30 August 2002. Thought for the Week:
"The Beginning of the Quarrel: Monopoly is neither private
nor enterprising. It exists to prevent private enterprise.
And that system of trust or monopoly, that complete destruction
of property would still be the present goal of all our progress,
if there were not a Bolshevist in the world... When I say
"Capitalism" I commonly mean something that may be stated
thus: "That economic condition in which there is a class of
capitalists roughly recognizable and relatively small, in
whose possession so much of the capital is concentrated as
to necessitate a very large majority of the citizens serving
those capitalists for a wage... Now the capitalist system,
good or bad, right or wrong, rests upon two ideas: that the
rich will always be rich enough to hire the poor; and the
poor will always be poor enough to want to be hired..."
"The Outline of Sanity" by G.K. Chesterton |
A FEAST FIT FOR A PIGby Jeremy Lee In times past Australia has been vigilant in quarantine programmes that kept us free of exotic human and animal diseases endemic in other parts of the world. It was the late Sir Raphael Cilento, a world-renowned expert in tropical medicine, who warned that Asian immigration and by implication large numbers of refugees could re-introduce into Australia diseases previously eliminated. But the issue goes further. Large-scale factory farming and monoculture, with the elimination of rotational cropping and the fallowing of land, breaks down soil structure and health, which in turn results in depleted crops. C.H. Douglas addressed this problem long
before the epidemic of de-natured food and soil destruction
we see round the world today. He wrote: " .... At the bottom,
there is little doubt that there are two irreconcilable ideas
in conflict. The first of these is that the world in which
we live is an organism and that men and animals have intricate
relations with the earth not amorphous but specific and
infinitely varied, which can only be disregarded at the peril
both of men and the earth they live on. I do not mean in the
least by this that a universal back to the land movement is
either necessary or even desirable, but I do think that the
idea that the earth is merely something to be exploited and
'lived on' is quite fatal. Writing of the great agricultural scientist, Sir Albert Howard, The New Times (June 3rd, 1955) commented: "Policies in all fields stem from philosophy and unfortunately most of the policies of planning the earth today big-scale flood control dams, more and more deadly chemical sprays, which provide 'full employment' in industries developed to make these soil-poisoners, are based upon a philosophy of materialism.... The more individuals accept large-scale centralized planning in one field, the easier it becomes for the advocates of centralized planning to impose totalitarian policies in other fields. The fight for genuine freedom must be fought on all fronts. The soil is the very basis of life and therefore control and management of soil and water concern the control of life itself. The importance of this matter cannot be too strongly emphasized...." I am therefore going to continue, suicidal though it may be, in passing my scraps on to my chooks. They are given time for grazing and scratching each day, and I hope they pick up enough minerals to fortify their immune systems. I will certainly attempt to save them from imported food; and hope, in consequence, that I live as long as they do! |
BUSH GOING BACKWARDSDare we hope that a faint gleam of sanity is beginning to break through in world affairs? There is a belated backlash against the idea of declaring war on Iraq, and blasting another lot of women and children into oblivion The latest Weekend Australian Newspoll (17-18/8/02) shows 50 percent of Australians opposed to Australian involvement in another Iraqi war, 30 percent strongly. Unless another disaster such as the Twin Towers happens again, the war rhetoric is wearing thin. Even Prime Minister Howard is toning down the belligerence, while Alexander Eiderdown, the Rambo warrior of Foreign Affairs, has had to do a couple of somersaults. Tony Blair in Britain is running into stiff resistance in Parliament, including from his own party. The Australian Financial Review ((20/8/02) under the heading RAMBO'S HAVING A DOWNER said: "Foreign Minister Downer was 'hung out to dry' yesterday by Prime Minister John Howard, in view of his parliamentary colleagues. And just in case Downer, whose clumsy intervention in the Iraq debate has caused the Government all sorts of problems, failed to get the message Howard used a reference to Rambo rhetoric in answer to a question on corporate governance to add to the Foreign Minister's discomfort. ....By yesterday Downer, who manifested the hang-dog look of someone who has been taken to the woodshed by his superiors, was sounding like someone who had suddenly lost all his earlier enthusiasm for any sort of military adventure...." We can only speculate on the sigh of relief that must be going up in Saddam Hussein's bunker! But it was Howard who started the war-talk in the first place. The possible loss of a $800 million wheat market, and the antipathy in Australia to more war, has obviously had some impact. |
