home of ... Douglas Social Credit
6 December 2002. Thought for the Week: "C.H. Douglas,
Social Credit and the Purchasing-Power 'Gap' (A+B Theorem): ...Douglas said, we
seek to enter into a new type of Civilization. Social Credit seeks a genuine social
and economic transformation: it constitutes the 'Revolution Absolute', in the
words of the American Prof. Gorham Munson. "One can never understand these things
unless, e.g., as Prof. Gorham Munson stated in his Aladdin's Lamp: The Wealth
of the American People (Creative Age Press: New York, 1945), we throw off the
ingrained and erroneous mental habits of a lifetime of thought and rethink things
as we have never thought before. We have been blinded and corrupted by living
in a system of false values and ideas about life and the false economic policies
which have proceeded from these misconceptions. "We Social Crediters are travelling
to a very different destination and we recognize that we will never arrive there
if we confuse and corrupt our means of getting there by admixing Social Credit
and orthodox ideas and policies..." Wallace M. Klinck, Canada, November 27th, 2002 |
Jeremy Lee This is diplomacy with a new twist. Why should Australia not apply for similar assistance if we promise to keep out of any war with Iraq? And now we've withdrawn SAS troops from Afghanistan, we should be good for some military assistance on that account as well. If Israel was required to shoulder the political and economic consequences of her own position in the Middle East, instead of relying on a never-ending aid supply from the US, it might be forced to show more restraint towards the Palestinians. Which in turn would do more to resolve the "war on terrorism" than all the draconian and fearful measures, as the West confronts one incident after another in different parts of the world. With people desperate enough to become suicide bombers in the US, Europe, the Middle East, Indonesia and Africa, there is no 'counter-terrorism' measure that will stop it, however much is spent and however vast the scope of intelligence and surveillance. Until the causes are dealt with, so that the indigenous people of each country are prepared to rid themselves of terrorism, instead of being sullen by-standers watching the West become continually more frantic, the dangers will increase. Israel's belligerence is the biggest single problem. Until it offers the Palestinians a place in the sun, the terrorism war will continue to threaten all of us. So will the refugee crisis. |
BRACKET CREEPFleur Anderson, writing in The Herald Sun (5/11/02), explains graphically what we have been pointing out for some time; that the tax cuts promised in return for the GST have never materialized, and that wage increases have lifted many unsuspecting wage earners into the highest level of income tax, giving the Federal Government a windfall. She pointed out: ".... Australians pay more income tax under this government than ever before. Taxpayers paid $82.4 billion, 16.4 percent of Australia's economic output, in income tax. They can expect to pay 17 per cent of GDP, or $127.3 billion, this financial year. The Federal Opposition said yesterday it would reduce the impact of bracket creep if it won the next election.... The hope that Simon Crean and his merry men could, or would, gain office and reduce the overall tax burden is as elusive as the tooth fairy! Fleur Anderson went on: "University of Melbourne economist Professor Norman Neville said taxpayers lost money because they did not understand tax policy. He said Australians suffered the worst bracket creep on incomes in the world. 'Fiscal drag equals fiscal misunderstanding and Australia is worse than anywhere else in the world,' he said. He said a considerable amount of extra Commonwealth tax revenue was raised through bracket creep. Over the past five years it has become tougher for middle-income earners to get ahead after paying taxes and losing some family tax benefits, a recent study says. The number of Australians who lose 60 cents in tax for every extra dollar they earn has doubled in five years. "The National Centre for Social and Economic Modelling has found a larger proportion of the population face higher effective marginal tax rates in 2002, compared with 1997. And a smaller proportion of taxpayers enjoyed a 'zero' effective marginal tax rate in 2002. The report's author, Gillian Beer, said the result was somewhat surprising given the overhaul of the new tax system. Which only goes to show how naïve some economists can be. All this was quite predictable when Howard and Costello introduced the GST (after promising not to) and assured us it would be counter-balanced by equivalent tax cuts in other areas. What absolute baloney this has proved. "Heavy, progressive, graduated income tax" was one of ten points insisted on by Karl Marx in The Communist Manifesto as a means to socialize the economy. Other points included abolition of private property, a state monopoly of credit, and abolition of the right of inheritance. The "tax reform" continually boasted about by Coalition leaders such as Treasurer Costello is one of the greatest confidence tricks ever played on the Australian people. The result is an ever-growing number who only survive temporarily be getting further and further into debt. |
