home of ... Douglas Social Credit
27 September 2002. Thought for the Week:
"The third temptation of Christ: to acquire power over all
the kingdoms of the earth (i.e. megapolitics) in return for
an act of worship of the Evil One (i.e. that Power which corrupts
politics) is a temptation impossible to resist by any person
or group which sets out to improve the lot of Mankind in a
big way.
Indeed, few of those who automatically fall for it are aware that it is a temptation at all. It is taken for granted that if you want to do anything in a big way you must 'succeed' in attracting the favour of the Powers that Be, the greatest and most corrupting of which is the Money-Power." "The Local World" by Geoffrey Dobbs, 1995 |
WAR-MONGERS RIDING ROUGH-SHODby Jeremy Lee The Australian (11/9/02) reported: ".....Three 'core ventures' were agreed ExxonMobil led the largest, a $US15 billion project with Shell, BP and Conoco-Phillips as partners. The second venture, also led by Exxon, included Occidental and Marathon; the third comprised Shell and TotalFinaElf ...." Saudi Arabia, fearing a foreign takeover,
is in danger of losing the projects, while Iraq under the
wily Saddam, is wooing the multinationals. The report continued: Saudi Arabia, with debt-service payments
of $US7 billion this year and an anticipated Budget Deficit
this year of $12 billion, is being stretched over the barrel,
and has suddenly agreed to provide a base for the US in a
war against neighbouring Iraq. One week later, under the headline
Herald (16/9/02) reported: Since the Gulf war in 1991, companies
from more than a dozen countries, including France, Russia,
China, India, Italy, Vietnam and Algeria, have sought to reach
agreements with Iraq on exploiting its oil. But Iraqi opposition
officials said they would not be bound by any of the deals.
'Our oil policies should be decided by a government in Iraq
elected by the people,' a spokesman said." Fat chance! |
ASIAN NATIONS SPEAK OUT AGAINST WARMalaysia's Prime Minister, Dr. Mahathir, has said that, with the re-admittance of weapons inspectors, the original reasons for economic sanctions against Iraq have gone. Malaysia was one of a number of nations pressing for inspectors before any war was initiated. New Zealand Prime Minister Helen Clark said her country was ready to contribute specialists to the UN team of weapons inspectors. "Hopefully we can put the issue of Iraq behind us as a threat to the world and get the focus back on some of the other outstanding problems like Israel and Palestine which needs the good will of the Arab world to be resolved," she said. The Jakarta Post (11/9/02) the
Indonesian national paper, said in its Editorial on that date:
"Why, then, after September 11 last year, do we detect a dissipation
of that great reservoir of goodwill towards the US, and perhaps
even disillusionment? The main reason, it would seem, is the
situation in the Middle East, especially the rigid US role
in its attempt to mediate in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
A second cause of the thinning sympathy for the US one year
after the September 11 attacks is Washington's determination
to bring about a change of regime in Iraq. The deprived peoples
of the world would like to see that same intensity of determination,
the same proficiency in marshalling resources and the same
persuasive techniques for galvanizing world opinion be applied
by the US for reducing the very basic issue of poverty and
environmental degradation. Which is a very common point of view, not only throughout the Islamic world, but in a number of western nations as well. What would the situation have been if, instead of the huge expenditure on destruction in the Balkans, Iraq, Afghanistan and Vietnam, the same resources had been applied to providing water, useful small technology and self-sufficiency in the under-developed nations? It is safe to say there would have been a much warmer attitude towards America. |
FEW DARE TALK ABOUT THE 'CORE' ISSUESAlthough Islamic nations have made it
plain that they see the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as the
greatest single issue in their antipathy to the West, most
media discussions are 'scrubbed clean' of comment in this
area. Former Opposition shadow Foreign Affairs Minister, the
cadaverous Laurie Brereton currently serving at the UN General
Assembly has said what others dare not say (Australian
Financial Review, 17/9/02): Veteran journalist Alan Ramsey (The
Sydney Morning Herald, 11/9/02) also wrote courageously: Does this mean that Prime Minister John Howard and Foreign Affairs Minister Alexander Eiderdown will demand a more even-handed approach in the Israeli-Palestinian war? Or that Labor leader Simon Crean will become a statesman by speaking out on such an issue? You'd have a better chance betting on an outsider in the Melbourne Cup! |
