home of ... Douglas Social Credit
28 September 2001. Thought for the Week:
"Orthodox historians are soaked in the Myth of State. They
believe that people, and especially congeries of people always
act by reason of political theories or other Pseudo-principles.
The money system they have certainly heard of, but to them
it is accepted, like the configuration of the continents.
There it stands as a part of nature, forming a framework upon
which the historians may build, but which it would be futile
to question. It is transcendental, historically supramundane
(above the world), sacrosanct. It exists, but only within
the dim penumbra of events. Posterity will not fail to regard
this attitude with stupefaction.
When the final assessment comes to be made on the events of the past twenty-five centuries, the purveyors of 'myth' history will stand arraigned... Credit is the lifeblood of every State, and history which omits to deal with this factor is invalidated. It is a collection of dead men's bones, a whited sepulchre of useless facts." "Human Ecology: The Science of Social Adjustment" by Thomas Robertson, 1948 |
CONTRIVED APOCALYPSE?by Jeremy Lee Prime Minister John Howard travelled to America to finalise a free-trade deal. The idea had been initiated by 60 US and Australian corporations who had formed "The America-Australia Free Trade Agreement Coalition." Eighteen of these US corporations are among the top 200 global corporations, with annual sales of $1.3 TRILLION - more than four times the annual output of the whole Australian economy (about $US300 billion). The two biggest (General Motors and Exxon Mobil) are each bigger than the Australian economy. The top 18 of these corporations look like this:
Putting the kindest interpretation on it, these 18 companies, with combined sales in 1999 of $2,000 for every living man, woman and child on earth, are not really concerned about the freedom and prosperity of the Australian people! They simply want to clear the decks for their own continued expansion. Colin Teese, a former official with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, has warned: "....International trade is about power politics, where the strong do as they please and the weak extract what benefits they can. For example, when Australia announced it was planning to take Japan to the World Trade Organisation disputes panel over a 390% tariff on imported rice, the Japanese simply announced they were postponing future talks over wheat imports. The message was clear: back off on rice or the Japanese would retaliate by looking elsewhere for wheat imports. Australia had no choice but to back down indefinitely ....A free trade agreement with the US is likely to see Australia concede more than the US, thereby worsening a bad trade imbalance ...." With all eyes on America, little coverage was given to the just-concluded ASEAN meeting in Hanoi, where 12 nations - Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, the Philippines, Brunei, Indonesia, Cambodia, Myanmar (formerly Burma) Laos and Vietnam - agreed to form a Closer Economic Partnership initiative " .... in the face of global economic slowdown and uncertainty after the attacks on the United States .... " (The Press, Christchurch, NZ, 19/9/01). In America the "free trade" idea was
put on hold as a result of the catastrophe in New York and
Washington. The biggest trade and financial centre in the
world was knocked out for a while, and corporations affected
- airlines and insurance companies - began to knock each other
over round the world. The collapse of Ansett in Australia,
plus the many suppliers dependent on the airline who are keeling
over, are mere minnows compared to British, American and European
Airlines who, between them, will be laying off over 100,000
people. Even Animal Farm's Squealer (i.e.Treasurer
Peter Costello) is now conceding that Australia is in for
a torrid time, and won't escape the consequences of the world
recession. The latest figures show a surge in popularity for the Coalition. The Morgan Poll, generally the most conservative and accurate of Australia's professional pollsters, shows a 20-point lead for the LibNats over the ALP. Whereas Howard has been trailing all year, he looks set for victory at the coming election, now tipped for mid-November. Howard once said his chances of becoming Prime Minister were "less than Lazarus with a triple by-pass". If he survives the GST and the disaster in many areas of the Australian economy to win the next election it will be an even greater comeback. Neither he nor his henchmen deserve it. But events have played into his hands. But a week is a long time in politics. |
TWO INTERESTING FACTORSIt now appears that, shortly before the disasters in New York and Washington there was heavy discounting in certain stocks in America. The Australian (20/9/01) reported: ".... The US Securities and Exchange Commission is investigating whether some investors knew in advance of the hijackings and made investments calculated to profit from the attacks. "Traders on the stock-options markets in Philadelphia and Chicago told regulators last week that, in the days before the attacks, there was an increase in purchases of stock-options contracts designed to gain in value if jetmaker Boeing, United Airlines and others lost value on the market. "Options-trading activity increased as much as 10 times over normal in some of those stocks. Exchanges routinely investigate heavy trading when it is followed by events that provoke a big change in security prices. Those stocks, which had already been sliding before the attack, dropped sharply on Monday when trading resumed - enabling the options investors to realize millions of dollars in potential profits ...." |