ELECTIONS SHOW INCREASING VOLATILITYThere has been an unprecedented swing to an incumbent Bracks government in Victoria, the like of which has not been seen since the heady days of Bjelke-Petersen in Queensland. Meanwhile, there has been a revolutionary changing of the guard in ATSIC, the aboriginal parliament, where many of the Councillors have been cast into the outer darkness, and even chairman Geoff Clark looks to be in deep trouble. His fate will not be finally decided until December 19th, when many of his old henchmen won't be there to see him home. Among the new measures insisted on by Minister Phillip Ruddock is that those on the ATSIC Board may have no interests in companies and associations that receive ATSIC money. There will be howls that this is yet one more form of discrimination. But it should have been the case from the beginning. |
THE TRIAL OF HENRY KISSINGERwww.trialofhenrykissinger.org/charges.html If killing hundreds of thousands of innocent peasants by dropping million of tons of bombs on undefended civilian targets is not a war crime, then there are no war crimes. If Kissinger is not responsible for these crimes, then there are no war criminals. (Fred Branfman in Salon). An
indictment of Henry Kissinger for genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes
would include (but not be confined to) the following: |
IN TIMES OF GREAT CRISIS NATIONAL PRAYER COUNTSQueenslanders will remember the cynicism and scorn poured on the former Premier Sir Joh Bjelke-Petersen when he issued a state-wide call for prayers for rain during a drought in his time. To the embarrassment of his detractors, the day of prayer, which he led in his home church in Kingaroy, was followed with widespread relieving rain. Sir Edmund Barton, Australia's second prime minister, Had a "Boke of Praer and Praise" containing over 400 prayers for the Constitution and Australia's future. During World War II King George VI regularly called for special days of prayer, which drew a large response throughout the Commonwealth. At the conclusion of the war he called for prayer in each Commonwealth country for ensuing peace. In earlier times a drought such as Australia is now suffering the worst in over 100 years would surely have prompted leaders at national level, perhaps the Governor-General or the Prime Minister, to call the nation to prayer. The same is true about some of the other seemingly insoluble crises facing Australia the threat of terrorism, the deteriorating race relations and the debt of our nation's households which have so many stressed and anxious. Are we now to proud and 'modern' to consider such a course? Nations as well as individuals are not above the need for repentance. Our present Governor-General, despite the controversy he has been through, is both a church and national leader. Could he be prevailed upon to give Australia a lead in the right direction? He, and other leaders, might be surprised at the response such a call would receive. |
Antonia Feitz To the contrary, many Australians will be shocked that Olga Scully's right to free speech has been judicially curtailed because what she says might 'offend' somebody. Olga Scully's leaflets allegedly claim that the Holocaust didn't happen and that the world banks and media are part of a Jewish conspiracy. So what? Most people probably think Olga Scully is a harmless crank. So why the persecution by the Council of Australian Jewry? People are surely free to make up their own minds about the six million Jews killed figure, especially when few Gentile or even Jewish scholars accept that figure these days. It's not widely known that the six million dead Jews is now an embarrassment. The figures just don't work out which is what the so-called revisionists claim. Our right to free speech has never been absolute. There are defamation laws and other constraints, but the plethora of anti-vilification laws has greatly restricted free speech especially in the English-speaking countries. Before WW2 scholars freely investigated historical events. No longer. Even though history clearly shows that contemporary governments lie and that the victors get to write history, WW2 remains off limits. That the Jewish Chronicle jokingly referred to Olga Scully as a "Holoc-aust-denier" she's an Aussie you see says heaps. Why make a joke of what allegedly has caused great pain? |
John Brett Without the TV you cannot deliver a message, so you must seek the co-operation of the TV. Not to mention the selection of the site and time of the event to suite all involved. It just does not happen, as the TV crew were passing by! So behind events such as this was organization, and that organization would be aiming at an outcome to reward their efforts. As President Roosevelt put it "Nothing happens in politics that is not thought out and planned beforehand". The 'outcome' to date, of the latest burning, has come from politicians who are notable for their absence from the defence of our Flag, when their colleagues were trying to change it. It is only now, when they know that over 90% of Australians favour our existing Flag, do they decide to defend it and seek to have some education in place so that the young may appreciate it. The old adage 'Beware of the Greeks bearing gifts' needs to be heeded. The great difference between how Americans see their Flag, and how Australians see our Flag is clear. Americans now see their Flag as a symbol of POWER and are attempting to exercise that enormous power where Australians still see our Flag as a symbol of Freedom and responsibility, knowing FREEDOM WEARS A CROWN. Any attempt to educate our youth about the origins and meaning of our Flag is admirable, but to re-educate them because of a political agenda needs to be treated with suspicion, and if coming from politicians who did not care about it in its hour of peril, then its needs to be treated as dangerous. |
