless, it is true that the small but influential multicultural lobby has much to answer for in creating an environment for such conflict, against the wishes of the great majority of Australians. The biggest shock is how few media channels have reported this news accurately and in depth. The Sydney Morning Herald is a courageous exception. |
KOREA BACK INTO CRISISAlan Greenspan's latest interest-rate cut - the seventh in a year - is because the biggest economy in the world is in recession. So is Germany. Argentina will default as Mexico did a few years ago unless the International Monetary Fund can piece together a 'rescue' package, with the usual draconian and unworkable conditions.Now it looks as though South Korea, Australia's third largest trading partner, is heading towards a Mexico-type crisis. "....'Korea could go the way of Mexico and some other Latin American countries', warned McKinsey & Co's Seoul office head, Dominic Barton, in a recent presentation that was splashed across the front pages of Korean newspapers." (The Australian Financial Review, 20/8/01) |
MORE PRESSURE FOR A 'COMMON CURRENCY'As if New Zealand did not have enough
troubles it has just been blessed (?) by a visit from former
PM Paul Keating. In an article from The Otago Daily Times
(3/8/01) it was reported that Mr. Keating was one of the keynote
speakers on the opening day of the "Catching the Knowledge
Wave Conference", organized by the Auckland University and
the Government to promote ways New Zealand can improve social
and economic prosperity. One would have thought that "Banana-Republic' Keating was hardly the man to advise on ways to prosperity in other countries. |
THE RURAL REVOLTby Antonia Feitz The apple and pear growers and the dairy
farmers weren't the first to kick up a fuss but their anger
has really put the regions into the media spotlight. The fireblight
fiasco and the dismal fall-out of dairy deregulation which
forced so many of the world's best practice dairy farmers
off their farms resonated strongly in the wider non-farming
community. Inspired by those 400 Tasmanian potato growers who recently blockaded the McCain's potato chip factory, Victorian potato growers have united with them to form the Australian Process Growers Action group. McCains, the processor, hasn't given them a rise in 10 years. Now Tasmanian brassica growers - producers of broccoli, cauliflower and brussel sprouts - have joined potato and pea producers in demanding higher prices for their contract crops from the processor, Simplot. They claim what the multinational has offered doesn't even cover the cost of production. This can't go on. |
OPULENCEby Antonia Feitz Unsurprisingly the incomes of the lowest 20 per cent fell over the same period. Only in the US? No. Australians are quietly building mansions too. Businessman John Gandel built a mansion at an estimated cost of $46 million in Melbourne's most prestigious address, Albany Road, Toorak (Weekend Australian, 18-19/8/01). According to the report there are gold shower screens and a first-floor swimming pool. Good luck to him, but most of us could think of far better things to do with $46 million dollars than build a house. Still, as we steam full-speed backwards to the past of privilege and exploitation, perhaps in a few generations these new mansions will be bequeathed to charities to cope with all the worthy poor dying on the streets from disease and starvation. Come to think of it, that's not likely. The philanthropists of old lived in Christian societies where that tradition was honoured. |
HOWARD'S BAD BUT BEASLEY'S WORSEby Antonia Feitz Who can ever forget that as far as Labor Senator Nick Bolkus is concerned, free speech is about "resourcing durable institutions within society that can present alternative views, critique government policy, and review government decisions" (Australian, 11/6/98). Thanks all the same, Nick, but most Australians think free speech means a person's right to hold and express dissident opinions. Hawke and Kelty's betrayal It seems Michael Costello is going to
play a big part in a Beazley government. He's the former Labor
government departmental head who told the elites at that gabfest
in Melbourne in May 1998, held to discuss the increasing voter
alienation from the major parties, what globalisation means
for Australia. He said, "It is true that if we thought overseas
competition in manufacturing was tough, we haven't seen anything
yet. ...It is true that the very existence of the nation state
will be challenged by globalisation as never before. After
all, a global corporation's patriotism is for company, not
country. ... It is true that globalisation reinforced the
tendency of the free markets unfettered to make the rich richer
and the poor poorer. We are only in the foothills of globalisation
and already this is happening..." (Australian, 5/5/98)
A Beazley government will continue the job losses and the privatisations because Labor agrees with the Coalition's lie that what's happening is 'inevitable'. Even Alan Greenspan doesn't agree. Earlier this year he commented that it would be a "tragedy" if globalisation were reversed (ABC Radio, AM, 5/4/01). Clearly he thinks reversing current policies is possible. |
