home of ... Douglas Social Credit
19 October 2001. Thought for the Week:
" 'Britain finally won,' echoed Roberts, 'but at appalling
cost, and ruin for her standing in the world.' This too was
what we had argued in our first volume, although it is fair
to state that A.J.P. Taylor had argued much the same case
over twenty years earlier, writing this criticism of Churchill's
May 13, 1940 'victory at all costs' speech to the House of
Commons: 'This was exactly what the opponents of Churchill
had feared... Victory, even if this meant placing the British
empire in pawn to the United States; victory, even if it meant
Soviet domination of Europe.'... Our first volume dented,
if it did not destroy, the myth that Britain was seriously
at risk of invasion in the summer of 1940: as the documents
show... at all material times Hitler was bluffing with Sea
Lion; it was always intended by him as a grand deception,
to divert attention from Barbarossa, his coming attack on
the 'judæo-bolshevik' Soviet Union... Others now echo our
view that Churchill knew from codebreaking "that Hitler was
only bluffing; but for reasons of domestic politics Churchill
fostered the fiction in his public speeches..."
"Churchill's War 2: Triumph in Adversity" by David Irving 2001 |
DOUG COLLINS R.I.P.by Phillip D. Butler Probably the most revealing moment for him was the launch of Irving's Churchill's War Vol.1; after all, he had his own experience as a prisoner of war in Europe to draw on and 'Winnie' was his wartime hero. As chairman for the launch, I remember it well. Retired British Columbia Supreme Court Judge Leslie Bewley introduced Irving but Doug Collins was not at all happy with what Irving had to say about Churchill. Doug was first to his feet to ask some telling questions; Irving in the manner of the researcher he is, answered them with facts. This led Doug to do his own research and check out Irving it totally changed his approach to accepted history and he became a firm friend of Irving. Being of British origins, he had that
sense of humour which probably irritated his enemies. One
instance was his review of the movie Schindler's List, referring
to it as Swindler's List in his column in the North Shore
News. The review prompted his enemies in British Columbia
to have special legislation passed and he, his editor and
the newspaper were dragged before the Human Rights Commission.
For his part, Doug refused to pay the fine imposed on him,
nor would he apologise for what he had written, and was due
to test the law in the Supreme Court of Canada next month.
Douglas Christie was to represent him in court. I would like to extend to his wife Betty and family, on behalf of the League family in this country, our sincere condolences. Douglas Collins, a brave soldier for freedom. |
IDEAS HAVE LEGSby Douglas Collins taken from The Collins Column, 21/9/01 Nearly two weeks after the bombing disasters
in the US the mind still boggles at it all. All other news
seems to be irrelevant, and not worth talking about. "We are
at war," scream the headlines. And the shock we have been
given is worse than what happened in September 1939. At that
time we knew what was coming. This time we were taken by surprise.
There was a reason for that. It lay in our innocence and our
stupidity. For in fact the 'new' war had been going on for
years. She was wrong, too, in assuming that all the terrorism comes from one side. We have, you see, been the victims of our own press releases. Or of the press releases we have been allowed to see. I do not mean by that that it was impossible to find out what was going on in Islam, but that the emphasis has been slanted. For 50 years or so we have assumed, in the main, that Israel could do little wrong and that the treatment of the Jews by the Nazis justified Israel's toughness. Which, of course, left the Palestinians out of the equation. In that respect it is worth considering an article by Middle East correspondent Robert Fisk in The Independent that would not be published in the mainstream media in Canada or the US. "This is not the war of democracy versus terror that the world will be asked to believe in the coming hours and days," he wrote. "It is also about American missiles crashing into Palestinian homes. Ask an Arab how he responds to 20 or 30 thousand innocent deaths (in the U S) and he or she will respond as good and decent people should, that it is an unspeakable crime. But they will ask why we did not use such words about the sanctions that have destroyed perhaps half a million children in Iraq, why we did not rage about the 17,500 civilians killed in Israel's 1982 invasion of Lebanon, why we allowed one nation in the Middle East to ignore UN Security Council resolutions but bombed and sanctioned all others who did." Fisk deplores the dreadful events in New York and Washington but is not alone in making such comments. David Dimbleby, a top BBC interviewer, who brought a former US Ambassador to tears by stating that "millions of people across the world hate the US." So as we 'go to war', an apparently blind war against whom we are not sure, the genie appears to have escaped the bottle. An American who was writing before the
tragedies in the US took place is Doug Casey, a man who is
deeply involved in the market and puts out the International
Speculator newsletter. In a recent edition, published
just before the attacks on the World Trade Centre, one of
his chapter headings read, "Waiting for WWIII", in which he
predicted an early escalation of the conflict between the
US and Islam. The US Government consistently supports
Israel, which the Muslims regard as an outlaw, terrorist state.
