home of ... Douglas Social Credit
17 May 2002. Thought for the Week: "Almost
the highest attribute of man is 'judgment', the exercise of
choice. Far more than learning, it moulds the character and
shapes the abilities, and there is no more conclusive proof
of the essentially Satanic origin and nature of Socialism
than its insidious and all pervasive attack on the powers
of judgment and choice. We believe that it is far more this
frustration of judgment than the positive hardship of the
present tyranny, which is sapping the man-hood of the nation.
Judgment is a faculty requiring constant exercise; and it
is being killed by strangulation. 'Shopping' for the love
of which women used to be gently derided, was an outlet for
this vital instinct. Observe the queues of weary women waiting
for what the shopkeeper deigns to give them. They are starved
of 'choice'."
C.H. Douglas, February 15th, 1947, "The Development of World Dominion" |
RECOVERY? OR A NATIONAL FUNDING CRISIS?by Jeremy Lee The current medical crisis is a case in point. With the collapse of United Medical Protection following HIH, thousands of neuro-surgeons have, temporarily one hopes, ceased work while some sort of 'rescue operation' (using tax revenue) is launched. But the crisis in health and medicine is not new. It has been building for years. The key factor as in every other stressed sector, is the accumulation of debt. Three years ago The Sydney Morning Herald (17/12/99) reported: "The cash crisis in the State's hospitals has worsened, with debts rising almost 15 percent to a record $387 million in the last financial year and businesses in some areas forced to wait up to two-and-a-half months for payment. "In addition, the NSW Auditor-General, Mr. Bob Sendt, found there had been further difficulties since June, with a blowout in the time taken to pay bills. "Mr. Sendt warned that many health area services, particularly in rural areas, remained stuck in a cycle of using Health Department loans to try to pay bills on time. "'Unless there is some strategy in place to improve the relevant areas' financial operations, these loans simply substitute one financial obligation for another,' he said....." One year later six general surgeons at the John Hunter Hospital in Newcastle resigned because they were instructed to cut surgery by 45 percent due to a "budget blowout". The Sydney Morning Herald (9/2/00) said: " ....the director of general surgery, Dr. Stanley Chen, said the surgeons had been performing only what was absolutely necessary .... 'We are not prepared to take any further cuts from our current level. It's the bare minimum at which we can provide the services we have to provide ...'" The crisis cut right across the board
by the first part of this year (2002). Overrun hospitals were
working out ways to keep patients away. The Sydney Morning
Herald (7/3/02) told its readers: "Major Sydney Hospital
emergency departments are closing their doors to ambulances
carrying all but the most critically ill patients for up to
five hours a day. Although health is currently in the spotlight, every sector is feeling the pinch. Australia's venerable university system, which has turned out outstanding academics in all fields in times past, is scrambling and competing for the Almighty Dollar. The Sydney Morning Herald (15/4/02) reported: "More than a quarter of universities do not have enough money to make ends meet, the Federal Government's latest report on the status of Australia's troubled education sector shows. "The report indicates 10 of the nation's 38 public universities recorded 'negative operating margins' in 2000. Just five were in the same position in the previous year....." So what's the result? Universities, like the beset legal profession, hang out their shingles and tout for commercial business in a way that trivializes their customary standards. The overseas student is prized above Australia's own young people, simply for commercial reasons. Every sector is under stress. The Defence system, with a pitifully small number of active service-men, is continually scratching for resources. Research and Development has been cut to a degree where the nation's best brains seek better opportunities overseas. Maintenance on Local Government infrastructure is hundreds of billions of dollars in arrears. While there is a universal feeling that taxes are too high and punitive, from every quarter hands are held out for an increased budget allocation. Politicians, of course, revel in the situation which appears to have no answer. "Where's the money to come from?" is the stock answer to the most justified plea for financial resources, or the most angry complaint about initiative-stifling-taxation. Their art is not to allocate where there are most needs, but where there are the most votes. But there is never any genuine questioning of a budgetary system that places large segments of the economy into conflict and stagnation. The idea that taxation is the only source of public expenditure is played to the extreme. But nobody dares question the $100 million freshly-created money that is added to the money supply each 24 hours! This is outside accepted discussion, being the private domain of a small cartel of rapacious trading banks. Their job is to extend their loan base as far as possible, whether to a public hospital, a prestigious university, or a lowly couple wanting their own home. And then to maintain a permanent, interest-yielding debt structure that delivers them the fattest profits possible through boom or bust, without ever considering the cost in human misery. And no politician dares question the system. Their job is to tax as high as possible, and then allocate the handouts. If that $100 million new money each 24 hours was credited to Australians instead of being charged at interest, it would work its way through the system, finally cancelling out an equivalent debt. As each sector found its aggregate debt receding, it would begin to emerge with better services for lower costs. This in turn would allow genuine tax reductions. The overall result would be a more productive economy without the threat of higher interest rates. But the private trading banks would scream, and corporate donations to political parties would drop alarmingly! |
