home of ... Douglas Social Credit
22 March 2002. Thought for the Week:
"Canon Demant, after referring to the Roman idea of a universal
law for all men, and to the Greeks having taught men to get
outside the stream of Nature and grasp reality by thought,
said that Christianity by insisting on man's special position
as a creature made in God's image, had made these two facts
a working habit of mind. By giving things a meaning outside
society and the State, it gave the human person a significance
unknown outside Europe. The overall existence of the Church,
something exterior to tribe and class and state, was the root
of the European belief in freedom."
Sir David Kelly, "The Hungry Sheep", 1955 |
STEREOTYPING WITH THE POLITICAL TAR-BRUSHby Jeremy Lee Glenn Milne wrote, inter alia: " .... According to the Jewish Anti-Defamation Commission publication B'nai Brith: 'Wall, of the Perth legal firm E.J. Wall and Associate, has acted as the Australian solicitor representing UK-based Holocaust denier, David Irving, in his ongoing attempts to overturn the Australian Government's ruling, refusing him an entry visa' ...." Wall had also acted for Fred Toben of the Adelaide Institute while he was in a German prison in 1999 for the crime of Holocaust denial. Milne added: ".... Wall has also spoken at forums of the (anti-Semitic) Australian League of Rights...." - which, presumably, is enough to damn him for ever, together with others such as current Foreign Minister Alexander Downer, the late RSL chief Brigadier Alf Garland, well-known former Victorian RSL chief Bruce Ruxton, one-time Defence Minister Jim Killen, full-blood Aboriginal church minister Cedric Jacobs, former Federal MP Graeme Campbell and former Senator Flo Bjelke-Petersen. Historian David Irving, as we understand it, has never been a 'holocaust-denier' - although he has contested many factual distortions in the history of events associated with the Holocaust. Even his most trenchant critics have admitted his enormous capacity for research. WHEN IT COMES TO SOURCES |
BIG BROTHER IS WATCHINGAfter the passage of the Racial & Religious
Tolerance Bill in Victoria, all States now have legislation
that ensures that only those with a politically-correct image
can be tolerated in our society. The provisions of this legislation
make it an offence to disseminate ideas that are considered
likely to incite racial hatred. Who will determine what material
can be judged as likely to provoke racial hatred? Australian
law already covers what constitutes violence or terrorism.
The new laws will ensure that freedom of speech will be curtailed
to ensure that expressions of opinion conform to what is acceptable
to the establishment. During his visit to Australia in 1994, well-renowned Jewish writer Chaim Bemnant observed "... that any critic of Israel, Zionism or Zionists, would be immediately denounced as an "anti-semite" or, if Jewish, as a self-hating Jew". It is legislation of the nature of the anti-vilification laws that have been vigorously promoted for many years by Zionist lobby groups world wide. In their literature, the ADC claim contact with B'nai B'rith chapters overseas, and the United States based "Anti-Defamation League". The tactics of the Anti-Defamation League, if identical with the Australian Anti-Defamaation Commission, should be of some concern to Australians. In 1991, their methods of operation were disclosed in a prominent Court case in New York City, which revealed their methods of discrediting opponents, which included infiltration, the use of spies, illegal entry and theft of private documents. The ADL exchanged information with a Foreign Power, the Israeli Government. This information was confirmed in a book written by an ADL agent, "Square One" by Arnold Forster, who was associated with the ADL for 50 years. The well-known linguist and political activist and writer, Professor Noam Chomsky, himself a Jew, was one of many US citizens targeted by the ADL because of their opposition to Zionism. Another, Professor Alfred M. Lilienthal, an expert on the Middle East, and author of many books on the subject, was also vilified. The ADL circulated dossiers of material to discredit them. Similar tactics were used against groups considered by the ADL as "right wing extremists". Australians are tolerant of the views expressed by all persuasions, and preservation of our code of free expression is one of the attributes of our democratic society. But we should regard with real concern any group that exists solely to denigrate the opinions of others, and use underhand tactics to achieve their ends". (end of comment) |
HOW MUCH DEBT IS TOO MUCH?Max Walsh, economist and the recent editor of The Bulletin, posed this question in the issue of February 26th. He started by saying that this question would predominate the first decade of the 21st Century. He pointed out that household debt in Australia had grown by 16.5% in the six months to December, and had doubled to over 100% of household income in the last decade. He went on: "....The Reserve Bank's cautious observations about local debt apply with even greater urgency to the three largest global economies, the US, Japan and Germany, where the accumulation of debt - in the corporate and public sectors and at the household level - has been even faster than here. Japan and Germany have more rapidly ageing populations which exacerbates any excess debt problem ...." Dr. Susan George, in her explosive book "The Debt Boomerang", published in 1992, forecast that the Third World Debt, which haunted the world in the eighties and nineties, would finally rebound on the industrialized nations. She pointed out that in the 108 months from 1982 to 1990 the Third World had been forced to pay an amount of interest equivalent to $US1,000 for every man, woman and child in North America and Europe. This did not include the repayment of any principal, which doubled the amount. Yet this money never reached ordinary people, who saw their taxes spent on bolstering banks whenever Third World countries could not pay. Now we all wallow in debt, living today by committing tomorrow's income. And still no one dares question how this world-wide debt starts and accumulates. How do the trillions of dollars now clogging budgets world-wide come into existence? The fact that they are simply created out of nothing during the lending process is kept well out of any discussion. So we are left with an absurd riddle - unless people keep borrowing, we have a recession. Yet the borrowing now threatens to collapse economies round the world! Nobody knows what the right mix is between "borrowing" and "not borrowing". Reserve Bank Governors try to adjust the mix by raising or lowering interest rates. They are the architects of "boom-bust" economies which crunch up mortals and spit them out. Why should not required money expansions be credited to national economies? Wouldn't this balance an otherwise un-balanceable situation? Max Walsh, without offering a definite
answer, concluded his article with this observation: " ...
