home of ... Douglas Social Credit
31 May 2002. Thought for the Week: "The
Social Heritage: The National Debt, which he (the citizen)
did not create, becomes a national credit which is a reflection
of the national capital which he did create. His budget is
not required to balance because his wealth is always increasing.
He does not require to fight for foreign markets since obtaining
foreign markets merely means a longer working day.
Having more leisure he is less likely to suffer from either individual or national nerve strain, and having more time to meet his neighbours can reasonably be expected to understand them more fully. Not being dependent upon a wage or salary for subsistence, he is under no necessity to suppress his individuality, with the result that his capacities are likely to take new forms of which we have so far little conception." Monopoly of Credit - C.H. Douglas, 1950 |
INTERNATIONAL TREASURER OF THE YEARby Jeremy Lee But, surely, he has been overshadowed by the latest incumbent Peter Costello. Costello is the man who campaigned to oust Keating's Labor government by driving the Debt Bus round the electorate, pointing out the heinous increase in Australia's foreign debt at the hands of the ALP. The fact that foreign debt has doubled under his wise administration is neither here nor there apparently. This is the art of true 'treasurership' - to say exactly the opposite of what you intend. In March 2001 Treasurer Costello told
Australians, without, for once, his usual smirk, that the
Liberals had always been a "low-tax party". During the same
month Max Walsh, at that time Editor-in-Chief of The Bulletin,
pointed out that total taxes were at a higher level than at
any time in Australia's history. His article said, inter alia:
Whitlam, Hawke and even Keating pale
into insignificance as tax-gatherers when compared to Costello.
And he does it so disarmingly! The GST, he told us, would
mean drastic reductions in other taxes, including income tax.
But the latest evidence makes mincemeat of his claims. The
Weekend Australian (18-19/5/02) told us Mr. Costello also risks becoming the
nation's most miserly tax-cutter, as his latest Budget has
left him with little scope to reduce personal income tax rates
before the next election due in early 2005. When he made that statement, Australia's income tax was 17% of GDP. The GST would enable big reductions in income tax - or so he claimed. But here we are, back at pre-GST levels. |
BRACKET-CREEP IS 'RACKET-CREEP'Not only has Costello successfully operated
another 'pea-and-thimble' trick, but he is set to gain a huge
windfall in extra taxation - estimated at a possible $6 billion
- as a result of 'bracket creep' - the extra taxation from
wage increases. The Australian Financial Review (17/5/02)
gave this example, as a result of the recent 4.4% increase
in the basic wage: It might shock Coalition members - although this is doubtful - if it was pointed out that they are operating a 21st century equivalent of Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto. Marx listed and advocated ten steps for vesting all economic power in the hands of the State. These included the abolition of private property, elimination of the rights of inheritance, a heavy, graduated income tax, and a state monopoly of credit. The Fabians, not so violently revolutionary as Marx and Lenin, suggested a programme of "gradualism" along Marxist lines was the way to proceed. They were prepared to maintain the illusion of 'private property' for example - so long as the 'owner' had no control over his property. We can see clearly how this operates in the draconian environmental laws applying to landowners. The heavy, graduated income tax has been extended to all forms of tax through indexation. Under such a system, neither the wage-earner nor the employer can ever catch up. Every wage rise is lost in price rises and a heavier burden of taxation. The huge taxation Mr Costello has managed to achieve would probably even shock Karl Marx, who saw a tax-take of 25% of income as sufficient to transfer equity from the individual to the State. Both C.H. Douglas and the late Dr. Geoffrey Dobbs dealt at length with the question of taxation. Douglas, in his "Dictatorship by Taxation" pointed out firstly, that all modern taxation is inflationary, having at some point to be recouped in prices; and secondly that it is a form of theft, taking from the individual a combination of inheritance and income and transferring it to the State, without any choice in how it is to be spent. The totalitarian mind in power convinces itself that it knows best how to spend other peoples' money, and make other peoples' choices. This is the real evil which in Acton's words, "corrupts absolutely". All of which, ironically, is happening at a time when technology is making it possible to collect what little taxation should be needed without the heavy, time-consuming machinery of the past. The Debit Tax would do away forever with tax-returns, massive tax departments, and tens of thousands of laws and regulations. |
A NEW FORM OF TITLEIt is now being proposed, in New South
Wales at least, that an entirely new form of title, entirely
divorced from land, be introduced. It would be title over
water. Currently, water allocations for irrigation are at
the whim of the Minister, who can grant, decrease or withdraw
water rights. The new proposal is that rights to water should
be permanent and transferable separately from land titles.
