home of ... Douglas Social Credit
17 May 2002. Thought for the Week: "It
is difficult to believe that the whole world is so bereft
of sanity that a pause for reflection is too much to hope
for, pending a final resignation to utter catastrophe. When
that pause occurs mankind will have reached one of those crises
which have no doubt been reached before, but which so far
have failed to avert the fall of humanity back into an era
of barbarism out of which new civilizations have slowly and
painfully risen... A comparatively short period will probably
serve to decide whether we are to master the mighty economic
machine that we have created, or whether it is to master us;
and during that period a small impetus from a body of men
who know what to do and how to do it, may make the difference
between yet one more retreat into the Dark Ages, or the emergence
into the full light of day ..."
C.H. Douglas "Social Credit" 1937 |
INTEREST RATES ON THE WAY UPby Jeremy Lee There are a lot of errors in this view. Firstly, that it is demand that drives up prices. This may once have been the case in the old 'scarcity-economy' days. When producers could not produce enough to meet demand, competition for a limited number of goods drove price-competition upwards. Today's price rises, on the other hand, are driven by cost increases largely stemming from debt-and-interest. Producers make no greater profits than before the price increases; in fact, in all but the most monopolistic corporations, they are continually shaving profit margins. It would be useful, although we'll never see it, if we had figures alongside the CPI index showing the level of percentage profits made by Australian industries. They would show a steady squeeze on our farming, manufacturing and ancillary industries that would embarrass politicians, bankers and economists who continue to use the outdated notion that increasing interest rates is a way to make the economy 'better' in inflationary cycles. MANY WILL BE HURT |
INDEPENDENT FORUM CONFIRMS IGNORED CRISISI have just attended the two-day Queensland Independent Forum in Mackay which confirmed in no uncertain terms what many rural dwellers know: that the combination of environmental laws, including those over water, are now a deadly threat to freehold property rights. Farmers who have managed their properties well for many years now find themselves facing a battery of inspectors demanding everything from protection of native grasses to placing land within 50 metres of waterways in a 'non-use' category, to horrendous fines for cutting down a tree (even though the land-owner may have planted it in the first place). With all these restrictions come a battery
of regulations and licence fees. Questions raised by this
zealous and usually uninformed 'big brother' approach are
fundamental to ancient rights and freedoms. Why should farmers
be forced to pay rates on land which they can no longer use
and over which they have no control? What are the rights that
go with freehold title-deeds? Does any government bureaucrat,
armed with the latest in the seemingly unstoppable array of
regulations, have the right to enter private property without
a warrant, or even notice? The Australian Financial Review (8/5/02) reported: "According to a survey of state farmers' organisations recently collated by the National Farmers' Federation .... they are symptomatic of what the NFF rates as the biggest issue facing Australian farmers: the erosion of property rights without compensation. "'I see this as one of the biggest issues for farmers for the next 10 to 20 years,'" says NFF president Ian Donges. 'I sense society is going to demand some major environmental reform and outcomes in this country and we have got to put a line in the sand....The fundamental approach at the moment seems to be based on command and control, and I would argue that's not a very effective way of doing it.'...." The article went on to say that deputy PM John Anderson had also highlighted the issue in an address to the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics (ABARE) Outlook conference, proposing a number of much-needed safeguards for owners, including adequate compensation wherever reforms were deemed necessary. But he ended in the usual lame-duck fashion by saying it was a State responsibility" Anderson's address identified the two major stumbling blocks to the resolution of this extraordinarily sensitive issue: defining and valuing farmers' property rights in the first place, then determining who pays when they are taken away for the common good ...." Compensation must be paid if a farmer's title-deeds are taken away. But what is the position if restrictions are imposed while a farmer still has the title-deeds? This is the classic old Fabian tactic of dividing ownership and control leave the title deeds with the owner, but remove his rights to make any decisions on how the land must be used. The FREE Association in Mackay has done some sterling work on this question, and is emphatic that many regulations and supposed right of entry by government officials are against the natural rights that go with freehold title. It urges farmers to order officials off their property unless they have a magistrate's warrant, treating them as common trespassers. Ultimately, freehold title must be defined and confirmed by Australia's High Court, as it has in the past. Some of the personal tragedies, describing what bureaucracy has done to individuals, recounted at the Mackay Forum, were horrendous. |