US DEBT AND THE MONEY-SUPPLYEven George Bush is muffling the war-drums, although he is still under pressure to go to war, for a number of reasons: firstly, the Zionists in his Cabinet notably Paul Wolfowitz and Richard Perle support Ariel Sharon's need for a diversion in Iraq to cover his intended expulsion of the Palestinians from the West Bank and Gaza. Secondly, the Carlyle Group, which includes Bush himself, Dick Cheney and such unlikely characters as former British PM John Major, have major vested interests in armaments and Middle East oil; and, thirdly, Bush needs something anything to get a stagnant and sinking American economy moving again. The US Budget position tells its own story. THE CHANGING US BUDGET (in billions of dollars)
These figures show that we are looking at trillions of dollars. The American federal budget is now over $2 trillion. This has fallen short of expenditure by $337 billion in the last twelve months. The nation is running a massive trade deficit of over $300 billion annually. The US National Debt (government debt) now exceeds $6 trillion, rising by almost $500 billion in the last 12 months, which is an increase of over $500 million per hour! |
BEHIND THE FIXATION WITH THE DEMOCRATSThe enormous publicity given to the internal wrangling in a minor party, the Democrats, is out of all proportion to its real importance. What's behind it? Could it be that a long-term manipulation is taking place to remove any obstacle to the sale of the rest of Telstra? We recall Meg Lees being wined and dined overseas by the Rockefellers. At least one other Democrat has been courted by Deutschbank while out of Australia. The Democrats all pledged including Meg Lees prior to the last election that they would oppose the sale. If they stuck to their guns the Howard Government would be stymied. Obviously, the media blow-torch is being applied to what is really a shallow and sordid squabble. It will be interesting to see how things transpire. |
THE 'KEY' IS TO SEE THEM AS HUMAN BEINGSThere is much ferment within certain Jewish circles over the treatment meted out to the Palestinians by the Israelis. Those with a sense of right and wrong are questioning and protesting at the barbaric treatment these people are being subjected to. The following letter appeared in YellowTimes.org August 10th, 2002: Dear Steven Salaita, I read your piece, "From the other perspective" in YellowTimes.org. As an Israeli, I wanted to send you some words of hope. No doubt, the situation is dark beyond belief my country's actions are horrifying and I'm deeply ashamed, as a human being, as a Jew, and as an Israeli. I've always felt and known that the key to reconciliation is for Israel to be able to see the Palestinians as human beings. It's that simple, yet the hardest task of all. The degradation of the other to a lesser status is the root of all evil, in the life of the individual and the life of a nation. Atrocities can only be done to those whom you don't consider as human as yourself. There's a Jewish saying that speaks to that simple truth: "Love thy fellow man as you love yourself." This is the principle my country has wished to forget because of fear, greed, confusion, the heavy burden of moral responsibility, and because of ignorance. But how shall we again awaken this realization in the hearts of my brothers and sisters? How shall we remind them of their moral obligation? How shall we help them repent? I don't claim to have the answers but I deeply feel that weaving new ties between Palestinians and Israelis ties of respect, humanity, and love has to be done by individuals in Israel, in Palestine, and all over the world. Only by reaching out to one another as human beings can we hope to counter our 'leaders' hatred with our love of life. It is for this reason that I write to you: to strengthen your heart, to beg you not to lose hope, and to assure you that there are many open hearts among Israelis who yearn to do the same. We must find each other. This is our only hope and not a moment too soon. I beg for your forgiveness for all the wrongs done to your people in my name. With respect and hope, Haggai Kupermintz, Assistant Professor, University of Colorado United States. kupermin@colorado.edu |
IN RESPONSEThe following letter is YellowTimes.org columnist Steven Salaita's response to Haggai Kupermintz: Dear Professor Kupermintz, Thank you
very much for this lovely message; it is warmly appreciated.
