home of ... Douglas Social Credit
19 July 2002. Thought for the Week: "Hellenic-deductive
'myths' pervade our historiography. For example, there
is the Myth of State, in which a 'nation' is treated as
a giant person: 'Germany wishes to absorb Slovenia...
Hungary looks eagerly for the return of her lost possessions
north of the Danube, and would be glad to seize Croatia
as well. Italy wants Dalmatia... Bulgaria covets Yugoslav
Macedonia. Between her internal divisions and her greedy
allies how can Yugoslavia hope to hold together?'" |
MERRILY SKIPPING THROUGH THE RUINSby Jeremy Lee Some of his remarks were beyond reason and reality - for instance, his boast that the Australian economy was better than at any time he could remember. He might well make a journey through the ranks of Australian small businesses, or debt-laden households. He might ask why, for instance, Australia still loads its massive foreign debt with continued imports, which are well ahead of our exports. He might consider the future of our farming industries, faced with another drought and prices lower than the cost of production. He might have a look at Australia's health industry, with doctors and nurses on strike, and urgently-needed beds being shut down. And he might consider at length the despair amongst Australia's youth, fuelled by the lack of creative job opportunities, which has led to the massive drug trade and the tragic suicide figures. But what does such evidence matter when you are hugging and kissing your way round the world like some Liberal Party version of Skippy the kangaroo, patting yourself on the back when someone doesn't do it for you? John Howard basks in the reflection of his self-created aura like a 'surfie' on a sort of global Bondi beach. And more and more Australians are picking it. If there was any sort of genuine opposition, Howard and his mates would be a 'goner'. But Meg Lees and Natasha Stott-Dispoja are no more capable of making a dint than Simon Crean. While they refuse to honestly criticize the debt system under which we operate, they can do no more than re-arrange the furniture on the deck of the Titanic. What a sorry mess! |
COOKING THE PUBLIC BOOKSWe can wring our hands at the accounting scandals now being revealed round the world as economies stumble and the gambling bubble bursts. But what about our public accounts? We have dealt in recent issues that the deceptive nature of the Costello budget. But it now transpires that he made two further glaring omissions. Firstly, there was no mention of GST revenue in the Budget. As it is going to the States, Costello claims, it is not really a Commonwealth tax! So the stated Commonwealth tax revenue is vastly understated. Now comes evidence of some 'figure-fudging'
over defence. Under the heading "COSTELLO 'LEFT WAR COST OUT
OF BUDGET'", The Australian (11/7/02) reported: What's more, Treasurer Costello made false claims about the situation: " ....'If there are additional requests we would look at those at the time, but in terms of factoring all the military hardware and the hours and wages and all of that, that is factored into this budget,' he said. After the election, it was revealed the bill for 2001-02 would be $320 million, with the budget $1.2 billion in deficit ..." One suspects that if Costello was an executive for HIH or Enron he would now be answering questions before some keen-eyed interrogators. |
SMALL BUSINESS UNDER THE HAMMEREven major media pundits are now questioning the glowing economic picture which is the boast of Mr. Howard. Robert Gottliebsen has written a couple of articles pointing out that Australian small businesses are facing a tougher environment than anything they have ever experienced. There are thousands of highly qualified IT specialists chasing non-existent jobs, despite the fact that the government is still wooing highly qualified IT experts as suitable migrants. Gottliebsen's columns in The Australian evoked scores of replies from small businessmen in desperate circumstances. Not a few blame the GST as a core reason for their crisis. A wider survey by Peter Switzer (Australian Financial Review, 8/7/02) said the advertising sector, clothing, restaurants and catering, tourism and rural small businesses were all under threat. There had been a big jump in bankruptcies, which looked like escalating. The disaster was flowing over onto home owners. Robert Guy (Australian Financial Review, 9/7/02) said: "The growing financial strain on many Australians has been highlighted by the latest bankruptcy data, showing a 166 per cent jump in the number of debt agreements over the past financial year .... Given recent record levels of household debt, including credit card debt, and in an environment of increasing interest rates, the danger signs from today's figures are ominous ...." Household debt, in fact, has risen from $267 billion to $580 billion in the seven years to June 30th this year Every quarter-of-a-percent rise in interest rates puts an additional $1.4 billion in charges onto the backs of householders in Australia per year - or $28 million a week. |