Show me a single movie since 'Lawrence of Arabia' in which
Muslims are portrayed sympathetically." In war, as the saying goes, truth is the first casualty. In this case it was the first casualty long before the war started. Against whom are we going to fight? It is not a country. It is an idea. Ideas have legs, and this one may have as many legs as a centipede. |
REAL HISTORY AND ISLAMIC TERRORISMDavid Irving's Action Report: The Washington Post has published the extraordinary fact that an Internet firm in the World Trade Centre received two hours' warning from Israel of the impending terrorist attack. It kept this privileged information to itself and its employees, evidently, passing it on to the FBI only belatedly, and not before first sending it to the Israeli authorities. One may suspect that The Mossad had an informant who briefed them in good time, and that The Mossad, if it believed the story, decided to let the Sturm Iosbrechen, such an atrocity being as Benjamin Netanyahu incautiously blurted out to The New York Times, after the acts of mass murder took place "very good" for Israel. Were this story not from The Washington Post, I would have placed the item in the bin where I have tossed all the other rumours and scuttlebut, for instance about the 4,000 Jewish employees who did not turn up for work at the WTC that day, and the Wall Street firms that traded 'futures' in a manner designed to make profits for them if the WTC towers and (the airline shares) should crash... The other item of interest is an article by Robert Fisk in Saturday's London newspaper The Independent. Rather more forcefully and certainly better informed than I, he casts doubt on the content, and perhaps even the authenticity, of that handwritten, five-page 'letter' of which the FBI says it found copies in the baggage of one hijacker, in a car, and at the site of the Pennsylvania crash. Fisk calls the letter "fearful, chilling, grotesque but also very, very odd." "In the name of God," the document begins, "of myself, and of my family." No Muslim, says Fisk, would include his family in such a prayer. He also finds fault with the remark, uncharacteristic of a Muslim, "The time of Fun and waste is gone." Mahommed Atta, or one of his associates, is reported to have written in the note, "Be optimistic... Check all your items your bag, your clothes, your knives, your will, your IDs, your passport... In the morning, try to pray the morning prayer with an open heart." The writer whoever he really was, told his fellow hijackers to "remind yourself this night you will face many challenges. But you have to face them and understand it 100 percent." That "100 percent" bothers Fisk, and it does sound out of key. Nor would a devout Muslim need to be reminded of his duty to say his prayers or to be reminded of the text. As the journalist points out, the full text has not been released by the FBI. Dropping a broad hint as to who may have authored, or at least translated the letter, Frisk writes that it suggests an almost Christian view of what the hijackers might have felt - asking to be forgiven for their sins, explaining that fear of death is natural, that "a believer is always plagued with problems." If the letter is a US Government forgery,
on the other hand, it is strange that it includes no references
to any of Osama bin Laden's demands for an American withdrawal
from the Gulf, an end to Israeli occupation, the overthrow
of pro-American Arab regimes. Fisk notes that CIA translators
have previously turned out to be Lebanese Maronite Christians.
"Or is there something more mysterious," he asks, "about the
background of those who committed a crime against humanity
in New York and Washington, just over two weeks ago?" |
WHO CONTROLS AMERICA?Sharon Admits Jewish Control of America Occupied Jerusalem: 3/10/2001 (IAP News) from Neil Baird's e-mail. An acrimonious argument erupted during
the Israeli cabinet weekly session last week between Israeli
Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and his foreign Minister Shimon
Peres during which Sharon reportedly yelled at Peres, saying
"don't worry about American pressure, we control America."