TAKEN TO TASK ON MY NUMBERSby Betty Luks Ernst Zundel's website reports on the startling (to some) news: "Jewish scholars, archaeologists and other sources are abandoning their up-to-now biblically based claim on the Holy Land and biblical heroes." "Why would they do that at this time?" he asks. Why would Michael Massing trumpet in a New York Times article, "New Torah for Modern Times"? (March 9th, 2002.) "Abraham, the Jewish patriarch, probably never existed. Nor did Moses. The entire Exodus story as recounted in the Bible probably never occurred." In "Deconstructing the Walls of Jericho" Ze'ev Herzog wrote: "This is what archaeologists have learned from their excavations in the land of Israel: the Israelites were never in Egypt: did not wander in the desert, did not conquer the land in a military campaign and did not pass it on to the 12 tribes of Israel. Perhaps even harder to swallow is the fact that the united monarchy of David and Solomon, which is described by the Bible as a regional power, was at most a small tribal kingdom. And it will come as an unpleasant shock to many that the God of Israel, Jehovah, had a female consort and that the early Israelite religion adopted monotheism only in the waning period of the monarchy and not at Mount Sinai. Most
of those who are engaged in scientific work in the interlocking spheres of the
Bible, archaeology and the history of the Jewish people and who once went into
the field looking for proof to corroborate the Bible story now agree that the
historic events relating to the stages of the Jewish people's emergence are radically
different from what that story tells." |
key to this conundrum lies in the Jewish mindset, the ambitions of their leaders
and their interpretation of their scriptures: Rabbi Adin Steinsalz, Israel Institute
for Talmudic Publications in Jerusalem, in "The Longer Shorter Way" Jason Aronson,
Inc. 1988, as cited in "The Holocaust Dogma of Judaism" by Ben Weintraub believes: Historian Nesta Webster revealed quite some time ago: "All these ideas (behind Jewish theosophical speculations) derived from very ancient cults... Nor can the insistence on the Chosen People theory, which forms the basis of all Talmudic and Cabalistic writings, be regarded as of purely Jewish origin; the ancient Egyptians likewise believed themselves to be 'the peculiar people specially loved by the gods.' But in the hands of the Jews this belief became a pretension to the exclusive enjoyment of divine favour... in the teaching of the later synagogue the philosophy of the earlier sages was narrowed down to suit the exclusive system of the Jewish hierarchy, and the ancient hope of a Redeemer who should restore Man to the state of felicity he had lost at the Fall was transformed into the idea of salvation for the Jews alone under the aegis of a triumphant and even an avenging Messiah." Religion
of the 'holocaust' meant FOR the Gentiles
Advent Books referred to are available from all League book services. |
LETTER TO THE EDITOR"We find it incomprehensible that the Australian League of Rights publishes historical falsehoods. In "Like Clockwork" (OT Bulletin, Nov. 8th, '02) the writer presents the old, much discredited, popular Hollywood-media canard that the Germans rounded up and killed 13 million Jews and 'others!' That kind of undocumented Zionist propaganda nonsense has been bandied about again lately by obscure elements in political parties to gain credence and support. Why the League of Rights? It surely knows that such claims are utterly unsubstantiated. If it sees any value in contradictory material, why not add a footnote to questionable claims it must know to be blatant Zionist/Communist (world government) propaganda. Perhaps it can suggest books by proven, (unbiased) historical authors like Reed, Butler, Solzhenitsyn, Benson, Irving, Marschalko et al. "So today the conspiracy is like a high-jacked airliner. Many of the passengers, still hypnotised by the Rhodes 'vision' think they know where they are going, while the high-jackers, with 2000 years of conspiratorial training and experience behind them, know where they are going - and it is not the destination the passengers have in mind. "It needs full exposure to thwart and destroy a criminal conspiracy which has many well-intentioned but misguided people in its thrall and no one has contributed more to the process of exposure than Douglas Reed." (Ivor Benson's introduction to THE GRAND DESIGN by D. Reed). " Yours sincerely G. & F. Bethage, Devonport, Tas. Editor's reply |
BOOKS, BOOKS, BOOKSWAR ON IRAQ What Bush Team Doesn't Want You To Know by Scott Ritter, former UN Weapons Inspector, and William Rivers Pitt. An Enlightening Book: The definitive debunking of the arguments for a war on Iraq by the former weapons inspector who is a major voice throughout the international media, and who knows from the inside what the risks really are both of not going to war and going to war. Price: $14.00 Posted.
TERRORISM AND WAR by Howard Zinn: Following Noam Chomsky's recent bestseller September
11, Howard Zinn confirms that truth has been the first casualty of war. But war,
he argues has many other casualties too, including civil liberties on the home
front, and human rights abroad. In Terrorism And War, Zinn explores the growth
of the American empire as well as the long tradition of resistance in the United
States to US militarism, from the Socialist Party in World War 1 to the opponents
of US military intervention in Afghanistan today. This is the most up-to-date
thinking on war, terrorism and the new global order by one of America's most articulate
historians. Price: $24.00 Posted. SEPTEMBER 11 by Noam Chomsky. Price: $23.00 posted from all League Book Services. Order your books today! Don't forget to take into account the Christmas/New Year holiday break. The Melbourne 'Hub' and the other book services will be closed over the Christmas/ New Year period. Further details in next week's On Target. |