COMING HOME TO ROOSTAn article by Kirill Nourzhanov, The Australian (20/9/01), pointed to Western indifference when Russia suffered bomb attacks:"The World Trade Centre tragedy came two years after Russia was rocked by a series of co-ordinated terrorist attacks. In September 1999, four huge explosions in the cities of Moscow, Volgodonsk and Buinaksk claimed the lives of 305 people and left more that 500 injured. Thirteen more bombs were discovered before they detonated. In Moscow alone, 2 tonnes of high-powered explosives were detected .... "As the investigation unfolded,.... Evidence was produced that the terrorists had received training, equipment and orders in camps controlled by militants whose loyalty is not to the Chechen President Aslan Maskhadov, but to radical Islamist organizations abroad, and Osma bin Laden in particular.... "Russia quickly realized the impossibility of combating the export of holy terror alone, and called for a united front against terrorism. During an APEC summit in September 1999, Putin said Russia and the US had a common foe in bin Laden. Neither the US nor its NATO partners showed great enthusiasm towards Moscow's initiatives. On the contrary, anti-terrorist operations in Chechnya were condemned on humanitarian grounds, and the spectre of sanctions against Moscow was raised. "When Russia remonstrated with Pakistan against the presence on its territory of camps churning out combatants for various hotbeds, including Chechnya and Central Asia, Washington refused to lend diplomatic support ...." Funny how other peoples' suffering is different from your own! |
WHITHER THE AUSTRALIAN DOLLAR?Writing in The Australian Financial
Review (20/9/01) Stephen Koukoulas asked: "Just when is
the Treasurer, Peter Costello, going to accept some of the
responsibility for the Australian currency?.... The $A's fall
is extraordinary to the point where the only weaker currencies
since the terrorist actions in the US last week are the Indonesian
rupiah and the Afghanistan afghani, the latter dropping by
around 12 percent since news of the terrorist attack filtered
back to currency markets in Kabul.... "Then there is the issue
of corporate collapses, which have happened at an alarming
rate in the last year or so. The Ansett debacle and the effects
on suppliers to that industry follow the fall of One.Tel,
Harris Scarfe, HIH Insurance, Centaur Mining, LibertyOne,
Bradmill and eisa....." (And the latest, Pasminco). It seems Australia's troubles are only reaching the point at which they can be denied no longer. The government can sweep the collapse of small farms and businesses under the carpet. But when the very multinational giants which own and run much of the economy start falling over, the truth can be hidden no longer. 2002 looks like being painful indeed. |
THE PROPHETSby Antonia Feitz It wasn't a truck that exposed the vulnerability of the West. It was a commercial plane. Four commercial planes to be precise. There was another warning. Shortly after the US/British bombing raids on Iraq in February this year, Patriarch Raphael I Bidawid, the head of the Chaldean Catholic Church in Iraq, also prophesied that the sanctions on Iraq would provoke an outbreak of violence on US soil. He said, " ... if the USA and Britain continue this way, the whole of the Middle East will be set on fire. ... The whole of the Arab world is now against the Americans and the British, and ready to commit violence against the USA and Britain in their own countries." (Catholic World News, 2/3/01, www.cwnews.com/browse/2001/03/14968.htm) The patriarch advocated dialogue because "blood and violence lead only to more blood and violence". He implored the leaders of the US and Britain to think of the common good and warned that if they spurned dialogue, "the ghost of a war is not improbable and we risk new chaos". Sadly, the leaders of the US and Britain didn't listen and he's been proven right: we now face "new chaos". And some 5,000 innocent people have paid the price. How many deaths in the West will it take for the US Government and its allies to take the patriarch's advice and begin a genuine dialogue? |
THE ROYAL VISITfrom Phillip Benwell - National Chairman, Australian Monarchist League In a few weeks time The Queen and HRH
The Duke of Edinburgh will be in Australia on Her Majesty's
14th visit. Her Majesty will arrive in Canberra on the October
3rd and will travel to Brisbane on October 5th. Whilst The
Queen will open the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting
in Brisbane on Saturday, October 6th, 2001, The Duke of Edinburgh
will be taking the Centenary Naval Review on Sydney Harbour. The Royal "Walkabout" During the nine day Royal Tour in Australia this coming October, and despite the onerous obligations of Her Majesty's duties during the Commonwealth Heads of Government Conference, there has been incorporated into the Programme no fewer than 16 occasions where the public are invited to attend and on most of which The Queen, now 75 years old, and the Duke of Edinburgh, 80 years of age, will once again put aside caution and go out into the crowds. There will be no special armoured glass protection, no sealing of manhole covers, nor the excessively protective security that accompany some Presidents. Just Her Majesty and His Royal Highness genuinely intent on meeting as many people as possible. Footnote - Editor |
