9 November 2001. Thought for the Week: This is a
season of patriotism, but also of something that is easily
mistaken for patriotism; namely, nationalism. The difference
is vital. G.K. Chesterton once observed that Rudyard Kipling,
the great poet of British imperialism, suffered from a
"lack of patriotism". He explained: "He admires England,
but he does not love her; for we admire things with reasons,
but love them without reasons. He admires England because
she is strong, not because she is English." Patriotism is like family love. You love your family just for being your family, not for being "the greatest family on earth" (whatever that might mean) or for being "better" than other families. You don't feel threatened when other people love their families the same way. On the contrary, you respect their love, and you take comfort in knowing they respect yours. You don't feel your family is enhanced by feuding with other families... nationalism, it has often been said, is grounded in resentment and rivalry... It is militant by nature, and its typical style is belligerent. Patriotism, by contrast, is peaceful until forced to fight. The patriot differs from the nationalist in this respect
too: he can laugh at his country, the way members of a
family can laugh at each other's foibles. Affection takes
for granted the imperfection of those it loves; the patriotic
Irishman thinks Ireland is hilarious, whereas the Irish
nationalist sees nothing to laugh about. The nationalist
has to prove his country is always right. He reduces his
country to an idea, a perfect abstraction, rather than
a mere home. He may even find the patriot's irreverent
humour annoying. |
CHOOSING BETWEEN THE LESSER OF TWO EVILSby Jeremy Lee Last Federal election the amount of tax-money
handed out to candidates topped $30 million. This time it
will be much higher. What can one really say? If the 'khaki'
election wasn't showing the first signs of a backlash, one
could almost imagine the Prime Minister appearing on the hustings
in camouflage uniform (with flak-jacket showing through);
a sort of duck-billed Fidel Castro minus beard. In the Darling Downs electorate of Groom, the poster gaining most attention says simply "PUT LIBERALS LAST". It happens to be held currently by "Chainsaw" Ian MacFarlane, who played a questionable role in the rorting of the GST by Liberal Party funding schemes. The best advice, if a return to the democratic
process is considered essential, is NOT to vote for anyone
who has sold out his conscience. Anyone acknowledging he will
be voting "on party lines", whatever the rights and wrongs
of the issue, has sold out. |
AT LAST! A CHRISTIAN VOICEA small article in The Weekend Australian
(27-28/10/01) quoted one Christian leader with something to
say: Well it's a start. But very late in the
scheme of things. |
WHERE DOES RELIGION FIT IN?In a well-reasoned and hard-hitting article in Britain's Weekly Telegraph (24-30/10/01), Barbara Amiel argued the case for stepping up the existing war against Afghanistan, suggesting that western compromise was partly to blame for letting it get so far. " .... If the Americans think that this
problem can be solved, a la Kosovo, from the skies, without
a proper land invasion, we are lost. This would make the war
on terrorism another one of those causes for which it is worth
killing, but not dying. .... Terrorists .... have made an
open declaration of war on the military and civilians alike.
Territories and states are at stake. The whole point about
terrorism is that it cannot exist without state support. .....
