home of ... Douglas Social Credit
29 March 2002. Thought for the Week: "Public men,
by the mid-century, had come to fear these inhibitors
too much to tempt their wrath, and any who did risk that
ire were defamed by so powerful a machine of the spoken
and written word that even the masses, after lending an
eager ear of hope renewed for an instant, in the nature
of masses then dully turned their backs on the speakers
and shunned them, thinking they must be evil after all.
In that way they were brought again and again to pit themselves
against each other, always in the name of 'freedom', for
their own mutual destruction and enslavement; thus the
short-lived but bloody fiasco of the World State came
about. Only when they experienced it did they know the
truth and rise; and God must have willed it so, for 'by
a divine instinct men's minds mistrust ensuing danger'. "Foreword in "Far and Wide": What, then, is the offence
for which our people must be so severely punished? It
is the offence of a single-minded pursuit of personal
self-interest, neglect of duty, compounded with the offence
of abandoning to persecution the prophets who would warn
them." |
WHO GETS THE SUBSIDIES?by Jeremy Lee If you belong to the 'export-or-perish' brigade, you'd be shocked that the US will pay its farmers $US32.6 billion a year in subsidies for the next ten years. You'd be even more shocked at just who receives the subsidies! Brisbane's Courier-Mail (Feb? 2002) revealed the findings of the Washington-based Environmental Working Group, which has uncovered a staggering network of rorts involving multinationals, banks and imaginary 'paper farms' receiving billions from the Farm Subsidy programme. Amongst recipients were the media mogul Ted Turner, former Chase Manhattan chairman David Rockefeller and stock-broker Charles Schwab. The report said: " .... Tens of thousands
of paper farms had been created for the purpose of maximizing
subsidy payments and avoiding the payment limitations that
Congress had established. .... The group has revealed some
very well-known names on the list. "David Griffin, who sits
on an American bank board and serves as President of a John
Deere tractor dealership with sales last year of $60 million,
has received about $46 million in federal crop subsidies.
And there were 100 more members of the farming 'millionaires
club'. "They were given handouts ranging from almost $4 million
to $29 million between 1996-2000. Thousands of others who
were not dedicated farmers were also given money. Mark Vaile is wasting his breath. |
HE CAN'T BE SERIOUS?by Jeremy Lee It brings a lump to the throat when one realizes the touching faith that international experts have in Australia's own financial geniuses! And where would the zone's Central Bank be? Zimbabwe? |
MEANWHILE, BACK AT THE RANCH ...President George Bush, in his programme to save the world "in the name of truth and justice" from the "axis of evil" is running out of money. He has asked Congress to raise the debt-ceiling. His request was relayed by Treasury Secretary Paul O' Neill to the House Financial Services Committee. O'Neill said that uncertainty threatened the economy. The current US National Debt limit, already straining at the leash, is $US5.95 TRILLION. Bush wants this raised to $6.7 trillion - well over $US1,000 for every living person on earth! But then we never thought Operation Enduring Freedom in the "war for peace" would ever come cheap did we? As an afterthought, who will "create" the extra $800 billion and receive the interest thereon? British economist William Rees-Mogg, writing in The Australian (14/3/02), believes that this accumulation of debt, added to the enormous US Current Account Deficit, will sooner or later bring about the severe devaluation of the US$. One result will be a breaking free of the gold price. Already, China, Taiwan and Japan are buying gold heavily on the international market. |
be the world's saviour that the first analytical criticisms
are beginning to appear Peter Hartcher, author of a full-page
article in the Weekend edition of The Australian Financial
Review (16-17/3/02), started with these words: Hartcher goes on to ask why this is so,
coming to a number of conclusions, not least of which is the
public response in America which has lifted Bush's poll-ratings
to unprecedented levels. It is only one step further to ask
which nation benefits most from Bush's war-drum; and which
lobby exerts most pressure on the US Administration. |
WHAT'S BEHIND THE GREENPEACE ATTACK ON SHALE OIL?At the end of the 1800s Australia produced millions of gallons of oil from shale. The skeleton of the basic technology, where shale rock was heated in huge retorts can still be seen at Glen Davis, west of Sydney. Now, using the latest technology, an all-Australian company, Southern Pacific Petroleum, has successfully produced the first recent oil from shale in central Queensland near Gladstone and is set to increase Australia's self-sufficiency in oil, a vital development in both economic and defence terms as we move into the 21st century. Australia's shale-oil deposits are immense, stretching unbroken from the Gulf of Carpentaria to central New South Wales. Fully developed, they are capable of meeting the world's needs on their own for 100 years. Southern Pacific Petroleum is spending $124 million to ensure compliance with Greenhouse standards, and is on line to produce 780,000 barrels this year, up from 233,000 barrels in 2001. Oil produced is exceedingly pure, and at the current world price of $25 a barrel is worth $20 million annually to Australia. Significantly, this is the first time since the early days of Golden Fleece that Australia's immense oil reserves have moved out of the hands of the international oil companies, sometimes known as "the seven sisters". Why, then, has Greenpeace harassed the Gladstone shale oil project every step of the way? And why have the multinational oil giants, Shell and B.P., apparently sided with Greenpeace by refusing to take Southern Pacific's oil production in its refineries? Why does Australia depend exclusively on huge refineries owned by the major oil-companies? Many have forgotten, or have never been told about a small refinery built by a knock-about Texan called Charlie Smith in the early seventies, for under a quarter of a million dollars. It refined about 20 barrels of crude a day, drawn from the Moonie oil fields. But the oil "ration" allowed through Charlie Smith's refinery was tightly controlled by Ampol, who finally took it over. Australia should have dozens of similar small refineries in its hinterland, instead of the one or two monstrosities which are on our vulnerable coastline, and which can be used to paralyse a State when there is a strike. Is it true that Greenpeace has been the recipient of Shell Oil donations in times past? And who is financing it now? |