ANTI-TERRORISM BILLS UNDER SPOTLIGHTIt is quite clear that the Howard government has been shocked by the widespread opposition to its package of anti-terrorism bills. Howard has publicly stated that he has no wish to remove traditional rights. Attorney-General Darryl Williams, on the other hand, seems implacably determined to press on with his draconian package. If the swell of anger gets louder, the government will back off. A major article in The Advertiser (Adelaide, 26/4/02) said: "Innocent people such as aid workers, fund donors, striking workers and protesters risk being caught up in the Federal Government's proposed tough new anti-terrorism laws. They could face mandatory life jail sentences. In a submission to a Senate committee, the Law Council of Australia said the government's proposed legislation was so excessive it was an affront to basic human rights and the rule of law....., If passed, the laws would sidestep longstanding legal protections of personal liberty, freedom from arbitrary arrest, the right to a fair trial, arbitrary invasions of privacy, freedom of expression, the right to peaceful assembly and freedom of association ...." Twelve days later The Australian Financial Review (9/5/02) reported: "The Federal Government last night came under renewed pressure to water down its contentious anti-terrorism measures, following a strong criticism of draft legislation by a cross-party committee. In a bipartisan defiance of the Government, Liberal, Democrat and Labor Senators called for a narrower definition of terrorist activity and changes to ensure humanitarian aid could not inadvertently be considered an act of treason. The committee, chaired by NSW Liberal Senator Marise Payne, also criticised plans to allow the Attorney-General to ban groups considered a threat to Australian security...." The hundreds of Australians who have expressed their concerns by letter and submission should be heartened by results so far. But this is not the time to relax. Every letter of reinforcement will help convince the Government and the bureaucrats they are on notice. |
TAX AND THE YARRAChief Engineer J.A. Snee, of the good
ship MV CSL Yarra (the ship that is going to re-register under
a Bahamas flag so it can sack its Australian crew and hire
Ukrainians), has written to The Australian (7/5/02).
His point should give pause for thought: ".... The issue is
not globalisation or competition, or work practices it's
about tax. The Federal Government's shipping policies actively
discriminate against Australian registered ships in favour
of foreign-flagged ships, to the tune of around $1.8 million
per ship per year. Our seafarers could not overcome that tax
burden if we worked for nothing. CSL is exploiting the Government's discrimination for perfectly sound commercial reasons. The real villain here is the Government. There is no level playing field when Australians have a $1.8 million a year millstone round their necks that the 'competition' does not. But then, apparently, Foreign Minister Downer is in favour of foreign workers doing Australian work. Do you detect the faint whiff of the fast-approaching GATS treaty? |
AUSTRALIA'S MENTAL HEALTHby Graham Strachan taken from Neil
Baird's website The globalists have moved cautiously on this agenda to date because of its obvious totalitarian overtones, but after 9/11 it's open slather. All that is needed to get this programme up and running is a country to use as a human laboratory, someone gullible enough to implement the programme, and a group which can't object to use as guineas pigs. Howard 'chief scientist' for Australia's
globalisation Finding the laboratory technician gullible enough to implement the programme was no problem either Australia's Amanda Vanstone. And the guinea pigs that can't object because they are in need of assistance are Australia's unemployed not just dole bludgers, but anybody who finds themselves temporarily out of work as a result of global corporate downsizing, which could mean any of us. The laboratory, in which the experimental animals are referred to as 'customers', is to be Centrelink, the privatised government employment service. Batteries of psychologists (400) are being recruited, Centrelink 'customers' are to be psychologically tested and evaluated, and anybody not meeting the government required standards will be obliged to undergo treatment, with a personal case manager assigned to them to plan and co-ordinate their ongoing 'mental health' programme. You don't believe this could happen
in Australia? See the Sunday Telegraph, April 28th,
2002, "Mental test for jobless", by Simon Kearney. You don't
believe this has anything to do with UNESCO's Orwellian mass
social conditioning programme? |
SENATOR ASKS HOWARD GOVERNMENT TO 'PLEASE EXPLAIN'Queensland's Senator Len Harris (One Nation) is warning Australians they had better take a good hard look at what the GATS Treaty (General Agreement on Trade in Services) means in terms of our economic and political future. Historically, writes Senator Harris, international trade agreements focused on promoting trade on goods by lowering tariff barriers between countries. This changed dramatically when GATS came into being. Trade rules now reach into every aspect of our lives. Regular negotiations Permanent Commitment Schedule of commitments Once activated these rules mean that foreign corporations would be entitled to receive national treatment. (Remember the MAI?). This could restrict government's ability to ensure that local people benefit from foreign investment and trade in services also affect the government's ability to selectively support certain local companies. For example; a local government may have a system for garbage collection which is quite adequate, but cannot prevent a foreign corporation from coming and offering the same service and cannot require any kind of partnership with the local supplier. |