You cannot have safe houses, financial instruments, passports,
mobility, training camps, and indoctrination without states
encouraging and permitting on their territory the establishment
of terrorist organizations. "As a democratic western nation state, Britain cannot exempt itself from this war. If the forces of bin Ladenism succeed in taking over Islam, there is no country in the world that would be safe from an expanding and theocratic Islam. It will not be our bombs that bolster this happening, but our indifference and ineptitude ....." Barbara Amiel went on to ask: ".... Even if you accept the proposition .... that fanatics exist because of the creation of Israel or the allied bombing of Saddam Hussein, what are we to do? Must we allow Israel to be swept into the sea, Saddam to conquer both Kuwait and Saudi Arabia .... Would this make the world more secure?" ....." This is a very one-sided scenario. Barbara Amiel forgot to mention the documented
and extensive terrorism applied by Israel to the Palestinians,
from Deir Yassin to Sabra and Shatila. Nor does she mention
the ever expanding Israeli settlements, strongly condemned
by western nations, in Palestinian areas supposed to be the
subject of peace negotiations. Barbara Amiel should read the
incredibly well-documented Zionist Connection II, by Jewish
author Alfred Lilienthal, for a picture of the enormous provocation
applied to the Palestinians since well before the creation
of Israel in 1948. Nor is it true that the massive air raids unleashed on Kosovo have solved the problems in the Balkans; except, maybe, for the multinational syndicates interested in the minerals at Trebca and the massive oil deposits in the Caspian. Nevertheless, Barbara Amiel's point of view deserves consideration in any free country. But, so that they know who they are reading, it should also be explained that Barbara Amiel is Jewish, and married to Conrad Black, the media mogul who includes in his stable The Jerusalem Post. The massive preponderance of Jewish editors, broadcasters and journalists in the western world is obviously quite lawful. But, when writing of Middle East affairs, their likely allegiances should be made known to the reading public. Western nations are under threat from both fundamentalist Islam and from Zionism - both in their own way messianic movements. And what of Christianity? Well, leaders from both major denominations in Britain say it doesn't apply any more. |
TERRORISM AND GLOBALISMLyndon Rowe, from the Chamber of Commerce
and Industry in Western Australia, lamented in The Australian
(26/10/01) that economic reform and globalism had been put
on the back burner in this election. Rowe goes on to ask, if reform is so
bad, why are prices for farm products at record levels? It
is the same point made by people like Tim Fischer and John
Anderson. The truth is that the only thing that saved the
pork industry and sent prices soaring was the disastrous outbreak
of disease in pig populations in SE Asia. Tens of thousands
of breeders were slaughtered, creating at one hit an entirely
new market for pig producers. To claim this as a victory for
globalism is stretching it. |
TREASON THREAT TO U.K. MOSLEMSThere are a number of issues tied up with the report that the UK Home Office may charge those Uniting Kingdom Moslems - already in Afghanistan with the Taliban - with treason, should they try to return to the UK. Not least of the issues are multiculturalism, internationalism and dual citizenship or divided loyalties. The International Express, 5/11/01, revealed, "With Royal Marine commandos poised ready to go into battle, there are British fundamentalists on the ground ready to fight on behalf of the Taliban and Osama bin laden". |
THE 'NICE TREATY'In the wake of the legal penalties being proposed against some UK Moslems by the Home Office, reference should be made to the actions of the UK cross-party group, "Subjects Against Nice Treaty". This active group is determined to use every constitutional and legal means to stop ratification of the European Union's "Nice Treaty" by Tony Blair's Fabian Labour Government. In summary, through this Treaty, the
European Union seeks powers to: The presenters of the "Petition to the Queen" (reprinted with full story, in Heritage, Vol.25 No.97) seek to invoke the powers of Magna Carta 1215, and the Declaration of Rights 1688, in the battle for the sovereignty of their nation. "These are all issues of major constitutional importance," warned Lord Ashbourne at an inaugural public meeting. "They directly threaten our rights and freedoms, and destroy the oaths of loyalty to the Crown sworn by Privy Counsellors, British armed-forces and the police. Such fundamental matters cannot be considered merely the stuff of day-to-day politics. They concern every British subject, and generations yet unborn. |
DIRECT LEGAL ACTION AGAINST BLAIR AND HIS MINISTERS"Finally," the report in Heritage informs us, "there is now the real possibility of direct legal action being initiated against Tony Blair and his ministers. Legal advice is currently being taken on whether or not they have committed treason. That too hasn't happened in over 300 years!" In his review of Ashley Mote's book Vigilance, Anthony Cooney asks the question, "Why have we not specified the penalties of EU treason which will be exacted from both politicians and high-ranking officials when Great Britain is once more free? Those penalties ought to be plainly specified and it ought to be understood that they will be pursued against both the carcasses and estates of deceased traitors. There is plenty of room where Cromwell's skull stood on Tower Hill!" |