TOBEN ORDERED TO REMOVE WEBSITE MATERIALby Betty Luks Complainant Mr. Jeremy Jones, president
of the Executive Council of Australian Jewry says "Organised
racists are more and more spreading their venom over the Internet...They
masquerade hatred as historical research." Adelaide Advertiser,
September 18th, 2002. Dr. Toben warns free speech in Australia
'now dead' "Justice Branson has begun to create official historical discourse by limiting our historical enquiry, thereby laying the foundation for an ideological interpretation of history. That's what the Soviet Union and its allies did with their historical lies... the foundations for Australia's Gulag has been laid. I am now to refrain from stating that Krema I and Krema II did not contain homicidal gas chambers, when in fact this is a factually true statement. Fritjof Meyer stay out of Australia. I am now not permitted to state that there is indeed a 'Holocaust' racket. Norman Finkelstein, stay out of Australia! I wonder who will be next!" |
DO THESE CHARACTERS EVER ENGAGE WITH BEAUTY?by Anne Crossons So why is the extermination of the human
race so high on the agenda of world leaders, global economists
and so many politically correct activists? Where do all these
malcontents come from? How do they get to be so filled with
hatred and contempt for the human race? I like people. I like children. I am here looking out into my garden and the little wrens and robins, the spinebills and honeyeaters are nesting, the maggies and parrots are busy feeding their faces. My dog is snoozing in the sun and the daffodils are blooming fit to bust. We have food wasting, resources untapped, money that could do good accumulating in the hands of evil, avaricious men. Medical knowledge and medicines that could free people from disease and ill-health only available to the wealthy. Most of the world's people live in bitter poverty and despair. And all the world's leaders can offer us is WW3. I planted some lovely roses this year.
All lovingly named by their breeders. Mrs.Oakley Fisher, Sir
Donald Bradman, Aeteroa, Valerie Swain, and others. How satisfying
it must be to breed beauty! What is it that inspires some
to create lasting testimonials to God and Nature and some
to create wanton destruction? What if George Bush bred roses?
How is John Howard's garden? Does he have one? And if so,
does he ever work in it? Do these characters ever engage with
beauty? Or are they simply soul-bloody-dead? |
DID YOU KNOW?On January 18th, 2000, following discussions between Philip Benwell MBE, National Chairman of the Australian Monarchist League, and fellow Monarchist Julian Brazier TD MP, a Member of the Parliament of the United Kingdom, Mr. Brazier tabled a Ten Minute Rule Bill in the House of Commons proposing that citizens from other countries that recognise the Queen as their Sovereign should be given their own channel at Britain's principal airports. As to be expected it proved to be impossible to obtain the support of the Blair Socialist Government and the matter is left waiting for a future change of Government. 90% OF ASYLUM REJECTS DO NOT LEAVE BRITAIN The following report from the Sunday Times, UK, should be of interest to Australians in the light of the latest news from the Woomera detention camp, South Australia. The women and children from the camp have been allowed to move to the nearest town and the proposal is that the fathers now be allowed 'visiting rights'! This is but a short step to them being 'released into the community'. Remember we are talking about illegal refugees who have, in most cases (refer On Target Vol.38 No.30) had their claims for 'refugee' status investigated and rejected but refuse to go home! What sort of wool is the Howard government trying to pull over our eyes? "NINE out of 10 refugees whose asylum applications were refused last year remain illegally in Britain, according to a new study of the country's immigration crisis. The study, which has been circulated in Whitehall and will be presented to a senior House of Commons committee this week, states that 97,500 immigrants who should have been deported last year as a result of Home Office decisions remained in the country illegally. The report is to be presented by Sir Andrew Green, a former British ambassador to Saudi Arabia and a senior Foreign Office diplomat. He is now chairman of Migrationwatch UK, an independent think tank set up last October to monitor the government's immigration and asylum policies. In evidence to the select committee
on home affairs on Tuesday, Green will say that the government's