I was in tears as I read it. I can't imagine anybody making
a more beautiful statement, and I pray to God that what you
desire comes true. I am in the run-down computer lab in the
Shatila Refugee Camp in Lebanon. I called over some of my
students kids and teenagers to read your message. They
were extremely touched. They just asked me to tell you that
they send God's blessings to you and your family. You are
always welcome here, they say. "He is really from Israel?"
they keep asking me. "Of course," I answer. "Inshallah, he
will be your neighbor one day." You did a great service to us all by showing them a human face. It's impossible for Arabs to do it with our own words. The taboo is especially strong in refugee camps. Please don't send apologies. You have no need to. If we all were compelled to apologize for the actions of our nations, then humanity would never get past the word "sorry". My warmest regards to you. Thanks again for taking the time to write and share such personal thoughts. Salaam and Shalom, Steven Salaita, YellowTimes.org columnist ssalaita@YellowTimes.org Readers could send messages |
BE VERY AFRAID BUSH PRODUCTIONS PREPARING TO GO INTO ACTIONby Robert Fisk, The Independent, August 17th, 2002:" I have always been a sucker for wide-screen epics. Ever since my Dad took me to see Quo Vadis which ends with centurion Robert Taylor heading off to his execution with his bride on his arm I've been on the movie roller-coaster. My dad didn't make a great distinction between the big pictures and B-movies; he managed to squeeze Hercules Unchained in between Ben Hur and Spartacus. But the extraordinary suspension of disbelief provided by the cinema carried me right through to Titanic, Pearl Harbor and Gladiator. Awful they may be. Spectacular they are. But the important thing, as my dad used to tell me, was to remember that the cinema did not really imitate reality. Newly converted Christian centurions did not go so blithely to their deaths nor did love reign supreme on the Titanic. The fighter pilots of Pearl Harbor did not perform so heroically, nor did wicked Roman emperors die so young. From John Wayne's The Green Berets, war films have lied to us about life and death. After the crimes against humanity in New York and Washington last September, I suppose it was inevitable that the Pentagon and the CIA would call on Hollywood for ideas yes, the movie boys actually did go to Washington to do a little synergy with the local princes of darkness. But when Vice-President Cheney and Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld turned up together for the premiere of Black Hawk Dawn, I began to get worried..." |
WARNINGS OF DANGEROUS ASIO BILLby Geoff Muirden This type of authoritarian control is
being set in place at a time when it seems likely that the
US may go to war with Iraq, a war in which the Australian
government would be involved, and which sets the groundwork
for martial law. Laws of this kind are unjust, immoral and
draconian, denying basic civil liberties. It should be the
task of Senators to question the morality and necessity of
laws of this kind and to refuse to pass them into law. I await
your reply..." Senator John Faulkner replies The Labor Party has forced major changes
to the original Bill to ensure: As a result of Labor's amendments, Australia
will have a comprehensive, strong and balanced package of
laws to deal with terrorism. Australia also needs to play
its part as a good international citizen to combat international
terrorism. The Government was slow to sign and ratify the
UN Conventions for the Suppression of Financing of Terrorism
and Terrorist Bombings. Two of the Bills in the counter-terrorism
package give domestic legislative effect to our obligations
under these important conventions. As well as the counter-terrorism
Bills, the Government has introduced the ASIO Amendment Legislation
(Terrorism) Bill 2002 (ASIO Bill). This Bill proposes a significant
increase in Government powers, allowing extended detention
for questioning without legal representation and interrogation
of people who are not suspected of any crime or wrongdoing,
but who simply may be able to provide information relating
to a terrorist. The ASIO Bill has been reviewed by the Parliamentary
Joint Committee on ASIO, ASIS and DSD and we expect the Bill
will be dealt with early in the current Parliamentary sittings.
