home of ... Douglas Social Credit
13 September 2002. Thought for the Week:
"It is not the misfittings, the diseases, the parasitisms,
the predations, the anti-life elements in a society which
constitutes its being, though they play their important part
in clearing the way for its dynamic survival. It is not the
chips which fall from the sculptor's chisel which constitute
his great work. It is the solid shape which remains.
At the core of the derided Christian tradition which sustained our society until recently is the belief that the creative power which made and maintains the Universe is that which we call Love and also God... We cannot perceive it directly with our senses, but only by its effect. And what is that?... that infinite variety of mutuality that we find when we look for it in what we call Nature, a name we give to that small part of creation within reach of our limited ken. Long time have we marvelled at the beauty and intricacy and balanced existence of individual creatures... But how could all this even begin to exist or survive without the mighty power which enables it to fit together in mutual benefit? Is it not clear also that this power of Love, even when operating as an infinitely intricate mutuality, is as essential for the creation and survival of human societies as for non-human...?" Geoffrey Dobbs, "The Local World", Home Quarterly, August 1995 |
THE TYRANNY OF UNJUST TAXATIONby Jeremy Lee The Australian Financial Review (30/8/02)
reported: " ...In an analysis of the 2002-03 Budget, Professor
Covick says the government's insistence on treating the GST
as a state tax makes it impossible to assess whether the Coalition
is keeping its promise not to increase the tax burden from
its 1996-97 level. 'The question then arises: is it compatible with budget honesty for the Commonwealth Government to publish budget papers which pretend none of the above is true? ....The Australian Bureau of Statistics and the Auditor-General have both said that under government financial reporting standards, the GST should be classified as a Commonwealth tax .....If PM Howard is so proud of its introduction, why so reluctant to publish its results? |
ACCOUNTANTS SPEAK OUTAdrian Tame, writing in The Sunday Herald Sun (1/9/02), told of the seething resentment in the community about the GST and the way it is administered, and the actions of the Institute of Chartered Accountants, who are spearheading a gathering revolt:" ... Tax Commissioner Michael Carmody and his boys have become the ultimate bogey-men with their threats of random audits, and the truculent warning that now the GST is in its third year, we can no longer expect to get off lightly for non-compliance. If ever there was a nation, and a time in history ripe for a tax revolt of the nature threatened by the institute (i.e. the Institute of Chartered Accountants ed.) in its open letter to the ATO, and published full-page in major newspapers last month, it is now .... If Australian small businessmen had been possessed of a fraction of these guts during the early months of the Business Activity Statement fiasco, they would have told the ATO: 'Enough of this shambles, we're not playing your silly game. If you want to collect and record five cents GST on a packet of paper clips, you can do it. We refuse.'...." |
BLEEDING FROM GST WOUNDSCommenting on the revolt, Robert Gottliebsen
(The Australian, 3/9/02) noted that many small businesses
are being further hampered because accountants are rejecting
new clients due to the GST work overload: So how much was raised by the Goods and Services Tax, which the Commonwealth Government pretends it has nothing to do with? About $32 billion, or over $1,600 for every Australian. |
A NEW TREATY ON THE WEBWhatever else is said about the World-Wide-Web,
with all its vulgarities and excesses, it has enabled an exchange
of information usually censored that has been a thorn in the
side of autocratic government. Politicians have been forced
to defend their actions over matters which would never have
come to public attention before the Web made it possible.
Alliances of concerned people in different nations are now
discovering each other and working together. The Convention's 52-member nations would agree to enforce each others' commercial laws. A company, Internet Service Provider or individual could be held accountable for violating a foreign law, even though it is permissible in his home country. The web, says the treaty, makes it possible to break a law from thousands of miles away. Thus, Germany's 'Truth in History" laws, which make it a crime to question details of the Holocaust, could be applied to the citizens of other countries where no such bans exist. All it would require is for a German citizen to pick up the website and make an official complaint, and someone the other side of the globe, acting in conformity with the laws of his own country, would face prosecution. Who would adjudicate in such cases? The World Court? The International Criminal Court? Or a new international tribunal yet to be established? The invasion of international law, through
treaties that over-ride the Constitution, has become an avalanche.