policy of removing illegal refugees is a sham. He will tell
the committee: "The plain fact is that asylum seekers are
arriving at a rate of about 100,000 a year and being removed
at a rate of 10,000 a year. So anyone who claims asylum has
a 90% chance of remaining in Britain, irrespective of the
merits of his claim." Green's figures do not include immigrants
who smuggled themselves into the country or visitors and students
who have overstayed their visas..." |
MISSING OR DELAYED 'ON TARGETS' WE NEED TO KNOWHas your On Target or New Times Survey been delayed in the post recently, or gone astray altogether, but you have not let the Melbourne office know? Some readers have reported the problem which has been taken up with Australia Post, but we need to get the full picture of what is happening. PLEASE LET THE MELBOURNE OFFICE KNOW IF YOU HAVE HAD ANY DELAY IN DELIVERIES OVER THE LAST THREE OR FOUR WEEKS; OR HAVE NOT RECEIVED YOUR JOURNALS AT ALL. Phone (03) 9650 9749 and let the Melbourne office know. |
WESTERN AUSTRALIA CONSERVATIVE SPEAKERS' CLUBGuest speaker Mr. Phillip Benwell, MBE, National Chairman of the Australian Monarchist League. The meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 8th, 2002, at The Victoria League WA Inc., Victoria League House, 276 Onslow Road, Shenton Park, WA. Cost is $30.00 per head. RSVP Thursday, October 3rd. For bookings contact Maureen Burton, Tel/Fax (08) 9574 6042, or write to The State Secretary, PO Box 163, Chidlow, WA, 6556. A comprehensive range of books and tapes will be on sale. A date not to be missed! |
HAVE YOU FINALISED YOUR PLANS FOR THE NATIONAL WEEKEND?From Friday, October 11th (New Times Dinner) through to and including Sunday, October 13th, 2002. It promises to be an outstanding event... make every effort to be there! We expect to see the Victorians and New South Welshmen turn up in large numbers. Every year, for the last fifty-five years, interstate folk have travelled many hundreds and/or thousands of miles to be at the National Weekend in Melbourne, whereas the locals have only had to hop on a bus, train or tram. Now it is the Vics and NSWelshmen's turn to make the effort. "NEW TIMES" DINNER "Celebrating the Year of Jubilee": Friday, October 11th, 2002. Dinner Guest Speaker is Mr. Phillip Benwell, MBE, and his address is entitled: "The Queen on her Jubilee". Venue is Main Function Room, The Hume Motor Inn, 406 Wodonga Place, Albury, NSW, 2640. Dinner price: $27.00 per person for a buffet style 3-course meal; bar facilities available. Dinner bookings no later than Friday, October 4th, 2002. SEMINAR "Heralding the Year of Jubilee": Registration from 12.30pm. Commences, 1.15pm, Saturday, October 12th. Admission to Seminar: $15.00 per person. Four excellent speakers have been invited for the weekend. Seminar speakers: Nigel Jackson, Melbourne writer, schoolteacher and author of "The Case for David Irving". Nigel will focus on, "The Queen's Justice and the International Criminal Court". Michael Lane, editor of American social credit publication "Triumph of the Past", "One Successful Experiment Would Do More Than $Millions in Advertising". Phillip Benwell, MBE, National Chairman, Australian Monarchist League. He observed "we have gone from despotic rule to an elective dictatorship!" The title of his paper is, "Our Developing Democracy". Jeremy Lee, authority on the New World Order, writer, author and lecturer will be speaking on "The Crunch and the Critical Moment". 2002 is also the fiftieth year since the death of C.H. Douglas, which we will also commemorate another 'jubilee' event. Whilst the situation looks grim, Jeremy Lee reminds us of Douglas' observation, "Every aspect of evil appears to be in the ascendancy..." His implication is that when every hope of a breakthrough is lost, the momentum of evil exhausts even itself. At that moment a lever applied in the right place by an absurdly small number can help change things! DIVINE SERVICE & ACTION CONFERENCE Sunday, October 13th: It is planned the Sunday will be a full day for those who can stay on. Make every effort to do so. Plan to travel back home on the Monday. Michael Lane is making a special effort to be at the weekend all the way from the USA! We will give him extra time on the Sunday to further develop the ideas he is keen to present. New books to be launched: Another League initiative! A number of 'hot off the press' books will be launched at the weekend, including two of Michael Lane's. Venue is the same as last year: The Hume Inn, 406 Wodonga Place, Albury, NSW. No more time-wasting and frustration trying to find parking spots in busy, hectic Melbourne. Good reports were received from those who attended last year. A wide choice of accommodation is available in Albury, plenty of service clubs for good meals, and the food, facilities and accommodation at the motel very satisfactory. We have 'block booked' a number of rooms for League people at the motel The Hume Inn in Albury, NSW. Phone early and make your bookings: Phone (02) 6021 2733 or Fax (02) 6041 2239. |
