home of ... Douglas Social Credit
1 November 2002. Thought for the Week: "Perhaps no modern
writer (such as Herman Daly) has contributed more high-quality work... to a critical
understanding of his discipline. His criticism of orthodox economics is that it
comprehensively and consistently commits the 'fallacy of misplaced concreteness'...
In other words this fallacy involves theoreticians forgetting the level of abstraction
involved and mistaking the model for reality... The ignorance of biophysical reality
in the orthodox economic assumption that man-made capital is a near-perfect substitute
for natural capital is an example. In our opinion, cosmopolitanism and economic globalism also embrace the fallacy of misplaced concreteness. Operating with abstract philosophical and economic models of 'one world', it is assumed that the actual world, and indeed even extant nations, will operate in accordance with the model. This... is simply not so." "Healing a Wounded World" by J. Smith, G. Lyons & G. Sauer-Thompson, 1997 |
IMF PATS OZ ON THE BACKby Jeremy Lee Well,
that should be balm to the souls of the destitute! We can't imagine why the demonstrators,
soothed by such obvious sincerity, did not immediately go home! Perhaps a clue
can be gleaned from the IMF's latest report on Australia. Veteran economist Ross
Gittins, writing in the weekend edition of the Sydney Morning Herald (28-29/9/02),
under the headlines Now we can see where Peter Costello gets his rich stock of clichés! However, the IMF is still not satisfied that Australia has done enough. The major priority is to: "....'enhance incentives to work, save and invest' by reforming the personal income tax system so all the changes we made as part of the GST package just two years ago don't rate apparently. "No (Ross Gittins added), the further change we need 'in particular' is to cut the top tax rate, which applies to incomes in excess of $60,000 a year. "The top marginal tax rate at 47 percent kicks in at a relatively low income level (one that is about two times median income) and is high relative to the corporate income tax rate, which has been reduced to 30 percent,' the IMF explains. "'This disparity has distorted economic behaviour by creating substantial incentives for tax avoidance. The (IMF) staff recommends that efforts be made to bring the top marginal tax rate down over time to a level in line with the corporate income tax rate and that the income threshold at which it applies be raised substantially.' So this is the IMF's 'magic bullet' the single change that would really transform our economy. Let's look at it. "What's being adopted is a hugely expensive tax cut, but one limited to just the roughly 10 percent of taxpayers that earn over $60,000. So someone on $100,000 a year would get a saving of $6,800 a year ...." At the other end of the scale, however, low-income Australians are getting too much: "... As for industrial relations, the main problem is that our minimum wages 'remain very high in Australia relative to other advanced economies'. If they were lower this would 'enhance employment prospects for low-skilled workers'. "So there you have the IMF's expert analysis of our economy's remaining woes. The first part of our problem is that our rich are motivated solely by money, so they must be given the carrot of huge tax cuts. "Our poor, on the other hand, are lazy and utterly unmotivated by money, so they should be given more stick to get them off their backsides....." Whew! No wonder the IMF is the darling of the world's poor! The globalist way to close the gap between rich and poor! |
THE CAUSES OF TERRORISMA few of our more courageous journalists are suggesting Australian leaders should do more to identify why there is such a venomous hatred of the West, providing a spawning ground for terrorism. Geoffrey Barker (Australian Financial Review, 21/10/02) concluded his article with this comment: ".... Hill and Howard would do well to read the British Government's 2000 White Paper on globalsation. It warns that without action to reduce poverty and ignorance, to give hope to the oppressed and the dispossessed, the curses of war and terrorism will increasingly stalk the earth." While the IMF continues with its present policies of guarding the Barons of Bankruptcy, and defending their monopoly control of the world's mortgage, there is little chance of eradicating terrorism. |
JOB CREATION NOT INCLUDEDOne of the last great railway extensions is under way in Australia, the link between Alice Springs and Darwin. The idea is that, when completed, Darwin will become Australia's Asian Gateway. The railway will extend 1420 km (about 850 miles in the old language). The project started in April 2001, and by July this year (15 months) 304 km of track had been completed, 921 km of corridor had been cleared, 747 km of embankment built, 591 km of the capping layer completed and 30 of the 97 bridges built (AFR, 10/10/02) 583,000 of the two million required concrete sleepers, and half the two million tones of ballast have been produced. And
how many does this giant project directly employ? About 1,200 people. Australia's
gang of four major banks "downsize" more than that each year. In contrast to the