FOREIGN OWNERSHIP MOPPING UPAs this is written the good ship SS Yarra has changed course from Adelaide for Port Pirie because it fears possible union-sponsored-demonstrations in the South Australian capital. Why? The Australian company which owns the ship has announced its intention to re-register the ship under the flag of the Bahamas. It's a simple procedure. As a private company there is no law against such an action. Having done so it no longer comes under the maritime law which sets minimum pay and conditions for Australian seamen. It will sack its Australian crew and fly in a new crew from the Ukraine. Ukrainian seamen are prepared to work for much lower wages, and do not have to pay taxes in Australia. Neither does the company. The Australian shipping industry has warned long and loud that such a precedent will result in the destruction of our maritime industry. We agree. It is so outrageous it brings the blood to the boil. But in the language of globalism, where the highest output from the lowest wages is the way to go, this is a "smart" move, and entirely in keeping with the advice given by Foreign Minister Alexander Downer and his Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade to Australian IT companies to make their bases in India, where costs are lower and wages are cheaper. What future for Australia and its current
retreat from a reasonable standard of living with such 'leadership'?
FREE TRADE? OR FREE EXPLOITATION?Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi has made it clear there will be no "free trade" as far as Japanese agriculture is concerned. Japan wants to keep its farmers. The US Congress has passed the massive subsidy programme for US farmers, despite its trumpeting of the free trade agenda. It has also put up barriers against steel imports, and will be taken before the World Trade Organisation. There may be a few crumbs for Australia from time to time so long as we uncritically support Bush's "war against evil" wherever that may take us. Iraq? North Korea? Iran? The destruction of the Palestinians?It's not for us to ask. "Ours not to reason why. Ours but to do and die". |
THE FAVOURED FEWIn contrast to its parsimony to Australian industries and services, the Australian government falls over itself to hand tax-grants to multinationals. Back in 1989 Australia handed $35 million to Eastman Kodak because it threatened to close up shop and go to Brazil. It promised to stay in Australia for five years and save the 800 jobs that would otherwise be lost. The brave John Howard at that time in Opposition roasted Keating's move: "....At that time John Howard staunchly opposed the deal, describing it as corporate 'blackmail'. He told Button in a television debate: 'There are hundreds of companies that say, if only the Government can give us a few million, we'll give them back billions. I just think that what you're doing is opening up a Pandora's Box for others to come and blackmail'" (The Sydney Morning Herald, 13/12/97). But when he took office as Prime Minister, John Howard went even further than the Keating Government. Out came a new official policy: " .... Howard's industry policy statement is a wholehearted declaration of Australia's willingness to bid keenly in what has been characterized by some academics as a 'global auction' for investment from multinational companies The process will be overseen by Australia's new Strategic Investment Co-ordinator, Bob Mansfield, who has held chief executive posts with McDonalds, Optus and John Fairfax. He will advise the Government on the 'possible use of incentives for particular projects'. Investors will have a direct line to the PM ....While these undefined investment incentives could be paid to local companies, the promotion of the package is distinctly geared towards foreign investors. The industry statement says these incentives reflect the 'increasingly mobile' nature of world capital." "The statement explains: 'The Government will, however, consider the provision of investment incentives, in limited and special circumstances. Such incentives could include grants, tax relief, or the provision of infrastructure services. They will be considered on a case-by-case basis ...." Australia has one of the highest levels of foreign corporate ownership in the world, and this means that much of the 'value-added' work is done offshore. A 1992 study by the now defunct Economic Planning Advisory Committee (EPAC) predicted a rise in the proportion of foreign-owned corporations from 33 percent to about 50 percent by the first decade of next century ..... The emphasis on foreign investors has angered some local manufacturers who say the Government is showing more interest in attracting new firms at the expense of existing ones ....." (Sydney Morning Herald, 13/12/97). In fact, foreign corporate ownership was much higher than anticipated over 90 percent. Could ever a sellout be better explained? It had only been some eighteen months earlier on June 7th, 1996 that the newly-elected John Howard had faced the biggest gathering of investment bankers ever held in Australia in Sydney, where Mr. John Corzene, at that time chairman of Goldman Sachs, "a former central banker, was asked by the group to specify (to Prime Minister Howard Ed) conditions for what he called the 'inherently blunt process that leaves many worthy initiatives without resources ....'" (The Australian Financial Review, 7/6/96). And so the handout to foreign multinationals continued, while Australian industries went to the wall. In 1999 $100 million to Comalco for its Gladstone operation. Comalco has since been bought by one of the most powerful and ruthless global multinationals, Rio Tinto. And the latest, $75 million ($35 million from the Commonwealth and $40 million from the South Australian government) to the Japanese Mitsubishi company. It will, we're told, save 800 jobs. But Australian companies also employ people. No handouts or tax incentives for them. Currently, South Pacific Petroleum is seeking help to keep its Gladstone oil shale project alive. It has one big disadvantage; it's Australian owned. Think on these things as the last vestiges of an Australian-owned Australia are mopped up, by permission of a Government that hasn't got the guts to stand for Australia. |