HOLLOW BUSHWith his popularity falling, and congressional elections looming closer, President Bush has been forced to address the growing corporate scandal in Wall Street. In the process he has left himself and Deputy-President Dick Cheney open to some uncomfortable probings. Bush made a high-sounding speech which was desperately short of specific action. He said: " .... We've learned of CEOs earning tens of millions of dollars in bonuses just before their companies go bankrupt, leaving employees and retirees and investors to suffer. The business pages of American newspapers should not read like a scandal sheet. .... High profile acts of deception have shaken peoples' trust. Too many corporations seem disconnected from the values of our country. These scandals .... have hurt the stock market. And, worst of all, they are hurting millions of people who depend on the integrity of businesses for their livelihood and their retirement ...." And much more in a similar vein. But while more and more Americans are asking whether Bush himself was one of the "greedy CEOs" he is now condemning, when he broke the law over the company Harken Energy in the early nineties, there is obviously more and more scepticism over his right to condemn others. More are also aware how Enron financed Bush's election campaign and the Republican Party. It is now impossible for high-sounding
words to halt the slide in the American economy. It is a question
of chickens coming home to roost. As America slides it will
drag others down with it. One of those will be Australia,
with its massive debts, largely foreign-controlled corporate
sector, and continually inflating trade deficit. And there's another aspect, which also
applies to Australia. It was put thus, by Thomas Bray, writing
in The Wall Street Journal, 9/7/02): |
MECHANISED MILKINGIt takes a special person to be a dairy farmer. A cow waiting to be milked knows nothing about public holidays, Christmas breaks, head colds or hangovers. Come wind or weather, that cow is waiting to be delivered of her load. Now comes news that an entirely automated robotic dairy has been working successfully in New Zealand. Not only are the milking cups attached to the cow for the right length and time, but she is ushered into the dairy and out again onto controlled pastures. Transponders, like those that place surveillance on cars on Melbourne's toll-ways, survey each cow as she enters and leaves the dairy, and measures her milk supply and butterfat yield. The process has involved the re-design of the dairy but, once in place, the movements of the cow regulate the response from the robotic process. Human beings still have to provide spasmodic maintenance and check the health of the animals. After a few days getting used to the new system, the animals were quite contented and placid, queuing up to enter the dairy at the right time. Eventually, each cow will personally decide her own time schedules to be milked. If applied commercially in New Zealand, it will displace some 25,000 workers in the dairy industry, saving about $200 million in wages. The current argument The Social Credit argument All of which leads to some very improper poetic thoughts It's really rather scary! |
HOWARD'S MYOPIAby Antonia Feitz When Howard whines that Australian farmers only get 4 percent does he think Bush will be shamed and remove the subsidies out of fairness? It won't happen. Like the Europeans, the Americans look after number one. Eventually Howard must realise that maybe Australia will be left high and dry. As Colin Teese keeps pointing out, Australia's commitment to ideological purity has left her precious little to negotiate with. |
THE ONE-ARM PARTY BANDITSby Betty Luks Being a Labor government they tell us some of the increases could be described as 'Robin Hood' taxes; they have taken from the rich to give to the poor - this time from the 'rich' poker-machine hotel owners! It's just a dream I have "Our Party works very hard alongside
Treasury officials to co-ordinate, with the least friction
and best results, the government's policy with that of the
financial monopoly. We are rather proud of our work. We have
set up efficient mechanisms to confiscate the fruit of the
people's labour. Oh! Yes! I know we actually diminish their
abilities to escape their own private debts, but so be it.