Transcontinental railway built during World War I, which was Australian financed,
built and owned, the Alice-Darwin venture is being built by a foreign consortium,
the Asia Pacific Transport company, made up of Halliburton KBR, Barclay Mowlem,
the John Holland Group, Macmahon, Australian Railway Group and SANT. The consortium
will own and operate the railway for 50 years before handing it back to the South
Australian and Northern Territory governments. While we're on the question of unemployment rates, John Quiggin (AFR, 12/9/02) commented: ".... Taking both official unemployment and disability support into account, Australia's current performance on unemployment is best described as mediocre to poor. Official rates of 6 percent unemployment, bad as they are, do not tell the whole story. About 400,000 Australian men of working age are receiving disability or sickness benefits. This is about 6 percent of the working age population, compared with less than 2 percent in the late 1960s .... Adding the 300,000 extra disability beneficiaries to the official count of 370,000 unemployed, we get an unemployment rate of about 12 percent for males. And this does not count those who have taken advantage of early access to the age pension, or have no income at all ...." So we need a minimum of at least another 300 Alice-to-Darwin railways to soak up the unemployment. And even that would only do it for about three or four years! Or perhaps we can put them all to work in the Australian Tax Department, helping the IMF programme for future prosperity! |
the Melbourne Press Club's journalism conference castigated suppression of information
and government secrecy, according to Barclay Crawford (AFR, 10/10/02): "Not only were there far more public relations advisers than journalists, but many journalism-trained policy advisers were part of the government. The best example was Bob Carr's Labor Government, whose poaching operation had stripped the press gallery. 'The Education Department is a mini newsroom of former experienced media identities," Uechtritz said. "A recent survey of public relations workers found that one in four admitted to lying on the job. 'I wonder what percentage of those lied in their response,' he added." Ah, well! It all helps to provide "full employment". But it sounds more like the old Lenin School of Political Warfare that a sincerely-committed government in a free society. |
AN INDIVIDUAL'S DEEDSAn Asian university student
living in Melbourne, recently killed two of his classmates and wounded others,
and has been charged with murder. We do not absolve this individual from his actions
by calling it by another name. What about the Individual Decisions taken by the
Ruling Elite? Why do we absolve the ruling elite from their actions just because
they say they do it in the 'name of Australia' or 'the war on terrorism' or 'good
versus evil'? John
Pilger is right to say ("Australian Government Lethal Hypocrisy", October 17th,
2002): How can individual politicians be absolved of decisions taken, whilst members of governments, which the end result is wholesale bloodshed and deaths, yet the young Asian student is made responsible for his act? The politicians may not have fired the guns or dropped the bombs, but it was the decisions made by them which set the war machines in motion resulting in the deaths and destruction. The idea that even kings are responsible, as kings, for their actions was once understood and accepted by the British peoples. It is the concept of personal responsibility and the idea is interwoven into the concept of kingship. C.H. Douglas warned us: There is no such thing as an effective 'national responsibility,' it is pure abstractionism under cover of which oppression and tyranny to individuals, which would not be tolerated if inflicted by a personal ruler, escape effective criticism. ("Social Credit") |
BEWARE THE FALSE PATRIOTISMby Betty Luks The present call for its reinstatement has more to do with Australians becoming more and more disenchanted with, and angrily distrustful of politicians and their masters, rather than a burst of genuine patriotism within the hearts and minds of the ruling elite. It was G.K. Chesterton who said words to the effect: "The Patriot loves his Patria but the Cosmopolitan does not the Cosmos." |
'THE HEARTS AND MINDS' OF THE AUSTRALIAN PEOPLE"Beware the False Patriotism" was written before Paul Kelly's "Hearts and minds" article was published in The Australian, October 26th, 2002, and Kelly's article illustrates the points made. He writes of "the recasting" of John Howard as a "figure of unity" having "divided the nation so bitterly for much of his prime ministership"; the new unifying role which Kelly thinks is "bizarre". "For
the first time his portrait of the common man as Prime Minister has emotional
resonance. Howard has grieved with the people and for the people, and grief is
a cathartic force. Howard told me this week that Bali 'as tragedies often do,
has stripped away inhibitions'. Mr. Kelly continues, "It has stripped away Howard's
inhibitions, not just those of the families and friends of the victims. All his
28 years in public life, Howard has been a bottled-up MP and a bottled-up PM.