RECYCLING EVENTS FROM HISTORYby Betty Luks Describing the programme as "a deeply disturbing piece of anti-Israel advocacy journalism" and "a deeply flawed documentary" which "is the subject of serious allegations over its accuracy and balance", he goes on to complain the programme "recycles events that occurred almost twenty years ago, yet provides no new evidence". What Mr. Rubenstein fails to mention in the article is that a Belgium court is still considering whether to charge Ariel Sharon with war crimes for the Sabra and Shatilla massacres in 1982 and that there are survivors of the massacres who want to testify to the court. Thus presenting first-hand evidence that has been suppressed all these years. As for accusing the programme of "recycling
events that occurred almost twenty years ago", there are those
within the Jewish communities who have no qualms about 'recycling
events' that occurred over fifty years ago if it suits their
agenda. Phillip Chester, president of the State Zionist Council
of Victoria ("Israel in crisis: how you can help", Australian
Jewish News, 29/3/02), suggested just what the Jewish
community should do to help the Israeli cause in the Middle
East. Quite right Mr. Chester, the same goes
for the Palestinian people who certainly see themselves as
also having a national identity and a national homeland. Hanan
Ashrawi Palestinian Christian spokeswoman (hardly a 'terrorist')
had this to say of the plight of the Palestinian people
under Israeli occupation forces (Durban, South Africa, August
28th, 2001): Excluded, denied, victims of racism,
and national victimization? What about 'the Israelis doing
unto the Palestinians as you would have them do unto the Israelis'
Mr. Rubenstein? |
SHARON'S PLAN TO DRIVE PALESTINIANS OUT?In an article published in the UK newspaper The Sunday Telegraph, 28/4/02, Israel's "leading historian Martin van Crevald predicts that a US attack on Iraq or a terrorist strike at home (he lives in Jerusalem), could trigger a massive mobilization to clear the occupied territories of their two million Arabs". Will we read about it or view the attacks on the Palestinians in our compliant media? Probably not, writes the historian. He predicts any outside intervention would be held off by the Israeli air force. They would not drag people out of their houses, but use heavy artillery to drive them out; the damage caused to Jenin would look like a pinprick in comparison. "Three submarines will take up firing positions. Borders will be closed, news blacked out and all foreign journalists confined to a hotel. The article ends by asking "Are you listening Mr. Arafat?" My question is: Are the Christian Church leaders going to do anything about the holocaust that took place in the Jenin refugee camp and what have they got to say about the attack on the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem? |
REAL EVENT WAS ELECTORAL HUMILIATION OF GOVERNING DUOPOLYIt is easy to see why the 'politically correct elite' of France are squealing like stuck pigs at the result of the first round of voting for the office of president. The 'political earthquake' we watched on our TV screens was not due to the sudden rise of the Front National. Le Pen's party has had very solid support for years, and on April 21st polled only slightly more than it did in both 1995 and 1997. The truly momentous event was the electoral humiliation of the governing duopoly: The candidate of the Socialist party which has ruled France for the last five years polled just 16 percent, yes, 16 percent of the vote. Meanwhile the 'President of all the French' Chirac is supported by less than one in five of them. For that matter, reported John Laughland, Le Pen gives the distinct impression he is not particularly interested in power for himself. The Spectator, 27/4/02. Le Pen also shared some personal thoughts with Laughland from which we quote: "Great historical events are the result of a concatenation of people and of Providence... My beliefs are simple ones. I believe in the nation and the family. Together with the nation, the family is the crucible for what little possibilities there are for human happiness. Society must have certain fundamental values or else there can be no personal development...You will think this odd coming from a politician in the middle of an election campaign. But I regard it as pre-apocalyptic that people are, right now, fighting around the stable of Jesus. If there is a massacre at the Church of the Nativity, if blood is shed, I will take that as a serious sign, as a warning from Heaven. But life must go on..." |
LETTER TO THE EDITORDear Editor, I read the two extracts
from your initialled correspondents, OT 12/4/02, condemning
Peter Hollingworth with a certain sadness. That there was
failure on a superficial level due to an over centralised
church organization seems quite clear. Social Crediters should
be the first to recognise that over-centralisation induces
human failure, while decentralisation protects against failure.