YOUR POLITICIAN NEEDS TO BE ASKEDAm I to understand that under the GATS All services must go out to international tender? By 'all services' we mean the following: Education, hospitals, water supplies, electricity supplies, garbage collection, prisons, policing, armed services, bus and rail services, social security and pensions, road and rail maintenance, airlines, taxis, ferries, flying doctor, mail, libraries, banking. Does 'any service supplied to the public' mean, included in the list are: Government services such as taxation, register of births, deaths and marriages, land title registration. Does this mean, in truth, in effect: All will have to go out to public tender across the world and the lowest tender must be accepted to supply the service? ARE YOU TELLING ME THIS MEANSyou need to ask your politician If the USA, India, China, Pakistan or Afghanistan, or any other country for that matter, comes in at the lowest priced tender to run our public hospitals, schools, police or any other service, this means it is that country which will be running our hospitals, schools and/or police? Does this mean, in truth, that the foreign company running the service can recruit and import labour at the going rate of pay in the country in which it is registered? Does this mean, in truth, that Australians will be forced to work at these rates; that is, if they are offered a job in the first place? HELLOOO...??? IS THERE ANYONE OUT THERE?It seems incredible that representatives from the unions, police associations, local councils, public service unions and associations, anyone from any one or all of the groups listed above, have not raised the alarm about GATS. Do they not care they are being herded into a 'corporate fascist state'? One wonders what they will do when they wake up? Maybe, just maybe, it is planned that as the political and economic conditions deteriorate in Australia, the 'detention centres', currently being used to detain illegal migrants, might be used for 'other purposes'. |
THE THIRD WAYWe are hearing references to Tony Blair's 'Third Way', as though he has changed his basic socialist beliefs and is looking for another direction. Some Australian Labor personalities are using the same terminology. Don't be fooled by it. Pat Harrington "The Third Way: An answer to Blair" warns us Blair continues to identify with the labour cause but his policies are Fabian Socialist. Tony Blair: "The democratic impulse needs to be strengthened by finding new ways to enable citizens to share the decision-making that affects them. For too long, a false antithesis has been claimed between 'representative' and 'direct' democracy. The truth is that in a mature society representatives will make better decisions if they take full account of popular opinion and encourage public debate on the big decisions affecting people's lives." There can be two objections to this statement: Direct democracy should be: Representatives are bound to act on the will of the people expressed in a referendum. |
WILSON TUCKEY SEES 'THE LIGHT'What a discovery for him! What a revelation! He has seen the light, but methinks it is the 'illumination' of the New World Order, not the 'light' of conversion to the Christian religion! That great 'iron-bar' stalwart of the Liberal party Wilson Tuckey, has floated the idea of transferring the Federal Government's 'money flow' for such as policing and education from State Governments to Local Governments. He is putting forward ideas which reveal he has experienced a dramatic conversion from the traditional policies of the Liberals to policies that have a long pedigree - a pedigree that leads right back to Socialism/Communism. Any older 'new Australian' could tell Tuckey that what he is proposing is the 'sovietisation' of Australia. Getting rid of the States, and the setting up of regional areas with the power and control of them centralized in Canberra. 'Good ol' Joe Stalin's tactics would be a good study for illuminated 'Iron bar' Wilson. Of course in the illuminated light of the push for the New World Order, the power and control will not reside in Canberra at least not for long. The League of Rights was born (1946) out of the 1944 war-time referendum "Vote No" campaign. Labor's Dr. Evatt's objective was to change the Federal Constitution in order to centralize more power in Canberra of course it was only a wartime 'emergency measure'. The people said, NO! There was a time when Liberals saw their philosophy as contrary to Socialism, as the advert in the Sunday Mail, April 3rd, 1965, illustrates: "By joining the LCL (Liberal Country League) you will be fighting Socialism and preserving freedom of choice." The Liberal 'light' has certainly faded into a murky grey threatening 'presence'. |