As demand for irrigation grows with the technological ability
to irrigate bigger areas, the price of water has sky-rocketed.
"But the NSW Farmers Association, along with the State's irrigators, rice growers, cotton growers, the shires association and the Australian Bankers' Association, argue that they need more certainty over water titles ...." Why should the Australian Bankers' Association be interested? Because water secured by title-deeds would be a new form of equity against which banks could create and lend credit, storing the new form of title alongside the other title-deeds in their "security-portfolios". It is clear that the enormously-increased pressures on Australia's rivers and subterranean water catchments have produced both an environmental crisis and an escalating bone of contention between irrigators, as well as cities that continually demand more water. But this proposal will solve nothing and create exploitation, conflict and monopoly in the period ahead. It will be another nail in the coffin of the family farm, which may have the water falling on its land traded above its head. Licences for dams and conservation of water for stock will become the norm. The big irrigators will have a field day. A small-holder in, say, Inverell may find the water that falls on his acres the property of an investor in Melbourne or, worse if the General Agreement in Trade and Services (GATS) goes through New York. As we have said before, the designs by Australian innovator P.A. Yeomans, offer the perfect alternative. He started with the idea of "catching the water where it fell". A Key-Line-designed farm could retain over 90% of the water that fell within its boundaries in a normal year, holding it in specially-designed dams at "key-points" in the land's profile, feeding it back as controlled flood irrigation onto adjacent slopes. He went further, showing how cities should be designed to conform to land-flow, conserving their own water, and making less necessary dependence on huge, far-distant dams. The Yeomans Key-Line idea is the "Small-Is-Beautiful"
solution to current water-wars, also guaranteeing the future
of the family farm in Australia. The massive, chemical-intensive,
monoculture nature of our irrigated areas of Australia is
surely mute testimony to the need for a new direction. Anything
but a new, bank-dominated share-market in that which "droppeth
like the gentle rain from Heaven upon the place beneath". |
MILITARY/INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX AND 'CONSPIRACY THEORIES'A few weeks ago, United States Democrat, congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, drew widespread criticism for suggesting on a radio show that the Bush administration had prior knowledge of the September 11th Twin Towers attack. "I was derided by the White House, right-wing talk radio, and spokespersons for the military-industrial complex as a conspiracy theorist," McKinney said in a one-page statement. "Even my patriotism was questioned because I dared to suggest that Congress should conduct a full and complete investigation into the most disastrous intelligence failure in American history." Cynthia McKinney vowed to continue to express her opinions and reissued a call for a congressional probe. "Today's revelations that the administration, and President Bush, were given months of notice that a terrorist attack was a distinct possibility points out the critical need for a full and complete congressional investigation. "If committed and patriotic people had not been pushing for disclosure, today's revelations would have been hidden by the White House," she said. Friends, foes stand firm. Putin delivered warning 'Unusual' stock trading White House Associates poised to gain.
"Former President Bush sits on the board of the Carlyle Group. The Los Angeles Times reports that on a single day last month, Carlyle earned $237 billion selling shares in United Defense Industries, the Army's fifth-largest contractor. The stock offering was well-timed. Carlyle officials say they decided to take the company public only after the September 11th attacks. The stock sales cashed in on increased congressional support and hefty defense spending." At the time of her radio comments, a
Carlyle Group spokesman dismissed McKinney's remarks as fiction.