NARRABRI FARMER INVOKES MAGNA CARTA The Land (NSW), March 14th, 2002Narrabri grain grower Bevan O'Regan has invoked the 800-year-old Magna Carta in an attempt to get the NSW Farmers Association to take the State Government to court over the Native Vegetation Conservation Act (NVCA). On Monday night the NSW Farmers' Narrabri branch carried Mr. O'Regan's motion to have necessary funds put aside by the association to mount a legal challenge, based on constitutional law, against aspects of the NVCA that restrict "the right to farm". Under Mr. O'Regan's motion, the association has just seven days to engage a Sydney barrister, Jeff Johnson, to mount a legal challenge and to employ Queen's Counsel, Leolin Price, in London, to prosecute the action. Mr. O'Regan, who said he knew both lawyers, believed an overseas QC was necessary because "the Australian legal system doesn't consider the Magna Carta to be relevant". The Magna Carta, first signed in 1215 and the Bill of Rights of 1688, both uphold the common law rights of land ownership. The State Attorney-General's Department advised Mr. O'Regan the charters remain an underlying factor in Australian law but are "subject to legal and judicial interpretation by our courts". That is also the understanding of NSW Farmers which has taken legal advice and drafted a 30-page response to a query Mr. O'Regan put six months ago. NSW Farmers' general manager, Mick Keogh, said the association would love to have a constitutional lever to use on the NVCA but all the evidence indicated that it wasn't available. "We've looked at the whole issue of constitutional property rights, the judgements are all very clear; there is no access to some ancient common law that might override current legislation," Mr. Keogh said. |
COURT CASES FOR OLGA SCULLYMrs. Olga Scully, of Launceston, Tasmania, will have a busy time next month. First she has a defamation case against the Hobart Mercury in the Supreme Court, Hobart, on the April 17th. The matter will be heard before a jury. Second is the case of Olga Scully versus Jeremy Jones. This matter will now go before a federal judge on April 39th. You will remember Mrs. Scully was brought before the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission and ordered to desist from circulating 'racist' material. Any Tasmanian who can get to the court please do so and give Olga moral and prayer support. Olga Scully has offered to e-mail daily updates from the court hearings to anyone wishing to receive them. Send in your details to be placed on her e-mail-out list to: olgascully@yahoo.com.au |
A LETTER FROM JERUSALEM by The Rt. Revd Riah Abu El-Assal from The Anglican Communion Office, London"Salaam and grace in the name of our
Lord, Jesus Christ and blessed greetings to you from Jerusalem.
We in the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem are desperately concerned
as the situation in the Land of the Holy One continues to
deteriorate almost by the hour, bringing with it tragic loss
of life, innumerable injustices and the damage and destruction
of infrastructure, hospitals, schools and the homes of innocent
people, among them our own people. We call upon all our partners
and friends to do all that is in their power to bring an end
to this pain and suffering in our homeland. 3000 people gather in Bethlehem from
refugee camps Markings reminiscent of Nazis The ongoing conflict has had a dramatic effect on the work of the Church in the Land of the Holy One. Every one of our institutions and parishes has felt the crushing economic repercussions of the situation. When the new century began we looked towards an increase in our joy. Unfortunately this has not been the case and we watch as the quality of the lives of our friends and colleagues spirals downward into increasingly more difficult circumstances. Our ministry would not be possible without the support and prayers of our countless friends throughout the world. Knowing that you stand with us makes an immense difference in our lives and our ministries. We are greatly encouraged by the number of people who have written us, to express their solidarity and offer their prayers. Let us all come together, and join hands and efforts. I challenge you to speak out on behalf of the people of this Land: to your families; your friends; your co-workers and neighbours; your politicians and your government leaders. (emphasis added...Ed.) We pray for peace with justice, justice with truth and truth with righteousness, as well as for the safety and protection of all people. Peace is the only alternative left. This can only be a peace established in truth and justice, in accordance with the United Nations resolutions 242, 338 and 194. The best security comes from reconciled neighbours. Know that this comes with our prayers and our gratitude for all you have been doing to help us stand firm in our commitment to His calling. May you be richly blessed." Please send questions or comments to
acnslist@anglicancommunion.org |
LETTER TO EDITORIn the light of the Beavan O"Reagan/Magna Carta article (see On Target), the letter to the Daily Mercury by A.C. (Mick) Hodge, Chairman of the FREE Association (Fundamental Rights Enterprise Ecology) is worthy of consideration. The Editor, Daily Mercury, Mackay, Qld.