The Bali tragedy has unbuttoned, briefly, his emotional straitjacket. For Howard
it has opened a journey of self-discovery." In the recasting of John Howard into a "unifying" figure and a "caring person" the act of which "has emotional resonance," the Australian public is once again being psycho-politically manipulated by the 'spin doctors'. For those who have eyes to see, the policy behind the 'recasting of Howard' can easily be seen. The media is cynically playing on human emotions in the wake of the Bali Tragedy but there are ulterior motives. There is another agenda. It must be understood and recognised the 'doctors of spin' are trained in the art of mass mind control. Noam Chomsky has done us a great favour by explaining how this 'spin doctoring' works ("Manufacturing Consent", Pantheon Books, 1988): "Stress on indignation, shock, and demands for justice. Steady and wholly sympathetic attention is given to demonstrators, mourners, weeping people, masses held in honour of the victims, and expressions of outrage... The population 'continues to mourn', and 'public outrage mounted'. The objective behind this 'day-in-day-out repetition of outrage and indignation' is to call very forcible attention to the need for 'more control'. In Australia's case, it is to put the federal Government 'on the spot' to initiate tighter 'anti-terrorism' laws and in the wake of the Melbourne shootings 'tighter gun control'. |
ROBERT FISK HOW TO SHUT UP YOUR CRITICSWe reproduce below a portion of a Robert Fisk article which appeared in The Independent, UK, October 21st, 2002 Thank God, I often say, for the
Israeli press. For where else will you find the sort of courageous condemnation
of Israel's cruel and brutal treatment of the Palestinians? Where else can we
read that Moshe Ya'alon, Ariel Sharon's new chief of staff, described the "Palestinian
threat" as "like a cancer there are all sorts of solutions to cancerous manifestations.
For the time being, I am applying chemotherapy". You will have to read all this in Ma'ariv, Ha'aretz or Yediot Ahronot because in much of the Western world, a vicious campaign of slander is being waged against any journalist or activist who dares to criticise Israeli policies or those that shape them. The all-purpose slander of "anti-Semitism" is now used with ever-increasing promiscuity against anyone people who condemn the wickedness of Palestinian suicide bombings every bit as much as they do the cruelty of Israel's repeated killing of children in an attempt to shut them up. Daniel Pipes and Martin Kramer of the Middle East Forum now run a website in the United States to denounce academics who are deemed to have shown "hatred of Israel". One of the eight professors already on this contemptible McCarthyite list it is grotesquely called "Campus Watch" committed the unpardonable sin of signing a petition in support of the Palestinian scholar Edward Said. Pipes wants students to inform on professors who are guilty of "campus anti-Semitism". The University of North Carolina is being targeted apparently because freshmen were required to read passages from the Koran along with Harvard where, like students in many other US universities, undergraduates are demanding that their colleges disinvest in companies that sell weapons to Israel.
In some cases, American universities which happily disinvested in tobacco companies
have now taken the step of blocking all student access to their records of investment.