WHAT ABOUT THIS COUNTRY?Aren't Australians in the same boat? Don't the same principles apply to this country? Australians would do well to carefully consider the actions of the politicians in this country. To paraphrase Lord Ashbourne's letter to The Times, Australians could also say: "A government which has introduced a succession of Bills and Acts of Parliament which deal with various aspects of the Constitution needs to be reminded that they have no rights to exceed the powers vested in them. We the people own the right to our own property - in this case Australia. "Every three years we might be said to 'lease' its care to 'tenants' (parliaments) who have an obligation to look after our property and act in our best interests as the ultimate owners. "Our 'tenants' do not own the title to our deeds, nor any right of ownership over the property itself. They merely own the right of abode, and duty of care, for a maximum of three years. They are caretakers - no more." |
ROBOTS & SOCIAL CREDIT, A NATIONAL DIVIDENDby Antonia Feitz People and especially politicians have to understand that the problems of manufacturing and production have long been solved. The earth is awash, groaning with food and goods that people can't afford. It's absurd. Clearly what hasn't been solved is the problem of the distribution of the world's wealth. The twentieth century has proved beyond all doubt that communism and socialism are not the answer. So maybe it's an opportune time to present the idea of social credit to a new generation. The fact that orthodox economists deride social credit should commend the idea to our readers, especially the young. Here's an example of social credit in
action It doesn't take much imagination to see how the distribution of such dividends to the citizens and their dependants would benefit the local economy. A very likely spin-off might even be that with increased financial security, women would again be willing to bear that longed-for and demographically important third baby. Human frailty? An economics professor at the University of Alaska, Dr. Scott Goldsmith, who initially warned that declining oil revenue and rising government spending would result in a fiscal gap, has repudiated his former view. He now says there's no reason the situation shouldn't continue forever. Nor is there - unless the Alaskan government treacherously privatises. Apart from sharing in the wealth of their state via a dividend, Alaskans pay no state income tax or sales tax. This system is the very opposite of socialism. It returns to individuals their proper share in the wealth of their state, to do with as THEY please. |
BASIC FUND LAUNCHEDThe Annual Basic Fund has now been launched and we earnestly ask our supporters to get behind the appeal and help fill it as quickly as possible. The target will remain at the modest $60,000 target. Will you make every effort to help us fill the Fund in the shortest possible time? |
LETTERSKonrad Kalejs Superannuation |
BOOKS, BOOKS, BOOKSThe League has a truly great feast of reading and information for its supporters. SPECIAL PRICE FOR CHURCHILL'S WAR 2 - Triumph in Adversity: Please note the special price for Churchill's War Vol.2. is $75 including GST. The posted price is $80. Order from your State book service NOW. David Irving's "Churchill's War: Volume 2" was launched at The New Times Dinner. The first volume was published in 1987, and after an uneasy birth, the second volume appears 14 years later. The second volume narrates the middle years of World War 2. This work benefits from the release of thousands of secret files. Thus, says Irving, we now know more about Anthony Eden's role in the murder of Admiral Darlan. The human side of Churchill reaches boldly out - lively, incorrigible, sometimes callous - but meek and subservient to Moscow and Washington. "Vigilance - A Defence of British Liberty": In his review of the book, Anthony Cooney poses the question, "Why have we not specified the penalties of EU treason which will be exacted from both politicians and high-ranking officials when Great Britain is once more free? Those penalties ought to be plainly specified and it ought to be understood that they will be pursued against both the carcasses and estates of deceased traitors. There is plenty of room where Cromwell's skull stood on Tower Hill!" $45 posted direct from your State bookmailing centre. |
MEA TAPESPlease note, the address for MEA Tapes is still PO Box 184, The Basin, Victoria, 3154, until further notice. Single tape $10, four tapes for $25. Send for a list of current tapes. |
SYDNEY CONSERVATIVE SPEAKERS' CLUBNovember 27th - The last meeting of the year will give you the rare opportunity to be a speaker. Open to all members of the audience with a time limit of five minutes. Be prepared to answer questions. The cost of attendance is $4, a supper with some Christmas fare will conclude our evening. The meeting will be held as usual in the Estonian Hall, 141 Campbell Street, Sydney, commencing at 7.30pm. Books from the Heritage Bookmailing Service will be on display and for sale. The first meeting for 2002 will be Tuesday, January 29th, 2002. |