According to the Israeli Hebrew radio, Col Yisrael Wednesday,
Peres warned Sharon that refusing to heed incessant American
requests for a cease-fire with the Palestinians would endanger
Israeli interests and turn the US against us. At this point,
a furious Sharon reportedly turned toward Peres, saying "every
time we do something you tell me America will do this and
will do that... I want to tell you something very clear, don't
worry about American pressure on Israel, we, the Jewish people
control America, and the Americans know it." |
BOGUS PROSPERITYby Antonia Feitz Just what does the "4 percent a year" growth actually measure: unproductive mergers and acquisitions? selling off public assets (privatisations)? takeovers? speculation? reduced wages and conditions for the Australian people? We can do without such 'growth'. The only reason the budget is in surplus is because the Government continues to sell off public assets. What happens when they're all sold? More taxes? The October 5th editorial made the same ludicrous claims that "the late 1990s delivered strong growth ...". It's nonsense as we all know unless the word 'growth' refers exclusively to the obscene salaries of the top CEOs. Or to the growth rate of spectacular company crashes. Then there's the hypocrisy. When NZ Prime Minister Helen Clark decided to bail out Air New Zealand vile retreater! the Australian's editorialist snorted that the bail-out money could have been used for education or health. Since when have globalists cared about public education and health? They champion private health and education. In any case the editorialist's claim that governments can't run "capital-intensive, risky aviation enterprises" is belied by the very successful Singapore Airlines, majority owned by the Singapore Government, as is the telco, Singtel. |
HOW MUCH IT HAS CHANGEDby Kerry Spencer-Salt "The people of Australia are one people;
they speak one language, their views are substantially the
same, they worship one God, their moral standard is formed
from one rule; and beyond this life they hope for one destiny.
Their differences are only perceptible to minute investigation....
In the absence of.... diversities, we are apt to lose sight
of the immense advantage we possess in being substantially
one people... The (European) States that have been driven
to unite by external pressure have often found these distinctions
a source of strife, of weakness, and, ultimately of defeat...
The Turkish Empire is seated in a region of unrivalled resources
everything has been granted by nature, and granted in vain.
A jargon of tongues prevents their national literature. Commercial
dealings, conducted in the same street, require as many languages
as were spoken in Babel. The Armenian scowls upon the Jew;
the Jew spits upon the Greek; and the Turk disdains them all.
It is this opposition of race to race, and this confusion
of tongues... that dooms the Ottoman empire... But more than
all these distinctions is the fatal opposition of colour."
The wisdom of this writer was demonstrated some time later in World War I where a racially concentric demography allowed a united Australian war effort with few exceptions. One such exception is recorded below. "Great Britain declared war on Turkey
on 5 November 1914. On New Year's Day 1915 a train of ore
trucks set out from Broken Hill, crowded with members of the
Manchester Unity Order of Oddfellows off on their annual picnic.
A couple of miles out of town, two men with riles, flying
the Turkish Flag from an ice-cream cart, opened fire on the
train. Three people were killed, and many other picnickers,
including children, were wounded, some badly. Police, soldiers
and rifle club members were summoned, but the two 'Turks'
took to the hills and were able to hold hundreds of armed
men at bay for over an hour. Finally one was killed and the
other fatally wounded. It was discovered that the two gunmen
were both well-known in Broken Hill. They were Gool Mohammed,
an ice-cream vendor from north-west India, and Mullah Abdullah,
an Afghan butcher. They had decided to die fighting for Turkey
and the Mohammedan religion." The inability of ethnic strains, introduced since 1945, to accept core Australian values create tensions which are difficult at the best of times and accentuated in difficult times. In the first and second World Wars Australia's internal ethnic conflicts were small but real. But such conflicts were small only because Australia's ethnic populations were limited. As we ponder our next world war, Multicultural Question No 2 is, "How many Gool Mohammeds and Mullah Abdullahs are there in Australia today?" |
DEPRESSINGLY FAMILIAR FORMULAWhilst the following abridged report was written before the bombing of Afghanistan it is relevant as one looks back on the 'mind-conditioning' to which we have all been subjected Western media follow a depressingly
familiar formula when it comes to the preparation of a nation
for conflict writes Phillip Knightley, Guardian, October
4th, 2001. The way wars are reported in the western media
follows a depressingly predictable pattern: Demonisation Demonisation of the people Welcome to the fourth stage the atrocities.