ATTORNEY GENERAL, THE ICC AND MISLEADING RESPONSEfrom "Facts Newsletter": NCC (SA), September, 2000 Australia's Attorney General, Mr. Darryl Williams, has spearheaded a dishonest campaign in favour of the proposed International Criminal Court. In a response received by many of our members, the Attorney General claims there has been scare mongering on the issue, and seeks to reassure people with an attached edited version of a speech he delivered to the WA Division Australian Red Cross International Humanitarian Law Committee, in Perth on April 21st this year. In summary the Attorney General makes five assertions: 1. That the ICC Statute is only complementary
Law; that is, it will never override Australian Law; At best, one could be charitable and suggest that the Attorney General has not read the ICC Statute and/or the ICC Manual for Ratification and Implementation of the Law Statute. If he had, then it is not possible to hold any of the five assertions. Firstly Secondly Thirdly Fourthly Fifthly and finally Only one conclusion can be reached: surely the Attorney General has read the ICC statute and the manual for implementation and hence he is deliberately and dishonestly misleading the Australian public in his strong support for ratifying the statute, even before the recommendation of the Treaties Committee is tabled. ACTION Write to the Prime Minister, The Honourable John Howard. Parliament House, Canberra, ACT, 2600, pointing out the outrageous deception being promulgated by his Attorney General on the issue of the ICC. Specifically ask him for his personal reply and not to refer the letter to the Attorney General for response as he has done in previous letters on the ICC Request that the Government ought not ratify the statute as currently drafted. Write to the Attorney General, The Honourable Daryl Williams, rebutting the various assertions he claims are so reassuring. Write to the Treaties Committee (Committee Secretary, Joint Standing Committee on Treaties, Department of House of representatives, Parliament House, Canberra, Act, 2600. E-mail: jsct@aph.gov.au Phone: (02) 6277 4002. Fax: (02) 6277 4827) even if you have done so previously, and express your outrage that the Attorney General is so blatantly misleading the public and doing so even before the Committee's recommendation is tabled. Write to the daily press expressing your disgust. Send to the Joint Standing Committee on Treaties for your copy of the proposed Bill. Phone: (02) 6277 2135, Mr. Bob Morris, or e-mail: bob.morris.reps@aph.gov.au |
SYDNEY CONSERVATIVE SPEAKERS' CLUBOctober 30th - Guest speakers Wendy Scurr & Andrew McGregor - "The Massacre at Port Arthur". The meeting will be held as usual in the Estonian Hall, 141 Campbell Street, Sydney, commencing at 7.30pm. The cost of attendance is $4 which includes an excellent supper. Books from the Heritage Bookmailing Service will be on display and for sale November 27th - The last meeting of the
year will give you the rare opportunity to be a speaker. Open
to all members of the audience with a time limit of five minutes.
Be prepared to answer questions. A supper with some Christmas
fare will conclude our evening. |
NATIONAL WEEKEND - OCTOBER 5th, 6th & 7thArrangements for the National Weekend
are well in hand. Supporters are encouraged to make every
effort to come to this special weekend. New South Welshmen
now have no excuse - the event is being held in their home
State! For those friends who have been wondering about Eric
and Elma Butler - join in with them at the 55th "New Times
Dinner". Guest speakers at the Seminar Saturday, October 6th,
include: Peter Davis of Port Lincoln, SA; Jan Pope of Cranbrook,
WA; Jeremy Lee of Toowoomba, Qld.; and Bill Buckpitt of Wodonga;
Vic., a member of Citizens Against Forced Amalgamation (of
Local Councils .. Ed.). 55th "New Times" Dinner: Friday, October 5th, from 6.30pm to be seated by 7.00pm. $22.50 per person for a 3-course buffet style Dinner. Bar facilities will be available. Seminar: 1.30pm, Saturday, October 6th: Admission $12.50 per person. Theme: "The Celebration of Federation". Divine Service & Action Conference: Sunday, October 7th, 9.00am-12noon. Venue: The Hume Inn Motel, 406 Wodonga Place, Albury, NSW. Bookings/payments for Dinner and Seminar go to Melbourne Office. Details of accommodation centres are in the flier now being circulated. |
JEREMY LEE FOR TASMANIAWednesday, October 10th - Gawler Hall, Gawler, 7.30pm. Thursday, October 11th - Scottsdale RSL, 30 George Street, 7.30pm. Friday, October 12th - Official Dinner, Quigley's Restaurant, 96 Balfour Street, Launceston, 7.00pm for 7.30pm. Saturday, October 13th - Launceston RSL, 313 Wellington Street, parking at rear of RSL. Sunday, October 14th - Short Divine Service and Review, 39 Benvenue Road, St.Leonards. |
SPECIAL DELIVERY OF CAMP OF THE SAINTSThe League has organized a special delivery for our readers of a small number of the explosive book Camp of the Saints. The UK-Aust. exchange rate makes the price of the book $35.00 posted. Order from: Heritage Book Mailing, Box 1052J, GPO, Melbourne, 3001. |