McKinney's comments also drew attention to another issue evolving
on Capitol Hill - whether Congress or an independent group
should probe what the administration knew and when. |
HIGHLY INDEBTED POOR COUNTRIESby Antonia Feitz Doesn't that describe the policies of Australian governments? Er, doesn't that describe the policies of Australian governments since the 1980s? Does this mean Australia was (is?) a HIPC? Come to think of it, if Australia is enjoying such wonderful growth and prosperity why is the Howard government desperate to claw back $25 a week from people on the disability pension? Mr. Howard has even refused to rule out the likelihood of paraplegics and people with brain damage being targeted by his 'reforms'. It's true that there are a lot of people - some 600,000 (?) - on the disability pension. But no politician has had the courage to face up as to why that number has exploded. The reason why the numbers of the disability pension has risen is because Australian primary industry and manufacturing jobs were exported due to economic restructuring. Bureaucrats with kind hearts recognised that retrenched coalminers and abattoir workers in their fifties living in regional Australia along with labourers and manufacturing workers in the metropolitan areas were unlikely ever to gain employment. So they did the decent thing and unofficially retired them with a disability pension. It left them with a bit of dignity. Now this scummy Howard government plans to strip such men of what little dignity they have. Along with gormless teenagers, family men who DID work all their lives until their jobs were exported, will now be required to fill in their lie sheets - oops, job-seeking diaries detailing their attempts to find work that simply doesn't exist. In the 1980s 'Labor' prime minister Bob Hawke promised that the burden of economic restructuring would be shared across the entire Australian community. He lied. Only blue collar and unskilled workers have suffered. Bob Hawke and the Labor Party well and truly lied. |
ATTORNEY-GENERAL BLUFFING?In a media release the Federation of Community Legal Centres,(FCLC) claim the Attorney General admits the proposed banning power in the counter-terrorism legislation is not required by the United Nations. The FCLC reports that up to now, the government has, in part, justified its proposed counter-terrorism legislation by reference to expectations of the UN and the international community. The revelation is contained in written answers made public by the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee. The Attorney General's Department has stated that, although Security Council Resolution 1373 required actions against the financing of terrorism, "there are currently no Security Council resolutions or other international instruments which provide a basis for organisations to be proscribed in more general terms." The proposed power to ban organisations is one of the most controversial proposals being considered by the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee. It has been widely opposed by nearly all organisations that made submissions to the hearings including the Law Council, Victorian Council of Social Services, Uniting Church, ACTU and the Federation of Community Legal Centres. Damien Lawson, spokesperson for the Federation of Community Legal Centres said, "it is clear that the government's plan to ban organisations has no credible support. The UN does not require it; the community is opposed to it. It is authoritarian and has no place in a democracy." |
AMERICA'S PRO-TERRORISM AID PROGRAMMEby James Bovard - from website: Future of Freedom Foundation President Bush recently announced that he plans to boost American foreign aid by 50 percent - to more than $15 billion a year. While Bush's proclamation was widely praised as a sign of American generosity, little attention is being paid to the hypocrisy behind his policies. Unfortunately, American foreign aid could result in new chains and fetters for downtrodden foreigners. $10 billion in 'aid' each year Sen. Paul Wellstone (D-Minn.), who supports the aid to Uzbekistan, stressed that it is "terribly important that we not uncritically align ourselves with governments which torture citizens". But what is the difference between uncritically and critically using US tax dollars to underwrite torture? Dubious 'human rights' records In 1998, the US government condemned the Kosovo Liberation Army for its "terrorist action"; in 1999, the United States christened the KLA "freedom fighters" and deluged them with arms and aid. The federal government is providing more than a billion dollars in aid to the government of Colombia to finance its war on coca growers and on leftist guerrillas. Human Rights Watch reports that the "human-rights situation in Colombia has deteriorated markedly" since the Clinton administration pushed through a package greatly increasing US aid to Colombia in 2000. The number of massacres by paramilitary forces allied to the government is skyrocketing. |