THE FALSE 'LEFT' AND 'RIGHT' OF POLITICSby Betty Luks In a League publication circulated in the 1970s, Eric Butler warned that Southern Africa was then Australia's front line. We lost that battle mainly because we didn't recognise the enemy within, still trusted those in power and didn't understand the techniques and strategies of the psycho-political warfare being waged upon us. The Fraser Government and the NIEO That great 'diplomat' Andrew Peacock, who, over the last few years was depicted in the media as spending quite a deal of his time swanning around New York with a former film star, declared in 1982 as then Minister for Foreign Affairs, "This is not a report that will be pigeon-holed." In fact, he went on to say in that Australian article, "...the Government had no difficulty in endorsing a number of key recommendations in the Third World report on defence, regional relationships, voting rights in international financial institutions, immigration issues and international trade and protection which were consistent with government policies." Senator Grant Chapman and former Senator
Baden Teague Former Liberal Senator Baden Teague in
response to a League activist (1982) denied the accusation
that the NIEO was a push for 'world government'. "...that
the notion of "World Government" is imminent and that the
Commonwealth Government is pressing to such a goal. Both claims
are false. Your letter does not help me to see your claims
demonstrated or explained. Rather it appears you interpret
the very ideas of 'international relations' and 'aid for developing
countries' as a sell-out to 'World Government' in the distorted
sense given that term by the League of Rights. These interpretations
are not true nor are they reasonable." Jeremy Lee in the January 1982 edition of Enterprise, listed the groups who made a contribution to the Brandt Commission, "The Fabian Society, The Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderbergers, the Trilateral Commission and the Club of Rome all contributed heavily to the make-up and operations of the Brandt Commission." Baden Teague and Eric Butler Question The League has undertaken the major task of placing its journals on CD. This covers a time-span of 40 years or more. The records of the League will be available to all who want to know the truth. They can then decide for themselves who has been discredited and who hasn't! |
TWO AUSTRALIASThe policies of both parties have proved
to be so disastrous The West Australian, 15/5/01, reported:
"The nation risks imminent division into two separate societies
- rich and poor - with little hope of being reunited, according
to one of Australia's biggest charities. "The St. Vincent
de Paul Society, which helps 800,000 Australians annually,
found that economic inequality had worsened in 20 years almost
to the point where it was not practical to bridge the gulf
between the rich and poor. "Its report, Two Australias
- Addressing Inequality and Poverty, said the nation would
be resembling a Third World country if the trend was not reversed.
Successive governments have not been 'inactive' - they just haven't been active on our behalf! They have been very active on behalf of our 'money masters' and involved in the setting up of the NIEO now termed the New World Order. |
BASIC FUNDThe 2000-2001 Basic Fund will be wound up and any subsequent donations will become part of next financial year's appeal. The final figure is $48,758.00. Our humble thanks go to those who have supported and contributed to the work and finance of the League of Rights. There are those who have made a number of contributions and we say a sincere "thank you". The contributions that are made from this week onwards will be put towards the 2001-2002 Basic Fund Appeal. |
NO SUCH THING AS DEBT IN NATUREThose who recently heard Betty Luks,
will recall her saying, "There is no such thing as 'debt'
in Nature". She went on to explain this meant Man could not
produce this year's crops with next year's rain. In which
case, in the real world we cannot mortgage our future. It
is only in the black-magic world of Mammon that this 'appears'
to happen. While Australia is, in reality, providentially blessed with more than enough to feed, clothe and house her people, financially her people are burdened down by such overwhelming debt they are struggling to survive - financially, economically, psychologically and spiritually. In which case, the League is going to close this present Basic Fund appeal and live financially within the basic fund contributions, and, at the same time, multiply the efforts of the League by other means. This does not mean any League activities will be curtailed because of financial restraints. The League operations are based on Faith; not a blind faith, but faith in the sure knowledge that the shortfall of finance will be made up by other means - of this we are certain. |
NATIONAL WEEKEND IN OCTOBERPlease make note of the National Weekend
dates in your diary: Theme: "The Celebration of Federation". Venue: The Hume Inn Motel, 406 Wodonga Place, Albury. Flyers will soon be released covering all details. |