We of course, as the government of the day, have to service
the State's debt. The debt that is issued by the bank-owned-financial
monopoly, and we will continue to do so no matter what the
costs are to the people. We know Social Services help to expand
the State debt, and yes, this in turn requires higher taxes,
and yes, we know that at the same time, these higher taxes
make it harder and harder for the individual to have more
personal choices in regard to basic needs. But, in this case,
the International Monetary Fund has issued us our orders;
we are to cut Social Services and pay off more of the Government's
debt to them. Just a dream 'Little sir echo, how do you do'! |
LABOR WILL NEVER FIGHT FOR A BETTER MONEY SYSTEM FOR THE PEOPLEThe Australian Heritage Society has a little gem of a book in the pipeline for publishing in Australia. It centres on C.H. Douglas and the early days of social credit in the UK; the author is Anthony Cooney, Catholic Distributist and Social Crediter. It reveals why the Labour Movement have either ignored Social Credit or attacked it. It answers the question as to why Fabian Socialist Race Matthews could write about the guild socialists of the early twentieth century ("Jobs of Our Own: Building a Stake-Holder Society") and A.R. Orage in particular, and yet completely ignore Orage's links with and promotion of C.H. Douglas' proposals to rectify the fraudulent money system, and its chronic lack of purchasing power. The philosophical basis of the Labor Party is international and centralist - it is at odds with the Social Credit philosophy of decentralization of power and the building up of a community from the Individual - not down from the State. The claim by Labor that they have 're-invented themselves' and are now the alternative 'third way' has a very hollow ring about it. |
1922 LABOUR PARTY COMMITTEE"... there continued to be general opposition from orthodox economists to his (Douglas') underlying theoretical arguments, especially to his A+B Theorem which explains the source of the observed chronic shortage of consumer purchasing power, and his related practical proposals for a National Dividend and a Just Price mechanism. There was however, just as determined opposition from a quarter that might have been unexpected - the British Labour Party. In 1922 a committee appointed by the Labour Party reviewed The Douglas/New Age Scheme and concluded that it was 'out of harmony with the trend of Labour thought' despite the fact that Douglas, Orage and many guild socialists were of the view that the economic framework of the texts were 'in close accord with a socialist critique of capitalism.'...- "The Social Crediter Vol. 77 Sept-Oct. 1998 |
FOR OUR CRITICS' 'ENLIGHTENMENT'At times, we are criticised for the stand
taken on modern Israel and our criticism of the treatment
meted out to the Palestinian people. Other times we are criticised
for exposing what the elite within the USA and its Allies
have done, and are still doing, in Iraq and Afghanistan. In
fact, one correspondent wrote: It is not the Palestinians in their squalid refugee camps, or the Iraqi people struggling to survive in their contaminated bomb-scarred land, or the powerless Afghanis (who will not benefit from the 'wheeling and dealing' done by the local war lords with the military/oil/industrial elites of the US) who are threatening our freedom. The threats to our freedom come from those with a love of power, those pushing for a centralization of power, those who lust for domination. Those who lust for power for its own sake. Benjamin Disraeli wrote of this underlying,
designing, managing force Douglas Reed drew our attention to the matter in "From Smoke to Smother" (out of print): "It means, to my mind, that men who seize power find 'a design' and 'managers' waiting and become the instruments of these; they are only allowed to rise so far because their usefulness in 'the design' is foreseen. Some of them, however, are privy to the design from the start and among these I would include the man Hitler, alongside those he pretended to hate, like Marx, Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin." These men were but tools, instruments, in the hands of the designers, the managers. Does world-jet-setting John Howard really think he is of such importance in the scheme of things? We have to reject power We recommend our critics read the Nesta
Webster books or Douglas Reed's "Controversy of Zion"
and "Far and Wide" . |
MEA TAPES RELAUNCHEDWe are pleased to announce MEA Tape Library has been relaunched. To celebrate, MEA Tapes make the following offer to On Target readers. Hear MEA founder, Mr. Tom Fielder, speak on why Australia is in such a parlous state... and what we can do about it! . The Failure of Intellect . Solving the Debt Dilemma . Where have all the Social Crediters gone? . Escape from the 'Wood' party. Hear four Tom Fielder tapes for $20.00 posted: MEA Tapes, Box 248, East Caulfield, Vic., 3145. |