JEREMY JONES VERSUS OLGA SCULLYThe latest news is the Jeremy Jones versus Olga Scully case was adjourned after a three and a half days hearing in Launceston. It will continue on June 11th, 12th & 13th, 2002, with Mrs Scully in Launceston and Jeremy Jones and the judge in Sydney on a video link-up. It would be of great value to her if her supporters attended the hearing both in Launceston and in Sydney - Law Courts Building, Queens Square, Sydney. The hearings begin at 10.15am each day. Olga asks her supporters "Please attend in Launceston or Sydney if possible." |
BASIC FUNDIn the three weeks since our last report, $2,433.15 have been received. Once again we express our deep appreciation for those who have generously contributed. However, we do urge those supporters who can contribute to do so as soon as possible, to at least maintain the present momentum. The total now stands at $35,086.94. |
SYDNEY CONSERVATIVE SPEAKERS' CLUBThe next meeting for the Sydney CSC will be held on Wednesday, June 26th, 2002. The speaker is Mr. Neil Baird. Subject: "Globalisation & Rationalisation of Banking, Airline & Retail Industries". The meeting will be held at the Lithuanian Club, 16 East Terrace, Bankstown. There is ample parking at the Club, situated only 600 metres from the Bankstown Railway Station. The cost of your attendance is $4.00 per person. |
ADELAIDE CONSERVATIVE SPEAKERS' CLUBGuest speaker for Monday, June 3rd, meeting will be Port Lincoln's Mayor Peter Davis. The title of his address is "What Big Money is Doing in Port Lincoln". The venue is the Public Schools' Club, 207 East Terrace (cnr. Carrington), Adelaide. We encourage our supporters to make every effort to get to the dinner meeting. Dinner is from 6.30pm, $16.50 for a two-course meal, served with tea/coffee. The public address commences at 7.30pm. To make bookings by Thursday, May 31st, please phone: 8395 9826. |
SOUTH AUSTRALIAN STATE WEEKENDAugust 17th-18th, 2002. New Zealand's National Director, Mr. Bill Daly will be guest speaker at the South Australian seminar. Bishop John Hepworth has also accepted an invitation. Further details as they come to hand. Bill Daly for Victoria: Bill Daly will be speaking at a few meetings in Victoria. As arrangements are firmed up we will announce the details. |
WEST AUSTRALIA - ANNUAL SEMINAR & DINNERThe Australian League of Rights' 36th Annual Seminar & Dinner. The theme is A Legacy of Terror: Terrorism, Globalisation & Servitude. Guest speakers: Mr. Bill Daly, National Director of the New Zealand League of Rights; Mayor Peter Davis of Port Lincoln, South Australia. To be held at the historic Rose & Crown Heritage Hotel, Guildford on Saturday August 10th, 2002. For further enquiries please contact the State Secretary - Phone/Fax: (08) 9574 6042 |
NATIONAL WEEKENDThe National Weekend will be held over Friday, 11th (New Times Dinner evening) through Sunday, 13th of October 2002. The event will again be held in the border town of Albury, NSW. It proved such an outstanding success last year. Put these dates in your diary. |
2002 EDITION OF 'YOUR RIGHTS' IS NOW AVAILABLEYou can purchase your copies direct from Australian Civil Liberties Union, Post Office Box 1137, Carlton, 3053. Price $6.50; $8.00 posted. 'Your Rights' has been published every year since 1974 and is the most commonly used laymen's guide to the law in Australia. It has chapters on wills and estates, rights of victims of crime and pension payments. The rights of taxpayers, investors, consumers, motorists and mental health are also discussed. The 2002 edition also discusses anti-terrorism laws, Tampa, September 11th, Falun Gong, ASIO and DSD. A review in the Law Institute Journal said: "Your Rights 1999 is an extraordinary publication - a must have for just about everyone." |