Lawrence Summers, the Jewish president of Harvard, has denounced "profoundly anti-Israel
views" in "progressive intellectual communities", that are I enjoyed this academic
sleight of hand "advocating and taking actions that are anti-semitic in their
effect if not their intent". Ted Honderich, a Canadian-born philosopher who teaches at University College London, tells me that Oxfam has refused to accept £5,000 plus other royalties from his new book After the Terror following a campaign against him in the Toronto-based Globe and Mail. Now I happen to take issue with some of Professor Honderich's conclusions and I think his book praised by the American-Jewish scholar Noam Chomsky meanders. I especially don't like his assertion that Palestinians, in trying to free themselves from occupation, have a "moral right to terrorism". Blowing up children in pizzerias and Professor Honderich's book is not an endorsement of such atrocities is a crime against humanity. There is no moral right to do this. But what in God's name is Oxfam doing refusing Professor Honderich's money for its humanitarian work? Who was behind this?... It is left, of course, to the likes of Uri Avneri in Israel to state that "the Sharon government is a giant laboratory for the growing of the anti-Semitism virus". He rightly says that by smearing those who detest the persecution of the Palestinians as anti-Semites, "the sting is taken out of this word, giving it something approaching respectability". But we can take comfort that 28 brave academics have signed a petition condemning President George Bush's build-up to war and Israel's support for it and warning that the Israeli government may be contemplating crimes against humanity on the Palestinians, including ethnic cleansing. Have Mr. Pipes and his chums put the names of these good men and women on their hate list? You bet they haven't. Because all of them are Israeli scholars at Israeli universities. I wonder why we weren't told about this. |
SYDNEY CONSERVATIVE SPEAKERS' CLUBThe next meeting of the Sydney Conservative Speakers' Club is to be held on Wednesday, November 27th, commencing at 7.30pm. Venue is the Lithuanian Club, 16 East Terrace, Bankstown; it is situated only 600 metres from the Bankstown Railway Station. Guest Speaker is Mr. David Hooper who will speak on "Aspects of British Israel". Cost of attendance is $4 and books will be on display from the Heritage Book Service. * For those who wish to do so, an excellent meal can be obtained from the Polish Club, which is directly opposite the venue. This will be the last meeting for the year of 2002. |
HOT OFF THE PRESS!Hot off the press! SOCIAL CREDIT BOOKS! "Clifford Hugh Douglas" by Anthony Cooney. Heralded as the Einstein of economics, Douglas gave a glimpse of reality to the world. He warned that debt, heavy taxation and inflation was inevitable under centralised financial policies which are in need of correction. "What a rumpus the New Age created in the Socialist and Labor camps when first this defence of dividends for everybody, irrespective of work, made its appearance. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Webb were touched to their puritanic quick!" writes Anthony Cooney. "Clifford Hugh Douglas".................. $5.50 posted. "Social Credit Asterisks" by Anthony Cooney: A century ago C.H. Douglas revealed to the world that banks create money out of nothing. He challenged the monopoly of credit and those who control it. Increasing and unrepayable world debt has rekindled interest in Douglas' works, his practical proposals and glimpse of reality. "Social Credit Asterisks" ........................ $8.50 posted. "Hilaire Belloc" by Anthony Cooney: "If we do not restore the Institution of Property we cannot escape restoring the Institution of Slavery." An introduction to this celebrated thinker and writer. He challenged the state on social and economic issues by contending that the dignity of man as a rational being require both freedom and security. "Hilaire Belloc"...................... $6.50 posted. "One Sword at Least G.K. Chesterton" by Anthony Cooney. A glimpse at the genius of Chesterton, author of over 100 books, poet, journalist, editor, controversialist, biographer, publisher, playwright, debater. "One Sword at Least G. K. Chesterton" ......................... $8.00 posted. "Charles Ferguson Herald of Social Credit" by Michael Lane. Those who possess the skills hold the whip-hand of financial power if they did but know it. And there is no great difficulty about their being made to know it. Indeed the secret can no longer be kept. "Charles Ferguson Herald of Social Credit" ..................$11.50 posted. "Human Ecology and Social Credit: The Legacy of Tom Robertson" by Michael Lane. That the financial mechanism infiltrates all, means that its raw nerves are exposed at every point. If the octopus has its tentacles everywhere, all you have to do is bite! "Human Ecology & Social Credit" ....................... $9.50 posted. Order any, or all, of the above books from any of the League Book Services. |
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