Labor remains very concerned that detention without legal
representation is open to serious abuse and constitutes an
infringement of people's civil liberties. Labor will continue
to ensure the right balance is struck between taking effective
measures against terrorists and preserving Australia's hard
won democratic freedoms, |
BASIC FUNDThe Basic Fund contributions have now reached $44,864.49. Just over another five thousand dollars will bring us up to $50,000.00. Will you help us to reach that target? It is close to the time the fund for this financial year was closed, but we do need to reach at least the target of $50,000.00. Whilst the goal was $60,000 (unless something quite unexpected happens) we are not going to reach that amount. That's okay, we know how to make a little go a long way and will continue to do so. But do please help us to reach the $50,000.00! We need to give this year's fund one last 'push' to get it across the line of $50,000.00. Make that extra effort, please don't delay. Send in your contributions as soon as possible! |
THE SYDNEY FORUMThe organisers of the Sydney Forum have asked if we would give their meetings a 'plug'. The Sydney Forum will be held in Sydney, September 7th-8th, 2002. Speakers include, Bob Doring, Reg Smedley, Jim Saleam, Joe Bryant, Neil Baird, Bevan O'Regan. There are 10 speakers. Themes include GATS, the 'War on Terror' and the NWO, Defence, and the Crisis of the Multinationals. There is also an Open Forum time. Tickets are $35.00 (two days) with $25.00 concession or $20.00 (one day) with $12.50 concession. Club Venue. Enquiries (free brochure) to PO Box N291 Grosvenor Place 1220, or phone 0421 310 514. |
CAMP TOOWOOMBAReaders will want to know more about 'Camp Toowoomba". It is a two-and-a-half day get-together for 'movers and shakers'. Dates: September 13th, 14th and 15th. Cost: $75.00 per head. Jeremy Lee, Robert Balgarnie and Ray Smyth want to see you at the weekend get-together! For obvious catering reasons you will need to book ahead. To secure your booking a $20.00 deposit is required. Send your name, address, phone number and $20.00 to: Ray Smyth, Box 642, Nanango, Qld., 4615, Phone: 4163 2160, E-mail: raysmyth@burcom.com.au |
AUDIO TAPES OF SEMINAR SPEAKERS NOW AVAILABLEWest Australia's Seminar: "A Legacy of Terror! Terrorism-Globalisation-Servitude". Reports coming in tell us both speakers received a standing ovation at the conclusion of the seminar. Speakers: Mr. Bill Daly, National Director, New Zealand League of Rights; Mr. Peter Davis, Mayor of Port Lincoln, South Australia. To order tapes, Phone: 08 9574 6042. South Australia's Seminar: "We the people can yet make a difference". Mr. Bill Daly, National Director, New Zealand League of Rights: "Following the Axis of Evil Trail". Bill's paper was excellent. A truly comprehensive summary of 'the axis of evil trail'. Mrs. Kathy Scarborough, B.Sc., "Vaccination: the Right to Choose or Refuse". Kathy insists every young mother should ensure she has weighed up the evidence before deciding to vaccinate her child. Bishop John Hepworth, Traditional Anglican Communion in Australia. "A Christian Man's Goods are not Common... What does this mean?" Bishop Hepworth tells us there is a life and death battle going on between the liberals and traditional Christians in the organised Church, and yes, traditional Christianity teaches we do have a right to possess property, that which is proper to each of us. Of course we are responsible for what we do with it. His paper was brilliant, you must hear it. We recommend you purchase the set of 3 seminar tapes $15.00 posted. Single tapes $6.00 posted. Order from: Mayo Tapes, Box 6, Hahndorf, South Australia. |
NATIONAL WEEKEND COMING UPThe National Weekend, from Friday, October
11th (New Times Dinner) through to and including Sunday, October
13th (Action Conference), 2002, promises to be an outstanding
event... make every effort to be there! An excellent line-up
of speakers is planned for the Seminar on Saturday, October
12th: The venue is the same as last year: The Hume Inn, 406 Wodonga Place, Albury, NSW. No more time-wasting and frustration trying to find parking spots in busy, hectic Melbourne. Good reports were received from those who attended last year. A wide choice of accommodation is available in Albury, plenty of service clubs for good meals, and the food, facilities and accommodation at the motel very satisfactory. A detailed flier will be going out soon. We have 'block booked' a number of rooms at the motel, The Hume Inn, in Albury, NSW. Phone early and make your bookings: Phone: (02) 6021 2733, Fax: (02) 6041 2239 |