That's why the question of how much debt is too much is critical.
But it's one that will only be answered by discovery, not
theory." |
THE ESCALATING COST OF INSURANCEby Anne Crosson The other kind of insurance is compensatory.
And it seems to me that this type of insurance is the cause
of the trouble. I think the basic premise on which it is based
is flawed, since it implies that all injury and loss can be
compensated for with money. Of course people who have been
injured or suffered loss through the negligence, incompetence
or criminal acts of others should have recourse to the law. Tobacco companies carry insurance. So class actions aren't going to injure them, although the publicity may do so. But they don't go out of business. A dangerous driver causes an accident. His insurance company pays up and sooner or later the driver is back on the road. If a doctor, company, driver, whoever, is charged with causing injury or loss then the purpose of legal action should be establish guilt or innocence and determine how best to prevent a recurrence of the offence. About punishment and deterrence |
OPERATION "ANACONDA" EMBARRASSMENTPowell in 1994: "We Don't Do Mountains"...
We Still Don't, and Shouldn't! Of course, Pentagon's "victory" declaration
was accompanied by a bombastic claim that our troops had killed
over 800 Taliban and Al Qaeda fighters during the two-week
operation. That sounds like a tall tale. At least the Afghans
who have fought alongside the American troops think so. Here's
an excerpt from the March 12th London Times report: The only thing more embarrassing than the Pentagon's "Anaconda" performance was a lack of probing questions by our lamestream media. For two weeks now, hundreds of US troops have been under heavy enemy fire in treacherous mountainous terrains. Reinforcements kept being sent in all the time - both US and Afghan troops. Yet not a word about additional casualties. Not a peep from our lapdog media about them, either. It's all reminiscent of the "lie and deny"-style military reporting that we all witnessed almost three years ago during the NATO bombing of Serbia. For 78 days and nights, we fought an air-war flying tens of thousands of sorties. And when it was all over, our then commander-in-chief went on national TV and told the nation that we have suffered no combat casualties (see "NATO Losses Revisited", May 2000). Only a lapdog media reporter or a brain-dead citizen would have believed Bill Clinton's claim in June 1999. Only a lapdog reporter or a brain-dead citizen would buy the official Pentagon line today. Yet a poor performance of the American troops in the mountainous terrain of Eastern Afghanistan should surprise no one. Least of all our Secretary of State, a former military man, who has evidently done a turn-about-face in his new job. "We don't do mountains, we only do deserts," a younger and wiser General Colin Powell rebuffed Madeleine Albright, Clinton's Secretary of State, back in 1994, when Powell was still the Chief of General Staff, and she was the US ambassador at the UN (see "Mountains Ground US Apaches", S99-86, Day 60, May 22nd, 1999). Albright, whom this writer (among others)
had dubbed "Madam Half-bright" long before she amply justified
that epithet during the 1999 NATO bombing, chided Powell over
his reticence to commit US troops to Bosnia: "What good is
having the world's most powerful military if you don't use
it" (to weigh in on the side of the Bosnian Muslims and Croats
and against the Serbs). The preceding was the extent of Madam
Halfbright's "military doctrine," on the basis of which she
would have sent the American troops into harm's way. Clinton's hawks were silenced by saner
majority While the Washington brass was making its 'Anaconda' "victory proclamations," the public in Britain and France, for example, were able to get an entirely different picture of what actually went on in Eastern Afghanistan during the last two weeks. As you read the following excerpts from the European media, keep in mind that both the British and the French have their own troops deployed in Afghanistan. Which means their own military intelligence and their own war reporters. The only difference seems to be that their media aren't as subservient to and gagged by the military. Here's, for example, an excerpt from a March 12th report by the London Times, filed from Afghanistan: "Inadequate" US troops pulled out of
battleground - War on terror .... Catherine Philp in Leg Diwawl,
Afghanistan Overseas News Anaconda 'operation' made situation
worse Taken from https://www.truthinmedia.org/Bulletins2002/3-2.html Editor's note |
THE LAUNCHING OF AUSTRALIAN-WOMEN-ON-LINEby Betty Luks Broadly, the idea is this Notice Board The League's concept of Australian-Women-On-Line
(AWOL) is based on the principles of service and education
SYDNEY CSCThe next meeting of the Sydney Conservative Speakers' Club will be held on Tuesday, March 26th, commencing at 7.30pm. The guest speaker will be our own Mr. Jeremy Lee and the title of his address is "Reaping What We Have Sown". Cost of attendance is still $4.00 which includes tea or coffee at the conclusion of the meeting. For further details please phone (02) 4358 3634. |
JEREMY LEEwill be addressing a number of meetings on the NSW north coast in March: March 24th - Wauchope - contact Harold, (02) 6582 1168; March 25th - Newcastle - contact Sherry, (02) 4961 6880; March 26th - Morrisett - contact Bob or Meg, (02) 4973 1093; March 27th - Sydney Conservative Speakers' Club - contact Roy, (02) 4358 3634 |