AUSTRALIANS MUST BE 'BORN AGAIN'by Betty Luks To do that, they need to look again at their roots, which includes the Christian Faith: Not the 'touchy-touchy-feel-good' emotionalism which is now pumped out of many of the organized religious institutions,* "but the religion which aims to 'bind back to reality' or 'express in practical terms', in the current world, especially the world of politics and economics, those beliefs about the nature of God and man and the Universe which constitute the Christian Faith, as delivered to us from our forefathers, and not as altered and perverted to suit current politics or economics, which stem from a non-Christian source". * Further reading: "What is Social
Credit", by Geoffrey Dobbs; "Essential Christian Heritage"
by Eric D. Butler. |
LAUNCESTON CONSERVATIVE SPEAKERS' CLUBThe next meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 29th, in the Max Fry Memorial Hall, Gorge Road, Trevallyn, commencing at 7.30pm. Principle speaker will be Mrs. Wendy Scurr, an eye-witness to the Port Arthur massacre. Accom-panying speakers are Mr. Andrew McGregor, former officer Victoria Police, and Mr. Stewart Beattie, gunsmith from Wagga Wagga, NSW. Speakers will present new information not discussed before in a public forum. Admission $5.00, supper is included. |
SYDNEY CONSERVATIVE SPEAKERS' CLUBThe next meeting for the Sydney CSC will be held on Wednesday, May 29th, 2002. Guest speaker will be Mr. Leon Gregor and his subject: "The Establishment's Fake Nazi-KKK Brigade". The meeting will be held at the Lithuanian Club, 16 East Terrace, Bankstown. There is ample parking at the Club, situated only 600 metres from the Bankstown Railway Station. The cost of your attendance is $4.00 per person. |
ADELAIDE CONSERVATIVE SPEAKERS' CLUBGuest speaker for Monday, June 3rd, meeting will be Port Lincoln's Mayor Peter Davis. The title of his address is "What Big Money is Doing in Port Lincoln". The venue is the Public Schools' Club, 207 East Terrace (cnr. Carrington), Adelaide. We encourage our supporters to make every effort to get to the dinner meeting. Dinner is from 6.30pm, $16.50 for a two-course meal, served with tea/coffee. The public address commences at 7.30pm. To make bookings by Thursday, May 31st, please phone: 8395 9826. |
TOOWOOMBA STATE WEEKEND, MAY 25th-26th, 2002Queenslanders should be marking their diaries for their State Weekend which will take place Saturday and Sunday, May 25th and 26th, 2002. The theme for the seminar is "The Unnecessary Tragedy: Suicide". Guest speakers will be Mrs. Fanita Clark of the White Wreath Association; Mr. Derek Tuffield of Darling Downs Lifeline; Pastor David Blair of Toowoomba City Care, and Mrs Betty Luks of Australian League of Rights. We are pleased to have Mr. Phillip Butler as the guest speaker for the Dinner on the Saturday evening. |
DATES FOR YOUR DIARYWest Australia State Weekend, August 10th-11th, 2002. It is shaping up to be a tremendous weekend. Guest speakers so far are: Mr. Bill Daly, National Director of the New Zealand League of Rights, and Mayor Peter Davis of Port Lincoln, South Australia. South Australian State Weekend, August 17th-18th, 2002. Mr. Bill Daly will be guest speaker at the South Australian seminar also. Further details as they come to hand. Bill Daly will also be speaking at a few meetings in Victoria. As arrangements are firmed up we will announce the details. |
NATIONAL WEEKENDThe National Weekend will be held over Friday, 11th (New Times Dinner evening), through Sunday, 13th of October, 2002. The event will again be held in the border town of Albury, NSW. It proved such an outstanding success last year. Put these dates in your diary. |
ADELAIDE FORUM TAPES AVAILABLEThe Adelaide based Freedom Foundation held a very successful and most informative Forum on April 27th-28th. The speakers' subjects ranged from: The background to the Occult Conspiracy by Mr. Allan Woodham of SE Christian Witness; Farm Machinery Consultant Peter Whitfield's first-hand report of what is really happening in Iraq; through David d'Lima of Festival of Light who spoke of the dangers of the International Criminal Court; Andrew Evans and the role he hopes to play as the recently elected Family First Member of the SA Legislative Council; Paul Russell's paper examining the church's changing face in Australia; an excellent paper by a representative of the Sporting Shooters' Association; and others. A special mention should be made of the brilliant Dinner Address by Bishop John Hepworth, Altogether there are nine audio tapes available for the exceptional price of $36.00 posted. For those who want from one to three tapes, the price for one is $6.00; three is $15.00 posted. From Mayo Tapes, Box 6, Hahndorf, SA, 5245. |
BOOK"In This Age of Plenty" by Louis Even: French-Canadian Louis Even had a wonderful gift, the gift of teaching, and in this compilation of his printed material into book form, is the essence of what he taught on Social Credit. "Old economics was ruled by the presence of gold or any other rare commodity, when production itself was scarce. But it is to go against progress and logic, to want to keep an instrument linked to scarcity, to confer claims on automated production. In This Age of Plenty clearly shows that we are now dealing with an economy of plenty, in which the access to the huge possibilities of modern production is made easier for all." Price is $28.00. Posted $32.50, from all League book services. Contact your State League Book Service and order today. |