Back in 1988, when the danger was already apparent, the Editorial
in The Weekend Australian (11-12/6/1988) said: That Editorial was correct and prescient. Its warnings were echoed by Coalition politicians, at that time in opposition, including the current Treasurer, Peter Costello, who was forthright in condemning Labor's use of treaties to circumvent the Constitution. But it's amazing how things change once an Opposition becomes the Government. So the real battle in Australia in the 21st century is not to preserve our Constitution, but to retrieve it from the intrigue and manipulation of politicians prepared to jeopardize their nation by playing with international treaties for a little short-term power. |
WALL STREET WOES CONTINUEAnother big drop on Wall Street, followed
by a minor bounce. We still have a long way to go. Robert
Gottliebsen (The Australian 5/9/02) said ominously:
Gottliebsen suggests that Australia won't avoid being hit. No wonder George Bush is frantic for a war as soon as possible! |
JUST FOR THE RECORDby Betty Luks The warning prompted me to look up Douglas Reed's Controversy of Zion, in particular his references to the Nuremberg War Crimes Trials, and the timing and delivery of those judgments (p.401). There was no doubt in Reed's mind that the judgments were executed according to the Talmudic calendar: "I have a description, from a person who was present, of the manner in which the Nuremberg judgment came to be delivered on September 30 and October 1, 1946 (between the Jewish New Year, September 26, and the Jewish Day of Atonement, October 5), and was executed immediately after midnight in the morning of October 16, Hoshana Rabba, the day when the Jewish god, after an interval during which he considers his verdict on every single human being, and may still pardon sinners, delivers his judgment..." Although not into the 'numbers' game, some of us made the effort to calculate, according to Reed's reckoning, just when the WTC vengeance would begin. We calculated the bombing of Afghanistan would commence on October 8th which it did. It was reported in Australian newspapers on October 9th. The first anniversary of that event is nearly upon us and George Bush is strutting the world stage, again, talking up war against Iraq. According to the 2002 calendar, the Jewish New Year falls on September 7th, and Hoshana Rabba will fall on September 27th, the day when the Jewish god, after an interval during which he considers his verdict on every single human being, and may still pardon sinners, delivers his judgment. Again? |
MARK VALE MP HE JUST DOESN'T GET IT!by Betty Luks The truth of the matter is our manufacturing industries have been so 'gutted' by traitorous political parties and governments, a large (and growing) share of what is left to 'export' (thus helping to pay off foreign money debts) are services such as telecommunications, finance, tourism, and education. As for mining and agriculture, Australia's real wealth, the minerals and foodstuffs, this wealth is bought cheap and sold dear by the fat-cat-monopolists who control the commerce and trade. The farmers and producers are meant to be thankful for the crumbs thrown to them. How many farmers have you heard complaining "they cannot survive much longer because costs and overheads are greater than the prices they receive for their production"? They are in fact subsidising the export markets through their losses, and the nation as a whole is sustaining physical losses the real wealth of the nation, that which remains of our manufacturing, the minerals and foodstuffs exported for 'money'. Readers might be interested to know The tourist 'industry' is now bringing into the country $17.1 billion a year... this means we 'import' tourists to eat our food, sleep in our beds, and we provide entertainments, roads and transport systems, so they in turn will bring in (import) enough money, so that we can be paid to service them, to buy the goods we produce ourselves. Readers may remember the letter Mr. Joe
Bryant wrote to Mark Vale on the GATS. It is worth repeating
a portion: Based on past performance and your current, continued insistence that there is nothing compulsory in the GATS, I know of no reason to trust you or the administration. In fact, we have every reason not to trust you or the administration... It is unbelievable that a Commonwealth of Australia Parliament would even contemplate handing over control of our internal affairs to an international body, in particular one that is the instrument of international cartels. Why, as the world is shaking off imperial colonialism, are we willingly signing up, in an even worse form of the same concept, with world trade pirates at the helm? It is also unbelievable that such a treacherous decision was made, and continues with the full support of the parliament and the administration, virtually in secret. I am not prepared to accept the utter bull about needing GATS to increase exports. As this is your, many time repeated, stand, it shows me that you have no idea whatsoever about the essentials for fair trade; or alternatively you and your parliamentary associates are purposely deceiving the Australian public... Trade is about five things, demand, price, reliability of delivery, quality and neutrality. It has nothing to do with bi-lateral agreements, as is repeatedly exposed by major powers complying with GATT only when it suits them. What it seems is not understood, is that Australia is the only country that honoured the GATT and our economic situation has been devastated as a result. With this experience it is totally incompetent and an act of treachery against the Australian people to enter into the GATS, as this will be compounded by continuing to participate in the GATS negotiations, and in fact by not rejecting GATS totally. GATS is designed to open up Australia and other countries to cartels operating from low wage (slave wage) countries; the level playing field, a bowl of rice a day for the workers lucky enough to have a job. What we need is a Minister, and an administration
with common sense, guts and the best interests of Australia
as their goal, not a gang of compliant big-business lackeys;
but an administration that will immediately, totally reject
GATS." Editor's note: Older On Target readers will remember a former politician, in a stinging reply to a supporter's letter about the New World Order, claiming the NWO "was a figment of the imagination of the Australian League of Rights"! |
IAN PLIMER GLOBAL WARMING DISSIDENTby Antonia Feitz He thinks the slight increases in temperature
since 1976 could be due to other factors than increased CO2
levels In his review Buckell noted that Plimer is the man who took on the creationists. Now he's taking on the environmental activists over global warming. Bravo. Note I spoke to an Australian academic in earth sciences who is a friend and colleague of Plimer. He too was sceptical of the hysterical claims being made about imminent ecological catastrophe. But like stem cell research, there's money and careers in the environmental armageddon. He thinks that the CO2 increase due to the Industrial Revolution is a blip among much bigger forces. He also said sea-level rises have been "miniscule". It seems that the much-touted claim of scientific consensus about global warming is so much hot air. And you really have to wonder about
people who regard catastrophes as "useful" in their propaganda
wars. A recent editorial in Science said: "Communicating the
fact of climate change is a complex process involving political
leadership, science, public pressure, and even perhaps a useful
catastrophe or two to illuminate the issues." (2/8/02, p.737).