NATIONAL WEEKEND A GREAT SUCCESSThe move to Albury, NSW, from Melbourne, Vic., for the New Times Dinner and Seminar (after 54 years) went very well. The venue was pleasant, food was ample and tasty, and reports were that everyone was able to relax and enjoy themselves without the stress of trying to find accommodation and parking in an overcrowded and noisy Melbourne. One couple travelled four thousand kilometres by car to be there! |
'CELEBRATION OF FEDERATION' TAPES NOW AVAILABLEOrder through the Melbourne Book Shop, Box 1052, GPO, Melbourne ,3001. Peter Davis of Port Lincoln SA, Jan Pope of Cranbrook, WA, Jeremy Lee of Toowoomba, Qld., and Bill Buckpitt of Wodonga, Vic., a member of Citizens Against Forced Amalgamation. A clear message was given as to the intent behind the proposed amalgamation across State borders. Another attack on our Commonwealth Constitution! Bill Buckpitt insists the people have a democratic right to have a vote on the proposed amalgamation. He was a breath of fresh air! |
BOOKS, JOURNALThe League has a truly great feast of
reading and information for its supporters: Now available "Vigilance A Defence of British Liberty" In his review of the book, Anthony Cooney poses the question, "Why have we not specified the penalties of EU treason which will be exacted from both politicians and high-ranking officials when Great Britain is once more free? Those penalties ought to be plainly specified and it ought to be understood that they will be pursued against both the carcasses and estates of deceased traitors. There is plenty of room where Cromwell's skull stood on Tower Hill!" $45 posted direct from your State bookmailing centre. "Heritage" Journal: The latest edition
of the "Heritage" journal is a must have. In the third federation
issue, editor Nancy Lee has lined up such people as Peter
Davis, Mayor of Port Lincoln, "Ye Cannot Serve God and Mammon";
Larry Noye, author "A Lesson of Suppression; Ashley Mote,
author "Petition to the Queen"; and Nigel Jackson, poet and
teacher "State of the Nation". |
FREE SPEECH SEMINARAustralian Civil Liberties Union:Venue: 15-21 Therry Street, Melbourne, near intersection with Elizabeth Street and near Victoria Market. Admission: $10 (free to ACLU financial members). Speakers: Raymond Hoser, "Police Corruption & Persecution of Whistleblowers"; Geoff Muirden, "Free Speech & Anti-Racism Laws"; Dr. Fredrick Toben, "Events of September 11th; Revisionism & Middle East; Durban Race Hate Conference"; John Bennett, "What Price Israel? Why Terrorism? The Irving Case".Date: Sunday, October 21st, 2001. 2pm-5pm. Pre-booking required. Phone: (03) 9347 8671. |
SYDNEY CONSERVATIVE SPEAKERS' CLUBOctober 30th Guest speakers Wendy Scurr & Andrew McGregor "The Massacre at Port Arthur". The meeting will be held as usual in the Estonian Hall, 141 Campbell Street, Sydney, commencing at 7.30pm. The cost of attendance is $4 which includes an excellent supper. Books from the Heritage Bookmailing Service will be on display and for sale. |
UNITED KINGDOM SETTLER'S ASSOCIATION INAUGURAL ANNUAL DINNERThe inaugural Annual Dinner of the UKSA will take place at the English Speaking Union House, 146 West Toorak Road, South Yarra, on Friday, November 2nd. The guest of honour and speaker will be Sir James Killen, a former Liberal MP and Minister of Defence. Sir James has spoken at the New Times Dinner and on other League platforms in his earlier years. He will be speaking on "Australian Federation and the British Heritage". Dinner and welcoming drinks $30 per person. Contact Mrs. Lena Filby, 9859 5901. Pre-booking is essential. |
THE LEAGUE'S BOOK SERVICESAs well as the publication of journals for the dissemination of information, the League publishes and distributes a wide range of educational books, videos and cassette tapes. These are available at meetings, at our Melbourne bookshop or by mail order from the following addresses: Victoria & Tasmania: Heritage Bookshop, 2nd Floor, 145 Russell Street, Melbourne, 3000. (GPO Box 1052J, Melbourne, 3001). Phone: (03) 9650 9749; Fax: (03) 9650 9368. New South Wales: Heritage Book Service, PO Box 6086, Lake Munmorah, 2259. Phone/Fax: (02) 4358 3634.Queensland: Conservative Book Mailing Service, P.O. Box 7108, Toowoomba Mail Centre, 4352. Phone (07) 4635 7435. Western Australia: Heritage Book Mailing Service, PO Box 163, Chidlow, 6556. Phone/Fax: (08) 9574 6042. South Australia: Heritage Book-Mailing Service, PO Box 208, Ingle Farm, 5098. Phone: (08) 8395 9826; Fax: (08) 8395 9827 Election comment authorised by Betty Luks, 145 Russell Street, Melbourne, 3000. |