The fact is, there is absolute consternation
in the ranks of those working for the destruction of Christian
constitutionalism because of this appointment. For the moment,
Peter Hollingworth has destroyed their first attempt to regain
lost ground by stubbornly refusing to yield. No constructive
critic can deny the voracity and viciousness of the sustained,
unrelenting, campaign mounted by the most powerful forces
of mammon, both nationally and internationally, in their efforts
to remove him. That he did not yield must be counted as a
positive for the character of the man by those who understand
what is at stake. Mr. Nigel Jackson sent the following
letter to The Australian 13/4/02: |
LETTER WRITING Will you take up Edward Rock's proposal and write to the Governor general? We do encourage our supporters to get their letters out on the proposed GATS Treaty outlined in a previous OT. Circulate the letters far and wide: newspapers, Local Councils, CEO's, Unions, local businesses, etc. But make quite sure you contact your parliamentary representative and inform him in no uncertain terms (politely of course) that you want him to reject the Treaty on your behalf. The French people are finally rejecting "the palm-greasers, opportunists and backscratchers who make up the French political establishment"(Spectato/02) and we should do the same in this country if the politicians continue to refuse to represent the Australian people and look after their interests and concerns. The following petition is circulating among the Victorian timber industry workers and the rural communities. BOX-IRONBARK PETITIONTo the Hon. Bob Cameron MLA Member for Bendigo West. We DO NOT agree with the lock-up of the Box-Iron forests and the subsequent destruction of viable rural communities. If you support this proposed lock-up I will place you LAST on the ballot paper at the next election. Signed, Address, Signature. |
OLGA SCULLY LOSES DEFAMATION CASEWe have received the news Olga Scully lost her claim of defamation against the Hobart Mercury.Please e-mail Olga with your encouragement. olgascully@yahoo.com.au |
TOOWOOMBA STATE WEEKEND, MAY 25th-26th, 2002Queenslanders should be marking their diaries for their State Weekend which will take place Saturday and Sunday, May 25th and 26th, 2002. The theme for the seminar is "The Unnecessary Tragedy: Suicide". Guest speakers will be Mrs. Fanita Clark of the White Wreath Association; Mr. Derek Tuffield of Darling Downs Lifeline; Pastor David Blair of Toowoomba City Care, and Mrs Betty Luks of Australian League of Rights. We are pleased to have Mr. Phillip Butler as the guest speaker for the Dinner on the Saturday evening. |
DATES FOR YOUR DIARYWest Australia State Weekend, August 10th-11th, 2002. It is shaping up to be a tremendous weekend. Guest speakers so far are: Mr. Bill Daly, National Director of the New Zealand League of Rights, and Mayor Peter Davis of Port Lincoln, South Australia. South Australian State Weekend, August 17th-18th, 2002. Mr. Bill Daly will be guest speaker at the South Australian seminar also. Further details as they come to hand. Bill Daly will also be speaking at a few meetings in Victoria. As arrangements are firmed up we will announce the details. |
ADELAIDE FORUM TAPES AVAILABLEThe Adelaide based Freedom Foundation held a very successful and most informative Forum on April 27th-28th. The speakers' subjects ranged from: The background to the Occult Conspiracy by Mr. Allan Woodham of SE Christian Witness; Farm Machinery Consultant Peter Whitfield's first-hand report of what is really happening in Iraq; through David d'Lima of Festival of Light who spoke of the dangers of the International Criminal Court; Andrew Evans and the role he hopes to play as the recently elected Family First Member of the SA Legislative Council; Paul Russell's paper examining the church's changing face in Australia; an excellent paper by a representative of the Sporting Shooters' Association; and others. A special mention should be made of the brilliant Dinner Address by Bishop John Hepworth, Altogether there are nine audio tapes available for the exceptional price of $36.00 posted. For those who want from one to three tapes, the price for one is $6.00; three is $15.00 posted. From Mayo Tapes, Box 6, Hahndorf, SA, 5245. |