February 4th, 2002. As freehold title is protected by our
Constitution and inherent laws and can only be changed by
a referendum, any legislation to the contrary is invalid.
This is also the belief of the FREE Assn. Inc., a non-political
association. Our business is to protect the Constitution and
people's rights. The Constitution belongs to and protects
all Australians as all Australians are equal under our Constitutional
law. In an attempt to inform the public we have invited the
Qld. Premier, Hon. Peter Beattie MLA or his nominee to address
a public forum on "Property Rights" at the time convenient
to him. I have enclosed copies of our correspondence (both
inward and outward) to the Premier and now we are awaiting
his positive reply. This meeting will be widely advertised
and no doubt will attract statewide attention. This letter carries the notice Queenslanders should keep in touch with
the FREE Assn. Inc. and follow up the proposed public meeting
with Premier Peter Beattie. |
BASIC FUNDA sincere and humble thank you to those generous people who have given so liberally to the Basic Fund. Well over four thousand dollars has been received since the last update, bringing the total to $29,686:79. That makes us teetering on the half-way mark to the goal of $60,000:00. Don't let us fail in our tasks and duties at this critical period in our nation's history. If you haven't contributed as yet, please do so and help us to reach the target sooner rather than later. The little band of earnest and loyal League workers, and the voluntary helpers and supporters, give so much of their time and effort to the cause don't let them down. All donations to be sent to Australian League of Rights, GPO Box 1052, Melbourne, 3001. |
SYDNEY CONSERVATIVE SPEAKERS' CLUBPlease take note of the change in day for the Sydney CSC. From now on the CSC will hold its meetings on the Wednesday of every month instead of the Tuesday as previously. The new venue is: The Lithuanian Club, 16 East Terrace, Bankstown (600 metres from Bankstown Railway Station). There is ample car parking at the Club and the Club has an excellent auditorium and facilities. Guest speaker for the Wednesday, April 30th will be Mr. Frank Neger with the subject "Tax Evasion & Corporate Crime". Dates for your Diary: Wednesday, May 29th: Mr. Leon Gregor "The Establishment's Fake Nazi-KKK Brigade". Wednesday, June 26th: Mr. Neil Baird "Globalisation & Rationalisation of Banking, Airlines & Retail Industry". |
ADELAIDE CONSERVATIVE SPEAKERS' CLUBPlease note this meeting will be held on the second Monday of the month, which makes it Monday, April 8th, 2002. The speaker will be Mr. John Bligh who will speak on "Investing in Today's Markets". Mr. Bligh has had extensive experience in financial markets and will give his personal opinion on the matter. |
DATES FOR YOUR DIARIESWest Australia State Weekend August 10th-11th, 2002. South Australia State Weekend August 17th-18th, 2002. National Dinner and Seminar October 11th-13th, 2002. To be held once again in that lovely town of Albury, NSW, and at the same venue "The Hume Inn Motel". |
INVERELL FORUMThe Inverell Forum was, once again, an outstanding success. It was attended by people from every State, including WA and Tasmania. Speakers were of the usual high standard, and the precision with which the timetable progressed through two days of intense infor-mation was highly impressive. A vast array of literature, books, tapes and videos were on display, as the many organizations represented set up their stands. But it wasn't all work.The Saturday dinner was the scene for a highly irreverent short two-act play, where Australian politicians interplayed with fierce Taliban fighters and Bedouin beauties in bewildering fashion. Readers will be relieved to learn that no children were thrown overboard! Great fun and good fellowship were enjoyed by all. The Forum goes from strength to strength, and is a tribute to the organizer. Well done Robert! Send for details of the speakers at the Forum and the play which is on video to Inverell Forum Inc. PO Box 987, Inverell, NSW, 2360. Phone (02) 6723 2351 or E-mail rnb@northnet.com.au |