WESTERN AUSTRALIA CONSERVATIVE SPEAKERS' CLUBGuest speaker Mr. Phillip Benwell, MBE, National Chairman of the Australian Monarchist League. The meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 8th, 2002, at The Victoria League WA Inc., Victoria League House, 276 Onslow Road, Shenton Park, WA. Cost is $30.00 per head. RSVP Thursday, October 3rd. For bookings contact Maureen Burton, Tel/Fax (08) 9574 6042, or write to The State Secretary, PO Box 163, Chidlow, WA, 6556. A comprehensive range of books and tapes will be on sale. A date not to be missed! |
NOW'S THE TIME TO MAKE PLANS FOR THE NATIONAL WEEKENDFrom Friday, October 11th (New Times Dinner) through to and including Sunday, October 13th, 2002. It promises to be an outstanding event... make every effort to be there! "NEW TIMES" DINNER "Celebrating the Year of Jubilee": Friday, October 11th, 2002. Dinner Guest Speaker is Mr. Phillip Benwell, MBE, and his address is entitled: "The Queen on her Jubilee". Venue is Main Function Room, The Hume Motor Inn, 406 Wodonga Place, Albury, NSW, 2640. Dinner price: $27.00 per person for a buffet style 3-course meal; bar facilities available. Dinner bookings no later than Friday, October 4th, 2002. SEMINAR "Heralding the Year of Jubilee": Registration from 12.30pm. Commences, 1.15pm, Saturday, October 12th. Admission to Seminar: $15.00 per person. Four excellent speakers have been invited for the weekend. Seminar speakers: Nigel Jackson, Melbourne writer, schoolteacher and author of "The Case for David Irving". Nigel will focus on, "The Queen's Justice and the International Criminal Court". Michael Lane, editor of American social credit publication "Triumph of the Past", "One Successful Experiment Would Do More Than $Millions in Advertising". Phillip Benwell, MBE, National Chairman, Australian Monarchist League. He observed "we have gone from despotic rule to an elective dictatorship!" The title of his paper is, "Our Developing Democracy". Jeremy Lee, authority on the New World Order, writer, author and lecturer will be speaking on "The Crunch and the Critical Moment". 2002 is also the fiftieth year since the death of C.H. Douglas, which we will also commemorate another 'jubilee' event. Whilst the situation looks grim, Jeremy Lee reminds us of Douglas' observation, "Every aspect of evil appears to be in the ascendancy..." His implication is that when every hope of a breakthrough is lost, the momentum of evil exhausts even itself. At that moment a lever applied in the right place by an absurdly small number can help change things! DIVINE SERVICE & ACTION CONFERENCE Sunday, October 13th: It is planned the Sunday will be a full day for those who can stay on. Make every effort to do so. Plan to travel back home on the Monday. Michael Lane is making a special effort to be at the weekend all the way from the USA! We will give him extra time on the Sunday to further develop the ideas he is keen to present. New books to be launched: Another League initiative! A number of 'hot off the press' books will be launched at the weekend, including two of Michael Lane's. Venue is the same as last year: The Hume Inn, 406 Wodonga Place, Albury, NSW. No more time-wasting and frustration trying to find parking spots in busy, hectic Melbourne. Good reports were received from those who attended last year. A wide choice of accommodation is available in Albury, plenty of service clubs for good meals, and the food, facilities and accommodation at the motel very satisfactory. We have 'block booked' a number of rooms for League people at the motel The Hume Inn in Albury, NSW. Phone early and make your bookings: Phone (02) 6021 2733 or Fax (02) 6041 2239. |
HELP YOURSELF TO GOOD HEALTHMEA TAPES offer the following four (4) fantastic health tapes for $25 posted: "Cancer the Winnable War" by Phillip Day; "Dead Doctors Don't Lie" by Dr. J. Wallach; "Women's Bodies Women's Power" by Dr. John Lee; "Livestock Health & Productivity" by P. Coleby. Don't be one of those Australians suffering from chronic ill health or premature terminal illness, or one of the 30% falling to cancer! Take back control over your own health. A complete health catalogue with every order. MEA Tapes, Box 248, East Caulfield, Vic., 3145. |