HELP YOURSELF TO GOOD HEALTHMEA TAPES offer the following four (4) fantastic health tapes for $25 posted: "Cancer the Winnable War" by Phillip Day; "Dead Doctors Don't Lie" by Dr. J. Wallach; "Women's Bodies Women's Power" by Dr. John Lee; "Livestock Health & Productivity" by P. Coleby. Don't be one of those Australians suffering from chronic ill health or premature terminal illness, or one of the 30% falling to cancer! Take back control over your own health. A complete health catalogue with every order. MEA Tapes, Box 248, East Caulfield, Vic., 3145. |
IMPORTANT BOOKS"The Best Democracy Money Can Buy" by Greg Palast: $66.00 posted. Greg Palast has dug deep to unearth the ugly facts that few reporters working anywhere in the world today have the courage to cover. His uncanny investigative skills as well as his acerbic wit and no-holds-barred style have made him an anathema among magnates on four continents and a legend among his colleagues and his devoted readership worldwide. Palast is the first investigative reporter who revealed how Katherine Hams and Jeb Bush removed thousands of Democrats from voter rolls before the Presidential election. The explosive stories from Salon.com, the Washington Post, and the Guardian are included here, expanded with new evidence. There is the story behind his cover operation "Lobbygate"; of corruption at the heart of Tony Blair's government, which earned him the distinction of being the first journalist ever berated on the floor of Parliament by a prime minister. Palast, working with a cache of documents from inside the World Bank, IMF and WTO shines a light on the dark machinery of the Iron Triangle of Globalization, what Jude Wanniski of the Wall Street Journal called, "Great writing on the Evil Empire of the IMF." "Fascist Europe Rising" by Rodney Atkinson: $46.00 posted. Author Rodney Atkinson's latest book "Fascist Europe Rising: the Repression and Resurgence of Democratic Nations" is a reading must for those interested and concerned with what is happening in Britain and Europe. There are many lessons for Australians to learn. As the constitution of the Danish people rightly asserts, "It is by law you build the land" and no other regime in world history has achieved so much imperial conquest by merely generating the law to build their land as has the so-called 'European Union' (EU). Eastern Europe wants only to trade freely with the countries of Western Europe but the EU forcefully prevents that, offering to remove trade barriers only when those nations surrender their hard-won constitutional nationhood. In the modern era of the universal franchise each parliament only represents (for its statutory term) the true sovereigns, the People. The end of sovereignty is the end of democracy. During the 1930s and 1940s, as today, there were few terms with which European Fascism was more happy than The New World Order reflecting as it does notions of power, global ambition, order (i.e. control) and contempt for democratic nationhood. "In This Age of Plenty" by Louis Even: $32.00 posted. This book presents the concept of a saner, more balanced world. It presents a view of a money system, that would free society from purely financial problems. It takes the power away from the fraudsters, the manipulators, of the present system and it makes money a simple servant, a mere book-keeping system, and a just one. The author Louis Even outlines the Social Credit financial proposals, conceived by the Scottish engineer Clifford Hugh Douglas. It proposes to reform the money system in order to release the 'social credit' of the community. The production system does not distribute purchasing power to everyone. It distributes it only to those who are employed in production. And the more the production comes from the machine, the less it comes from human labour. In this technological, automated, industrialized age, production continues to increase, whereas human employment decreases, so there is continuing conflict between progress, which eliminates the need for human labour, and the system, which distributes purchasing power only to the employed. Everyone has the right to live, even those who are not employed. This is why, without in any way disturbing the system of reward for work, Social Credit would distribute to every individual a periodical income called a "Social Dividend". This dividend would allow everyone to enjoy the fruits of progress. |